23-10-Pulsifi-Hiring Brochure

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Hiring made

easy :)
A smart AI solution that identi昀椀es
and matches talent to your business!

Instant talent prediction
See how well a person 昀椀ts into a role and to your organization

Role 昀椀t Culture 昀椀t Play to win Organization 昀椀t

Manage for
Lead to win

78% 64%
Other 92 candidates average 63% Collaborate Have real Aligned to cultural framework
internally conversations

Work styles Interviewer ratings Cognitive ability

Compared to others

3.7 1

0 Logical 90%
Dependability 88% Verbal 70%
Based on the opinion
Flexibility 65% of 3 people 0 Numerical 20%
The perfect blend of
science and AI
Pulsi昀椀’s talent prediction platform combines proven scienti昀椀c assessment methods with AI
and machine learning to understand people, jobs and company culture like never before.

We combine millions of data points from things like assessments, CV’s, job success pro昀椀les
and ratings into a simple interface that cuts all the noise and gives you exactly what you
need to know to make your hiring decisions. Fast. E昀昀ective. Simple.
Enticing for candidates
Job applicants are taken on a journey of self-discovery with Pulsi昀椀’s gami昀椀ed assessments
and personalized reports that gift each candidate with strength-based career insights.
It’s why Nestlé loves Pulsi昀椀 for their youth programs and ESG.

95% uptake Career insight reports

✔ Our simpli昀椀ed application process
results in higher candidate engagement.
✔ Personalized self-discovery reports provide
take-home value for every applicant.

Optimised for DEI Intuitive

✔ Each and every applicant counts and
is treated equally through Pulsi昀椀.
✔ Results are kept for 1 year so applicants
can apply for other jobs without re-testing.
A recruiter’s dream
Less time shortlisting candidates. Fewer interviews.
90%+ match probability, plus tools to help hiring managers.

SAP® Certi昀椀ed It really is a dream come true for recruiters.

Integrated with SAP SuccessFactors
Packed with smart features
Much more than an assessment tool, Pulsi昀椀 is an end-to-end solution for recruiters.

Smart ATS Automated work昀氀ows Holistic insights Dashboards

Assessments NLP CV parsing Interview guides Org frameworks

Pre-screening Robust API Flexible work昀氀ows Video interviews

90% 昀椀t accuracy
Our customers achieve above 90% hiring accuracy measured
against KPI’s one year after employment.

70% time savings

Reduce recruitment time by more than 70% by automating
the shortlisting process.

Meet your DEI needs

Anonymise candidates or use our custom 昀椀lters to ensure
marginalized individuals are included.
Trusted by clients in 53 countries and expanding...

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