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The meeting commenced at exactly 2:22 pm with an opening prayer by Hon. .

The meeting was chaired by Rt. Hon. Samson Boateng.

Present at the meeting were a representative from the office of the Dean of Students' Affairs, General

Assembly leadership, Judicial Chair, 8 SRC executives, and 165 members of the General Assembly House.

 Swearing-In of New Committe Members

l Swearing-In of new members of the House

 State of SRC Address

 Budget for the semester Approval

l Program Outline for the first semester

 Other matters
Members of the committees were presented to the Judicial Chair, Her Ladyship Sarah Aryee.
These members were sworn in and acknowledged by the House. The breakdown of committees
with their respective names and titles are as follows:


Emmanuel Anim Bediako (Chair), Albert Quarshie Joebent-Nartey (Deputy Chair), Listowell Gyesew
Aning, Reginald Nii Amaah(member), Thomas Asare Addo, Elisha Agbenye(member), Gabriel Kwame


Bright Gidisu (Chair), Latifa Sangou Mustapha (Deputy Chair), James Essel(member), Bernice Addo


Mufid Erasung Dawud Yakubu (Chair), Isaac Adjei Laryea (Deputy Chair), Ebenezer Sarquah(member),
Matthias Madiba Nikoi Ashalley(member), Ahmed Ibn Abdul-Rahman(member)


Jeremy Oppong Gyasi (Chair), Courage Donkor (Deputy Chair), Saiw Kwadwo(member), Kingsley
Obiri Darko(member), Ezra Bonuedie(member), Benjamin Yamoah(member), Shakana Abigail(member)


Paul Ankrah (Chair), Lesley Asante Addo(member), Gloria Annor Nkansah(member), Mawuena
Dede(member), Loyi Francis(member)


Doe Dzifa Lilian (Chair), Queen Esther Tettey (Deputy Chair), Sandra Eyram (Secretary), Alberta
Akosua Quansah, Rosemary Sekum, Bosompem Judith Acheampomaa, Emmanuella Mensah


Jessie Kwame Bonsu(President), John Abaka Appiah(Vice President), Keren Sarfowaah Agyemang(Club
Advisor), Augustina Crenstil(Secretary), Amuzu Sena Moses(P.R.O.), Emmanuella Mensah

The swearing-in ceremony for these committees were duly acknowledged, and the committees are
now officially constituted.
State of SRC Address

The state of SRC Address was read by the SRC President, His Excellency Harrison Amoako.
l He expressed profound gratitude in the smooth transition of power from the previous president to him
l He mentioned that, this administration has made strides in various areas like ensuring timely academic
information release as well as maintaining strong relationships with institution like USAG and NUGS
l He mentioned that, a communique on internship opportunitieson campus led to successful internships that

enhanced student's skills in various domains.

 He further mentioned that, SRC maintained its enviable relationship with other institution and has
reaffirmed its membership to Association including USAG and NUGS. He used the opportunity to inform
the house that the SRC participated in Two days - leadership Retreat being organize by the University
Students Association (USAG) at the Aamusted University,Kumasi.which was attended by the SRC vice
president, SRC Secretary, SRC organizer, SRC P.R.O, Women Commissioner and the Local Nugs President
last year Novernber .
 In his submission, he informed the House about the establishment of the SRC Rescue Team under his
administration, which played a pivotal role in assisting incoming freshmen with the registration process and
acclimating to campus life.
 He mentioned that for the first time, under his administration, new clubs were inaugurated thus, the
Debate and Drama Club, the Cadet Club, and the Regimental Band, all of which are already operational.
Recognizing the need for expanded extracurricular opportunities.
 He informed the General Assembly that, signboards have been allocated to various places on campus for
easy directions and navigation by the help of management.
 He mentioned that following successful negotiations with the university management, a resolution has been
reached to address the Wi-Fi connectivity issues on campus and that students can to visit the IT Support
Services (ITSS) department to obtain a voucher enabling access to the Wi-Fi network.
 He announced to the esteemed House that, the SRC will soon initiate the groundbreaking ceremony,
marked by a sod-cutting event, for the newly constructed multi-purpose court on campus.
 He finally announced that, for the first time under my administration, the SRC has unveiled an official
cloth, and encourages everyone to consider purchasing it.

l He Lastly announced that, due to accommodation challenges faced by the university this academic caused
by a substantial influx of freshmen, the SRC has been actively engaging stakeholders to facilitate the
smooth commencement of the SRC Hostel, which is slated to be constructed at the location of the current
SRC Bush Canteen.
Budget for the semester Approval
The SRC Treasurer, Hon. Perez Cecil read to the House, which included, ACF 2024 Semester Budget, SRC
WOCOM Budget,

 The estimated budget for ACF amounted to GH¢ 14,650.00

l The estimated budget for the Office of the Women's Commission amounted to GH¢ 9,200.00

l The estimated budget for SRC Akwaaba week amounted to GH¢ 40,200.00

After the budget was presented, Rt. Hon. Samson Boateng asked the house if the agree on the budget projected and read.

Hon. Desmond raised a point of information that, on the agenda it was written that reading of budget and not approval and
debate of budget and that if the budget was to be debated on, it should have been stated in the agenda . His Excellency
Harrison Amoako addressed the issue that though it is written as such, it means when the budget is read, it is up to the
house to disprove and approve. Hon. Desmond tried to banter with refferal to the constituition. Her Ladyship Sarah Aryee
stepped in and addressed the matter on the ground stating that budget reading included its approval or debate on it and that
a member is not allowed to speak more than once on a subject matter while others wish to have a say on that same subject
matter. Hon. Desmond disagreed referring Her Ladyship to the constitution. Her Ladyship Sarah Aryee asked Hon.
Desmond to leave the meeting with immediate effect due to his behaviour in the meeting. His excellency stated that in his
state of src address, he mentioned that the will be a construction of hostel block at the bush canteen and thta the house
should buy into his idea that every student should pay GH¢ 100 towards this big vision. He further stated that, this money
will go into the construction of a six unit block where thedown floor could be used as a canteen and the rest of the floors
for accomodation which will generate revenue for the SRC. The House agreed to it and even some members of the house
raised concerns of the money not being enough for this vision. It was stated that, provisions shoud be made incase the
funds collected do not meet up to financial standards for this vision.

l His Excellency Harrison Amoako commended the treasurer Hon. Perez Cecil for a marvelous work done
and for looking for sponsorships as well as schorlaships of which students have benefitted from.
 A motion was raised suggesting that money that was going to be used for the Akwaaba week celebration
should be used in setting up some hostel since L100s currently have issues in relation to accomodation
space. According to his petition, he stated that that was more important.
 His Excellency explained that, Akwaaba week celebration is important and is used as to usher freshers
properly into the school community since it has been a norm since time in memorial. Hefurther stated that, it
is the same students who will attack SRC if Akwaaba week was not held.
 Hon Joel Ahorlu talked about the movent oncampus for those who have cars. He stated that, people who had
cars and wanted to access the back gate which led to the Abeka campus are not able to since there is some
construction on-going by the administration block. He suggested that, just behind the B Block if the SRC bus
could br moved, there will some space that will clear up for vehicle owners to access the back gate.
 Rt. Hon Samson Boateng agreed and ststed that it will be worked on and some space will be created by
moving the SRC Bus from the way behind B Block.
 Hon. Agyeman talked about the size of class not being able to hold large number of student and not enough
chairs available in these classes to facilitate smooth and easy running of class affairs.
 A question was raised regarding why members were allowed to speak only once. Her Ladyship Sarah Aryee
clarified that a member is allowed to speak once on a subject matte if another member wishes to speak on the
same matter.
l A concern was raised as to why progress was focused on the main campus and not also the Abeka campus.
His Excellency addressed the issue that, bigger provision has been made for the Abeka Campus and in due
time, things will work out just fine
 Hon. Kweku Boateng commended the SRC for their good work but pointed out a technical issue with the
projectors in C1A. The Chair of the House stated that the matter would be forwarded to ITSS for resolution.
l His Excellency Nugs President expressed concern about members being kept for more than 3 hours without
food. He also raised a sensitive issue regarding the use of "God" instead of "Allah" during the swearing-in of
Muslim executives. He disrespected the Deputy Speaker, demanding not to be interrupted when he wishes to
l The Speaker intervened, asking His Excellency to resume his seat. When he refused, he was given the option
to exit the meeting or comply. His Excellency and his executives chose to walk out of the meeting

The motion for the meeting to be adjourned was moved by Hon. Joel Ahorlu and seconded by Hon.
Acheampong Benjamin.

The meeting came to a close at exactly 6: 20pm with a closing prayer said by Her Excellency

Respectfully submitted by

Hon. Faith Akadi Rt. Samson Boateng Hon. Louisa Owusu Afriyie

(GA Clerk) (GA Speaker) (Deputy Speaker)


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