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______________________________________lnL; iklcqd / Member Passbook______________________________________

LFkkiuk vkbZMh@uke | Establishment ID/Name GRVSP0031842000 / MAHATHI MODEL HIGH SCHOL, NEAR PETROL BUNK
lnL; vkbZMh@uke | Member ID/Name GRVSP00318420000000249 / PADMALOCHAN OJHA
tUe frfFk | DOB 20-MAY-1967
;w , u | UAN 100499968591

bZih,Q iklcqd foRrh; o"kZ 2014-2015 EPF Passbook [ Financial Year - 2014-2015 ]
osru ekg / fooj.k / Particulars tek bZih,Q bZih,l tek / Deposit fudklh / isU'ku
Wage fudklh osru / osru / Withdrawal vU'knku /
Month fnukaWd / EPF EPS Pension
Date of Wages Wages deZpkjh fu;ksDrk deZpkjh fu;ksDrk Contribu
Credit / vU'knku / vU'knku / vU'knku vU'knku
/ tion
Employee Employer /Employee Employer
Withdra Share Share Share Share
Opening Balance 0 0 0

MAR-2014 Cont. for Due-Month 042014 0 0 0

APR-2014 Cont. for Due-Month 052014 0 0 0

MAY-2014 Cont. for Due-Month 062014 0 0 0

JUN-2014 Cont. for Due-Month 072014 0 0 0

JUL-2014 Cont. for Due-Month 082014 0 0 0

AUG-2014 Cont. for Due-Month 092014 0 0 0

SEP-2014 Cont. For Due-Month 102014 21-10-2014 4,410 4,410 529 162 367

OCT-2014 Cont. For Due-Month 112014 20-11-2014 4,410 4,410 529 162 367

NOV-2014 Cont. For Due-Month 122014 20-01-2015 4,410 4,410 529 162 367

DEC-2014 Cont. For Due-Month 012015 09-01-2015 4,410 4,410 529 162 367

JAN-2015 Cont. For Due-Month 022015 18-02-2015 4,410 4,410 529 162 367

FEB-2015 Cont. For Due-Month 032015 12-03-2015 4,410 4,410 529 162 367

Int. Updated upto 31/03/2015 58 18 0

Closing Balance 3,232 990 2,202

--fooj.k dh lekfIr-- eqfnzr 22-07-2022 14:20:37

--End Of Statement-- Printed On
izfr[;ku & mij nh xbZ tkudkjh dsUnzh; loZj ij nh xbZ tkudkjh ds vk/kkj ij gSA ;g tkudkjh dkuwuh iz;kstu ds fy, mi;ksx ugha dh tk ldrh gSaA
Disclaimer - Information shown above is based on available data on central server.This information may not be use for legal purpose.
* Please never respond to any call for sharing any personal details like Aadhar, PAN, Bank details, OTP or request for any payment.
* EPFO never calls members/ pensioners to deposit any amount.
* Please do not make any payment based on any such call.

GRVSP00318420000000249 Page 1 of 7
______________________________________lnL; iklcqd / Member Passbook______________________________________
LFkkiuk vkbZMh@uke | Establishment ID/Name GRVSP0031842000 / MAHATHI MODEL HIGH SCHOL, NEAR PETROL BUNK
lnL; vkbZMh@uke | Member ID/Name GRVSP00318420000000249 / PADMALOCHAN OJHA
tUe frfFk | DOB 20-MAY-1967
;w , u | UAN 100499968591

bZih,Q iklcqd foRrh; o"kZ 2015-2016 EPF Passbook [ Financial Year - 2015-2016 ]
osru ekg / fooj.k / Particulars tek bZih,Q bZih,l tek / Deposit fudklh / isU'ku
Wage fudklh osru / osru / Withdrawal vU'knku /
Month fnukaWd / EPF EPS Pension
Date of Wages Wages deZpkjh fu;ksDrk deZpkjh fu;ksDrk Contribu
Credit / vU'knku / vU'knku / vU'knku vU'knku
/ tion
Employee Employer /Employee Employer
Withdra Share Share Share Share
Opening Balance 3,232 990 2,202

MAR-2015 Cont. For Due-Month 042015 13-04-2015 4,410 4,410 529 162 367

APR-2015 Cont. For Due-Month 052015 13-05-2015 4,410 4,410 529 162 367

MAY-2015 Cont. For Due-Month 062015 17-06-2015 4,410 4,410 529 162 367

JUN-2015 Cont. For Due-Month 072015 30-07-2015 4,410 4,410 529 162 367

JUL-2015 Cont. For Due-Month 082015 18-08-2015 4,800 4,800 576 176 400

AUG-2015 Cont. For Due-Month 092015 21-09-2015 4,800 4,800 576 176 400

SEP-2015 Cont. For Due-Month 102015 13-10-2015 4,800 4,800 576 176 400

OCT-2015 Cont. For Due-Month 112015 20-11-2015 4,800 4,800 576 176 400

NOV-2015 Cont. For Due-Month 122015 13-01-2016 4,800 4,800 576 176 400

DEC-2015 Cont. For Due-Month 012016 11-01-2016 4,800 4,800 576 176 400

JAN-2016 Cont. For Due-Month 022016 01-03-2016 4,800 4,800 576 176 400

FEB-2016 Cont. For Due-Month 032016 29-03-2016 4,800 4,800 576 176 400

Int. Updated upto 31/03/2016 550 168 0

Closing Balance 10,506 3,214 6,870

--fooj.k dh lekfIr-- eqfnzr 22-07-2022 14:20:37

--End Of Statement-- Printed On
izfr[;ku & mij nh xbZ tkudkjh dsUnzh; loZj ij nh xbZ tkudkjh ds vk/kkj ij gSA ;g tkudkjh dkuwuh iz;kstu ds fy, mi;ksx ugha dh tk ldrh gSaA
Disclaimer - Information shown above is based on available data on central server.This information may not be use for legal purpose.
* Please never respond to any call for sharing any personal details like Aadhar, PAN, Bank details, OTP or request for any payment.
* EPFO never calls members/ pensioners to deposit any amount.
* Please do not make any payment based on any such call.

GRVSP00318420000000249 Page 2 of 7
______________________________________lnL; iklcqd / Member Passbook______________________________________
LFkkiuk vkbZMh@uke | Establishment ID/Name GRVSP0031842000 / MAHATHI MODEL HIGH SCHOL, NEAR PETROL BUNK
lnL; vkbZMh@uke | Member ID/Name GRVSP00318420000000249 / PADMALOCHAN OJHA
tUe frfFk | DOB 20-MAY-1967
;w , u | UAN 100499968591

bZih,Q iklcqd foRrh; o"kZ 2016-2017 EPF Passbook [ Financial Year - 2016-2017 ]
osru ekg / fooj.k / Particulars tek bZih,Q bZih,l tek / Deposit fudklh / isU'ku
Wage fudklh osru / osru / Withdrawal vU'knku /
Month fnukaWd / EPF EPS Pension
Date of Wages Wages deZpkjh fu;ksDrk deZpkjh fu;ksDrk Contribu
Credit / vU'knku / vU'knku / vU'knku vU'knku
/ tion
Employee Employer /Employee Employer
Withdra Share Share Share Share
Opening Balance 10,506 3,214 6,870

MAR-2016 Cont. For Due-Month 042016 17-04-2016 4,800 4,800 576 176 400

APR-2016 Cont. For Due-Month 052016 17-05-2016 4,800 4,800 576 176 400

MAY-2016 Cont. For Due-Month 062016 23-06-2016 4,800 4,800 576 176 400

JUN-2016 Cont. For Due-Month 072016 17-07-2016 4,800 4,800 576 176 400

JUL-2016 Cont. For Due-Month 082016 18-08-2016 4,800 4,800 576 176 400

AUG-2016 Cont. For Due-Month 092016 17-09-2016 4,800 4,800 576 176 400

SEP-2016 Cont. For Due-Month 102016 22-10-2016 4,800 4,800 576 176 400

OCT-2016 Cont. For Due-Month 112016 16-11-2016 4,800 4,800 576 176 400

NOV-2016 Cont. For Due-Month 122016 16-12-2016 4,800 4,800 576 176 400

DEC-2016 Cont. For Due-Month 012017 12-01-2017 4,800 4,800 576 176 400

JAN-2017 Cont. For Due-Month 022017 15-02-2017 4,800 4,800 576 176 400

FEB-2017 Cont. for Due-Month 032017 0 0 0

Int. Updated upto 31/03/2017 1,183 362 0

Closing Balance 18,025 5,512 11,270

--fooj.k dh lekfIr-- eqfnzr 22-07-2022 14:20:37

--End Of Statement-- Printed On
izfr[;ku & mij nh xbZ tkudkjh dsUnzh; loZj ij nh xbZ tkudkjh ds vk/kkj ij gSA ;g tkudkjh dkuwuh iz;kstu ds fy, mi;ksx ugha dh tk ldrh gSaA
Disclaimer - Information shown above is based on available data on central server.This information may not be use for legal purpose.
* Please never respond to any call for sharing any personal details like Aadhar, PAN, Bank details, OTP or request for any payment.
* EPFO never calls members/ pensioners to deposit any amount.
* Please do not make any payment based on any such call.

GRVSP00318420000000249 Page 3 of 7
______________________________________lnL; iklcqd / Member Passbook______________________________________
LFkkiuk vkbZMh@uke | Establishment ID/Name GRVSP0031842000 / MAHATHI MODEL HIGH SCHOL, NEAR PETROL BUNK
lnL; vkbZMh@uke | Member ID/Name GRVSP00318420000000249 / PADMALOCHAN OJHA
tUe frfFk | DOB 20-MAY-1967
;w , u | UAN 100499968591

bZih,Q iklcqd foRrh; o"kZ 2017-2018 EPF Passbook [ Financial Year - 2017-2018 ]
osru ekg / fooj.k / Particulars tek bZih,Q bZih,l tek / Deposit fudklh / isU'ku
Wage fudklh osru / osru / Withdrawal vU'knku /
Month fnukaWd / EPF EPS Pension
Date of Wages Wages deZpkjh fu;ksDrk deZpkjh fu;ksDrk Contribu
Credit / vU'knku / vU'knku / vU'knku vU'knku
/ tion
Employee Employer /Employee Employer
Withdra Share Share Share Share
Opening Balance 18,025 5,512 11,270

OB Adjustment- ( AUTO APPENDIX BACK PERIOD )- IPR(Back Period) (2016-2017)-Contribution only 576 176 400

MAR-2017 Cont. For Due-Month 042017 13-04-2017 4,800 4,800 576 176 400

APR-2017 Cont. For Due-Month 052017 13-05-2017 4,800 4,800 576 176 400

MAY-2017 Cont. For Due-Month 062017 16-06-2017 4,800 4,800 576 176 400

JUN-2017 Cont. For Due-Month 072017 15-07-2017 4,800 4,800 576 176 400

JUL-2017 Cont. For Due-Month 082017 12-08-2017 5,160 5,160 619 189 430

AUG-2017 Cont. For Due-Month 092017 15-09-2017 5,160 5,160 619 189 430

SEP-2017 Cont. For Due-Month 102017 13-10-2017 5,160 5,160 619 189 430

OCT-2017 Cont. For Due-Month 112017 15-11-2017 5,160 5,160 619 189 430

NOV-2017 Cont. For Due-Month 122017 13-12-2017 5,160 5,160 619 189 430

DEC-2017 Cont. For Due-Month 012018 10-01-2018 5,160 5,160 619 189 430

JAN-2018 Cont. For Due-Month 022018 14-02-2018 5,160 5,160 619 189 430

FEB-2018 Cont. For Due-Month 032018 14-03-2018 5,160 5,160 619 189 430

Int. Updated upto 31/03/2018 1,870 572 0

Closing Balance 27,727 8,476 16,710

--fooj.k dh lekfIr-- eqfnzr 22-07-2022 14:20:37

--End Of Statement-- Printed On
izfr[;ku & mij nh xbZ tkudkjh dsUnzh; loZj ij nh xbZ tkudkjh ds vk/kkj ij gSA ;g tkudkjh dkuwuh iz;kstu ds fy, mi;ksx ugha dh tk ldrh gSaA
Disclaimer - Information shown above is based on available data on central server.This information may not be use for legal purpose.
* Please never respond to any call for sharing any personal details like Aadhar, PAN, Bank details, OTP or request for any payment.
* EPFO never calls members/ pensioners to deposit any amount.
* Please do not make any payment based on any such call.

GRVSP00318420000000249 Page 4 of 7
______________________________________lnL; iklcqd / Member Passbook______________________________________
LFkkiuk vkbZMh@uke | Establishment ID/Name GRVSP0031842000 / MAHATHI MODEL HIGH SCHOL, NEAR PETROL BUNK
lnL; vkbZMh@uke | Member ID/Name GRVSP00318420000000249 / PADMALOCHAN OJHA
tUe frfFk | DOB 20-MAY-1967
;w , u | UAN 100499968591

bZih,Q iklcqd foRrh; o"kZ 2018-2019 EPF Passbook [ Financial Year - 2018-2019 ]
osru ekg / fooj.k / Particulars tek bZih,Q bZih,l tek / Deposit fudklh / isU'ku
Wage fudklh osru / osru / Withdrawal vU'knku /
Month fnukaWd / EPF EPS Pension
Date of Wages Wages deZpkjh fu;ksDrk deZpkjh fu;ksDrk Contribu
Credit / vU'knku / vU'knku / vU'knku vU'knku
/ tion
Employee Employer /Employee Employer
Withdra Share Share Share Share
Opening Balance 27,727 8,476 16,710

MAR-2018 Cont. For Due-Month 042018 13-04-2018 5,160 5,160 619 189 430

APR-2018 Cont. For Due-Month 052018 14-05-2018 5,160 5,160 619 189 430

MAY-2018 Cont. For Due-Month 062018 18-06-2018 5,160 5,160 619 189 430

JUN-2018 Cont. For Due-Month 072018 14-07-2018 5,160 5,160 619 189 430

JUL-2018 Cont. For Due-Month 082018 15-08-2018 5,160 5,160 619 189 430

AUG-2018 Cont. For Due-Month 092018 14-09-2018 5,160 5,160 619 189 430

SEP-2018 Cont. For Due-Month 102018 12-10-2018 5,160 5,160 619 189 430

OCT-2018 Cont. For Due-Month 112018 15-11-2018 5,160 5,160 619 189 430

NOV-2018 Cont. For Due-Month 122018 15-12-2018 5,160 5,160 619 189 430

DEC-2018 Cont. For Due-Month 012019 11-01-2019 5,160 5,160 619 189 430

JAN-2019 Cont. For Due-Month 022019 14-02-2019 5,160 5,160 619 189 430

FEB-2019 Cont. For Due-Month 032019 13-03-2019 5,160 5,160 619 189 430

Int. Updated upto 31/03/2019 2,693 823 0

Closing Balance 37,848 11,567 21,870

--fooj.k dh lekfIr-- eqfnzr 22-07-2022 14:20:37

--End Of Statement-- Printed On
izfr[;ku & mij nh xbZ tkudkjh dsUnzh; loZj ij nh xbZ tkudkjh ds vk/kkj ij gSA ;g tkudkjh dkuwuh iz;kstu ds fy, mi;ksx ugha dh tk ldrh gSaA
Disclaimer - Information shown above is based on available data on central server.This information may not be use for legal purpose.
* Please never respond to any call for sharing any personal details like Aadhar, PAN, Bank details, OTP or request for any payment.
* EPFO never calls members/ pensioners to deposit any amount.
* Please do not make any payment based on any such call.

GRVSP00318420000000249 Page 5 of 7
______________________________________lnL; iklcqd / Member Passbook______________________________________
LFkkiuk vkbZMh@uke | Establishment ID/Name GRVSP0031842000 / MAHATHI MODEL HIGH SCHOL, NEAR PETROL BUNK
lnL; vkbZMh@uke | Member ID/Name GRVSP00318420000000249 / PADMALOCHAN OJHA
tUe frfFk | DOB 20-MAY-1967
;w , u | UAN 100499968591

bZih,Q iklcqd foRrh; o"kZ 2019-2020 EPF Passbook [ Financial Year - 2019-2020 ]
osru ekg / fooj.k / Particulars tek bZih,Q bZih,l tek / Deposit fudklh / isU'ku
Wage fudklh osru / osru / Withdrawal vU'knku /
Month fnukaWd / EPF EPS Pension
Date of Wages Wages deZpkjh fu;ksDrk deZpkjh fu;ksDrk Contribu
Credit / vU'knku / vU'knku / vU'knku vU'knku
/ tion
Employee Employer /Employee Employer
Withdra Share Share Share Share
Opening Balance 37,848 11,567 21,870

MAR-2019 Cont. For Due-Month 042019 15-04-2019 5,160 5,160 619 189 430

APR-2019 Cont. For Due-Month 052019 14-05-2019 5,160 5,160 619 189 430

MAY-2019 Cont. For Due-Month 062019 15-06-2019 5,160 5,160 619 189 430

JUN-2019 Cont. For Due-Month 072019 15-07-2019 5,160 5,160 619 189 430

JUL-2019 Cont. For Due-Month 082019 14-08-2019 5,640 5,640 677 207 470

AUG-2019 Cont. For Due-Month 092019 14-09-2019 5,640 5,640 677 207 470

SEP-2019 Cont. For Due-Month 102019 15-10-2019 5,640 5,640 677 207 470

OCT-2019 Cont. For Due-Month 112019 14-11-2019 5,640 5,640 677 207 470

NOV-2019 Cont. For Due-Month 122019 13-12-2019 5,640 5,640 677 207 470

DEC-2019 Cont. For Due-Month 012020 09-01-2020 5,640 5,640 677 207 470

JAN-2020 Cont. For Due-Month 022020 10-02-2020 5,640 5,640 677 207 470

FEB-2020 Cont. For Due-Month 032020 10-03-2020 5,640 5,640 677 207 470

Int. Updated upto 31/03/2020 3,518 1,075 0

Closing Balance 49,258 15,054 27,350

--fooj.k dh lekfIr-- eqfnzr 22-07-2022 14:20:37

--End Of Statement-- Printed On
izfr[;ku & mij nh xbZ tkudkjh dsUnzh; loZj ij nh xbZ tkudkjh ds vk/kkj ij gSA ;g tkudkjh dkuwuh iz;kstu ds fy, mi;ksx ugha dh tk ldrh gSaA
Disclaimer - Information shown above is based on available data on central server.This information may not be use for legal purpose.
* Please never respond to any call for sharing any personal details like Aadhar, PAN, Bank details, OTP or request for any payment.
* EPFO never calls members/ pensioners to deposit any amount.
* Please do not make any payment based on any such call.

GRVSP00318420000000249 Page 6 of 7
______________________________________lnL; iklcqd / Member Passbook______________________________________
LFkkiuk vkbZMh@uke | Establishment ID/Name GRVSP0031842000 / MAHATHI MODEL HIGH SCHOL, NEAR PETROL BUNK
lnL; vkbZMh@uke | Member ID/Name GRVSP00318420000000249 / PADMALOCHAN OJHA
tUe frfFk | DOB 20-MAY-1967
;w , u | UAN 100499968591

bZih,Q iklcqd foRrh; o"kZ 2020-2021 EPF Passbook [ Financial Year - 2020-2021 ]
osru ekg / fooj.k / Particulars tek bZih,Q bZih,l tek / Deposit fudklh / isU'ku
Wage fudklh osru / osru / Withdrawal vU'knku /
Month fnukaWd / EPF EPS Pension
Date of Wages Wages deZpkjh fu;ksDrk deZpkjh fu;ksDrk Contribu
Credit / vU'knku / vU'knku / vU'knku vU'knku
/ tion
Employee Employer /Employee Employer
Withdra Share Share Share Share
Opening Balance 49,258 15,054 27,350

MAR-2020 Cont. For Due-Month 042020 15-04-2020 3,760 3,760 451 138 313

APR-2020 Cont. For Due-Month 052020 15-05-2020 2,820 2,820 338 103 235

MAY-2020 Cont. for Due-Month 062020 0 0 0

JUN-2020 Cont. for Due-Month 072020 0 0 0

JUL-2020 Cont. for Due-Month 082020 0 0 0

AUG-2020 Cont. for Due-Month 092020 0 0 0

SEP-2020 Cont. for Due-Month 102020 0 0 0

OCT-2020 Cont. for Due-Month 112020 0 0 0

NOV-2020 Cont. for Due-Month 122020 0 0 0

DEC-2020 Cont. for Due-Month 012021 0 0 0

JAN-2021 Cont. for Due-Month 022021 0 0 0

FEB-2021 Cont. for Due-Month 032021 0 0 0

Int. Updated upto 31/03/2021 4,246 1,298 0

Closing Balance 54,293 16,593 27,898

--fooj.k dh lekfIr-- eqfnzr 22-07-2022 14:20:37

--End Of Statement-- Printed On
izfr[;ku & mij nh xbZ tkudkjh dsUnzh; loZj ij nh xbZ tkudkjh ds vk/kkj ij gSA ;g tkudkjh dkuwuh iz;kstu ds fy, mi;ksx ugha dh tk ldrh gSaA
Disclaimer - Information shown above is based on available data on central server.This information may not be use for legal purpose.
* Please never respond to any call for sharing any personal details like Aadhar, PAN, Bank details, OTP or request for any payment.
* EPFO never calls members/ pensioners to deposit any amount.
* Please do not make any payment based on any such call.

GRVSP00318420000000249 Page 7 of 7

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