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Subject: English Topic : The Sound of Music . Worksheet No : 02

Date: _____________ Class & Division : ________ Roll Number :______
Name of the Student: ___________________

Q1- Who was deaf in the lesson?

A) Evelyn
B) Ron Forbes
C) Bismillah Khan
D) Evelyn’s mother

Q2- How old was Evelyn when she went to Royal Music academy?
A) 17 years old
B) 18 years old
C) 19 years old
D) Below 17

Q3- When was Evelyn’s deafness noticed?

A) when she was 18
B) when she was 19
C) when she was 8
D) none

Q4- When was Evelyn’s deafness confirmed?

A) by the age of 5
B) by the age of 6
C) by the age of 8
D) by the age of 11

Q5- Who helped Evelyn to continue with her music?

A) her mother
B) teacher
C) father
D) Ron Forbes

Q6- Who spotted Evelyn’s potential?

A) her father
B) friends
C) mother
D) Ron Forbes

Q7- Which places had Evelyn worked for?

A) poor children
B) prisons and hospitals
C) schools
D) none

Q8- What was life for Evelyn?

A) dance
B) nature
C) music
D) all
Q9- Where was the Royal music Academy?
A) U..S
B) Burmingham
C) Paris
D) London

Q10- What did Evelyn want to pursue?

A) fashion
B) study
C) music
D) none

Q11- What did Aurangzeb ban in his palace?

A) playing of Pungi
B) playing Sitar
C) playing music
D) none

Q12- Why was playing Pungi in Aurangzeb’s palace banned?

A) it had a sharp sound
B) it wasn’t good
C) it was unpleasant
D) all

Q13- Who thought of improving the sound of the Pungi?

A) a musician
B) a singer
C) a barber
D) none

Q14- How is the Shehnai different from the Pungi?

A) Shehnai has a better sound
B) Shehnai looks more beautiful
C) Shehnai is made of wood
D) All

Q15- Who changed the perception of the Shehnai?

A) Tansen
B) Evelyn
C) Bismillah Khan
D) All

Q16- Where was the Shehnai played traditionally?

A) In temples
B) in wedding ceremonies
C) auspicious ceremonies
D) all

Q17- When did Bismillah get his first big break as a Shehnai performer?
A) in 1938, when All India Radio came into existence
B) 1945
C) 1987
D) 1989

Q18- Why did Bismillah refuse to go to the U.S.A.?

A) because the Shehnai had no future there
B) he didn’t like the place
C) because of his love for Banaras and river Ganges
D) all

Q19- Where did Bismillah play the Shehnai on 15th August 1947?
A) at Ganga Ghat
B) in Banaras
C) near Red Fort
D) at Kaashi

Q20- Why was the event of Shehnai Playing on 15th August a historic one?
A) Bismillah became popular
B) people appreciated his performance
C) it was Independence day
D) all

Q21- From where did Shahnai get its name?

A) From barber (Nai in Hindi)-+ King (Shah in Hindi)
B) From a Barber
C) King gave its name
D) None
Q22- Shehnai is a refined version of which instrument?
A) musical instrument
B) mouth organ
C) Guitar
D) Pungi

Q23- Where did Bismillah give his first break through performance?
A) at the Red Fort
B) at Varanasi
C) at All India Radio
D) U.S.A

Q24- According to the lesson,who was present on the event of 15th

A J L Nehru
B M K Gandhi
C Rajendra Prasad
D All of these

Q25- Why did people discourage Evelyn to pursue music?

A) it was not considered good
B) it was difficult
C) it was expensive
D) because she was deaf
Q26- What did Ron Forbes advise Evelyn?
A) forget music
B) listen to music
C) feel music with her body
D) none

Q27- How did Evelyn hear music?

A) through drums
B) through fingers
C) by feeling vibrations through her diffrent parts of body- fingers,hair,feet
D) all

Q28- What did Evelyn want to spread through her music?

A) message of love , peace and happiness
B) music is not difficult
C) music is not difficult for deaf people
D) deaf people can learn music

Q29- Who played Shehnai at King’s palace?

A) a barber
B) a musican
C) a singer
D) a courtsman
Q30- What was the source of inspiration for Bismillah?
A) Red Fort
B) Royal Palaces
C) Ganga Ghats
D) None


1 A 11 A 21 A

2 A 12 D 22 D

3 C 13 C 23 C

4 D 14 A 24 A

5 D 15 C 25 D

6 D 16 D 26 C

7 B 17 A 27 C

8 C 18 C 28 A

9 D 19 C 29 A

10 C 20 C 30 C
Evelyn confesses that she is something of a workaholic. “I’ve just got to work ...
often harder than classical musicians. But the rewards are enormous.” Apart from
the regular concerts, Evelyn also gives free concerts in prisons and hospitals. She
also gives high priority to classes for young musicians. Ann Richlin of the
Beethoven Fund for Deaf Children says, “She is a shining inspiration for deaf
children. They see that there is nowhere that they cannot go .

Q1) “I’ve just got to work ... often harder than classical musicians. But the rewards
are enormous.” The statement above shows that Evelyn was
A. Talented
B. Persistent
C. Reliable
D. Honest
Q2) Why does Evelyn give free concerts in prisons and hospitals?
A. She knows it offers enormous rewards.
B. She knows it is hard work
C. She is empathetic towards people in prisons and hospitals.
D. She knows she is an inspiration.

Q3) Which places had Evelyn worked for?

A) poor children
B) prisons and hospitals
C) schools
D) none
Q4) How is Evelyn an inspiration for the handicapped people?
1) B
2) C. She is empathetic towards people in prisons and hospitals.
3) B) prisons and hospitals
4) Evelyn’s achievements, gained through determination and hard work,
set an example before other handicapped people. They gain confidence
from her example and believe that they too can achieve their goals in life
by overcoming their handicaps with firm determination.
The young boy took to music early in life. At the age of three when his mother
took him to his maternal uncle's house in Benaras (now Varanasi), Bismillah
was fascinated watching his uncle's practise the shehnai. Soon Bismillah
started accompanying his uncle, Ali Bux, to the Vishnu temple of Benaras
where Bux was employed to play the shehnai. Ali Bux would play the shehnai
and Bismillah would sit captivated for hours on end.

Q1: Bismillah started to form a liking for music at :

(a) his music classes
(b) the house of his music teacher
(c) the house of his relative
(d) his school
Q2: It was fascinating for Bismillah to watch the :
(a) singing practice of his aunt
(b) shehnai practice of his uncle
(c) piano practice of his mother
(d) dance practice of his sister

Q3: Where was his uncle's house situated?

(a) It was in Banaras
(b) It was in Mathura
(c) It was in Chennai
(d) It was in Delhi
Q4: How did Bismillah Khan inherit music from his paternal and maternal
1) (c) the house of his relative
2) (b) shehnai practice of his uncle
3) (a) It was in Banaras
4) Bismillah Khan hailed from a family of musicians in Bihar. His paternal
grandfather Rasool Bux Khan was a shehnai player in the royal court of the
king of Bhojpur. His father Paigambar Bux and many paternal and maternal
uncles were also shehnai vaadaks. In fact, Bismillah Khan was apprenticed
with his maternal uncle Ali Bux to learn how to play the shehnai.


Q1) What advice were the parents of Evelyn given once her deafness was
Q2) “Everything suddenly looked black”. Why does Evelyn say so?
Q3) Who wiped Evelyn to continue with music? What did he do and say?
Q4) Which qualities of character enabled Evelyn to move ahead in life?
Q5) What reveals that Evelyn has succeeded immensely in her career?
Q6) When and how did Bismillah Khan get his big break?
Q7) What advice did Bismillah Khan give Indian youth?
Q8) Why did Bismillah Khan refuse to start a shehnai school in the U.S.A.?
Q9) Find at least two instances in the text which tell you that Bismillah Khan
loves India and Benaras.
Q10) What significance did the Ganga have in Bismillah Khan’s life?


Q1) How does the author of The Sound of Music” portray Bismillah Khan as
a great patriot?
Q2) Evelyn Glennie’s deafness was more than compensated by other parts of
her body so far as the music was concerned. Discuss.

1 D 16 D
2 C 17 D

3 D 18 C

4 A 19 D

5 C 20 D

6 B 21 C

7 C 22 D

8 B 23 D

9 D 24 A

10 B 25 B

11 A 26 D

12 C 27 D

13 C 28 D

14 D 29 C

15 D 30 D

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