Structural Analysis I (Lecture Notes) Shear Diagram

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Structural Analysis I (Lecture Notes) Shear Diagram

This lecture covers the analysis of a suspension bridge subjected to uniformly distributed loads.
Consider the pedestrian bridge shown in Figure 1. The deck of the bridge hangs freely from two
main cables via a series of vertical hangers. We wish to determine the maximum tension force
in the main cables and the reaction forces at the posts.

main cable

Vertical hanger

Figure 1: A pedestrian suspension bridge

The key dimensions of the bridge are shown in Figure 2. The bridge has a length of 25 meters
and a width of 1 meter. The distance from the top of the bridge to the deck is 3.65 meters. Each
main cable has a maximum sag of 3.05 meters.

Figure 2: The key dimensions of a pedestrian suspension bridge

Let’s assume that the total weight of the bridge deck is 10 kN. Since this weight is to be
supported by two cables, each cable must carry a load of 5 kN (or 5000 N). Given that the
bridge is 25 meters in length, the uniformly distributed load acting on each cable equals
5000/25, or 200 N/m.
The two-dimensional view of the cable subjected to the distributed load is shown in Figure 3.


Structural Analysis I (Lecture Notes) Shear and Moment Equations

Figure 3: A suspension bridge subjected to a uniformly distributed load

As shown above, the ends of the cable are treated as pin connections.
We start the analysis by drawing the free-body diagram of the entire system (see Figure 4).

Figure 4: The free-body diagram of a suspension bridge subjected to a uniformly distributed load
Note the location of the origin of the coordinate system. It is placed at the center of the cable,
where the tangent line to the curve is horizontal.
If we cut the cable at the origin, we can draw the free-body diagram of the right half of the
cable as shown below.

Figure 5: The free-body diagram of a cable bridge segment under a distributed load


Structural Analysis I (Lecture Notes) Shear and Moment Equations

The diagram shows three unknown forces: B x , B y , and T0 . The unknowns are: the reaction
forces at support B, and the horizontal tension force ( T0 ) at the lowest point of the cable. We
can determine T0 using Equation [1].

 M@B = 3.05T0 − 200(12.5)(12.5 / 2) = 0  T0 =5123 N [1]

The remaining unknown forces( B x and B y ) can be determined using the following equilibrium
equations which are derived from the free-body diagram in Figure 5.

 Fx = B x − T0 = 0 B x − 5123 = 0 B x = 5123 N [2]

 Fy = By − 200(12.5) = 0 By = 2500 N [3]

Finally, using the free-body diagram shown in Figure 4, we can determine the reaction forces at
support A, as shown below.

 Fx = B x − A x = 0 5123 − A x = 0  A x = 5123 N [4]

 Fy = Ay + By − 200(25) = 0  A y + 2500 − 200(25) = 0  A y = 2500 N [5]

Suppose we wish to come up with an equation for the tension force in the cable. Such an
equation could be useful for determining the location and magnitude of the maximum tensile
force that the system must be able to carry.
To arrive at such a solution, we start by writing a parabolic equation describing the shape of the
cable. Per our introductory lecture on cables, for the system shown in Figure 4, the equation
can be written as:

y = wx 2 / 2T0 [6]

Since w = 200 N/m and T0 = 5123 N , we can rewrite Equation [6] as:

y = 200x 2 / 2(5123) =100x 2 /5123 [7]

The above equation gives the height of the cable, measured from the origin, at an arbitrary
position x. If we cut a segment of the cable to the right of the origin (see Figure 6), Equation [7]
gives height y.


Structural Analysis I (Lecture Notes) Shear and Moment Equations

Figure 6: The free-body diagram of a segment of a cable subjected to a distributed load

We can determine Tx and Ty shown in the above free-body diagram using the static equilibrium
equations, as shown below.

 Fx = Tx − 5123 = 0  Tx = 5123 N [8]

 Fy = Ty − 200x = 0  Ty = 200x [9]

Tx and Ty are the x and y components of the tension force (T) in the cable at position x.
Therefore, we can express T using the Pythagorean Theorem.

T = Tx2 + Ty2 = 51232 + (200x)2
Now using Equation [10], we can determine the magnitude and location of the maximum
tension force in the cable.

According to Equation [10], tension in the cable reaches its maximum state when x attains its
maximum value. For the bridge under consideration, the maximum value for x is 12.5. Therefore,
the maximum tension force in the cable can be calculated as shown below.
T = 5123 2 + (20012.5)2 = 5700 N

Hence, tension in the cable reaches its maximum value of 5700 N at the supports where
x =12.5 m .

Now, suppose we wish to determine the entire length of the cable. This length can be
calculated using the parabola that defines the cable’s shape.


Structural Analysis I (Lecture Notes) Shear and Moment Equations

Figure 7: An infinitesimal element of a cable with a parabolic shape

Figure 7 shows an infinitesimal segment of the cable with length ds. Given the small length of
the segment, we can assume it to be a straight line, forming a right triangle with base 1 and
height dy/dx . Therefore, according to the Pythagorean Theorem, we can write:

ds = 12 + (dy/ dx)2
If we take the derivative of y with respect to x in Equation [7], we get: dy/dx = 200x/5123 .
Substituting 200x / 5123 for dy/dx in Equation [12], we get the following equation.

ds = 12 + (200x / 5123)2

The integral of Equation [13] yields half the length of the cable. This length can be written as:
12.5 [14]
s =  ds =  12 + (200x / 5123)2 dx

In the above equation, s is the length of the cable from the origin of the coordinate system to
the right end of the cable. Solving for s, we get: s =12.98 m . Therefore, the total length of the
cable is 2 12.98 , or 25.96 m .
Now let’s consider a scenario where one or more concentrated loads are present on the bridge.
The percise analysis of a suspension bridge under concentrated loads is rather involved and
outside the scope of our introductory structural analysis discussion. However, we can arrive at a
reasonable approximate solution by assuming that the cable remains parabolic in shape
regardless of the position or magnitude of the concentrated loads. That is, the cable behaves as
if it were subjected to a uniformly distributed load, even when concentrated loads are present.
Therefore, we can replace a series of concentrated loads with an equivalent distributed load
and proceed with our analysis as before.
Structural Analysis I (Lecture Notes) Shear and Moment Equations

Consider the loading scenario shown in Figure 8. Suppose the sum of the four concentrated
loads placed on the bridge ( P1 through P4 ) is 4000 N.

Figure 8: A suspension bridge subjected to a series of concentrated loads

Since the bridge length is 25 meters, the equivalent uniformly distributed load for the
concentrated loads equals: 4000/ 25 =160 N/m . Figure 9 shows the bridge under the
equivalent distributed load.

Figure 9: An equivalent distributed load for a series of concentrated loads on a bridge

We can analyze the bridge shown above using the same procedure we followed when only a
uniformly distributed load was present. However, before we proceed with the analysis, let’s
determine the total load by combining the dead and live loads.
We can arrive at the total distributed load on the bridge by adding the dead load of 200 N/m to
the live load of 160 N/m. Therefore, the total distributed load equals 360 N/m. Please keep in
mind that in this analysis example, we are ignoring the load combination factors that usually
govern the design of structures. For example, if we were to design the bridge, we would have
considered a series of load combination equations (e.g., 1.2 Dead Load + 1.6 Live Load) in order
to determine the critical forces (or stresses) in the structural members. Here, however, since
our focus is on analysis rather than design, no load combination equations will be used.


Structural Analysis I (Lecture Notes) Shear and Moment Equations

Figure 10 shows the free-body diagram of the cable system under the total distributed load.

Figure 10: A suspension bridge under combined distributed dead and live loads
We can determine the tension force in the cable at its lowest point by cutting the cable at its
midpoint, drawing the free-body diagram for the right segment of the cable, and writing the
moment equilibrium equation about point B, as depicted below.

Figure 11: The free-body diagram of the right segment of a cable subjected to a distributed load

 M@B = 3.05T0 − 360(12.5)(12.5 / 2) = 0  T0 = 9221 N [15]

Knowing T0 , we can calculate the support reactions at B as follows.

 Fx = B x − T0 = 0 B x − 9221= 0 B x = 9221 N [16]

 Fy = By − 360(12.5) = 0 By = 4500 N [17]

Given the symmetrical nature of the system and the load, we can conclude that the reactions at
end A are identical to those at end B, as shown in Figure 12.


Structural Analysis I (Lecture Notes) Shear and Moment Equations

Figure 12: The reaction forces for a simple suspension bridge subjected to a distributed load
Since we have already determined that the maximum tension force in a suspension bridge
develops at its supports, we can calculate Tmax using the reaction forces shown in Figure 12.

Tmax = 92212 + 4500 2 = 10260 N

According to the above equation, the maximum tension force in the cable due to the dead and
live loads is 10,260 N. This maximum force develops in the cable at ends A and B.
In this lecture, we discussed the analysis of a suspension cable bridge under distributed loads,
and demonstrated how to convert concentrated loads to an equivalent distributed load, when
needed. Please keep in mind that this is an approximate technique. When more accurate
results are required, more advanced techniques should be employed to analyze the system.

Exercise Problems
1. If the tension force in the cable is not to exceed 20 kN, determine the maximum load
(w) that the system can support.

2. Determine the support reactions and maximum tension force in the cable shown below.


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