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(Relation between surface integral and volume integral)
(U.P. Ist Semester. Ja., 2011. Dec, 2006)
Statement. The surface integral of the normal component ofa vector function F taken around
a closed surface S is equal to the integral of the divergence of F taken over the volume V enclosed
by the surface S.
SIF.hds= div Fdw

Vectors 453

Proof. Let F= Fi + Fj + F
Putting the values of F, i in the statement of the divergence theorem, we have

We require to prove (1).

Let us first evaluate J dy dE

- JJ,LES (x y. h)-F (a, y. A)dr dy (2)

For the upper part of the surface i.e. S,. we have
dr dy= ds, cos r,= i, k ds,
Again for the lower part of the surface i.e. S, we have,
dr dy cos, ds, h , kds,
J,F (x. y. h) d dy = I , àk ds

and SF xy. ) dy = - | f , F k da
Putting these values in (2), we have

Similarly, it can be shown that
JId-, Aja 4)

d - ,5ids (5)
Adding (3), (4) & (5), we have

- J,CFii+ Ej+h È)-i-ds

If, (v-F} d*- |J, F-i: ds Proved. Az

Example 102. State Gaus's Divergence theorem É hds =[f Div Fdv where S is the

surface ofthe spher x+ y +2= 16 and F=3xi +4yj+5k.

(Nagpur University, Winter 2004)
Statement of Gauss's Divergence theorem is given in Art 24. 8 on page 597.
Thus by Gauss's divergence theorem,

,F.hds .Sv = Fd» Here F-3xi+4yj + Sek

454 Vectors

v.F 3+ 4+ 5 14
Putting the value of v. F, we get

where v is volume of a sphere


14T(435847 Ans.

Example 103. Evaluate , F . ids where F= 4x=i - y j+yzk andS is the sufaceof the
cube bounded by x =
0, x= 1,y=0,y= 1,:=0, :=1
(U.P, Ist Semester 2009, Nagpur University, Winter 2003)
Solution. By Divergence theorem,

JF hds S.f«v.F)d»

J.J4z-2y+ y) dr dy d
dx dy

-.Ia-e), drdy=J, I,2-y)dhdy

Note: This question is directly solved as on example 14 on Page 574

Example 104. Find Fi ds, where F = (2x + 3:) i - (x: + y)j + (* +2=) k and S is
the surface of the sphere having centre (3.-1, 2) and radius 3.
(AMIETE, Dec. 2010, U.P, I Semester Winter 2005, 2000)
Solution. Let the
Vbe volume enclosed by the surface S.
By Divergence theorem, we've

Now, div F =a2x+3)+-+)+ +2) =2- 1+2 =3

.FA-ds f,3 dv =3|SS, d* = 3v.
Again V is the volume of a sphere of radius 3. Therefore

V- -36
F- ds =3V=3 x 36 n= 108 Ans.
Vectors A55
Example 105. Use Divergence Theorem to evaluate J, 4 ds,
where -i+y'j+2i and Sisthesurfaceofthespherex+y+ 2=d
(AMIETE, Dec. 2009)
Solution. , ds =[ | div Adv

On putting x = r sin 0 cos o, y = r sin 6 sin ¢. = r cos 0, we get

3 (sin 0 dr do dÙ) -3 x
8fdo fsin 6 de fdr
24 ( (-cos Ans.
Example 106. Use divergence Theorenm to show tha
f.v++=)di =6 v
where S is any closed surface enclosing volume V. (UP. I Semester Winter 2002)

Solution. Here (++)= |

2xi+2yj+2:k=2 (xi+yj+:k)
r+y+*)»ds = J,V (r*+y? + *)-i ds
n being outward drawn unit normal vector to S

J,2(xi yj+ zk)-i ds


2 f , div (xi+ yj+ :k)dv (1)

(By Divergence Theorem)
(V being volume enclosed by S)

Now, div (xi+yj+ck): j+zk)

-3 (2)
From (1)& (2), we have

va+y+)>ds 2 3dv 6| ,dv = = =

6V Proved.

Example 107. Evaluate , i+2*j+2yhids, where Sisthe partofthe sphere

x+y+ =I above the xy-plane and bounded bythis plane.
Solution. Let V be the volume enclosed by the surface S. Then by divergence Theorem, we
456 Vectors
Changing to spherical polar coordinates by putting
x=r sin 6 cos , r sin 0 sin . r cos 6, dV= P sin 0 dr d8 do

To cover , the limits ofr will be 0 to 1, those of 0 will be 0 to and those of p will be 0 to

2 JI,* d =2 s " s r cos0)( sin? 0sin 4)r sin 6dr de d4

- 2
SJ sin' 0 cos 8sin? dr do da

-2"Jsin cos sin d0 d4

Example 108. Use Divergence Thearem to evaluate If. F-da where F-4 xi - 2 j + * k

and S is the surface bounding the region x +

y 4. z
=0 and: =3.

(4.M.1.E.T.E.. Summer 2003, 2001)

Solution. By Divergence Theorem,

I,F-f, dr Fd" Z=3

- Jf.(4-4y+2:) dr dy d:

fd dy 4-4y + 2:)d {fd dy14 -

Jfu2-12y+9) dt dy =[f(21-12y)dk dy r=2
Let us put x 6, y r sin 6
= r cos =

- f(21-12r sin 0) r d® dr = Jd0 j(21r- 12r sin 0) d* x+ =4

-jao 2 s n de (42-32 sin 0) =(42 6+32 cose)

84 +32-32 84 7 Ans.

Example 109. Apply the Divergence Theorem to compute u h ds, where s is the surface of
the cylinderx +y = a bounded by the planes = 0, : = b and where u =ix-jy+ke.
Solution. By Gauss's Divergence Theorem
x2+ y= a

J I , dv = JJI, dk dy t = Volume ofthe cylinder = n a~b Anszo

Vectors 457

Example 110. Apply Divergence Theorem to evaluate F . h ds, where

F 4xi -x*yj+*-k and S is the surface of the eylinder x? + = d bounded by the

planes : 0 and: b.
Solution. We have,
(U.P Ist Semester Dec. 2006)

F 4xi-x*'yj+x*k
div F = 4-jr'zi
(4x)(-x*)+ ) - 12-+*= 12 *
Now J dv Yav 12 d:
-12. d d -12bo
2 Ja -rdr 24 b ya* - * dr

48 b ya -* Putxa sin 6, dr =a cos 0 d®]

48 b a sin 0 a cos 0a cos 0 d 0

48 ba sin 0-cos 0 de =
48 ba' 212

48 ba 2-2
= 3 ba'r Ans.

Example 111. Evaluate surface integral ) F:i ds, where F = (r* + ) + ) (i+j+k), S
is the surface of the tetrahedron x =0. y = 0, : = 0, x +y +: = 2 and n is the unit normal in

the outward direction to the closed surface S.

Solution. By Divergence theorem

S, div F-dv
Sf F h ds-
where S is the surface of tetrahedronx = 0, y = 0, : = 0, x +y+z=2

CAO.0, 2)
J.(2x+2y+2) dv
2 J,x+y+2) dsdy d: B
(0, 2, 0)
(2.0, 0)
458 Vectors

x- x - y +2y-xy - y+


2,a 2-ry-x+--2-x-

2 , a 2x (2-x)- x*(2-x)-x(2-+(2- a-2aP,2-1*|

24-22+-ius4x -+(2-x)* -2-,2-*2|
2a -2. ,2t. 24 Jo
Example 112. Use the Divergence Theorem to evaluae
.x dy d+y t ds+ z dr dy)
where Sis the portion of the plane x + 2y + 3: = 6which lies in the first Octant
(U.P, I Semester, Winter 2003)
Solution. ) , dy de + fs dr d: + j ds dy)

(0, 0, 2
JI- dxdyd
where S is a closed surface bounding a volume VV
J , (x dy de + yd: dx + z dr dy) Y
(0, 3, 0)

- SI,(0+1+1) dr dy de = 3, dr dy d
-3 (Volume oftetrahedron OABC)
3 [ ( Area of the base A OAB) x height OC]

- 632-18 Ans.

Example 113. Use Divergence Theorem to evaluate : (xdy d: + y d: ds + z dx dy)

over the surfuce of a sphere radius a. (K. University, Dec. 2009)

Solution. Here, we have
J x dy de +y ds d + : dr d]

I , (1+1 +) dr dyd: = 3 (volume of the sphere)

4na' Ans.
Vectors 459
Example 114. Using the divergence theorem. evaluate the surface integral
Jfodyd zxde dr* xydydr) where S: x+ +=4.

(AMIETE, Dec. 2010. UP I Sem.. Dec 2008)

Solution. ]),Adyt+ s drde +h dr dy)

where S is closed surface bounding a volume V.

. d y d : + xdrdz +ydr dy)

Example 115. Evaluate Jf,3 dyd: +(r'y-)t da +(2xy+yz)dr dy
whee Sis the surface of hemispherical region bounded by

a - - and= =0.
Solution. J , dy de + Js de ds + dr dy) = . dr dy de
where S is a closed surface bounding a volume V.

x dy d: +(xy- :*)d d + (2x+ : ) dr dy

(Here Vis he volume of hemisphere)

Let x= r sin 6 cos , y = rsin 0 sin 6, : = r cos 0

iff sin 0 dr de d4) = ["de fsin 0 dofd

=( (- cos 0% Ans.

Example 116. Evaluate F ids over the entire surface ofthe region above the xy-plane
boundedby the cone=x +y and the plane :=4. ifF = 4xi + y j + 3:k.
Solution. f V is the volume enclosed by S, then V is bounded by the surfaces : = 0, : = 4,

By divergence theorem, we have

y 16 4
F.h ds , = div
Fdr dy d:

1,42++3) drdyd Zvx+ y?

Limits ofz are a+ and 4.

460 Vectors

+ dy d
SSS.F4: + 3) d dy d =

Putting x r cos 0 and y= rsin 6, we have
64r cos 2r-r cos P- 3r |r de dr
Limits ofr are 0 to 4.
and limits of 6 are 0 to 27.

r 64r 3cos 8-2-Pcos 6-3r |de dr

22-64x 9cos cos 0- d
- 2204+ s4x4 9 cos44cos -(4* |de
-352.4x64 cos 6-128-cos- 64 | d®

160 0+64x64_4sin 160(2)+4x644sin 2
320 n Ans.
Example 117. The vectorfield F= xi ++ yzk is defined over the volume of the cuboid
given by 0 rsa, 0 sysb, 0 s:s c, enclosing the surface S. Evaluate the suface integral

(UP, I Semester Winter 2001)

Solution. By Divergence Theorem, we have
S.i+:j+yek),ds =. div(x*i + =j+ yek) dv.
where V is the volume of the cuboid enclosing the surface S.

. y . . 2 ) dkddt JaJ,*|,2x - y)t

Vectors 461


Example 118. Verify the divergence Theorem for the function F = 2 x*yi - yj + 4x=k
taken over the region in the first octant bounded by y + =* = 9 andx = 2.


- ff4 xy-2y+ 8x:) dr dy ds - J, d* J.dv S(4xy-2y+ 8ac) d

Sddy4 xye -2 yz 4.)* +

14xy9- -2yy9-y +4x(9-y*)
Ia o-y".-",6ay-
J(0+0+108x -367+36x -18)d Jo(108x-18)d=|
2 1 6 - 36 = 180 i)
f, Fhds FdFids


(2x*yi -yj+4x*k).ids L

Normal vector
(0,0,3) E

2 +2k
Unit normal vector = ñ=-
4y+4 .

If ar'yi-j+4x'k).*ds = - +4mhds

dr dy ds (i )=d| |=dsords d
y=3 sin ,)
BDEC =3cos 0
+4x (9 cos
3 cos
462 Vectors

= J,*|-27x+ 108x*=S-18+72 x) dr

=|-18x +36= 108 .(2)

Fids= (2x*yi -j+4x*kh-(-Å)ds

4x ds = 0 (3) because in OABC y-plane, : =0


F-i ds 2xyi -yj+4z*k)-t-i)ds =

ds =0 4)
OADE OADE Because in OADE x-plane, y = 0

F-hd f (2xi-'j+4x='k)-(-bds f -2ay


OCE yz-plane, x =0

f (2yi yj+ 4xk)-i) ds

f 2xy ds

because in ABD plane, x = 2

-4d (9- =4 [27-9= 72 6)

On adding (2). (3). (4). (5) and (6), we get

F:i ds =
108 +0+ 0+0+ 72 180 (7)

From (1) and (7), we have

v.Fdv J,F-hds

Hence the theorem is verified

Example 119. Verify the Gauss divergence Theoremfor
F r-y=) i +(*-r) j +(-xy) k taken over the rectangular parallelopiped
0SxSa, 0Sysb, 0s:Sc. (UP. I Semester Compartment 2002)
Solution. We have

--i 2)i-=j+e-m
-y)+ y -)-2+2y+2
Volume integral J), : F dV JJJ,2 (r+y+ =)dv

2 ...tx+ y+ 2) dr dyd = 2, a: ,,a+y+ :)d

Vectors 483

a~bc + abc+ abe']

abc (a +b+ c) .(A)
To evaluate J,F:i ds, where S consists ofsix plane surfaces.

IJ Fhds -1Iou Fhds 1ouhdsour Fhds

JJou Fi ds Joae{* =

y:)i +(y*- x*)j +(- xy)k)

-ffe-) dd

-Sfo-)ddy - (1)

S. Surface Outward ds
00 00
OABC -kdxdy | 0
2 DEFG k dx dy c
OAFG dx d: |y0
4 BCDE drd: y==b
i ABEF dy d: |*=a
(2) 6OCDG-i dy d:|x=0
So Fh ds Jome tr*

)i+(*- x)j+(e- y) É}(-i) de d:

= - JoArG(y - x) dr d



aE Fh ds |J =
aaE {(x -

y:)i +0* x:)j +(E- xy)k)-i dy d


464 Vectors

Jec Fh ds =Joc la-y:)i + (y* - =a)j+ ( - xy)kj-(-i) dy de

, S-y:) dy dt - -

J,d J -y)4 -,4

Adding (1), (2), (3), (4), (5) and (6), we get

a b c + abc + a?bc
a b e (a + b+ c) (B)
From (A) and (B), Gauss divergence Theorem is verified. Verified.
Example 120. Verify Divergence Theorem. given that F=4x=i - yj+yz k and S is the
Surface of the cube bounded by the planes x 0 , r = 1. y = 0. y = 1, : = 0, : = 1.

Solution. v.F- 4-iso

(0,0,1) GE.

VolumeIntegral v.Fd
Jf 4= y) dr dy d

X'A (1,0,0)


To evaluate J), F-i ds, where S consists ofsix plane surfaces.

Over the face OABC. = 0, d+ = 0, i =- k, ds= d d

Over the face BCDE, y = 1, dy= 0

Vectors 465

Fhds -s4 i -j+cá)-)dde

- d -(x) (=% --()(0)=-1

Over the face DEFG : = 1, d=0, i = k , ds = dx dy

Over the face OCDG x = 0, dr = 0, i = - i, ds = dy

Fhds .scoi- i+ y)-i)dd -


Over the face AOGE y =0, dy = 0, i - - i, ds= dr d

Over the face ABEF, x = 1, dr = 0, i = i, ds dy d

S 4: d - J,dv(2:*% -
2]. -
On adding we see that over the whole surface

IFhd0-l+j+0+0+2- (2)

From (1) and (2), we have Jf,v.Fd f, Fids Verified.

1. Use Divergence Theorem to evaluate JJ, (*i+i*j+xyk) ds.

where S is the upper part of the sphere + + 2-9 above - plane.

A n s , 3 i r

2. Evaluate JJ, (Vx F). ds, here S is the surface of the paraboloid + + : = 4 above the ap-plane and

F-y-4)i+ 3.nj +(2 +)i. Ans. 4 7

3. Evaluate J.Lx:* dy de + (r*y- :*) de dr +(2xy+yfe)dr dl. where S is the surface enclosing a
region bounded by hemisphere r ++ = 4 above XY-plane

Verify Divergence Theorem for F = xi+j+ yzk, taken over the cube bounded by
x=0, x = 1, y=0, y= 1, : = 0, 2 = 1.

5. Evaluate J, 2agvi + y="j + xz k)- ds over the surface of the region bounded by

x= 0, y =0, y= 3, : = 0 and x + 2 : = 6 351


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