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Characters: girl Rosy, mom Megan, Head of Children's Home Margaret, boy Mike and children.

First situation:
Mom: Rosy, why are you sad?
Rosy: Because you give my toys to other children, I want to play too.
Mom: Rosy, don't be rude and ungrateful, some kids have nothing and you have everything and you just want

Second situation:
Boss Margaret: Good afternoon, what did you need?
Mom Megan: Hi, we brought a present for the kids, can we come in?
Miss Margaret: Yes, of course, come to the living room, the children will be delighted.
Third situation:
Mom: Hello everyone, my daughter and I have given away toys for all of you, run quickly to get them.
Boy: what beautiful toys, I've never had a toy like this.
Fourth situation:
Rosy: What, where is our umbrella, that boy must have stolen it. (speaks softly)

Rosy: Hey, what are you doing? Where's my umbrella? Open the closet quickly?
Boy Mike: Let me go, I didn't take anything, get out of here, don't come near me.
Rosy: Give me back my umbrella now, give it back.
Fourth situation:
Mom: Uh, what's that sound, as if something collapsed?
Margaret: Let's run upstairs.
Mom: What happened to Rosy, are you okay?
Rosy: He stole our umbrella and hid it in the closet.
Mike: My dad had an umbrella like that.
Sixth situation: Dad, where are we going this late?
Dad: Son, I have no other choice, I can't see you hungry and sick, you will be looked after and protected here,
you will have everything. And I love you forever, wherever we are, take care and listen to others.
Mike: But dad, why do I have to be alone?
Dad: I love you and take care,
Seventh situation:
Mike: And yes, that's why I took the umbrella.
Mom: Rosy, give Miku an umbrella, we'll take another one.
Rosy: Here's the umbrella Mike, and I'm sorry for acting like this.
Mike: Thank you very much, this will remind me of my father.
fifty years later.
Girl Lily: Hello, can I buy a yellow umbrella?
Old Man Mike: Of course little girl.
Old man: That's my father, that's my father, stop please, stop.
Old Rosy: My Mike, you made up your mind, don't worry, get up, let's rest.
In this short film, it is about a girl and her mother who set out to give away old toys to children in a children's
home. The little girl was angry because her mom was going to give away her toys so she was angry. Mom told
her that those children don't have many toys and share everything with each other, but she has a lot. They
arrived and the door was opened by the director who asked what they wanted and let them enter the house.
The children were delighted with the toys they received, and the little girl Rosy observed them and noticed
that her umbrella was missing. She saw water on the stairs, and knew that a boy had taken her umbrella. She
went upstairs and saw him putting it in the closet and rudely told him what he was doing. He got scared and
said that nothing was working and that he had not taken anything. They pushed each other and things fell on
the floor. Her mom and Miss Margaret heard this and ran to see what was going on and saw the two of them
sitting on the floor. They found out what happened, and the boy looked at his pictures and papers and
remembered his father who had the same umbrella and walked with him and looked for food to survive. He
said he only took the umbrella to remember him. Rosy gave him an umbrella and apologized.
Fifty years later, Rosy and Mike have their own umbrella shop and Mike sells the girl a yellow umbrella. Later,
he saw his father in front of the store and ran after him, but he fell and realized that he only imagined it. Rosy
came to help him up and calm him down because she knew there was no way his father was there.

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