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Test Bank for Global Business Today, 7th Edition:

Charles W. L. Hill

Solution Manual for Global Business Today, 11th

Edition, Charles W. L. Hill G. Tomas M. Hult

International Business Competing in the Global

Marketplace Hill 10th Edition Solutions Manual

Test Bank for Global Business Today, 11th Edition,

Charles W. L. Hill G. Tomas M. Hult
© 2015 McGraw-Hill Ryerson Ltd. All rights reserved

Instructor's Manual to accompany Global Business Today, 4 edition (Hill & McKaig)
The New World Order?
The Spread of Market-Based Systems


Legal Systems




Ethics and Regulations



CLOSING CASE: The Polish Surprise

Learning Objectives

1. Give examples of how the political systems of countries differ.

2. Distinguish how the economic systems of countries differ.
3. Explain how the legal systems of countries differ.
4. Explain what determines the level of economic development of a nation.
5. Summarize the main changes that are currently reshaping the political, economic, and legal systems,
6. Describe how transition economies are moving towards market-based systems.
7. Explain the implications of changes in political economies.

Chapter Summ ary

This chapter focuses on how political, economic, and legal systems collectively influence a country's ability
to achieve meaningful economic progress. The first half of the chapter focuses on the different political,

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Instructor's Manual to accompany Global Business Today, 4" edition (Hill & McKaig) 2
economic, and legal systems that are influential in the world. It is made clear to the reader that these
differences are significant, and must be clearly understood by the managers of international firms. The
section that focuses on legal systems includes a discussion of intellectual property, including patents,
copyrights, and trademarks. Protecting intellectual property is a particularly problematic issue in
international trade. The second half of the chapter focuses on the determinants of economic development.
The author makes the point that a country's political, economic, and legal systems have a direct impact on
its economic potential. The importance of innovation, along with the types of systems that facilitate
innovation, is discussed. Next, the author discusses the parts of the world that are transition from one
political-economic ideology to another, and the implications of this changing political economy. Finally,
the chapter ends with a brief discussion of ethical issues.

OPENING CASE: Ghana:An African Dynamo


The opening case describes the positive economic changes in Ghana that result from economic
liberalization policies. The opening case tracks the changes within Ghana since gaining its
independence from Britain in 1957 and through its progression of military coups and corruption
over the ensuing decades. Political liberalization began in 1992 and from that point onwards, and
up to 2010, measures were put in place to advance Ghana to its next phase of prosperity, being
derived from its oil boom. Norway and Thailand's revenues laws were used as an example of
ensuring that oil profits would go into a national fund as opposed to be siphoned off in corrupt
practices. Part of the new development that followed these progressive measures was to embark on
a national public works initiative that included a national road construction and airport on projects,
and to double the country's electricity supply between 2010 and 2015 .. Even though Ghana's
economy is still primarily commodity-based in cocoa exports, its economy shows promise thanks to
these new measures put in place.

A discussion of the case can evolve around the following questions.

1) What was the most important change since Ghana's independence that allowed it to chart long
term economic success?
The student can site the political liberalization measure that came into effect in 1992 and then
further discuss other areas mentioned in the case such as privatization and market-based

2)What models for a national trust did Ghana use?

The student would cite the Norwegian and Thailand models.

3) What role did Jerry Rawlings play in initiating anti-corruption measures?

The student would cite the 1982 and Jerry Rawlings popularity with the common people

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because he was so anti-corruption.

Chapter Outline with Lecture Notes and Teaching Tips


A) Different countries have different political systems, economic systems, and legal systems.
Cultural practices can vary dramatically from country to country, as can the education and skill
level of the population. All of these differences have major implications for the practice of
international business.

B) This chapter explores how the political, economic, and legal systems of countries differ.
Together these systems are known as the political economy of a country.

C) The opening case on changes in the political and economic systems of Ghana shows how
economic reforms make a country a more attractive location for international businesses, yet
problems such as poverty and inequalities of wealth may persist.


A) By political system we mean the system of government in a nation. Political systems can be
assessed according to two related dimensions. The first is the degree to which they emphasize
collectivism as opposed to individualism. The second dimension is the degree to which they are
democratic or totalitarian.

Collectivism and Individualism

B) Collectivism refers to a political system that stresses the primacy of collective goals over
individual goals. The modern day roots of collectivism can be traced to Marx, yet the foundations
can be found in Plato's Republic. The general premise of collectivism is that the state must manage
enterprises if they are to benefit society as a whole rather than individual capitalists.


C) Communists generally believed that socialism could only be achieved though revolution and
totalitarian dictatorship, while social democrats worked to achieve the same goals by democratic

D) While state owned firms might have been intended to promote the public interest, experience
suggests that this isn't always the case. In many countries the performance of state owned
companies has been poor. Protected from significant competition by their monopoly position, and
guaranteed governmental financial assistance, many state owned enterprises have become
increasingly inefficient. Thus both in former communist and Western European countries,
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previously state owned enterprises are being privatized.


E) Individualism refers to a political philosophy that an individual should have freedom over his or
her economic and political pursuits. In contrast to collectivism, individualism stresses that the
interests of the individual should take precedence over the interests of the state.

F) Individualism, while advocated by Aristotle, in modem days was encouraged by David Hume,
Adam Smith, John Stuart Mill, and most recently, Hayek and Milton Friedman. Individualism
focuses on i) guaranteeing individual freedom and self-expression, and ii) letting people pursue their
own self-interest in order to achieve the best overall good for society. The Canadian Charter of
Rights and Freedoms or the US Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights embody the spirit
of individualism.

G) While collectivism asserts the primacy of the collective over the individual, individualism asserts
the opposite. This ideological difference shapes much ofrecent history and the Cold War.

Democracy and Totalitarianism

H) Democracy and totalitarianism are at different ends of a political dimension. Democracy refers
to a political system in which government is by the people, exercised either directly or through
elected representatives. Totalitarianism is a form of government in which one person or political
party exercises absolute control over all spheres of human life, and opposing political parties are
prohibited. There are four major forms of totalitarianism in the world today.


I) Democracy in its pure state, with each individual voting on every issue, has generally been
replaced by representative democracy, where elected representatives vote on behalf of


J) Under totalitarianism, a single political party, individual, or group of individuals monopolize the
political power and do not permit opposition. There are four major forms of totalitarianism:
communist totalitarianism (form of totalitarianism that advocates achieving socialism through
totalitarian dictatorship), theocratic totalitarianism (form of totalitarianism in which political
power is monopolized by a party, group, or individual that governs according to religious
principles), tribal totalitarianism (form of totalitarianism found mainly in Africa in which a
political party that represents the interests of a particular tribe monopolizes power), and right wing
totalitarianism (form of totalitarianism in which individual economic freedom is allowed but
individual political freedom is restricted in the belief that it could lead to communism). There has
been a general trend away from communist and right wing totalitarianism and towards democracy
beginning in the 1980s through the 1990s and into this decade. Issues relating to theocratic and
tribal totalitarianism are presently at the root of some unrest in Asia and Africa.
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K) The political environment of a country matters because 1) when economic freedoms are
restricted, so may be the ability of an international business to operate in the most efficient manner,
and 2) when political freedoms are restricted there are both ethical and risk concerns that have to be


A) There are three broad types of economic systems: market, comm and, and mixed. In reality
almost all are mixed to some extent, for even the most market oriented have some governmental
controls on business and even the most command based either explicitly allow some free markets to
exist or have black markets for some goods and services. Yet all countries can be considered to be
at some point on a continuum between pure market and pure comm and.

Market Economy

B) In a pure market economy, the goods and services that a country produces, and the quantity in
which they are produced, is not planned by anyone. Rather price and quantity are determined by
supply and demand. For a market economy to work there must be no restrictions on either supply
or demand - no monopolistic sellers or buyers.

Command Economy

C) In a pure command economy the goods and services that a country produces, the quantity in
which they are produced, and the price at which they are sold are all planned by the government.
Resources are allocated "for the good of society". The government owns most, if not all,

Mixed Economy
D) A mixed economy includes some elements of each. In Canada, for example, while most
business is privately owned and operated under market principles, health care, electrical power, and
liquor distribution are run by state owned enterprises in most provinces. Over the past few decades
France has chosen to inefficiently operate many business enterprises "for the good of workers and
the country," and complains vigorously to the EU when more efficient private firms from other EU
countries seek to encroach on the markets these enterprises poorly serve.


A) The legal system of a country refers to the rules, or laws, that regulate behaviour, along with the
processes by which the laws of a country are enforced and through which redress for grievances is
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B) The legal environment of a country is of imm ense importance to international business because a
country's laws regulate business practice, define the manner in which business transactions are to be
executed, and set down the rights and obligations of those involved in business transactions.
Differences in the structure of law can have an important impact upon the attractiveness of a country
as an investment site and/or market.

Teaching Tip: The Encyclopedia of Corporate Governance is an older site that contains a broad base
of information about international law and the legal systems of the countries of the world. This site is
available at

Different Legal Systems

C) The common law system (based on tradition, precedent, and custom) evolved in England over
hundreds of years. It is now found in most of Great Britain's former colonies, including Canada
(outside of Quebec) and the United States.

D) A civil law system is based on a very detailed set of laws organized into codes. Over 80
countries, including Canada (Quebec), Germany, France, Japan, and Russia, operate with a civil law

E) Islamic law is the most widely practiced theocratic law system (based on religious teachings) in
the modem world. Many Muslim countries have legal systems that are a blend of Islamic law and a
common or civil law system.

Differences in Contract Law

F) Contract law is the body of law that governs contract enforcement. A contract is a
documentthat specifies the conditions under which an exchange is to occur and details the rights
and obligations of the parties involved. The United Nations Convention in Contracts for the
International Sales of Goods (CISG) establishes a uniform set of rules governing certain aspects
of the making and performance of everyday commercial contracts between sellers and buyers who
have their places of business in different nations. By adopting CISG, a nation's signals to other
nations that it will treat the convention's rules as part of its law.

Property Rights

G) Control over property rights (the bundle of legal rights over the use to which a resource is
put and over the use made of any income that may be derived from that resource) are very
important for the functioning of business. Property rights can be violated by either private
action (theft, piracy, blackmail, Mafia or other organized crime group) or public action
(governmental bribery and corruption, nationalization).

Private Action

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H) Private action refers to theft, piracy, blackm ail, and the like, by private individuals or

Teaching Tip: Ask your students how they would act if they were employed in the situations
described in this section.

Public Action and Corruption

I) Public action to violate property rights occurs when public officials extort income or
resources from property holders using various legal mechanisms including levying excessive
taxation, requiring expensive licenses or permits from property holders, or taking assets into
state ownership without compensating the owners.

Lecture Note: For more information visit

J) In some countries, corruption is kept to a minimum while in other corruption is rampant.

The American Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and Canadian Bill S-21

K) The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act makes it a violation of United States law to bribe a
foreign government official in order to obtain or maintain business over which the foreign
official has authority, and requires all publicly traded countries to keep detailed records so that
it is clear whether a violation of the act has occurred or not. Canada's Bill S-21 makes bribery
of a foreign official by a Canadian business person a criminal offence.

The Protection oflntellectual Property

L) Intellectual property refers to property, such as computer software, a screenplay, or the

chemical formula for a new drug that is the product of intellectual activity. Intellectual Property
rights include patents (documents giving the inventor of a new product or process exclusive
rights to the manufacture, use, or sale of that invention); copyrights (exclusive legal rights of
authors, composers, playwrights, artists, and publishers to publish and dispose of their work as
they see fit); and trademarks (designs and names, often officially registered, by which
merchants or manufacturers designate and differentiate their products).

M) The protection of intellectual property rights differs greatly from country to country. While many
countries have stringent intellectual property regulations on their books, the enforcement of these
regulations has often been lax. In addition to lobbying their governments, firms may want to stay out
of countries where intellectual property laws are lax rather than risk having their ideas stolen by local
entrepreneurs .

Teaching Tip: Lead a discussion on song and file sharing and other instances of violations of
intellectual property. Is sharing a song, or piece of software with one person okay? How about with a
group of friends? How about reselling these files for profit?

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N) An International agreement signed by 187 countries to protect intellectual property rights is
known as the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property. In addition, a new
agreement known as the Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) requires
WTO members to grant and enforce patents lasting at least 20 years and copyrights lasting 50 years.

Teaching Tip: The World Intellectual Property Organization's web site contains extensive
information on various treaties and agreements between countries regarding the protection of
intellectual property. The site is

Product Safety and Product Liability

0) Different countries have different product safety and liability laws (safety standards to which a
product must adhere). In some cases businesses must customize products to adhere to local standards
if they are to do business in a country, whether these standards are higher or just different.

P) When product standards are lower in other countries, firms face an important ethical dilemma.
Should they produce products only of the highest standards even if this puts them at a competitive
disadvantage relative other producers and results in not maximizing value to shareholders? Or should
they produce products that respond to local differences, even if that means that consumers may not be
assured of the same levels of safety in different countries?


A) One reason for looking at the different political, economic, and legal systems in the world is that
collectively these different systems can have a profound impact on the level of a country's economic
development, and hence on the attractiveness of a country as a possible market and/or production
location for a firm.

Differences in Economic Development

B) Different countries have dramatically different levels of economic development, which can be
measured in different ways.

Broader Conceptions of Development: Amartya Sen

C) Nobel prize-winning economist Amartya Sen has argued that development should be assessed
less by material output and more by the capabilities and opportunities that people enjoy. Sen's
ideas have been picked up by the United Nations and are reflected in the Human Development
Index (HDI) (a United Nations developed index based on life expectancy, education attainment,
and whether average incomes are sufficient to meet the basic needs of life in a country). The index
was developed to gauge a country's economic development and likely future growth rate.

Political Economy and Economic Progress

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D) What is the relationship between political economy and economic progress? This question has
been the subject of a vigorous debate among academics and policy makers for some time.

Innovation and Entrepreneurship Are the Engines of Growth

E) Innovation is the process through which people create new products, new processes, new
organizations, new management practices, and new strategies. There is broad agreement that
innovation and entrepreneurship are the engines of long-run economic growth.

Innovation and Entrepreneurship Require a Market Economy

F) It has also been argued that the economic freedom associated with a market economy creates
greater incentives for innovation and entrepreneurship than either a planned or mixed economy.

Innovation and Entrepreneurship Require Strong Property Rights

G) Strong legal protection of property rights is another requirement for a business environment
conducive to innovation, entrepreneurship, and economic growth.

The Required Political System

H) In the West, it is often argued that democracy is good for economic growth. However, there are
examples of totalitarian regimes that have fostered a market economy and strong property rights
protection and experienced rapid economic growth. However, given all the facts, it seems likely
that democratic regimes are far more conducive to long-term economic growth than a dictatorship,
even one of the benevolent kinds.

Economic Progress Begets Democracy

I) While it is possible to argue that democracy is not a necessary precondition for the establishment
of a free market economy in which property rights are protected, it seems evident that subsequent
economic growth leads to establishment of democratic regimes.

Geography, Education, and Economic Development

J) Geography can also affect economic development. A landlocked country with an inhospitable
climate, poor soil, few natural resources, and terrible diseases is unlikely to develop economically as
fast as country with the opposite characteristics on each of these attributes.

K) While it can be hard to do much about unfavourable geography, education is something that
governments can affect. Numerous studies suggest that countries that invest more in the education of
their young people develop faster economically.


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The Spread of Democracy

A) Since the late 1980s and early 1990s there have been two major changes in the political economy
of many of the world's nations. First, a wave of democratic revolutions swept the world, and many of
the previous totalitarian regimes collapsed. Secondly, there has been a more away from centrally
planned and mixed economies towards free markets.

The New World Order

B) The revolutions in the USSR and Eastern Europe have (in general) moved these countries towards
democracy (away from totalitarianism), towards individualism ( away from collectivism), and towards
mixed economies (away from comm and). Author Francis Fukuyama argues that we may be in a time
where there is a universalization of Western liberal democracy. Political scientist Samuel Huntington
argues that there is no "universal" civilization-that while societies may be modernizing, they are not
becoming more Western.

The Spread of Market-Based Systems

C) There are three main reasons for the spread of democracy. First, many totalitarian regimes failed
to deliver economic progress to the vast bulk of their populations. Secondly, improved information
technology limited the ability of the governm ent to control citizens' access to information. Thirdly,
mcreases in wealth and the standard of living have encouraged citizens to push for democratic

D) In Western Europe, Asia, and Mexico there has been a general trend towards privatization of state
owned companies and deregulation of industry beginning in the 1980s and extending through the
1990s and into the current decade.

Teaching Tip: A number of countries and regions maintain an international "Chamber

ofCommerce" to disseminate current information about their respective country or regional of the
world. These Chambers of Commerce are an excellent "first stop" when conducting research on
the market potential of a particular country or area. Information can be found at



A) Deregulation involves removing restrictions on the free operation of markets.


B) Privatization transfers the ownership of state property into the hands of private investors. In
order to attract investment and protect the interests of the private enterprise encouraged by the first
two activities, changes typically need to be made to legal systems to protect the property rights of
investors and entrepreneurs.

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Legal Systems

C) Laws protecting private property rights and providing mechanisms for contract enforcement are
required for a well functioning market economy. Without a legal system that protects property
rights, and without the machinery to enforce that system, the incentive to engage in economic
activity can be reduced substantially by private and public entities that expropriate the profits
generated by the efforts of private sector entrepreneurs.

D) The road that must be travelled to reach a market-based economy has often turned out to be
rocky. Those states that have been most successful at transforming their economies have followed
a policy of "shock therapy" in which prices and trade were liberated quickly, inflation was held in
check by tight monetary policy, and the privatization of state-owned industries was implemented


A) The shift toward market-based economies has significant implications for international business
including bigger markets, but also greater risks.



A) The overall attractiveness of a country as a market and/or investment site depends on balancing
the likely long-term benefits of doing business in that country against the likely costs and risks.


B) The long run monetary benefits of doing business in a country are a function of the size of
themarket, the present wealth (purchasing power) of consumers, and the likely future wealth of
consumers. By identifying and investing early in a potential future economic star, firms may be able
to gain first mover advantages (advantages that accrue to early entrants into a market) by
establishing loyalty and gaining experience in a country. Two factors that are reasonably good
predictors of a country's future economic prospects are its economic system and property rights


C) The costs of doing business in a country are determined by a number of political, economic, and
legal factors. Political costs can involve the cost of paying bribes or lobbying for favourable or fair
treatment. Economic costs relate primarily to the sophistication of the economic system, including
the infrastructure and supporting businesses. Regarding legal factors, it can be more costly to do

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business in countries with dramatically different product, workplace, and pollution standards, or
where there is poor legal protection for property rights.


D) As with costs, the risks of doing business in a country are determined by a number of political,
economic, and legal factors. Political risk is the likelihood that political forces will cause drastic
changes in a country's business environment that adversely affects the profit and other goals of a
business enterprise. Canada has had its unified political stability tested at times over the past four
decades. Economic risk is the likelihood that economic mismanagement will cause drastic changes
in a country's business environment that adversely affects the profit and other goals of a business
enterprise. Legal risk is the likelihood that a trading partner will opportunistically break a contract or
expropriate property rights.

Overall Attractiveness

E) The overall attractiveness of a country as a potential market and/or investment site for an
international business depends on balancing the benefits, costs, and risks associated with doing
business in that country.

Ethics and Regulations

Ethics and Human Rights

F) One ethical concern regards whether firms should invest in countries where the government
represses its citizens in political and/or economic freedom. While some argue that investing in these
countries is implicitly supporting the repression, others argue that the best way to encourage change
is from within, and that increasing economic development of the country will lead to greater political
and economic freedoms.

Ethics and Regulations

G) A second ethical concern regards whether an international firm should adopt consistent and high
levels of product safety, worker safety, and environmental protection worldwide, or whether they
should focus only on meeting local regulations. If they adopt high standards, and subsequently lose
business to other competitors with lower standards, was this an ethically correct position for it to
take in light its requirements to act in the best interest of shareholders and provide advancement
opportunities for its personnel?

Ethics and Corruption

H) Another ethical concern regards whether firms should pay bribes to governmental officials or
business partners in exchange for business access. Should paying bribes be completely avoided, or
are bribes just another cost of doing business that "greases the wheels" and leads to benefits for
both the firm and consumers. If bribes are an integral part of business transactions in a country, is a
firm being culturally insensitive and elitist if it finds bribes repulsive and refuses to pay them? Are
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large campaign contributions in the USA any different than bribes in reality?

Teaching Tip: The Carnegie Council for Ethics and International Affairs maintains a very
substantive and thought-provoking website at This site
contains publications that comments on many of the ethical issues that surround globalization and
international business.


1. Political systems can be assessed according to two dimensions: the degree to which they emphasize
collectivism vs individualism, and the degree to which they are democratic or totalitarian.
2. There are three broad types of economic systems: a market economy, a command economy, and a
mixed economy.
3. Differences in the structure of law between countries has implications for international businesses.
This includes the degree to which property rights are protected, product safety and liability laws,
and the nature of contract law.
4. Countries differ in their level of development. Economic progress is tied to a well-functioning
market economy that protects property rights.
5. Many countries are now in a transition state. There has been a shift away from totalitarian
governments and command or mixed economic systems towards democracy and free market
economic systems.
6. The shift to market economies needs deregulation, privatization, and the creation of a legal system
that protects property rights.
7. A country's attractiveness depends on balancing the linely long-run benefits of doing business there
against the likely costs and risks.

Critical Thinking and Discussion Questions

1. "Free market economies stimulate greater economic growth, whereas command economies stifle
growth". Evaluate this statement.

Answer: In a market economy, private individuals and corporations are allowed to own property and other
assets. This right of ownership provides a powerful incentive for people to work hard, introduce new
products, develop better advertising campaigns, invent new products, etc., all in the hopes of accumulating
additional personal capital and wealth. In tum, the constant search on the part of individuals and
corporation to accumulate wealth enriches the entire economy and creates economic growth. In contrast, in
a command economy, private individuals and corporations are not allowed to own substantial quantities of
property and other assets. The objective of a command economy is for everyone to work for "the good of
the society." Although this sounds like a noble ideal, a system that asks individuals to work for the good of
society rather than allowing individuals to build personal wealth does not provide a great incentive for
people to invent new products, develop better advertising campaigns, find ways to be more efficient, etc.
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As a result, command economies typically generate less innovation and are less efficient than market

2. "A democratic political system is an essential condition for sustained economic progress". Evaluate this

Answer: This question has no clear-cut answer. In Canada and the United States, we tend to argue that
democracy is good for economic progress. This argument is largely predicated upon the idea that
innovation is the engine of economic growth, and a democratic political system encourages rather than
stifles innovation. However, there are examples of totalitarian regimes that have fostered a market
economy and strong property rights protection and experienced rapid economic growth. The examples
include four of the fastest growing economies of the past 30 years -South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, and
Hong Kong all of which have grown faster than Western economies. However, while it is possible to
argue that democracy is not a necessary precondition for the establishment of a free market economy, it
seems evident that subsequent economic growth leads to establishment of democratic regimes. Several of
the fastest-growing Asian economies have recently adopted more democratic governments.

3. What is the relationship between corruption in a country (i.e., bribe taking by government officials) and
economic growth? Is corruption always bad?

Answer: Economic evidence suggests that high levels of corruption significantly reduce the economic
growth rate in a country. By siphoning off profits, corrupt politicians and bureaucrats reduce the returns
to business investment, and hence, reduce the incentive that both domestic and foreign businesses have to
invest in that country. The lower level of investment that results has a negative impact on economic
growth. However, while most students will probably agree that corruption is bad, some may point out that
the Canadian Bill S-21 and the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, does allow "grease payments" to
expedite or secure the performance of a routine governmental action. These "grease payments", while
technically bribes, are not being used to obtain or maintain business, but rather are simply made to
facilitate performance of duties that the recipients are already obligated to perform.

4. The Nobel prize-winning economist Amartya Sen argues that the concept of development should be
broadened to include more than just economic development. What other factors does Sen think should
be included in an assessment of development? How might adoption of Sen's views influence
government policy? Do you think Sen is correct that development is about more than just economic
development? Explain.

Answer: Sen has argued that development be assessed less by material output measures such as GNP per
capita, and more by the capabilities and opportunities that people enjoy. Sen suggests that development
be seen as a process of expanding real freedoms that people experience, and as such, that development
requires the removal of major impediments to freedom. Governments influenced by Sen might ensure
that basic health care and education programs are available especially for women. Many students will
agree with Sen and the notion that development is not just an economic process, but a political one too,
and that to succeed citizens must be given a voice in the important decisions made for the country.

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5. During the late 1980s and early 1990s China was routinely cited by various international organizations
such as Amnesty International and Freedom Watch for major human rights violations, including torture,
beatings, imprisonment and executions of political dissidents. Despite this, in the mid- l 990s China
received record levels of foreign direct investment, mainly from firms based in democratic societies such
as the United States, Japan, and Germany. Evaluate this trend from an ethical perspective. If you were
the CEO of a firm that had the option of making a potentially very profitable investment in China, what
would you do?

Answer: While there are those who argue that investing in totalitarian countries provides comfort to
dictators and can help prop-up repressive regimes, in the case of China these arguments appear to have
been ineffective. Western firms have continued to invest in spite of these concerns, either out of
opportunism or a belief in a different ethical perspective. The alternate ethical perspective suggests that
investment by a Western firm, by raising the level of economic development of a totalitarian country, can
help change it from within. Since economic well-being and political freedoms often go hand in hand,
and investment creates jobs and provides needed goods for individuals, an investment may be good for
the people both in the short and the long run. As the CEO of a firm that had the option of making a
potentially very profitable investment in China, not only should this ethical tradeoff be considered, but
also so should the importance of the opportunity and the ethical responsibility one has to shareholders. If
there are opportunities in China, passing these up may simply be allowing a competitor to gain a first
mover advantage that will be difficult to overcome. Unless all potential competitors from all countries
have the same ethical principles, it is likely that some firm will decide to undertake the investment in
spite of the ethical concerns. (Investment withholding, like any other form of collusion or sanction
adherence, requires compliance by all parties if it is to be effective.) Hence the CEO must consider the
ethical responsibility to shareholders to maximize the value of the firm. In the end the decision must rest
on both ethical concerns about doing business in China and ethical concerns about what is in the best
interest of shareholders. There is no right or wrong decision, as each involves different tradeoffs.

6. You are the CEO of a company that has to choose between making a $100 million investment in either
Russia or the Czech Republic. Both investments promise the same long-run return, so your choice of which
investment to make is driven by considerations of risk. Assess the various risks of doing business in each
of these nations. Which investment would you favour and why?

Answer: When assessing the risks of investment, one should consider the political, economic, and legal
risks of doing business in either Russia or the Czech Republic. The risk in Russia would probably be
considered higher than the risk in the Czech Republic. The Czech Republic has been accepted as a member
of the EU, and as such gains the benefits and stability offered by the EU. Russia, by contrast, is still many
years away from even being in a position to be considered by the EU for membership. However, the
political situation in these countries is ever-changing, so depending on when you use this text, this situation
could be different.
(You also may want to substitute other countries into this question depending on current events and the
countries with which you feel your students will be most familiar.)

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The Polish Surprise
This case explains the success of Poland in the post-communist era with the help of its inclusion into the
European Union and the Polish Government's recognition of the importance of creating favourable tax laws
and providing people with various incentives including the possibility for Poles to exchange old cars for
new cars, and thus help the growing Polish automotive industry. Throughout the worldwide debt crisis of
2008-2009, Poland stayed the course and stuck to fiscal austerity measures, thus creating confidence in its
economy both at home and abroad. By adhering to its tight monetary policy, Poland avoided many of the
economic pitfalls felt by other nations around the world who spent, instead of reined in spending. Also, tax
reductions are being implemented along with various laws such as the Entrepreneurship Law of March,
2009 that encourages business startups.

Case Discussion Questions

1. How was Poland able to avoid the worst effects of the economic crisis that gripped most of Europe
during 2008-2009?
Through measures of austerity complemented by favourable tax laws providing incentives.
2. What lessons can be derived from the Polish experience during 2008-2009?
The general idea is the spending does not boost confidence in the economy. In Poland's case, austerity is
what kept its growth intact.

3. From the perspective of international business, what is attractive about the Polish economy? What are the
weaknesses and risks associated with doing business there?
Its stability is a major positive factor. The student can consult numerous web sites to further discuss this,
such as Some weaknesses that have surfaced in 2014 and yet that have only
worried Poland but not impacted it, are old concerns about Soviet hegemony, that has split apart

4. Even though Poland has been committed to liberalizing its economy since the collapse of communism in
1989, significant vestiges of the old system still remain. Why do you think it has taken Poland so long to
transform its economic, political and legal system?
The "old guard" might still be reticent to change. The student can also site historical differences between
capitalism and communism and the difficulty in purging communism to make way for capitalism.
Venezuela After Chavez
Venezula watchers often lamented over the state of Venezuela under Chavez until they realized how much
worse the current president, Maduro is than Chavez was. It initially appeared that Maduro was toning down
anti American Rhetoric, but in some circles, many fear that he is more anti-American than was Chavez.
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State run policies have run from socialism to extreme socialism under the stewardship of Maduro.
Venezuela being an oil producing country coupled with a communist style state run economy was unable to
weather the economic storm created by and was severely impacted by a collapse in world oil prices in the
early 2000s. Chavez had set the ground work for further socialization when he sought to strengthen
presidential powers and Maduro has gone even further. Freedom House, which assesses political and civil
liberties worldwide, concluded that Venezuela was only partly free with its freedoms being increasingly
curtailed as it moved towards further totalitarianism. In spite of government rhetoric of openness,
Transparency International, which ranks nations according to the extent of their public corruption, has noted
an increase under Maduro and Venezuela is ranked in the 160th out of 177 ranked nations, as the most
corrupt nation in the world.
1. What do you think will happen if oil prices continue to stay below the $100 a barrel mark?
2. The student should hone in on the logic that as Venezuela's mismanaged economy is mostly
dependent on oil exports, lower prices will exacerbate already extreme social problems in
2.What are the broader implications to the country's economy, and its people, of having such a
highly regulated economy for over 15 years?
One could infer that entrepreneurial initiatives for business startups will be squelched through
heavy-handed socialist mentality policies that are anti-business. Poverty, corruption and crime will
likely rise as poverty increases.

Management Focus: Governments Growing to Love and Hate Gambling


For many years, gambling was illegal in North America, outside of Nevada. Beginning in the 1970s,
governments became attracted to the potential revenue from legal gambling. While casino gambling
grew in Canada and the United States in the late 1980s and 1990s, the rise of the Internet created
some new issues around the legality of on-line gaming that is offered to Canadians by a company that
is located somewhere else. CryptoLogic Inc. is a Canadian company that until very recently software
for the Internet gambling industry. While the market for on-line gambling certainly exists , the
company faces issues of an evolving regulatory environment, especially with legal changes that
severly limited on-line gaming in the United States in 2006. The company moved its headquarters to
gaming-friendly Ireland, but it continued to struggle and was bought out in 2013.


1. Laws that change or are unclear are always a problem for companies, especially laws that strike
at the very legality of the company doing business, as is the case here. Obviously, getting legal
opinions for legal firms operating in the country in which the firm will be dealing is important. The
students may also note the importance of keeping up to date on political and public opinion, in
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order to gauge whether any new laws may be implemented or changed. Businesses can also lobby
governments for laws that are favourable to their operations.

2.Governments would have shifting laws about gambling because public opinion is so divided/has
changed so much in the past. Gambling was once seen as a vice, and was theorfore outlawed,
except for certain juridcitions. It was then promoted by governments as a way to raise tax revenue,
and public opinion shifted. It can be argued by the students, that public opinion is shifting again
against gambling, as jurisdictions (such as Toronto) vote against the construction of a new casino,
as the economic benefits of gambling are questioned and as the social costs are more readily

Management Focus: Starbucks Wins Key Trademark Case in China


When Starbucks expanded into China it was faced with copycat firms that duplicated the company's
name and its format. Starbucks sued in Chinese court, and in 2006 A Shanghai court ruled in
Starbucks favour. This ruling came as a (good) surprise to Starbucks because foreign companies
oftentimes felt that Chinese law was a farce in these matters. The outcome of this judicial ruling
reassured foreign businesses and proved to the world that China is a serious and law abiding member
of the WTO, at least in this matter.


1. Such a ruling is likely to be beneficial to the Chinese economy, as it stresses the importance of the
rule oflaw in the country.This lessens political risk for all existing and future companies in China.

2. Students may give many examples of logos that define a company, such as the Nike "Swish",
McDonalds "Golden Arches" and the logos of clothing companies such as Polo and Lacoste.

Additional Readings and Sources of Information

Fairtrade Canada:

Index of Economic Freedom

World News Report countries

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World Economic F arum:

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Instructor's Manual to accompany Global Business Today, 4" edition (Hill & McKaig) 20
Fourth Canadian Edition
4t Canadian Edition
Charles W. Hill - Thomas McKaig
Charles Hill
Thomas McKaig

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Country Differences In
Political Economy

Chapter 2

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Country Differences

International business is
much more complicated
than domestic business
because countries differ

In many ways

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Country Differences

Countries have different

• political,
• economic,
• and legal systems.
Cultural practices can vary dramatically
from country to country, as can the
education and skill level of the population.
Countries are at different stages of
economic development.

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Country Differences

Y - - • This chapter focuses on how
J· h I Bl
1111 Tho
• the political, economic, and
DA - Four!

legal systems of countries

s .

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» 7rm • Collectively we refer to

j .. +7
I srce• these systems as
constituting the political
economy of a country.
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Country Differences

• We use the term political

economy to stress that the
political, economic, and legal
systems of a country are not
independent of each other.
• They interact and influence
each other, and in doing so,
they affect the level of
economic wellbeing in a

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Political Systems

• Collectivism
Political system that stresses the primacy of
collective goals over individuals goals.
Plato (427-347 sc) - Individual rights should be sacrificed for the
good of society.
1. Communism - revolution and totalitarian
2. Social Democrats - socialism by democratic means

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Political Systems

• Individualism
Political system that focuses on the interests of the
individual over the interests of the state.
Aristotle (384 - 322 BC) Private property is more highly productive
than communal property and will thus stimulate progress
Individualism has two central tenets:
1. Individual Freedom and self-expression - John Stuart
2. Let people pursue their own economic self interest -
Adam Smith

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Democracy and Totalitarianism

• Democracy
Political system in which the people
elect representatives to form the
government .
Democracy demands:
1. Freedom of expression
2. Free media
3. Regular elections
4. Limited terms for representatives
5. Fair court system
6. Non political - police and army
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Democracy and Totalitarianism

• Totalitarianism
Political system based on
collectivism, which
advocates that socialism
can be achieved only
through a totalitarian

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Economic Systems

• Market Economy
Economic system in which the interaction of supply
and demand determines price and production
• Command Economy
Economic system in which the government determines
the allocation of resources including the determination
of production and prices
• Mixed Economy
Economic system in which certain sectors are left to
private ownership and free market mechanism, while
other sectors are owned and managed by the

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Legal Systems

Legal systems refers to the

rules or laws that regulate
people' s behavior and business
Types of legal systems:
1. Common Law
2. Civil Law
3. Theocratic Law

City Hall, Toronto, with the author of

these ppt slides, Tim Richardson

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Definition of Contract:
Contract is a document that specifies the conditions under
which an exchange is to occur and details the rights and
obligations of the parties involved.

• Contract Law
• International Trade and Contract Disputes
United Nations Convention of Contacts for the International Sale
of Goods (CISG)
By adopting the CISG, a nation accepts to treat the convention rules as part of its

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Refers to a resource over which an individual or
business holds a legal title, meaning it owns the
Resources include:
• Land & real estate
• Equipment
• Capital
• Mineral rights
• Businesses
• Intellectual property

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Property Rights
Bundle of legal rights over the use to which a resource
is put and over the use made of any income that may be
derived from that resource.

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Actions against
Property Rights

1. Private Action
Private Action is an action by private individuals or
groups against property holders including actions such as:
• Theft
• Piracy
• Blackmail
• Any criminal activity against property rights

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Actions against ad
Property Rights I

2. Public Action and Corruption

Public Action violates property rights when public
officials extort income from property holders,
including actions such as:
• Bribes
• Levying excessive taxation
• Requiring expensive licenses or permits from property holders

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Corruption Perceptions Index 2013
1 Denmark 91 7 87 95 90
1 New Zealand 91 7 87 95 90
3 Finland 89 7 86 92 90
3 Sweden 89 7 85 93 88
5 Norway 86 7 82 90 85
5 Singapore 86 9 82 90 87
7 Switzerland 85 6 81 89 86
8 Netherlands 83 7 80 86 84
9 Australia 81 8 79 83 85
9 Canada 81 7 77 85 84
11 Luxembourg 80 6 75 85 80
12 Germany 78 8 74 82 79
12 Iceland 78 6 73 83 82
14 United Kingdom 76 8 74 78 74
15 Barbados 75 3 63 87 76
15 Belgium 75 7 71 79 75
15 Hong Kong 75 8 71 79 77

Source: Data takenfrom 2013 Corruption Perceptions Index. @ Transparency International. All rights reserved. For more information, please
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• Canada's Bill S-21

• Otherwise known as the Corruption of Foreign Public
Officials Act that entered into force in1999
• It has long been illegal to bribe officials in
• Now it is illegal for Canadian officials to bribe
officials in another country

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• Canada's Bill S-21

• The Canadian Bill S-21 does have "loophole" provisions
to cover for those instances in which a bribe might be
solely a perception, due to cultural considerations of gift
giving, in other countries
• Bill S-21 sets out a lawful exception that an accused
could use as a defence. Namely, that the payment was
lawful in the foreign state or public international
organization for which the foreign public official
performs duties or functions

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The Protection of Intellectual Property

Intellectual Property
Refers to property that is the product of
intellectual activity such as computer
software, music, formulas etc.
Ownership rights are establish through:
2. Copyrights
3. Trademarks
Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property
International agreement signed by 96 nations to protect intellectual property

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Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property
Rights (TRIPS)

TRIPS Agreement (1995)

Agreement amongst membe
states of the World Trade
Organization (WTO) to
oversee the enforcement of A security guard stands near al pile ofpirated CDs and
DVDs before theywere destroyed at a ceremony in Beijing
stricter intellectual property on Saturday, February 26, 2005. Thousands ofpirated items
were destroyed in the event, one of a number of activities,
regulations. including an antipiracy pop concert later Saturday, that
were staged by China's government to publicize its
hntipiracy efforts. @ ChinaPhotoPress/Getty Images

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Product Safety and Product Liability

• Product Safety Laws set safety standards

to which products must adhere, where it
is going to be commercialized.
• Product Liability involves holding a firm
and its officers responsible when a
product causes injury, death or damage

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Determinants of Economic Development

The political, economic, and legal systems can have a

profound impact on a country' s economic development.
Gross National Income (GNJ) Total income of all citizens of a country.
Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) Adjustment in gross domestic product per
capita for a comparison of living standards in different countries.

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Gross national income per capita 2012, Atlas method and PPP
1 Monaco a 3 Qatar 84 670°
2 Liechtenstein • 5 Macao SAR, China 68 710°
3 Bermuda 106 920 6 Norway 64 030
4 Norway 98 860 7 Luxembourg 63 000
5 Switzerland 82 730 8 Singapore 61 100

6 Qatar 78 720° 10 Switzerland 54 870
7 Luxembourg 76 960 12 Hong Kong SAR, China 53 050
8 Isle of Man 15 United States 50 610
9 Channel Islands .8
16 Kuwait 49 230
10 Denmark 59 770 20 Netherlands 43 360
11 Australia 59 570 21 Austria 43 220
12 San Marino 22 Australia 43 170
13 Macao SAR, China 55 720° 23 Sweden 43 160
14 Sweden 56 210 24 United Arab Emirates 42 380.°
15 Cayman Islands .a 25 Canada 42 690
16 Faeroe Islands • 26 Denmark 42 620
17 Canada 50 970 28 Germany 41 370

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Human Development Index (HDI)
Human Development Index (HDI) measures the quality of
human life in different countries in terms of:
1. Life expectancy
2. Education attainment
3. Average incomes
based on three measures:
• Life expectancy at birth (which is a function of health care)
• Educational attainment (which is measured by a combination of
the adult literacy rate and enrolment in primary, secondary, and
tertiary education), and whether
• Average incomes, based on PPP estimates, are suffi cient to meet
the basic needs of life in a country (adequate food, shelter,
and health care).

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Innovation and Entrepreneurship

• Innovation and entrepreneurial activity are

the engines of long-run economic growth
• Innovation is also seen as the product of
entrepreneurial activity

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Innovation and Entrepreneurship

• Innovation and entrepreneurial activity

require strong property rights
• If you invent something, people should not be
able to copy it and make money off of you
• Without strong property rights protection,
businesses and individuals run the risk
that the profits from their innovative
efforts will be expropriated

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Political Economy and Economic Progress

Innovation and Entrepreneurship are the engines of

growth. For this purpose, these are needed:
1. Market economy
2. Strong property rights
3. Political system
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The Spread of Democracy
Criteria to determine political freedom:
Free and fair elections of the head of state and legislative
Fair electoral laws, equal campaigning opportunities, and fair polling.
The right to organize into different political parties.
A parliament with effective power.
A significant opposition that has a realistic chance of gaining power.
Freedom from domination by the military, foreign powers, totalitarian
parties, religious hierarchies, or any other powerful group.
A reasonable amount of self-determination for cultural, ethnic, and
religious minorities.

Freedom House, Freedom in the World, 2008,

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The Spread of Democracy

Map ofFreedom

-- •


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The Spread of Market-Based Systems

Paralleling the
spread of democracy
since the 1980s has
been the
transformation from
centrally planned
economies to
More than 30 countries that were in the former Soviet
Union or the Eastern European communist bloc are now
changing their economic systems.
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Global Economic Freedom
Index of FREE (100-80)
Global 1 Hong Kong 90.1 +0.8
2 Singapore 89.4 +1.4 /
Economic 3 Australia 82.0 -0.6V
Freedom 4 Switzerland 81.6 +0.6 A
5 New Zealand 81.2 -0.2
6 Canada 80.2 +0.8
MOSTLY FREE (79.9--70)
7 Chile 78.7 -0.3
8 Mauritius 76.5 0.4
9 Ireland 76.2 +0.5 A
10 Denmark 76.1 0.0
11 Estonia 75.9 +0.6
12 United States 75.5 -0.5
13 Bahrain 75.1 0.4v
14 United Kingdom 74.9 +0.1 /",.,,
15 The Netherlands 74.2 +0.7
REPRESSED (49.9-0)
163 Uzbekistan 46.5 +0.5
164 Kiribati 46.3 +0.4 /

165 Solomon Islands 46.2 +1.2

166 Argentina 44.6 -2.1 V
167 Chad 44.5 -0.7V
168 Equatorial Guinea 44.4 +2.1 A
169 Republic of Congo 43.7 +0.2

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The Spread of Market-Based Systems
Deregulation involves
removing legal
restrictions to the free
play of markets, the
establishment of tel-Beeng Foo
100n% PURE BE

private enterprises,
and the manner in
which private

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The Spread of Market-Based Systems

Hand in hand with

deregulation has
come a sharp
. .
Increase in
Privatization transfers
the ownership of state
property into the
hands of private
individuals, frequently
by the sale of state
assets through an
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The Spread of Market-Based Systems

Legal Systems Laws

protecting private
property rights
are required for a
market economy.

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The Spread of Market-Based Systems

Paralleling the
spread of democracy
since the 1980s has
been the
transformation from
centrally planned
economies to
More than 30 countries that were in the former Soviet
Union or the Eastern European communist bloc are now
changing their economic systems.
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The overall
attractiveness of a
country as a market
and/ or investment
site depends on
balancing the likely
long-term benefits of
doing business in that
country against the
likely costs and risks.

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In the following slides we consider the
determinants of
and risks.
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In the most general sense, the long-run monetary
benefits of doing business in a country are a
function of the
• size of the market,
• the present wealth (purchasing power) of consumers in that
• and the likely future wealth of consumers

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• First-mover advantages are the advantages that
accrue to early entrants into a market.
• Late-mover disadvantages are the handicap that
late entrants might suffer

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• A number of political, economic, and legal factors determine
the costs of doing business in a country.
• With regard to political factors, the costs of doing business
in a country can be increased by a need to pay off the
politically powerful to be allowed by the government to do

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• One of the most important variables is the sophistication of
a country ' s economy.

• It may be more costly to do business in relatively primitive

or undeveloped economies because of the lack of
infrastructure and supporting businesses.

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• Risks of doing business in a country are determined by a
number of
• political,
• economic,
• and legal factors.

Political risk has been defined as the likelihood that political

forces will cause drastic changes in a country' s business
environment that adversely affect the profit and other goals
of a particular business enterprise.

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Economic risk can be defined as the likelihood that

economic mismanagement will cause drastic
changes in a country' s business environment that
adversely affect the profit and other goals of a
particular business enterprise

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Legal risk might be defined as the likelihood that a trading
partner will opportunistically break a contract or
expropriate property rights

The overall attractiveness of a country as a potential

market and/or investment site for an international
business depends on balancing the benefits, costs, and
risks associated with doing business in that

Global Business Today 4th Edition ©2015 McGraw Hill Ryerson All rights reserved Chpt 2 Slide number 46
PowerPoints by Prof. W. Tim G. Richardson, Seneca College and University of Toronto
Country Differences - Ethics

Country differences give rise to some

important and contentious ethical issues.
Three important issues that have been the focus
of much debate in recent years are
(1) the ethics of doing business in nations that
violate human rights;
(2) the ethics of doing business in countries with
very lax labour and environmental regulations;
(3) the ethics of corruption

Global Business Today 4th Edition ©2015 McGraw Hill Ryerson All rights reserved Chpt 2 Slide number 47
PowerPoints by Prof. W. Tim G. Richardson, Seneca College and University of Toronto
Photo credits/ sources r

Slide 1, 2 from the text cover

Slide 2 from the text
Slide 3 by Tim Richardson
Slide 4,5 from the text cover
Slide 6"Wordle" created by Tim Richardson
Slide 7 ,8,9,10 from the text cover
Slide 12 by Tim Richardson, pic - Toronto City Hall
Slide 13,1 4, 15, 16, 17 by Tim Richardson, pic - Toronto City Hall
Slide 18 screen capture from the 4" Edition text
Slide 22 screen capture from the 4 Edition text
Slide 25 screen capture from the 4\ Edition text
Slide 29 by Tim Richardson, pic - bridge, South Korea
Slide 31 by Tim Richardson, pic - Taiwan
Slide 33 screen capture from the 4\ Edition text
Slide 34 by Tim Richardson, pic - store, South Korea
Slide 35 screen capture from the 4\ Edition text

Global Business Today 4th Edition ©2015 McGraw Hill Ryerson All rights reserved
PowerPoints by Prof. W. Tim G. Richardson, Seneca College and University of Toronto
Photo credits/ sources~

Slide 38- 41 by Tim Richardson, pic - store, South Korea

Slide 42-43 by Tim Richardson, pic - airplane window looking over Yukon mountains

Slide 47 from the text cover

Global Business Today 4th Edition ©2015 McGraw Hill Ryerson All rights reserved
PowerPoints by Prof. W. Tim G. Richardson, Seneca College and University of Toronto
Another random document with
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Babyhood of Music

Music is Born—How, When and Where

There was once a time when children did not have to go to school, for
there were no schools; they did not have to take music lessons
because there was no music; there was not even a language by which
people could talk to each other, and there were no books and no
pencils. There were no churches then, no homes nor cities, no
railroads, no roads in fact, and the oldest and wisest man knew less
than a little child of today.
Step by step men fought their way to find means of speaking to
each other, to make roads to travel on, houses to live in, fire to cook
with, clothes to wear, and ways to amuse themselves.
During this time, over one hundred thousand years ago, called
“prehistoric” because it was before events were recorded, men had to
struggle with things that no longer bother us.
Picture to yourselves this era when people lived out-of-doors, in
mounds and caves surrounded by wild beasts which though
dangerous, were not much more so than their human neighbors.
Remember, too, that these people did not know that light followed
darkness as the day the night; summer followed winter as the
seasons come and go; that trees lost their leaves only to bear new
ones in the spring, and that lightning and thunder were natural
happenings; and so on through the long list of things that we think
today perfectly simple, and not in the least frightening.
Because they did not understand these natural things, they
thought that trees, sun, rain, animals, birds, fire, birth, death,
marriage, the hunt, caves and everything else had good and bad gods
in them. In order to please these gods they made prayers to them
quite different from our prayers, as they danced, sang and acted the
things they wanted to have happen. When a savage wanted sun or
wind or rain, he called his tribe together and danced a sun dance, or
a wind dance, or a rain dance. When he wanted food, he did not pray
for it, but he acted out the hunt in a bear dance. As the centuries
went by they continued to use these dances as prayers, and later they
became what we call religious rites and festivals. So here you see
actually the beginning of what we know as Easter festivals, Christmas
with its Christmas tree and mistletoe, spring festivals and Maypole
dances with the Queen of the May, Hallowe’en and many other
holiday celebrations.
This is how music, dancing, poetry, painting and drama were born.
They were the means by which primitive men talked to their gods.
This they did, to be sure, very simply, by hand-clapping and foot-
stamping, by swaying their bodies to and fro, by shouting, shrieking,
grunting, crying and sobbing, and as soon as they knew enough, used
language, and repeated the same word over and over again. These
movements and sounds were the two roots from which music grew.
If you can call these queer grunts and yells singing, the men of
those far-off days must have sung even before they had a language, in
fact, it must have been difficult to know whether they were singing or
talking. In these cries of joy, sorrow, pain, rage, fear, or revenge, we
find another very important reason for the growth of music. These
exclamations, however barbaric and rough, were man’s first attempt
at expressing his feelings.
We still look upon music as one of the most satisfying ways to
show our emotions, and the whole story of music from prehistoric
times to the present day is a record of human feelings expressed in
rhythm and melody.
Gradually these early men learned to make not only musical
instruments, but also the knife for hunting and utensils for cooking.
The first step towards a musical instrument was doubtless the
striking together of two pieces of wood or stone in repeated beats.
The next step was the stretching of the skin of an animal over a
hollowed-out stone or tree trunk forming the first drum. Another
simple and very useful instrument was made of a gourd (the dried
hollow rind of a melon-like fruit) filled with pebbles and shaken like
a baby’s rattle.
As early in the story of mankind as this, the love of decoration and
need of beauty were so natural that they decorated their bodies, the
walls of their caves, and their everyday tools with designs in carving,
and in colors made from earth and plants. You can see some of these
utensils and knives, even bits of wall pictures, in many of the
museums in collections made by men who dig up old cities and
sections of the countries where prehistoric peoples lived. These men
are called archaeologists, and devote their lives to this work so that
we may know what happened before history began.
A few years ago tools of flint, utensils made of bone, and skeletons
of huge animals, that no longer exist, were found in a sulphur spring
in Oklahoma; pottery and tools of stone, wood, and shell were dug up
in Arizona; carvings, spear heads, arrow points, polished stone
hatchets and articles of stone and ivory in Georgia, Pennsylvania and
the Potomac Valley. This shows that this continent also had been
inhabited by prehistoric people.
Even as we see prehistoric man using the things of nature for his
tools, such as elephant tusks, flint, and wood; and as we see him
making paint from earth and plants, we also see him getting music
from nature. It would have been impossible for these early men and
children to have lived out-of-doors and not to have listened to the
songs of the birds, the sound of wind through the trees, the waves
against the rocks, the trickling water of brooks, the beat of the rain,
the crashing of thunder and the cries and roars of animals. All of
these sounds of nature they imitated in their songs and also the
motions and play of animals in their dances.
In Kamchatka, the peninsula across the Behring Strait from
Alaska, there still live natives who sing songs named for and
mimicking the cries of their wild ducks.
The natives of Australia, which is the home of the amusing-looking
kangaroo, have a dance in which they imitate the peculiar leaps and
motions of this animal. When you recall its funny long hind legs and
short forelegs, you can imagine how entertaining it would be to
imitate its motions. The natives also try to make the same sounds
with their voices, as the kangaroo. The women accompany these
dances by singing a simple tune of four tones over and over,
knocking two pieces of wood together to keep time. If ever you go to
the Australian bush (woods or forests) you will see this kangaroo
dance. This is different, isn’t it, from sitting in a concert hall and
listening to some great musician who has spent his life in hard work
and study so that he may play or sing for you?
We can learn much about the beginnings of music from tribes of
men who, although living today, are very near the birthday of the
world, so far as their knowledge and habits are concerned.
Primitive men love play; they love to jump, to yell, to fling their
arms and legs about, and to make up stories which they act out, as
children do who “make believe.”
This love of mankind for make believe, and his desire to be
amused, along with his natural instinct to express what he feels, are
the roots from which music has grown. But, of course, in prehistoric
times, men did not know that they were making an art, for they were
only uttering in sound and movement their wants, their needs, in
fact, only expressing their daily life and their belief in God.
The Savage Makes His Music

Fortunately for our story there live groups of people today still in the
early stages of civilization who show us the manners and customs of
primitive man, because they are primitive men themselves.
We are going to learn how music grew from the American Indian
and the African. We are using these two as examples for two reasons:
because they are close enough to us to have influenced our own
American music, and because all savage music has similar traits. The
American Indian and the African show us the steps from the
primitive state of music to the beginning of music as an art. In other
words, these people are a bridge between prehistoric music and that
of the civilized world.
In Chapter I about prehistoric man, we spoke of the two roots of
music—movement and sound. Hereafter when we speak of rhythm it
will mean movement either in tones or in gestures. Rhythm
expressed in tones makes music; rhythm expressed in gestures
makes the dance. The reason we like dance music and marches is
that we feel the rhythm, the thing that makes us want to mark the
beat of the music with our feet, or hands, or with head bobbings. This
love of the beat is strong in the savage, and upon this he builds his
Our American Jazz is the result of our desire for strong rhythms
and shows that we, for all our culture, have something in us of the
savage’s feeling for movement.
American Indians

We have a name for everything, but the American Indian has a

name and a song for everything. He has a song for his moccasins, for
his head-gear, for his teepee, the fire in it, the forest around him, the
lakes and rivers in which he fishes and paddles, for his canoe, for the
fish he catches, for his gods, his friends, his family, his enemies, the
animal he hunts, the maiden he woos, the stars, the sun, and the
moon, in fact for everything imaginable. The following little story will
explain the Indians’ idea of the use of their songs:
An American visitor who was making a collection of Indian songs,
asked an old Ojibway song-leader to sing a hunting song. The old
Indian looked at him in surprise and left him. A little later the son-
in-law of the Indian appeared and with apologies told the American
that “the old gentleman” could not sing a hunting song because it
was not the hunting season.
The next time the old Indian came, the American asked him for a
love song, but he politely refused, saying that it was not dignified for
a man of his age to sing love songs. However, the old warrior
suddenly decided that as he was making a call, it was quite proper for
him to sing Visiting Songs, which he did, to his host’s delight.
This old man had been taught to sing when he was a very little boy,
as the Indian boy learns the history of his tribe through the songs. He
is carefully trained by the old men and women so that no song of the
tribe or family should be forgotten. These songs are handed down
from one family to another, and no one knows how many hundreds
of years old they may be. So, you see, these songs become history and
the young Indians learn their history this way, not as we do, from
text books.
“What new songs did you learn?” is the question that one Indian
will ask of another who has been away on a visit, and like the
announcer at the radio broadcasting station, the Indian answers:
“My friends, I will now sing you a song of—” and he fully describes
the song. Then he sings it. After he finishes, he says, “My friends, I
have sung you the song of—” and repeats the name of the song!
So great a part of an Indian’s life is music, that he has no word
meaning poetry in his language. Poetry to the Indian is always song.
In fact an Indian puts new words to an old tune and thinks he has
invented a new song.
What Is Indian Music?

When the Indian sings, he starts on the highest tone he can reach
and gradually drops to the lowest, so that many of his songs cover
almost two octaves. He does not know that he sings in a scale of five
tones. For some reason which we cannot explain, most primitive
races have used this same scale. It is like our five black keys on the
piano, starting with F sharp. This is called the pentatonic scale,
(penta, Greek word for five, tonic meaning tones). This scale is a
most amazing traveler, for we meet it in our musical journeys in
China, Japan, Arabia, Scotland, Africa, Ireland, ancient Peru and
Mexico, Greece and many other places. The reason we find these five
tones popular must be because they are natural for the human
throat. At any rate we know that it is difficult for the Indian to sing
our scale. He does not seem to want the two notes that we use
between the two groups of black keys which make our familiar major
It is very difficult to put down an Indian song in our musical
writing, because, the Indians sing in a natural scale that has not been
changed by centuries of musical learning. They sing in a rhythm that
seems complicated to our ears in spite of all our musical knowledge,
and this, too, is difficult to write down. Another thing which makes it
hard to set down and to imitate Indian music, is that they beat the
drum in different time from the song which they sing. They seldom
strike the drum and sing a tone at the same time. In fact, the drum
and the voice seem to race with each other. At the beginning of a
song, for example, the drum beat is slower than the voice. Gradually
the drum catches up with the voice and for a few measures they run
along together. The drum gains and wins the race, because it is
played faster than the voice sings. The curious part of it is, that this is
not an accident, but every time they sing the same song, the race is
run the same way. We are trained to count the beats and sing beat for
beat, measure for measure with the drum. Try to beat on a drum and
sing, and see how hard it is not to keep time with it.
The Indian slides from tone to tone; he scoops with his voice,
somewhat like the jazz trombone player.
Indian Instruments

The Indian’s orchestra is made up of the rattle and the drum. The
white man cannot understand the Indian’s love of his drum.
However, when he lives among them he also learns to love it. When
Indians travel, they carry with them a drum which is hidden from the
eyes of the strange white man. When night comes, they have song
contests accompanied by the drum which is taken out of its hiding
These contests are very real to the Indians and they are similar to
the tournaments held in Germany in the Middle Ages.
The drummer, who is also the singer, is called the leading voice
and is so important that he ranks next to the chief. His rank is high,
because through knowing the songs he is the historian of his tribe.
The drum is made of a wooden frame across which is stretched the
skin of an animal, usually a deer. Sometimes it is only a few inches
across, and sometimes it is two feet in diameter. When it has two
surfaces of skins, they are separated four to six inches from each
other. It is held in the left hand by a leather strap attached to the
drum frame, and beaten with a short stick. (Figure 1.)
The Sioux Indian sets his drum on the ground; it is about the size
of a wash tub and has only one surface. Two or more players pound
this drum at the same time and the noise is often deafening. The
Ojibway drum always has two surfaces and is usually decorated with
gay designs in color. (Sioux drum, Figure 2.)
The drum makes a good weather bureau! The Indian often
forecasts the weather by the way his drum answers to his pounding.
If the sound is dull, he knows there is rain in the air, if it is clear and
sharp and the skin is tight, he can have out-door dances without fear
of a wetting. You could almost become a weather prophet yourself by
watching the strings of your tennis racket, which act very much like
the drum skin.
Another instrument beloved of all Indians is the rattle. There are
many different sizes and shapes of rattles made of gourds, horns of
animals and tiny drums filled with pebbles and shot. Some of them
are carved out of wood in the shape of birds and animal heads.
(Figure 3.)
The Indians also have the flute, and although there is no special
music for it, it is of great importance in their lives. No two flutes are
made to play exactly the same tones, that is, they are not drawn to
scale. They are like home-whittled whistles made of wood in which
holes are burned. (Figure 4.)
The flute is never used in the festivals or in the dance but it is the
lover’s instrument. A young man who is too bashful to ask his
sweetheart to marry him, hides among the bushes near her teepee,
close to the spring where she goes every morning for water. When he
sees her, he plays a little tune that he makes up just for her. Being a
well brought up little Indian maid, she pretends not to notice it, but
very soon tries to find out who played to her. If she likes him, she
gives him a sign and he comes out of his hiding place, but if she does
not wish to marry him, she lets him go on playing every morning
until he gets tired and discouraged and returns no more to the loved
spring near her teepee in the early morning.
And this is the reason the Indian love songs so often refer to
sunrise, spring and fountains, and why we use the melancholy flute
when we write Indian love songs.
Because of the ceaseless beating of the drum, the constant
repetition of their scale of five tones, and the rambling effect of the
music like unpunctuated sentences, we find the Indian music very
monotonous. But they return the compliment and find our music
monotonous, probably, because it is too well punctuated. Mr.
Frederick Burton in his book on Primitive American Music, tells of
having given to two Indian friends tickets for a recital in Carnegie
Hall, in New York City, where they heard songs by Schubert and
Schumann. When he asked them how they enjoyed the music they
politely said, “It is undoubtedly very fine, it was a beautiful hall and
the man had a great voice, but it seemed to us as though he sang the
song over, over and over again, only sometimes he made it long and
sometimes short.”
Indian Societies

The Indian is a great club man; every Indian belongs to some

society. The society which he joins is decided by what he dreams. If
he dreams of a bear, he joins the Bear Society; if he dreams of a
Buffalo, he joins the Buffalo Society. Other names of clubs are:
Thunder-bird, Elks and Wolves.
Dreams play a great part in the Indian’s life. If he dreams of a
small round stone, a sacred thing to him, he is supposed to have the
power to cure sickness, to foretell future events, to tell where objects
are which cannot be seen.
Every one of the societies or clubs has its own special songs. The
Indians also have songs of games, dances, songs of war and of the
hunt, songs celebrating the deeds of chiefs, conquering warriors,
war-path and council songs.
In the first chapter we spoke of primitive man imitating animals
and here we find that the Indians, in their societies named for
animals, imitate the acts of the clubs’ namesakes.
They have a dance called the grass dance, in which they decorate
their belts with long tufts of grass, a reminder of the days when they
wore scalps on their belts after they had been on the “war-path.” In
this dance they imitate the motions of the eagle and other birds.
Even the feathers used in their head-dress is a part of their custom of
imitating animals and birds. Some of these head-dresses are like the
comb, and the Indian who wears this will imitate the cries of the bird
to which the comb belongs. His actions always correspond with his
The Indians have lullabies and children’s game-songs,—the
moccasin game, in which they search for sticks hidden in a moccasin.
Then too, there is the Rain Dance of the Junis and the Snake Dance
of the Hopis, in which they carry rattlesnakes, sometimes holding
them between the teeth.
Dance often means a ceremony lasting several days. The Indians
are worshippers of the Sun, and have a festival, which lasts several
days, called the Sun Dance. This festival took place particularly
among the Indians of the plains: the Cheyennes, the Chippewas and
others. The last Sun Dance took place in 1882. In this the Indian
offered to the “Great Spirit” what was strongest in his nature and
training,—the ability to stand pain. Self inflicted pain was a part of
the ceremony and seemed noble to the Indian, but to the white man
it was barbarous and heathenish and he put a stop to it.
The Medicine Man

Have you ever heard of the medicine man? He is doctor, lawyer,

priest, philosopher, botanist, and musician all in one. The society of
“Grand Medicine” is the religion of the Chippewas. It teaches that
one must be good to live long. The chief aims of the society are to
bring good health and long life to its followers, and music is as
important in the healing as medicine.
Every member of the society carries a bag of herbs, the use of
which he has learned, and if called upon to heal the sick, he works
the cure by singing the right song before giving the medicine. The
medicine is not usually swallowed in proper fashion as a child takes a
dose, but it is carried by the sick person, or is placed among his
belongings, or a little wooden figure is carved roughly by the
Medicine Man and must be carried around with the herbs to heal the
patient. But the song, and it must be the right song for the occasion,
counts as much as the medicine. Wouldn’t you like to be an Indian?
Often the Medicine Man is called upon for a love-charm, for which
there is a song. There are also songs of cursing which are supposed to
work an evil charm when used with a certain kind of cursing herbs.
Both men and women may become members of the Great
Medicine Society, and they must go through eight degrees or stages
in which they are taught the use of the medicines and the songs. Each
member of the society has his own set of songs, some of which he has
composed himself and others he has had to buy for large sums of
money or goods. No man is allowed to sing another man’s song
unless he has bought the right to it. With the sale of a song goes the
herb to be used with that particular song. The ceremony is very
elaborate. It lasts for several days, and sounds very much like a story
The Chippewa Indians have had a written picture language by
means of which they read the different songs. These pictures were
usually drawn on white birch-bark. Here are a few samples:
Indian Song Picture

In form like a bird

it appears.
Indian Song Picture

On my arm behold
my pan of food.
Indian Song Picture

Wavy lines indicate

“the song.”

Straight lines
indicate “strength.”
Indian Song Picture

I have shot straight.

Indian Song Picture

The sound of
flowing water comes
toward my home.

When we tell you about American music we will speak again of the
Indian and how we have used in our own music what he has given us.
The Negro and His Music

The place of the negro in the world of music has been the cause of
many questions:
Is his music that of a primitive man?
Is it American?
Is it American Folk Music?
As we tell you the story of music we shall have to speak of the
negro music from all these different sides. But, for you to understand
why there is a question about it, we must tell you where the negro
came from and what he brought from his primitive home.
When the English first came to Virginia and founded Jamestown
in 1607 they started to grow tobacco on great plantations, and for
this they needed cheap labor. They tried to use Indians, but as the
work killed so many of them, they had negroes sent over from Africa
to do it. A year before the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth Rock in 1620,
negroes were already being sold as slaves in Virginia. Until 1808
these negroes were brought over from Africa; they were not all of one
tribe, nor were they of one race. There were Malays from
Madagascar, Movis from northern Africa, red skins and yellow skins
as well as black.
These people were primitive and they all used song and dance in
their religion, their work and their games. They brought from Africa
a great love for music and ears that heard and remembered more
than many a trained musician. A well-known writer has said that
wherever the African negro has gone, he has left traces in the music
of that country. The Spanish Habanera, which we have danced by the
name of Tango came from Africa; even the name is African,
“tangara,” and was a vulgar dance unfit for civilized people. The
rhythm of the African dance and of our tango is the same.
Like other savages, the African negro loved rhythm better than
melody. His songs were monotonous and were made up of a few
tones and short repeated phrases. They used the scale, of five tones
(called pentatonic), the same as the Indian’s.
The African negro was a master at drumming. The Indian
drumming was regular like the clock or pulse, but the negro played
most difficult and complicated rhythms, almost impossible for a
trained musician, to imitate. He had drums of all sizes and kinds.
These savages sang groups of tones which we call chords, which
were not used by any of the ancient civilized people. By means of
different rhythms they had hundreds of ways of combining the three
tones of a chord as C-E-G. It is curious that these primitive people
should have used methods more like our own than many of the races
that had reached a much higher degree of civilization.
The Africans had an original telegraph system in which they did
not use the Morse code, but sent their messages by means of drums
that were heard many miles away. They had a special drum language
which the natives understood; and the American Indians flashed
their messages over long distances by means of the reflection of the
sun on metal.
It is only a little more than a hundred years ago since we stopped
bringing these primitive people into America and making slaves of
them. Their children have become thoroughly Americanized now,
from having lived alongside of the white people all this time and
some have forgotten their African forefathers. But in the same way
that the children of Italian, German, French or Russian parents
remember the songs of their forefathers and often show traces of
these songs in the music they make, so the negro without knowing it
has kept some of the primitive traits of African music.
Later, we will tell you how this grew into two kinds of music, the
beautiful religious song called the Negro Spiritual, and the dance
which has grown into our popular ragtime and jazz.
If we were to study in detail the music of many savage tribes of
different periods from prehistoric day to the uncivilized people living
today, we should find certain points in common. They all have
festival songs, songs for religious ceremonials, for games, work
songs, war songs, hunting songs and love songs. In fact it is a
beautiful habit for primitive people to put into song everything they
do and everything they wish to remember. With them music has not
been a frill or a luxury, but a daily need and a natural means for
expressing themselves.

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