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Visvesvaraya Technological University


Mini Project Synopsis


“Energy Efficient CLB Design Based on Adiabatic

Logic for IoT Application”

Submitted by
1. BHARGAV K L(1VE21EC013)
2. MADHAN B V(1VE21EC048)
3. CHETHAN S (1VE21EC021)
4. NITHIN C M (1VE21EC059)

Under the guidance of

Assistant professor Dept. of ECE,

Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering

Sri Venkateshwara College of Engineering Bengaluru-562157

• Contemporary agriculture, the utilization of technology has become imperative to

optimize resource management and enhance productivity. This abstract presents an
overview of an Automatic Plant Irrigation System (APIS) designed to address the
challenges associated with traditional irrigation methods. The system integrates various
sensors, actuators, and a microcontroller to monitor and regulate soil moisture levels,
ensuring precise and efficient watering of plants. By employing this technology, farmers
can mitigate water wastage, reduce manual labor, and improve crop yields. Moreover,
the system offers scalability and adaptability, making it suitable for diverse agricultural
settings. This abstract highlights the significance of APIS in promoting sustainable
agriculture practices and underscores its potential to revolutionize the way irrigation is
managed in modern farmin

INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................. 4

METHODOLOGY/PLANNING OF WORK ........................................................................ 5

ADIABATIC LOGIC ............................................................................................................ 6

OBJECTIVES........................................................................................................................ 7

PROBLEM STATEMENT..................................................................................................... 8

LITERATURE SURVEY....................................................................................................... 8

REFERENCES ....................................................................................................................... 9

EXPECTED OUTCOME OF THE PROPOSED RESERCH .............................................. 10


An automatic plant irrigation system is a setup that waters plants without human intervention. It typically involves
sensors to detect soil moisture levels and a control mechanism to regulate water flow. These systems can be programmed
to deliver water at specific times or when the soil moisture drops below a certain threshold, ensuring plants receive the
right amount of water for optimal growth while conserving water resources.

An automatic plant irrigation system is a modern solution to the age-old problem of efficiently watering plants. With
advancements in technology, these systems have become increasingly sophisticated, offering precise control over
watering schedules and quantities.

At its core, an automatic plant irrigation system consists of several key components working together seamlessly. The
first essential element is the sensor, typically a soil moisture sensor, which monitors the moisture level in the soil. When
the soil moisture drops below a predetermined threshold, indicating that the plants need watering, the sensor sends a
signal to the control unit.

The control unit is the brain of the system, responsible for processing the input from the sensors and triggering the
irrigation process. It can be a standalone device or integrated into a larger automated system. Based on the information
received from the sensors, the control unit activates the water delivery mechanism.

Water delivery mechanisms vary depending on the complexity of the system and the specific needs of the plants. Simple
systems may use drip irrigation or sprinklers connected to a water source, while more advanced setups could incorporate
pumps, valves, and hoses to deliver water precisely where it’s needed.

In addition to soil moisture sensors, some automatic irrigation systems may also utilize weather sensors to adjust
watering schedules based on environmental conditions such as temperature, humidity, and rainfall. This helps prevent
overwatering during periods of high humidity or rainfall and ensures that plants receive adequate hydration during dry

One of the key benefits of automatic plant irrigation systems is water conservation. By only watering plants when
necessary and delivering the precise amount of water needed, these systems can significantly reduce water waste
compared to manual watering methods. This not only saves money on water bills but also helps conserve precious water
resources, especially in regions prone to drought or water scarcity.

Another advantage is the convenience factor. Once installed and programmed, automatic irrigation systems require
minimal human intervention. Gardeners can set watering schedules according to their plants’ needs and go about their
day without having to worry about manually watering each plant.

Furthermore, automatic irrigation systems can improve plant health and promote better growth. Consistent watering
helps prevent under or overwatering, which can lead to stressed or unhealthy plants. By providing the right amount of
water at the right time, these systems create optimal growing conditions, resulting in healthier, more vibrant plants.
In summary, automatic plant irrigation systems offer a convenient, efficient, and environmentally friendly way to keep
plants properly hydrated. By utilizing sensors, control units, and water delivery mechanisms, these systems ensure that
plants receive the water they need when they need it, promoting healthy growth while conserving water resources.

Fig.1.The structure of the basic block of the proposed adiabatic-logic -based memory cell. Where
PC is the power clock
Low-Power Circuit Design:

• CMOS Technology: Traditional CLBs utilize CMOS technology, which has been the standard due
to its scalability and performance. However, the significant dynamic power consumption due to
frequent charging and discharging of capacitive loads has been a critical challenge. Techniques like
voltage scaling, power gating, and clock gating have been explored to mitigate these issues.

Adiabatic Logic:

• Fundamentals of Adiabatic Computing: Adiabatic logic reduces power dissipation by ensuring that
energy used in charging capacitive loads is not lost but instead recycled.

• Key concepts include energy recovery and reversible computing, which allow circuits to operate with
minimal energy loss .

Adiabatic Logic in CLBs:

• Energy Recovery in CLBs: Research has explored integrating adiabatic principles into CLB design
to enhance energy efficiency. Studies have shown that adiabatic CLBs can achieve significant power
savings compared to traditional CMOS-based CLBs while maintaining acceptable performance levels
• Design Methodologies: Various design methodologies have been proposed to optimize adiabatic
CLB performance, including novel circuit architectures, optimized energy recovery techniques, and
hybrid approaches combining adiabatic and CMOS logic .

IoT Device Requirements:

• Power Constraints: IoT devices are often deployed in environments with limited power resources,
necessitating ultra-low-power design strategies. Long battery life and energy harvesting are critical
requirements for sustainable IoT deployments .
• Computational Needs: Despite power constraints, IoT devices must perform complex computations,
often in real-time. This necessitates efficient processing units that can deliver high performance at
low power.
• Scalability and Flexibility: IoT applications demand scalable and flexible hardware that can be easily
reconfigured for different tasks. FPGAs with energy-efficient CLBs are well-suited to meet these
requirements due to their reconfigurability and adaptability.

The objective of this research is to develop an energy-efficient Configurable Logic Block (CLB) design
based on adiabatic logic principles, specifically tailored for Internet of Things (IoT) applications. The key
goals of this research are as follows:

1. Design and Integration:

o To design a novel CLB architecture that integrates adiabatic logic principles, leveraging
energy recovery techniques to minimize power dissipation.
o To ensure that the adiabatic CLB can be seamlessly integrated into existing FPGA frameworks
without significant redesign efforts or compatibility issues.
2. Energy Efficiency:
o To achieve substantial reductions in dynamic power consumption compared to traditional
CMOS-based CLBs.
o To evaluate and optimize the static power consumption of the proposed adiabatic CLB design.
3. Performance Optimization:
o To maintain or enhance the computational performance of the CLB, ensuring that it meets the
processing demands of typical IoT applications.
o To assess the trade-offs between energy efficiency and performance, identifying optimal
design parameters that balance both aspects.
4. Simulation and Validation:
o To conduct detailed simulations of the proposed adiabatic CLB design, comparing its energy
consumption, power-delay product (PDP), and other relevant metrics against conventional
CLB designs.
o To validate the effectiveness of the design through comprehensive testing and analysis.
5. Scalability and Flexibility:
o To ensure the proposed design is scalable and can be adapted to various sizes and complexities
of FPGAs, accommodating different IoT application requirements.
o To demonstrate the flexibility of the adiabatic CLB in handling diverse computational tasks
typical in IoT environments.

• Design Specification:

• Define power and performance targets and specific requirements for IoT applications.

• Adiabatic CLB Architecture Design:

• Develop adiabatic logic circuits, including logic gates and flip-flops.

• Design specialized power supplies and clocking schemes to support adiabatic operation.

• Simulation & Modeling:

• Use EDA tools to model the design at the transistor level.

• Evaluate power consumption, energy efficiency, and the power-delay product.

• Optimization:

• Analyze trade-offs between energy efficiency and performance.

• Optimize design parameters and minimize area overhead.

• Prototyping & Hardware Implementation:

• Implement the design on FPGA development boards.

• Verify functionality through real-world testing.

• Validation & Testing:

• Conduct comprehensive testing to ensure reliability and robustness.

• Measure real-world power consumption and performance metrics.

• Deployment in IoT Applications:

• Integrate the adiabatic CLB into IoT devices.

• Evaluate the impact on power consumption and operational lifetime enhancement.

Problem statement

The primary problem addressed in this research is the development of a CLB design based on adiabatic
logic that can achieve substantial energy savings while maintaining or enhancing the performance metrics
required for IoT applications.
Literature Survey

The development of energy-efficient Configurable Logic Blocks (CLBs) based on adiabatic logic for
Internet of Things (IoT) applications intersects several key areas of research, including low-power circuit
design, adiabatic computing, and IoT device architecture. This literature survey provides an overview of
the foundational concepts, advancements, and current trends in these domains.


1. Benini, L., Bogliolo, A., & De Micheli, G. (2000). "A survey of design techniques for system-level
dynamic power management." IEEE Transactions on VLSI Systems, 8(3), 299-316.
2. Wang, A., Calhoun, B. H., & Chandrakasan, A. P. (2006). "Sub-threshold design for ultra-low-power
systems." Springer.
3. Teichmann, P. (2011). "Adiabatic logic: future trend and system level perspective." Springer Science
& Business Media.
4. Kramer, J., & Denker, J. S. (1995). "Adiabatic computing with the 2N-2N2D logic family."
Proceedings of the IEEE Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI.
5. Ye, Y., & Roy, K. (2001). "Energy recovery circuits using reversible and partially reversible logic."
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Fundamental Theory and Applications, 48(10), 1164-
6. Athas, W. C., Svensson, L. J., Koller, J. G., Tzartzanis, N., & Chou, E. Y. (1994). "Low-power digital
systems based on adiabatic-switching principles." IEEE Transactions on VLSI Systems, 2(4), 398-
7. Moon, Y., & Jeong, D. K. (1996). "An efficient charge recovery logic circuit." IEEE Journal of Solid-
State Circuits, 31(4), 514-522.
8. Vetuli, Y., Pasca, E., Esposito, D., & Sonza Reorda, M. (1996). "Positive feedback in adiabatic logic."
Electronics Letters, 32(20), 1867-1869.
9. Fang, X., Yu, Z., & He, Y. (2014). "A novel low-power FPGA architecture based on adiabatic logic."
Journal of Low Power Electronics and Applications, 4(3), 172-188.
10. Gubbi, J., Buyya, R., Marusic, S., & Palaniswami, M. (2013). "Internet of Things (IoT): A vision,
architectural elements, and future directions." Future Generation Computer Systems, 29(7), 1645-
11. Islam, S. M. R., Kwak, D., Kabir, M. H., Hossain, M., & Kwak, K. S. (2015). "The internet of things
for health care: a comprehensive survey." IEEE Access, 3, 678-708.
12. Ma, Y., Richards, M., Ghassemian, M., & Pal, S. (2017). "Energy efficient IoT applications in
heterogeneous wireless systems: A survey." Telecommunication Systems, 64(4), 593-610.
13. Anis, M., Elmasry, M. I., & Allam, M. (2002). "Impact of technology scaling on CMOS logic styles."
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Analog and Digital Signal Processing, 49(8), 577-
14. Prosser, G. J., & Krishnamurthy, R. K. (2000). "Adiabatic sequential logic design." IEEE
Transactions on VLSI Systems, 8(4), 490-498.
15. Chandel, S., & Mishra, R. K. (2016). "Design and analysis of low power adiabatic logic circuits."
Microelectronics Journal, 53, 105-115.
To help the efficiency of the energy in CLB design based on adiabatic logic for IoT

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