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ZHENG Jiawei (Gavin Zheng)

Mobile: +86-1580-213-9564

Shanghai International Studies University Sep. 2007 - Jun. 2011
 Bachelor of Business Administration, Accounting Major (English Major TEM 8 Certificated)
Freelance – Consultant for Branding, Marketing Communications and PR Feb. 2017- Present
Provides professional strategic consultation, communication planning and implementation services for brand partners.
Main Project I Consultation on branding and marketing communications for a medicine technology start-up to
introduce and promote Japan’s innovative cancer treatments in the Chinese market.
 Technology specs and equipment catalogue compilation for marketing communications
 Treatment/Service guideline development to communicate with targeted HNW clients
 Business plan development to communicate with potential investors
 Legal support regarding overseas organization registration
Main Project II In-house advisory for Shapellx’s overseas marketing planning and brand communications.
 Marketing planning: product research, market pain point analysis, product, communication calendar, budget controlling
 Plan execution: formulation of action plan, social media communication planning, content development, advertising
 Media communications: communication plan development and management of PR agency
 EDM marketing: based on business development needs and local event marketing to create promotion plan and contents
 Key projects management: quality control of quarterly key products, sample shooting plan development for US team
 Agency management: acquirement of photo and video materials for brand promotion, establishment of brand KOL pool
Main Project III In-house Employer Value SME for Anheuser-Busch InBev’s APAC-North People COE
 Employer branding, perfecting a positive employer brand image for digital outlets in a narrative aligned with ABI’s EVP
 Implementing global EVP guidelines for recruitment communications in social media and campus talks
 Talent management, high level meetings planning and execution of Organization People Review for APAC-North Zone
 Zone Special Talent profiles management and optimization for Personal Development Plan and Succession Plan
 Talent attraction and retention, developing relationships with top schools through seminars and campus talks to attract
top talents for Global Management Trainee program, maintaining a healthy talent pipeline
 Project management of GMT Program – conducting Individual Business Case, facilitating Structured Interviews
 Cooperation with People, Marketing and Corporate Affairs for external and internal communications for various EB
initiatives such as Diversity & Inclusion, Corporate Culture
Red Bridge Communications - Consultant (Account Manager) May 2014- Dec. 2016
Brand Portfolios: Ted Baker London, Oroton
 Supervision of sample loaning and creative partnership with celebrities, print, online and TV
 Media communications for Ted Baker new season launch in HK through fam trip organization and preparation
 Sample shooting arrangement of new season lookbook for localized sample list development
 Pitch deck composition of Ted Baker London social media retainer
 Co-branding proposals and KOL engagement to boost brand awareness and retail performance
RTG Luxury Consulting - Account Executive May 2012- Apr. 2014
Brand Portfolios: The PuLi and The PuYu, REEL, Zegna, Keppel Land, Hakkasan, Platinum Guild International
 Brand positioning/implementation, Communication Plan and Editorial Calendar composing for new clients
 Content development of Press Release, Backgrounder, Bio, FAQs, and Social Media Posts
 Management of The PuLi and REEL social media matrix communication plan, content creation, creative partnerships,
KOL engagements with additional support for traditional media pitch
 Media communications of Zegna and The PuYu, press contents, interview pitching, and social media management
 Celebrity identification and Annual Communication Plan for Keppel Land's Zhongshan Marina Project
 Media communications, social media outlets setup and content development for Hakkasan Shanghai opening
 Bridal campaign planning and implementation, celebrity/KOL identification of PGI’s digital communications
L’Oreal China: Management Trainee for Finance/Controlling of CPD Jun. 2011 – Feb. 2012
 Monthly sales promotion retro-funding creation and modification, monthly closing and financial book preparation
 Worked with French colleagues on corporate online system maintenance
 Deepened financial knowledge of sales and marketing in FMCG industry
 Skilled in Microsoft Office: Word; Excel (mass data analysis); PowerPoint (business demonstration)
 Proficient in spoken and written English: TEM 4 (80), CET 6 (620), and TEM 8 (70).
电话: +86-1580-213-9564
上海外国语大学——国际金融贸易学院 2007 年 9 月 - 2011 年 6 月
 工商管理学学士学位——国际会计专业(英语专业八级)

Freelance 品牌营销策划咨询顾问 2017 年 2 月 – 至今
主要项目 1 为医药科技企业引进推广日本粒子治疗技术设备和赴日高端医疗提供全方位品牌建设和传播策略咨询:
 为企业设计编著品牌故事,公司简介,产品服务目录等相关文案用于本地化营销策划
 为品牌传播策划提供专业的媒介咨询并输出传播策划案,并撰写媒体资料库相关文档
 梳理品牌资产和产品卖点,结合市场痛点进行文案创作,用于品牌宣传的更新和社交媒体的传播
 策划编写赴日高端医疗的企划案以及面向潜在投资方的项目投资计划书
 翻译归档英文学术期刊,校对海外企业注册登记申请书及相关公证文档
主要项目 2 为D2C品牌Shapellx提供海外营销推广策略咨询和新品上市的品牌传播策划案:
 品牌建设:体系化建立品牌传播矩阵,统筹品牌内容品牌资产规划,输出可执行的传播策略
 营销企划:梳理品牌定位,结合市场调研痛点分析,设定事件营销活动主题,丰富传播策略
 推广执行: 策划案行动计划表制定,社交媒体公众号传播规划和内容运营,提升传播力度和品牌影响力
 内容创作:根据品牌战略和业务发展需要进行专业的文书创作,擅长中英文新闻稿和社交媒体文案创作
 媒体公关:管理美国公关公司,制定媒体传播计划,与重点网络媒体建立长期合作关系,分析评估传播效果
 主导重点项目推进:季度主推款研发打样品控,美国团队样品拍摄计划制定
 供应商管理:海外供应商和MCN机构的项目管理,建立品牌红人库,获取高质量视像素材用于品牌活动推
主要项目 3 为百威英博提供雇主品牌传播咨询和新媒体传播策划案:
 百威英博雇主品牌建设,提炼适用于企业品牌价值传播的叙述风格并完善各个数字平台的雇主品牌形象
 贯彻实施全球雇主价值主张准则于本地化市场传播并体现在招聘流程,持续推进雇主品牌的网络和校园声量
 亚太北区各职能的组织人才回顾OPR的规划执行,重点人才个人发展计划和继任者计划的项目管理
 人才吸引与保留,发展名校的校企关系并与内外部关联方沟通开拓创新招聘渠道
 全球管理培训生项目管理,主导候选人语言测试和个人商业案例分析,协助结构化面试、商业游戏群体面试
 与人事、市场和政府关系等部门合作进行内外部沟通并推进传播雇主品牌倡议,例如人才多样性和包容性
Red Bridge 睿桥公关咨询:顾问(客户经理) 2014 年 5 月 – 2016 年 12 月
品牌组合:Ted Baker London, Oroton
 品牌样品借拍的管理和沟通协调,以及与明星,传统媒体,社交媒体的创意合作
 品牌新品发布媒体体验活动的前期安排,版面沟通以及合作明星甄别
 合作提案的策划撰写以及意见领袖的合作沟通,促进品牌知名度
RTG 丰合企业管理咨询:客户主任 2012 年 5 月 - 2014 年 4 月
 新客户品牌定位执行和传播计划以及编辑日历制定,并直接汇报客户总监
 主导璞麗酒店和芮欧百货海内外社交媒体的整体推广策略,传播计划,内容营销以及KOL创意合作
 杰尼亚和璞瑜酒店的媒体沟通,选题合作,软文撰写,品牌创意活动计划,英文新闻资料撰写
 吉宝置地中山游艇会项目的明星甄别和推荐,以及年度媒体沟通计划的撰写
 Hakkasan上海餐厅开幕前期媒体沟通,社交媒体矩阵建设管理,以及创意文案撰写
 国际铂金协会年度主题数字传播推广的企划和执行,合作明星以及网络意见领袖的甄别和沟通
欧莱雅中国:管理培训生——大众消费品部门财务控管 2011 年 6 月 - 2012 年 2 月
 月度销售促销费用的财务申请和调整,月度关帐以及财务报表的制备(损益表中有关销售的部分)
 与法国总部同事沟通合作完成企业网上财务系统的维护,加深了快消行业中关于市场营销的财务知识
 熟练操作微软办公系统:Excel (数据透视分析); PowerPoint(商业展示); Word
 拥有优秀的中英文新闻稿以及社交媒体创意文案能力,英语专业四级 (80); 大学六级 (620); 专业八级 (70)

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