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1/19/2016 Print EXAM II REVIEW flashcards | Easy Notecards

front 1 back 1

_________focus a beam of electrons Transmission electron

through a specimen microscope

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A process that takes cells apart and

seperates the major organelles Cell fractionation

front 3 back 3

Organelle responsible for protein synthesis Ribosomes

front 4 back 4

Chloroplast are present in which types of

cells? Plant cells

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Synthesis of lipids takes place in______

endoplasmic reticulum Smooth

+1 others

1 trackers blocked
less 1/37
1/19/2016 Print EXAM II REVIEW flashcards | Easy Notecards

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This organelle consists of a membranous

sac of hydrolytic enzymes that can digest
food particles, damaged organelles, Lysosomes

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This organelle helps in cellular respiration

and generates ATP Mitochondria

front 8 back 8

Thylakoids are present in which organelle? Chloroplasts

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________ are made up of Actin filaments Microfilaments

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Name an organelles that contain their own Mitochondria
DNA Chloroplast 2/37
1/19/2016 Print EXAM II REVIEW flashcards | Easy Notecards

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_______ focus a beam of electrons onto the

surface of a specimen Scanning electron mircoscope

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Small subunit and large subunit Ribosomes

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Continuous with the nuclear envelope, with

ribosomes studding its surface Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum

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Site of protein synthesis, distributes

transport vesicles Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum

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Continuous with the nuclear envelope,

lacks ribosomes Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum 3/37
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Consists of flattened membranous sacs

called cisternae. Cis and trans face Golgi Apparatus

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Modifies, sorts and packages materials into

transport vesicles Golgi Apparatus

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Types of vacuoles Contractile

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A membranous sac which contains food Food Vacuoles

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A membranous sac in protists Contractile vacuoles 4/37
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Pump excess water out of cells Contractile vacuoles

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Membranous sac in plants Central vacuoles

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Hold organic compounds and

water Central vacuoles

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Smooth outer membrane, crostata (inner

membrane foldings), inter embrace space,
matrix contains free ribosomes

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Function in photosynthesis Chloroplasts 5/37
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Organelle with single membrane Peroxisomes

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Produce hydrogen peroxide and convert it

to water Peroxisomes

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A network of fibers extending throughout

the cytoplasm. Three types:
microfilaments, intermediate filaments, and Cytoskeleton

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Maintainence of cell shape, changes in cell

shape, muscle contraction, cytoplasmic
streaming, cell motility, cell division

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Organizes the cell's structure, shape, and

activities, anchoring many organelles Cytoskeleton 6/37
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Fibrous proteins supercoiled into thicker

cables, contains proteins from one of Intermediate filaments
proteins from keratin family

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Maintenance of cell shape, anchorage of

nucleus and certain other organelles, Intermediate filaments
formation of nuclear lamina

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Diameters in a middle range, hollow tubes;

wall consisting of 13 columns of tubulin

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Maintenance of cell shape, cell motility,

chromosome movement in cell division,
organelle movement

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Contains nuclear envelope, double

membrane, nuclear pore, nuclear lamina,
and nucleolus, and nucleoplasm
Nucleus 7/37
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Located near nucleus and microtubules

organizing center Centrosomes

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Composed of nine sets of triplets

microtubules arranged in a ring Centrioles

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Help organize microtubule

assembly Centrioles

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Locomotor appendages of animal cells Cilia and flagella

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The quality of an image depends on? Magnification, Resolution, Contrast 8/37
1/19/2016 Print EXAM II REVIEW flashcards | Easy Notecards

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Eniclosed by a membrane
What are the two properties that all cells Use DNA as their genetic
have? information

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The inner folded membrane of

mitochondria are called____________ Cristae

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The channels between the adjacent plant

cells are called__________ Plasmodesmata

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This type of junction fasten cells together

into strong sheets and are also called
anchoring junctions

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Membranes of neighboring cells are

pressed together, preventing leakage of
extracellular fluid
Tight junctions 9/37
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Provide cytoplasmic channels between

adjacent cells Gap junctions

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The ratio of an object's image size to its

real size Magnification

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The measure of the clarity of the image Resolution

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Visible differences in parts of the sample Contrast

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A selective barrier primarily made of

double layer of phospholipids Plasma membrane 10/37
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Functions of membrane
carbohydrate Cell to cell recognition

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In which type of solution will a plant cell

behave NORMAL (turgid)? Hypotonic

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Name the channel protein used for

facilitated diffusion of water across the
plasma membrane

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A type of Bulk transport where transport

vesicles release their content outside the
cell is known as?

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During _____ transport a cell must expend

energy to move a solute against its
concentration gradient
Active 11/37
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During this type of endocytosis, a cell gulps ​

vesicles (cellular drinking)

fluid ​

​into ​

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Contains DNA Nucleus

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A cell when kept in _______ solution

crenates, plasmolyses Hypertonic

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A cell when kept in _______ solution lyses Hypotonic

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A cell when kept in _______ solution is

flaccid Isotonic solution 12/37
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Diffusion of water molecule across

selectively permeable membrane is called Osmosis

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Give an example of active transport? Sodium potassium pump

Integral proteins front 63 back 63

Na+ K-
Carrier proteins
Channel proteins
Plasma membrane
Trans membrane proteins
Peripheral proteins
All of the above are components of?
front 64 back 64

How does steroid (CHOLESTROL) affect At warm temperature cholestrol restrains

membrane at cooler & warmer movement of phospholipids and at cooler
temperature? temperature it maintains fluidity by
preventing tight packing

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The movement of substances down their

concentration gradient Diffusion 13/37
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Vesicles are involved in what type of

transport Bulk transport

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Binding of ligands to receptors trigger

vesicle formation in what kinds of Bulk Receptor-mediated endocytosis

front 68 back 68

What are three types of Endocytosis Pinocytosis
Receptor-mediated endocytosis

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Movement of molecules across the cell

membrane with the help of carrier proteins Carrier mediated diffusion

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Give an example of carrier mediated

diffusion Glucose 14/37
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Molecules containing hydrophobic and

hydrophilic regions Amphipathic molecules

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1. Transport
2. Enzymatic activity
Name six major functions of membrane 3. Signal transduction
4. Cell-cell recognition
proteins 5. Intercellular joining
6. Attachment to the cytoskeleton and extra cellular
matrix (ECM)

front 73 back 73

Proteins that have a hydrophilic channel

that certain molecules or ions can use as a
Channel proteins

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Proteins that bind to molecules and change

shape to shuttle them across the membrane Carrier proteins

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The ability of a solution to cause a cell to

gain or lose water Tonicity 15/37
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A solution in which solute concentration is

the same as that inside the cell and no net
movement of water across the plasma Isotonic solution

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A solution in which solute concentration is

greater outside the cell; cell loses water Hypertonic soluotion

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A solution in which solute concentration is

greater inside the cell; cell gains waterc Hypotonic solution

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The control of water balance Osmoregulation

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In what kind of diffusion does transport

proteins speed the passive movement of Facilitated diffusion
molecules across the plasma membrane 16/37
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What kind of proteins provide corridors

that allow a specific molecule or ion to
cross the membrane
Channel protein

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Name an example of a disease caused by

malfunctions in specific transport systems

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In what kind of transport does the cell takes

in macromolecules by forming vesicles
from the plasma membrane?

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In what kind of transport does a cell engulf

a particle in a vacuole? Phagocytosis

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Any molecule that binds specifically to a

receptor site of another molecule Ligand 17/37
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______ open or close in response to a

stimulus Ion channels

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During this phase of Interphase, the DNA

duplication/replication happens Synthesis phase

front 88 back 88

Which phase of the cell cycle takes 90% of

the entire time required for cell division Interphase

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The narrow waist where two chromatids

are joined together is called Centromere

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During this phase of Mitosis, the chromatin

condenses to form chromosomes Prophase 18/37
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During this phase of Mitosis, two identical

nuclei are formed around identical sets of

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Binary fission happens in this type of

organisms Prokaryotic

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Cell plate formation and cleavage

furrowing are examples of ? Cytokinesis

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Cell plate formation takes place in? Plant cell

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Cleavage furrowing takes place

in? Animal cell 19/37
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A complex of DNA and protein is called? Chromatin

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Name the two steps of cell cycle Interphase and Mitotic phase

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Development from a fertilized cell

Key roles of cell division Growth
Repair and maintenance

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DNA molecules in a cell are packaged

into? Chromosomes

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These cells have two sets of chromosomes Somatic (non reproductive) cells 20/37
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In this phase the chromosomes line up at

the equator of the cell Metaphase

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In this phase daughter chromosomes are

pulled to opposite ends of the cell Anaphase

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DNA is wrapped around which protein? Histones

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G1 phase
Name the three stages of Interphase S phase

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The energy in the system is Constant. This is stated in which

law of Thermodynamics (1 ​ st ​
or 2 ​nd ​
) First law 21/37
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The site of enzyme where it interacts with

its substrate is called? Active site

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The non-protein helpers of the enzyme are

known as Cofactors and Coenzymes

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Examples of Coezymes Vitamins

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A reaction that releases energy is known as Exergonic reaction

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Example of endergonic reaction Photosynthesis 22/37
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What does the second law of Energy conversions increase the disorder
Thermodynamics say

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Name the components of ATP Ribose
Three phosphate groups

front 113 back 113

The target molecule of an enzyme Substrate

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These inhibitors compete for enzyme's

active site and block substrates from Competitive inhibitors
entering active site

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These inhibitors bind at allosteric sites,

change shape of the enzyme Noncompetitive inhibitors 23/37
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Zn, Fe, or Cu are examples of Cofactors

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Energy of motion Kinetic energy

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Energy as a result of its location Potential energy

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The capacity to do work Energy

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Cellular respiration is a example of Exergonic reaction 24/37
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Requires an input of energy and yields

products rich in potential energy Endergonic reaction

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How many ATP molecule(s) are formed

through the complete oxidation of one
glucose molecule during cellular 38 ATPs

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Name the molecule which acts as the final

electron acceptor of the hydrogen ion and
converts it into water

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Which molecule is oxidized during cellular

respiration Glucose

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How many ATP molecules are formed

during energy pay-off phase of glycolysis 4 ATPs 25/37
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Which steps of cellular respiration involve Glycolysis and Kreb cycle (citric acid
substrate level phosphorylation cycle)

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During the Bridge reaction, Pyruvic acid is

converted to? Acetyl CoA

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2​are? Electron carriers

front 129 back 129

How many total NADH molecule(s) are

formed during the Kreb cycle (ONE

front 130 back 130

What is the location/site for Electron

transport chain Cristae of Mitochondria 26/37
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The process through which glucose molecules are converted

into ethanol and CO ​
2​in the absence of oxygen is known as Alcohol fermentation

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Substance gains electrons Reduction

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Oxidation and reduction reactions are

called Redox reactions

front 134 back 134

What is the net ATPS and NADH gain at

the end of Glycolysis? 2 ATPs and 2 NADHs

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Where does glycolysis takes

place? Cytosol/Cytoplasm 27/37
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The Krebs cycle

and ______FADH2 per one glucose 2 ATP, 6 NADH, and 2 FADH ​
2 ​

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Which step of cellular respiration generates

90% of ATP? Oxidative phosphorylation

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What is the location of chemiosmosis? Mitochondrial matrix

front 139 back 139

Intermediate step/bridge reaction

Which steps of cellular respiration require Krebs cycle
oxygen Oxidative phosphorylation

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How many ATPs are produced during

substrate level phosphorylation? 4 ATPs 28/37
1/19/2016 Print EXAM II REVIEW flashcards | Easy Notecards

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Where does bridge reaction takes place? Mitochondrion

front 142 back 142

What percentage of energy of a glucose

molecule is converted into ATP? 40%

front 143 back 143

Cheese and yogurt are formed through

what type of fermentation? Lactic acid fermentation

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Substrate level phosphorylation generates

what percentage of total ATP produced
during cellular respiration?

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What organic molecule is produced at the

end of glycolysis? Pyruvic acid 29/37
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These organisms are producers of the

biosphere Autotrophs

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These organisms are the consumers of the

biosphere Heterotrophs

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The green pigment within chloroplast Chlorophyll

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CO2 enters and O2 exits the lead through

these microscopic pores Stomata

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Connected sacs in the

chloroplasts Thylakoids 30/37
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Thylakoids stacked in columns Grana

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A dense fluid in chloroplast Stroma

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The process that converts solar energy into

chemical energy Photosynthesis

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Photo in photosynthesis means? Light reaction

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Synthesis in photosynthesis Calvin cycle or dark reaction

means? 31/37
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What are the reactants for photosynthesis? Carbon dioxide and water

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What are the products of photosynthesis? Glucose, water, and oxygen

front 158 back 158

What is oxidized and reduced in Water is oxidized and carbon dioxide is

photosynthesis? reduced

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Where does light reaction takes place? Thylakoids membrane

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Where does Calvin cycle takes place? Stroma 32/37
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Which stage of photosynthesis produces

oxygen? Light reaction

front 162 back 162

Name the organic molecule formed during

dark reaction Sugar

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Which photosystem releases

NADPH? Photosystem I

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P700 is the other name for which

photosystem? Photosystem I

front 165 back 165

The distance between crest of waves Wavelength 33/37
1/19/2016 Print EXAM II REVIEW flashcards | Easy Notecards

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Lower wavelength =? More energy

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Consists of wavelengths that drive

photosynthesis Visible light

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Light consists of discrete particles called? Photons

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Substances that absorb visible light Pigments

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These assessor pigments absorb excessive

light that would damage chlorophylll Carotenoids 34/37
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Which photosystem functions

first Photosystem II

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In which stage of light reaction the water

molecule is split? Photosystem II

front 173 back 173

What is the other name for Calvin cycle? Dark reaction

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During which stage of photosynthesis,

sugar is produced? Dark reaction or Calvin cycle

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Which stage of photosynthesis requires

carbon dioxide? Calvin cycle 35/37
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1. Carbon fixation
Three phases of Calvin cycle in order 2. Reduction
3. Regeneration of the CO2 acceptor

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Carbon fixation is catalyzed by? Rubisco

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Name the organic molecule which is

regenerated in the Calvin cycle Ribulose bisphosphate

front 179 back 179

What is the name of the sugar produced Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate

during Calvin cycle? (G3P)

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ATP and NADPH is used up during which

stage of photosynthesis? Calvin cycle 36/37
1/19/2016 Print EXAM II REVIEW flashcards | Easy Notecards

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How many molecules of CO ​ 2​

are fixed for
Three molecules of CO ​
net synthesis of 1G3P? 37/37

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