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What are Competency Development Guides?.......................................................................6
How to use this Competency Development Guide?..............................................................6
What can I do to develop my competencies?.......................................................................7
On-job development.............................................................................................................7
Development by others........................................................................................................7
Focus Area: Software Development Lifecycle.................................................................10
On job development....................................................................................................10
Development by others..............................................................................................11
Self development........................................................................................................11
Focus Area: Project Management Lifecycle....................................................................11
On job development....................................................................................................12
Development by others..............................................................................................13
Self development........................................................................................................13
Focus Area: Delivery - Time Management.......................................................................13
On job development....................................................................................................13
Development by others..............................................................................................14
Self development........................................................................................................14
Focus Area: Team and People..........................................................................................14
On job development....................................................................................................14
Development by others..............................................................................................15
Self development........................................................................................................15
Focus Area: Stakeholder Management and Communication Plan................................15
On job development....................................................................................................16
Development by others..............................................................................................16
Self development........................................................................................................16

Focus Area: Reporting Management................................................................................16
On job development....................................................................................................16
Development by others..............................................................................................17
Self development........................................................................................................17
Focus Area: Risk Management.........................................................................................17
On job development....................................................................................................17
Development by others..............................................................................................18
Self development........................................................................................................18
Focus Area: Scrum Mastering..........................................................................................18
On job development....................................................................................................18
Development by others..............................................................................................19
Self development........................................................................................................19
Focus Area: Project Management Methodologies and Frameworks............................19
On job development....................................................................................................20
Development by others..............................................................................................20
Self development........................................................................................................20
Focus Area: Growth Mindset................................................................................................21
Customer Focus................................................................................................................21
Proficiency level 2:.........................................................................................................21
On job development....................................................................................................21
Development by others..............................................................................................22
Self development........................................................................................................22
Taking initiative..................................................................................................................22
Proficiency level 2:.........................................................................................................22
On job development....................................................................................................23
Development by others..............................................................................................23

Self development........................................................................................................23
Innovative thinking.............................................................................................................23
Proficiency level 2:.........................................................................................................24
On job development....................................................................................................24
Development by others..............................................................................................24
Self development........................................................................................................24
Knowledge sharing............................................................................................................25
Proficiency level 2:.........................................................................................................25
On job development....................................................................................................26
Development by others..............................................................................................26
Self development........................................................................................................26
Proficiency level 2:.........................................................................................................26
On job development....................................................................................................26
Development by others..............................................................................................27
Self development........................................................................................................27
Focus Area: Collaboration....................................................................................................27
Proficiency level 2:.........................................................................................................28
On job development....................................................................................................28
Development by others..............................................................................................28
Self development........................................................................................................28
Building Relationships.......................................................................................................29
Proficiency level 2:.........................................................................................................29
On job development....................................................................................................29
Development by others..............................................................................................29

Self development........................................................................................................29
Feedback Culture...............................................................................................................30
Proficiency level 2:.........................................................................................................30
On job development....................................................................................................30
Development by others..............................................................................................30
Self development........................................................................................................30
Handling Disagreements...................................................................................................31
Proficiency level 2:.........................................................................................................31
On job development....................................................................................................31
Development by others..............................................................................................32
Self development........................................................................................................32
Focus Area: Communication................................................................................................32
Effective and Efficient Communication............................................................................33
Proficiency level 2:.........................................................................................................33
On job development....................................................................................................33
Development by others..............................................................................................33
Self development........................................................................................................33
Listen to Understand.........................................................................................................33
Proficiency level 2:.........................................................................................................34
On job development....................................................................................................34
Development by others..............................................................................................34
Self development........................................................................................................34
Business English................................................................................................................34
Proficiency level 2:.........................................................................................................34
On job development....................................................................................................35
Development by others..............................................................................................35

Self development........................................................................................................35
Focus Area: Lead People......................................................................................................36
Building effective teams.......................................................................................................36
Proficiency level 1:.........................................................................................................36
On job development....................................................................................................36
Development by others..............................................................................................36
Self development........................................................................................................36
Develop talents......................................................................................................................37
Proficiency level 1:.........................................................................................................37
On job development....................................................................................................37
Development by others..............................................................................................37
Self development........................................................................................................37
Proficiency level 1:.........................................................................................................38
On job development....................................................................................................38
Development by others..............................................................................................38
Self development........................................................................................................39
Proficiency level 1:.........................................................................................................39
On job development....................................................................................................39
Development by others..............................................................................................39
Self development........................................................................................................40
Focus Area: Lead Business..................................................................................................40
Proficiency level 1:.........................................................................................................40
On job development....................................................................................................40
Development by others..............................................................................................41
Self development........................................................................................................41
Proficiency level 1:.........................................................................................................41

On job development....................................................................................................41
Development by others..............................................................................................42
Self development........................................................................................................42
Proficiency level 1:.........................................................................................................42
On job development....................................................................................................42
Development by others..............................................................................................43
Self development........................................................................................................43
Focus Area: Deliver Results..................................................................................................43
Proficiency level 1:.........................................................................................................43
On job development....................................................................................................44
Development by others..............................................................................................44
Self development........................................................................................................44
Proficiency level 1:.........................................................................................................45
On job development....................................................................................................45
Development by others..............................................................................................45
Self development........................................................................................................45
Proficiency level 1:.........................................................................................................46
On job development....................................................................................................46
Development by others..............................................................................................46
Self development........................................................................................................46
Proficiency level 1:.........................................................................................................47
On job development....................................................................................................47
Development by others..............................................................................................47
Self development........................................................................................................47

HTEC Competency
Development Guide
Project manager - Junior

What are Competency Development Guides?

Competency Development Guides are a set of documents closely following our
Competency Framework and their goal is to provide you with assistance while writing
your Personal Development Plan. This is not a cookbook with recipes to follow to the
letter however, but provides a general guide on how particular competencies can be
developed and practiced. Each seniority level (intern, junior, medior and senior) for each
technology (software engineering, machine learning, data engineering, project
management, etc.) has its own Competency Development Guide, in total 40+ guides.

How to use this Competency Development Guide?

When writing your Personal Development Plan you may want to consult this guide.
Choose one of the competencies that you have agreed with your direct manager to
develop and find it in the guide. Apart from the statement describing the competence
and optional examples, you will find there activities and materials that you may choose
to use. Do note that the activities and materials listed here are just suggestions and you
may find others which are better suited for you and the project you’re working on and we
encourage you to formulate your own as needed. This Competency Development Guide
is still a work in progress and we will be glad to gather your ideas and feedback to
include them in subsequent versions of this Competency Development Guide.

What can I do to develop my competencies?
Under each competence you will find activities and learning materials grouped into
three sections:
1. On-job development
2. Development by others
3. Self-development
Each of these is described in subsequent sections in this guide.
Please do note that you do not have to fill out all three types of activities/learning
materials when planning the development of a competency in your Personal
Development Plan. You may focus yourself on one or two or all three types of activities
depending on your learning style, proficiency level, amount of time you have available
and the concrete goal you want to accomplish.

On-job development
On-job development is what you would consider as learning-by-doing. Under this section
you’ll find concrete activities and tasks or types of activities and tasks you may want to
take on to practice a particular skill. For example, if you wish to improve your business
English, you may want to prepare a presentation in English for your teammates or lead a
demo session.
Currently technical competencies in this Competency Development Gude do not have a
detailed outline of these activities. This is why we have provided examples along with
the competency as these may provide additional information on what you can plan in
this section.
Once you agree with your direct manager about what these activities are and they
approve your Personal Development Plan, you and your direct manager will be able to
plan your project activities accordingly.

Development by others
Development by others is commonly understood to be working with a mentor and this is
most certainly the most important track under this section. If you choose to develop
your skills in this way you have a couple of options to find a mentor.
1. In consultation with your DM, you can ask for help from one of your colleagues
within your team who exceeded in particular competency on the current
evaluation process.
2. Also, you can choose one of your more senior colleagues to help you develop
competence or
3. Request short-term mentoring from someone outside of your team who has
proven knowledge in this competence.
If it is not possible to find somebody to be your mentor, you can contact your TL (TEO)
or Marija Markovic Performance & Mentoring Lead from the Career Development Office
for support.
Other activities may be included in development by others such as shadowing, technical
consultations, peer reviews, peer programming/testing, being involved in a sub-
committee or a team/task force other than your project team, etc.

Self-development activities involve your additional effort. This may be attending an
online or on-site course/training/seminar, studying for and being certified for a
particular skill set, reading a book or an article, etc.
You do not have to choose only from the lists presented in this document when creating
your Personal Development Plan when it comes to this section. Feel free to include any
other materials that seem to fit you and can be approved by your direct manager.

Technical Competencies
The Project Management Office and the Career Development Office are working hard to
deliver quality content to everyone. You may want to refer to this document at a later
time, or consult your direct manager and/or your tech lead. In the meantime, do note
that the Core Competencies section for your level has been fully written out and can be
found below.

Focus Area: Software Development Lifecycle

Proficiency level 1:
General understanding of the entire SDLC with the ability to apply the core iterative
phases and implement them to one development team.

On job development

Software Development Life Cycle is a systematic process of building software that

ensures the quality and correctness of the software built. SDLC consists of a detailed
plan which explains how to plan, build, and maintain specific software. Every phase of
the SDLC has its own process and deliverables that feed into the next phase.

● Support senior team members and participate in assessment of the feasibility
and provide high-level estimates in the pre sales phase .
● Support senior team members in order to define a general approach to achieve
the project objective in the SDP phase.
● Support senior team members in order to prove an assumption that critically
impacts feasibility of the project and derive a small project to create a working
model of the future Product in prototyping.
● Participate in design, execution and integration of the project deliverables by
creating releases.
● Support senior team members in the testing phase by organizing the work
related to all defined testing aspects e.g. business testing, unit, integration, user
acceptance testing, performance testing, etc.
● Work with senior team members in order to set up and secure deployment of
● Work with senior team members to hypercare and maintain product by collecting,
prioritizing,scheduling and resolving defects and creating strategy for releases.
● Participate in project closure by ensuring the knowledge transfer, documentation
handover, etc.

Development by others

● PM Mentorship program on Software Development Lifecycle

Self development


Focus Area: Project Management Lifecycle

Proficiency level 1:
General understanding of the phases of the project management life cycle. Implements

individual phases with guidance and support, not necessarily applying and practicing
each phase (depending on the type of the project and timeline).

On job development

● Understands all phases of the project management life cycle.

● Create a project documentation folder with project templates.
● Support senior team members to customize content to fit a particular project.
● Collect all project related documentation (design, SoW, requirements, etc) and
store them in the project documentation folder.
● Support senior team members in order to identify requirements, set up
goals/deliverables and create a project roadmap.
● Support senior team members in order to define the project on a broad level, use
project charter template and create project charter.
● Senior team members have sessions to identify key project stakeholders. Create
a stakeholder register with the roles, designation, communication requirements,
and influence.
● With support of the senior team members extrapolating past data to identify
potential risks and develop risk register and strategy to minimize and
opportunize risks.
● Anticipate change and with senior team members and external stakeholders
organize a session to define how changes on project will be managed and
incorporated on project. All in order to avoid bottlenecks and project delays.
● Brainstorm and draw conclusions with internal stakeholders on how to establish
efficient workflows and carefully monitor the progress of your team.
● Maintain effective collaboration between project stakeholders in order for
everyone to stay “on the same page” and the project runs smoothly without any
● With support of senior team members establish Critical Success Factors (CSF)
and Key Performance Indicators (KPI) of and on the project.
● Use templates to quantitatively track the effort and cost during the delivery in
order to ensure that the project remains within the budget.
● The project closure stage indicates the end of the project or a project phase.
Support senior team members in completing the necessary activities and
paperwork: closes all financial activities associated with project - inform legal

and finance departments, notify all stakeholders of project closure, close all
project contracts and HRM project relationship , hold team reflection meeting
after the completion of the project in order to contemplate on their successes
and failures, document and archive project findings, learnings and

Development by others

● PM Mentorship program on Project Management Lifecycle

Self development


Focus Area: Delivery - Time Management

Proficiency level 1:
General understanding of time management competency skills. Follows with guidance
and supports individual element requirements and their application on the project .

On job development

● With support and assistance from senior team members create at least one
delivery plan with deadlines and milestones
● With support and assistance from senior team members create, setup, sequence
and prioritize project activities from epic to task
● Setup ceremonies to define durations / estimations and dependencies of
● Track on delivery against time by generating sprint metrics (burndown/up charts,
team velocity, team velocity against product backlog)

● Participate in identification and removal of project distractions and bottlenecks
by managing project risks
● With support and assistance from senior team members, timebox all project
activities and ceremonies.
● With support and assistance from senior team members manage project needs
on HRM. Meaning project arrivals and leaves, annual leaves, holidays, other

Development by others

● PM Mentorship program on Delivery - Time management unit

Self development


Focus Area: Team and People

Proficiency level 1:
General understanding of PM Team and People Management and project people
management competence. Following with guidance and support on all requirements
and application of those requirements on specific projects.

On job development

● Track performance of team and members based on agreed metrics using

burndown/up charts and team and/or individual velocity.
● Provide feedback upon the request from mentor or peers.
● Support and take care of punctual and regular team meetings and ceremonies
(planning, daily meeting, refinement, retrospective and review)
● Support direct manager in scheduling and hosting 1-1 meetings with team
● Support senior team members in anticipating and reacting to farming
opportunities by identifying potential sales opportunities while working daily on
the project.

● Support senior team members in identification and resolution of individual and
organizational issues with objectivity and action steps/activities.
● Support senior team members in HRM team members management covering
arrivals and departures on project, leaves, holidays, billability, etc.

Development by others

● PM Mentorship program on Team and People Management

Self development


Focus Area: Stakeholder Management and Communication Plan

Proficiency level 1:
General understanding of stakeholder management and competency skills. Follows
with guidance and supports individual element requirements and their application on
the project.

On job development

● With support and guidance from the mentor or senior team member derive with
stakeholder management and communication plan consisting of:
○ Identification all project stakeholders (internal and external)
○ Prioritization stakeholders
○ Plan for engagement of stakeholders
○ Management and control of the stakeholder engagement
○ Creation and tracking of communication plan

Development by others

● PM Mentorship program on Stakeholder Management and Communication Plan

Self development

● Project Stakeholder Management

● Stakeholder Management & Engagement

Focus Area: Reporting Management

Proficiency level 1:
General understanding of reporting management.
Follows with guidance and supports individual element requirements and their
application of reporting on the project.

On job development

● Seeks support and guidance from senior team members in order to create,
maintain and distribute reports on projects.
● With support and guidance organizes a session with both internal and external
stakeholders to collect reporting parameters of interest.
● With support and guidance uses or customizes project reporting templates to
best fit a particular project.
● With support and guidance agrees on the level (cadence) of reporting sprint,
project or both.
● With support and guidance agrees on ways and timing to distribute project

Development by others

● PM Mentorship program on Reporting Management

Self development


Focus Area: Risk Management

Proficiency level 1:
General understanding of risk management and competency skills. Works with and
follows guidance from their direct manager and/or project seniors such as EL/SEL/EM,
delivery, and technical leads in processes related to the creation, identification, analysis,
monitoring, and maintenance of the risk register.

On job development

● With support and guidance from a senior team members uses predefined risk
register templates in order to:
○ Identify project risks and how risks will be managed throughout the
○ Collects risks that may affect the project and documents their
characteristics on daily, weekly, sprint or monthly basis as agreed with
senior team members.
○ Participates in analysis and/or assessing risk probabilities of occurrence
and impact — risk matrix.
○ Participates in prioritization sessions to further elaborate on risks, options,
and actions to enhance opportunities and reduce threats on projects.
○ Implements defined risk responses, actions, and plans — or risk process
○ Monitors and reports on the status of project risks to their superiors and

Development by others

● PM Mentorship program on Risk Management

Self development


Focus Area: Scrum Mastering

Proficiency level 1:
General understanding of Scrum Framework and Agile methodologies. Follows with
guidance and supports individual element requirements and their application on the

On job development

● Supports senior team members in leading and organizing Sprint ceremonies

Sprint Planning, daily meetings, refinements, retrospectives and reviews.
● Monitors the progress and delivery of the sprint.
● Helps senior team members to estimate, increase and stabilize team velocity.
● Setup and own project activities while using project management tools such as

Development by others

● PM Mentorship program on Scrum Mastering

Self development

● A
● Leading a Self-Organizing Team
● Agile Product Ownership in a Nutshell

● Agile Retrospective Resource Wiki
● FunRetrospectives | Activities and ideas for making agile retrospectives more

Focus Area: Project Management Methodologies and

Proficiency level 1:
General understanding of project management methodologies and the difference
between major methodologies.

On job development

Project management is a strictly defined combination of logically related practices,

methods, and processes determining how best to plan, develop, control, and deliver a
project throughout the continuous implementation process until successful completion
and termination.
● Applies best practices, methodologies and frameworks on particular projects -
Agile/ Waterfall and Scrum/Scrumban or Kanban.
● Use project management tools e.g. JIRA, Trello, Asana, AzureDevOps, TFS,
etc.for ticketing management and progress tracking.
● Support senior team members in identification of scope creeps, budget overruns
and delays while using the project management tools.

Development by others

● PM Mentorship program on Project Management Methodologies and


Self development

● Complete Agile Scrum Management + Kanban + 4 EXTRA courses
dchild=1&keywords=Eric+Brechner&qid=1632226901&s=digital-text&sr=1-1 or

Core Competencies
Focus Area: Growth Mindset

Customer Focus
Ability to understand customer needs and provide sound recommendations and
solutions (this also include internal customers for Support functions such as People,
Finance or Legal).

Proficiency level 2:

Builds team members skills to understand and meet overall customer expectations.
Proactively seeks new opportunities to build relationships and understand better
customer needs.

On job development

● Develops a business relationship with a customer to ensure successful delivery.

● Resources a relevant team and takes full responsibility to deliver relevant
proposal/s and system design/s.
● Manages a dissatisfied internal or external customer; troubleshoot a
performance or quality problem with a product or service.
● Trains customers in the use of the organization’s products or services.
Collaborates with them. Makes them feel involved.
● Spends time with internal or external customers. Writes a report on observations,
and presents it to the people involved.
● Does a customer satisfaction survey in person or by phone, and presents the
results to the people involved.

Development by others

● Biz Dev

● Peer as a Mentor

Self development

 Design Thinkers Academy: Design Thinking Fundamental Course (certification)
 Book: Barlow, J., & Moller, C. (2008). A complaint is a gift: Recovering customer
loyalty when things go wrong A Complaint is a Gift: Recovering Customer Loyalty
When Things Go Wrong (16pt Large Print Edition): Barlow, Janelle:
9780369307569: Books
 Book: Cockerell, L. (2013). The customer rules: The 39 essential rules for
delivering sensational service.

Taking initiative
Goes above and beyond to do more than is required in the job, takes a proactive
approach, and identifies opportunities for contribution or engagement before they are
assigned to them.

Proficiency level 2:

Proposes and takes ownership for initiatives and looks for various opportunities to
improve processes or outcomes.

On job development

● Proposes an idea and takes responsibility for its realization

● Improves processes/outcomes by delegating tasks or their workable parts to
others in order to make task completion more timely and efficient.

Development by others

Self development

● Book: Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us (Daniel Pink) Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us (Audible
Audio Edition): Daniel H. Pink, Daniel H. Pink, Penguin Audio: Audible Books &
● Book: IntrinsicThomas, K. W. (2009). Intrinsic motivation at work: What really
drives employee engagement (2nd ed.). San Francisco, CA: Berrett-Koehler
Publishers Intrinsic Motivation at Work: [large print edition]: Thomas, Kenneth W.:
9781458777515: Books
● Article: Personal growth: Motivation: The drive to change. Psychology Today:
Personal Growth Motivation: The Drive to Change | Psychology Today
● Article: Vorhauser-Smith, S. (2013, August 14). How the best places to work are
nailing employee engagement. Forbes How the Best Places to Work are Nailing
Employee Engagement (
● Video: Pink, D. (2009, August 25). Dan Pink: The puzzle of motivation The puzzle
of motivation | Dan Pink - YouTube

Innovative thinking
Ability to come up with new and unique ideas or solutions that add value to the

Proficiency level 2:

Implements new approaches that prove to be effective. Encourages diverse thinking to

promote and nurture innovation.

On job development

● Facilitates effective team brainstorming.

● Introduces the use of a new tool/process/methodology within the team.

● Relaunches an existing product, service, or process that’s not doing well by
gathering input from end users and trying things not tried before.
● Facilitates a brainstorming session—defines and clarifies the
problem/opportunity, generate ideas using various techniques, and narrows the
list to solutions you want to strengthen, test, and implement.
● Benchmarks innovative business models, practices, processes, products, or
services that come from both well-known and non-traditional
competitors/sources, and reports findings to colleagues.
● Takes part in an entire innovation cycle for a new product/service—from
research, design, concept refinement, and prototyping, through to its launch and
use in the marketplace.
● Identifies an unmet need and experiment with different ways to fill the gap.
Practices seeing failures or mistakes as opportunities to learn

Development by others

● Introduces the use of a new tool/process/methodology within the team.

Self development

● Design Thinkers Academy: Design Thinking Fundamental Course (certification)
● Innovation and Creative Thinking Course
● Video: Bass, C. (2012, February 27). TEDxBerkeley – Carl Bass – The new rules of
innovation TEDxBerkeley - Carl Bass - The New Rules of Innovation - YouTube
● TED (17:33min):
● Book: Creative Confidence: Unleashing the Creative Potential Within Us All (David
Kelley) - Interna biblioteka Niš
● Book: The Design of Business: Why Design Thinking is the Next Competitive
Advantage (Loger L Martin) The Design of Business: Why Design
Thinking is the Next Competitive Advantage: 8601200550054: Martin, Roger L.:

● Book: Change by Design (Tim Brown) Change by Design, Revised
and Updated: How Design Thinking Transforms Organizations and Inspires
Innovation: 9780062856623: Brown, Tim: Books
● Book: Design Thinking - Kako da stvarate proizvode koje ljude žele (Milovan
Dekić, Marko Jevtić)
● Video: Five ways to innovate faster
● Article: Sparking Creativity in the Workplace:

Knowledge sharing
Ability to effectively share knowledge in order to inform, educate or coach others.

Proficiency level 2:

Actively shares their own knowledge, skills, and experience with their team.

On job development

● Prepares and delivers a presentation on best practices or technical approach.

● Mentors a colleague on a specific skill.

Development by others

Self development

● Article: Gallo, A. (2011, February 1). Demystifying mentoring. Harvard Business

Review Blog Network
● Article: Colan, L. (2013, July 29). 4 Keys to coaching underperforming employees.

Ability to develop professionally and personally by using both formal and informal
development support.

Proficiency level 2:

Takes consistent actions to develop new skills. Learns from new experiences, from
others, and from structured learning.

On job development

● Take on a task that you have never tried and is outside of your domain. Stick to it
and focus on the learning you’re deriving from it.
● Attend a course or event which will push you personally beyond your usual limits
or outside your comfort zone.
● Work with a trusted leader in your organization to analyze patterns and trends
emerging in your work, and set a personalized learning plan.
● Join cross-functional teams to learn about subjects beyond the scope of your
present job.

Development by others

Self development

● Article: Zenger, J. (2013, July 16). Throw your old plan away: 6 New ways to build
leadership development into your job. Forbes.:
● Article: Garnett, L. (2013, August 16). How to leverage your true talent. Inc.:
● Article: Tjan, A. K. (2012, July 19). How leaders become self-aware. Harvard
Business Review Blog Network.:

● Video: Capture Your Flag. (2013, June 14). Learning to reflect more and get to
know yourself better:
get-to-know-yourself-better.html (2:26 min)
● Video (TedX): The happy secret to better work:
language=en (12:04 min)
● Book: The Inner Game of Work: Focus, Learning, Pleasure, and Mobility in the
Workplace by W. Timothy Gallwey The Inner Game of Work: Focus, Learning,
Pleasure, and Mobility in the Workplace: Gallwey, W. Timothy: 9780375758171: Books
● Book:The Fifth Discipline: The Art & Practice of The Learning Organization
Paperback – Deckle Edge, March 21, 2006 by Peter M. Senge:

Focus Area: Collaboration

Ability to work with others toward team goals, sharing responsibility, and contributing to
the team's capability.

Proficiency level 2:

Organizes team activities and supports team members in achieving team goals.

On job development

● Organize teambuilding activities.

● Recognize team members’ contributions at each team meeting. Develop a
reward and recognition program for your team/org unit
● Highlight the efforts of members who get out of their comfort zone to lend a
helping hand to a co-worker to develop a new skill.

● Assign projects tasks to team members and if needed coordinate collaboration
between the team members.

Development by others

Self development

● Atria: High Performance Team Coaching:

● GI Group: Team Development and Teamwork:
● Book: The culture code - The Secrets of Highly Successful Groups, Daniel Coyle The Culture Code: The Secrets of Highly Successful Groups
(Audible Audio Edition): Daniel Coyle, Will Damron, Random House Audio: Audible
Books & Originals
● Article: Wharton School. (2006, June 14). Is your team too big? Too small?

What’s the right number? Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania

Building Relationships
Ability to relate well to all kinds of people, inside and outside the organization, and build
rapport and effective relationships.

Proficiency level 2:

Successfully builds and maintains productive relationships by consistently working well

with a variety of different people.

On job development

● Visit other HTEC offices to build closer relationships with team members and
colleagues in general and invite colleagues from other offices to visit your office.
● Organize a gathering of team members to connect and make better relations.

Development by others

Self development

● GI Group: Team Development and Teamwork:
● Internal Workshop: 'Effective 1on1 Meetings'
● Book: Baber, A., & Waymon, L. (2007). Make your contacts count: Networking
know-how for business and career success (2nd ed.). New York, NY: AMACOM Make Your Contacts Count: Networking Know-How for Business
and Career Success: 9780814474020: Baber, Anne, Waymon, Lynne: Books
● Book: Anklam, P. (2007). Net work: A practical guide to creating and sustaining
networks at work and in the world. Burlington, MA: Butterworth-Heinemann. Net Work: A Practical Guide to Creating and Sustaining Networks
at Work and in the World eBook : Anklam, Patti: Kindle Store
● Book: Zack, D. (2010). Networking for people who hate networking: A field guide
for introverts, the overwhelmed, and the underconnected. San Francisco, CA:
Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc. Networking for People Who Hate Networking,
Second Edition: A Field Guide for Introverts, the Overwhelmed, and the
Underconnected: Zack, Devora: 9781523098538: Books

Feedback Culture
Ability to give and receive feedback on a regular basis to better understand and act in
different business situations.

Proficiency level 2:

Helps other people develop themselves by regularly giving them insightful feedback in a
motivational and thoughtful way. Nurtures empathy and no-blame culture in their team.

On job development

● Suggest how to improve a process that has failed instead of identifying whose
fault it was.

● Regularly ask your subordinates to offer you feedback and act upon it to improve
your skills and performance as well as team culture (e.g. 360 degree, anonymous
feedback form, 1-on-1 feedback).
● Regularly organize 1-on-1 and group feedback/retrospective sessions. Make
follow-up sessions to ensure feedback was received in a constructive way and
ensure that it is followed through.
● Celebrate success of your subordinates and team members.

Development by others

Self development

● Internal Workshop: 'Effective 1on1 Meetings'

● Training: Partner Team: The Art of Giving and Receiving Feedback
● Training: Partner Team: Communication as a tool for leadership skills
● Book: Thanks for the Feedback: The Science and Art of Receiving Feedback Well
(Sheila Heen and Douglas Stone) Thanks for the Feedback: The Science and Art
of Receiving Feedback Well: Stone, Douglas, Heen, Sheila: 9780143127130: Books
● Book: " Work Rules " A look inside Google Laszlo Bock Book Notes (Laszlo Bock) Work Rules!: Insights from Inside Google That Will Transform How
You Live and Lead: 9781455554799: Bock, Laszlo: Books
● Book: The Feedback Imperative: How to Give Everyday Feedback to Speed Up

Your Team's Success (Anna Carrol) The Feedback Imperative:

How to Give Everyday Feedback to Speed Up Your Team's Success:
9781938416651: Anna Carroll: Books

Handling Disagreements
Ability to effectively handle disagreements and come up with winning solutions.

Proficiency level 2:

Improves collaboration between people who have been unable to solve disagreements.

On job development

During regular meetings when you find yourself in a disagreement situation with a
● When you notice that two team members or subordinates are in a disagreement
situation offer to help them, place them together to work on a task which has the
potential to transform the disagreement situation and/or mediate between them,
and afterwards organize a retrospective meeting to close the disagreement on
common ground.
● When you identify a potential disagreement with the client create a list of
possible solutions and consult with your direct manager or someone who has a
strong background in disagreement transformation within the organization on
how to approach the issue. Try to implement the solution yourself, but don't
hesitate to escalate issues that need involvement of your superiors.

Development by others

Self development

● Atria: PCM Communication:

● Article: How To Handle Conflict At Your Business:
● Article: Have the difficult conversation:
● Video: Dare to disagree | Margaret Heffernan ,Ted:
● Book: Conflict Management for Managers: Resolving Workplace, Client, and

Policy Disputes (Susan S Raines) Conflict Management for Managers: Resolving

Workplace, Client, and Policy Disputes: Raines, Susan S.: 9781538119938: Books

● Book: Runde, C. E., & Flanagan, T. A. (2008). Building conflict competent teams.
San Francisco, CA: JosseyBass. Building Conflict Competent Teams: Runde,
Craig E., Flanagan, Tim A.: 9780470189474: Books

Focus Area: Communication

Effective and Efficient Communication

Ability to communicate clearly and transparently with respect and in the best interest of
the business and the company.

Proficiency level 2:

Proactively flags issues that need to be solved and comes up with potential solutions.
Communicates the impact of status updates to all relevant parties.

On job development

● Think carefully about the challenging messages that need to be conveyed and
plan how you will cover them clearly and concisely.
● Create and deliver a presentation to introduce an innovation to your working
process. Think carefully about how you tailor the presentation to suit the
● Lead a team discussion on how to improve their accountability and commitment
to each other. Use this as an opportunity to involve everyone. Draw them into the
conversation and make them feel involved.

Development by others

Self development

● Atra: PCM Communication:

● Internal Workshop: 'Effective 1on1 Meetings'
● Partner Team: Communication as a tool for leadership skills development
● Training: Atria Group: The Persuasive Communicator:


Listen to Understand
Ability to listen actively in order to understand key messages, relations, different views,
and potential solutions

Proficiency level 2:

Puts themselves in other people’s shoes to better understand what they are saying.
Recognizes the needs and feelings of other participants in the conversation and
responds accordingly.

On job development

● Pay close attention to the non-verbal signs of others when communicating with
them. Determine what emotions are being communicated and check your
assessment with the individual before acting on them.
● Assess your progress in understanding. Practice to ask open-ended questions to
encourage and motivate the speaker.
● During the conversation repeat in your own words what you’ve just heard and ask
questions to clarify any points you may not fully understand.

Development by others

Self development

● Internal Workshop: 'Effective 1on1 Meetings'

● Book: Hoppe, M. H. (2007). Active listening: Improve your ability to listen and

lead. Greensboro, NC: Center for Creative Leadership. Active Listening: Improve
Your Ability to Listen and Lead: 9781882197941: Business Communication
Books @

Business English
Ability to effectively use the English language to communicate and present in various
business situations

Proficiency level 2:

Communicates competently and effortlessly in many professional and personal

situations and can find different ways of expressing the same thing. Deals with a variety
of topics in the appropriate manner. Takes part in a conversation with native speakers

On job development

● Proposes a solution with solid arguments at a team meeting, demonstrating their

expertise, in English.
● Writes detailed texts or reports about activities that can be used by other teams.
● Participates in writing a proposal for a potential project.
● Independently prepares and holds a presentation at events.

Development by others

Self development

● Berlitz Business English Course (expected level 7, optional 8):
● English Grammar and Vocabulary books: Martin Hewings (2013)
● Advanced Grammar in Use Michael McCarthy, Felicity O'Dell (2017)
● English Vocabulary in Use Advanced Bill Mascull,
● Business Vocabulary in Use Arthur Mckeown and Ros Wright (2011)
● Professional English in Use Management -Udemy: Better Business Writing (3.5h):
● Writing for business - presentations: Pt.1 A guide:
● Pt.2 Emails, Reports, Proposals
wo7Wd6xURctovOg/edit?usp=sharing -Additional learning resources - links:

Leadership Competencies
Focus Area: Lead People

Building effective teams

Ability to create strong-identity teams that apply their diverse skills and perspectives to
achieve team goals.

Proficiency level 1:

Identifies and manages the team members strengths and weaknesses and overcomes
barriers in order to maximize team performance.

On job development

● Assemble a team of diverse experts to accomplish a difficult team goal that

requires collaboration and creative thinking.
● Agree on purpose, goals, roles, and a structure that best supports the team’s
● Share wins and rewards of your team efforts to create a sense of belonging and
strong team morale.

Development by others

Self development

 Udemy: Developing Your Team - Forming to Performing: (2h)

 Udemy: Agile Leadership and Resilient Teams:
 Book: Team Topologies: Organizing Business and Technology Teams for Fast
Flow by Matthew Skelton Team Topologies: Organizing Business and Technology
Teams for Fast Flow: Skelton, Matthew, Pais, Manuel, Malan, Ruth:
9781942788812: Books
 Book: Leaders Eat Last: Why Some Teams Pull Together and Others Don't by
Simon Sinek Leaders Eat Last: Why Some Teams Pull Together
and Others Don't (Audible Audio Edition): Simon Sinek, Simon Sinek, Penguin
Audio: Audible Books & Originals

Develop talents
Ability to develop people to meet both their career goals and the organization’s goals.

Proficiency level 1:

Secures that talent development processes and tools are applied to all team members.
Aligns employees career goals with team and company goals and support them grow
professionally and personally.

On job development

● Evaluate all team members as a direct manager through MYE/Annual Evaluation.

● Give clear feedback on competency evaluation strengths and gaps through MYE
and/or Annual Evaluation.
● Support employees to define and achieve their OKRs (consultation and final
approval for defined OKRs, monthly progress tracking in 1on1s etc.)
● Lead regular 1on1 meetings to follow up on OKRs, PDP and career development.

Development by others

Self development

 Book: Measure What Matters: How Google, Bono, and the Gates Foundation Rock
the World with OKRs by John Doerr Measure What Matters: How
Google, Bono, and the Gates Foundation Rock the World with OKRs (Audible
Audio Edition): John Doerr, John Doerr, full cast, Larry Page - foreword, Penguin
Audio: Books
 Book: Building and Sustaining a Coaching Culture by Agnieszka Bajer Building
and Sustaining a Coaching Culture: David Clutterbuck, David Megginson,
Agnieszka Bajer: 9781843983767: Books
 Article: 5 Ways to Nurture Developing Leaders by Andrea Derler

Attract and retain top talents

Ability to attract, select and retain the best talent to meet current and future business

Proficiency level 1:

Attracts and selects new team members based on clear selection criteria and team
needs. Retain talents by providing support and building engagement and motivation of
team members.

On job development

 Attracts best candidates by promoting HTEC within their LinkedIn or other

 Actively participate in referral programs for their or other HTEC teams.
 Interview candidates for your team and decide on technical competence level,
does the candidate fits the team and give a final employment decision.

 Onboard and lead new employee with clear job role, compensation, performance
standards, development path, evaluations and feedback.
 Act based on engagement survey results to reduce risk of loss (gptw)
 During 1on1s discuss with team members their satisfaction with the role and the
project, the recognition of achieved results, and the ability to cope with the
current workload.

Development by others

Self development

 Book: Work Rules!: Insights from Inside Google That Will Transform How You
Live and Lead by Laszlo Work Rules!: Insights from Inside Google
That Will Transform How You Live and Lead: 9781455554799: Bock, Laszlo:
 Bock Article: Tjan, A. K. (2011, February 9). Three ways to recognize a talent
magnet. Harvard Business Review Blog Network:
 Article: James, G. (2013, October 22). Hiring: 6 Secrets to attracting top talent.
 Article: Cohan, P. S. (2013, September 25). Your secret to hiring a kick-ass team.

Empowering people
Ability to empower and support people to achieve outstanding results.

Proficiency level 1:

Encourages all team members to be responsible for their own decisions. Supports them
to take on new challenges, providing them autonomy instead of micromanaging.

On job development

 Delegate responsibility and tasks to team members according to their

knowledge, skills and capabilities.
 Give team members autonomy in important areas of their work and be available
for support if needed.
 Empower team members to make decisions in their own area of expertise and let
them know that we all learn from mistakes.
 Encourage employees to set ambitious OKRs which will challenge them, and
support them in achieving those goals.

Development by others

Self development

 Udemy: Leadership: How to Influence, Inspire and Impact as a Leader: (1h)
 Book: The Manager's Path: A Guide for Tech Leaders Navigating Growth and
Change by Camille Fournier The Manager's Path: A Guide for Tech
Leaders Navigating Growth and Change: 9781491973899: Fournier, Camille:
 Book: Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action by
Simon Sinek Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone
to Take Action (Audible Audio Edition): Simon Sinek, Simon Sinek, Penguin Audio:
 Book: Radical Simplicity: How simplicity transformed a loss-making mega brand
into a world-class performer Kindle Edition by Ken Allen Radical
Simplicity: How Simplicity Transformed a Loss-Making Mega Brand into a World-
Class Performer (Audible Audio Edition): Ken Allen, Ken Allen, Penguin Audio:
Audible Books & Originals
 Article: David Rock's SCARF Model, Using Neuroscience to Work Effectively With

Focus Area: Lead Business
Strategic thinking
Ability to create and articulate a clear vision for the future and link strategic objectives
to team work priorities.

Proficiency level 1:

Understands company vision and strategy and implications on team work and
objectives. Applies strategic directions into actionable plans and tasks of the team.

On job development

● Explains company vision and strategy to team members in regular team

● Translates strategic goals into practical and specific plans of the team.
● Cascade teams OKRs to team members' OKRs by reviewing and giving approval.

Development by others

Self development

 Udemy: Think Strategically and Make Your Ideas a Reality:
reality/ (1.5h)
 Udemy: Being Strategic: Thinking and Acting with Impact:
impact/ (1.5h)
 Book: The Infinite Game by Simon Sinek The Infinite Game
(Audible Audio Edition): Simon Sinek, Simon Sinek, Penguin Audio: Books

Decision making

Ability to make good , timely and objective evidence based decisions that secure the
organization moving forward.

Proficiency level 1:

Makes timely decisions based on complete data and accurate assumptions to

maximize team results.

On job development

Development by others

Self development

 Udemy: Think Strategically and Make Your Ideas a Reality:
reality/ (1.5h)
 Udemy: Master your Decision-Making, and Critical Thinking Skills:
 Book: Bears on the road By Bojan Leković Laguna - Bears on the Road - Bojan
Leković - Knjige o kojima se priča
 Article: How to Minimize Your Biases When Making Decisions by Robert F. Wolf
 Book: Think on Your Feet: 10 Steps to Better Decision Making and Problem
Solving at Work (Career Makers series) by Jeremy Kourdi Think on Your Feet: 10
Steps to Better Decision Making and Problem Solving at Work (Career Makers
series): Kourdi, Jeremy: 9781904879541: Books

Managing stress
Ability to deal with stress and remain calm and productive in difficult situations

Proficiency level 1:

Stays resilient in high-pressure situations while maintaining a focus on key priorities and
deliverables. Supports team members to cope with pressure and change.

On job development

Development by others

Self development

 Udemy: Think Strategically and Make Your Ideas a Reality:
reality/ (1.5h)
 Book: Mood Mapping –Dr Liz Miller Mood Mapping by Dr Liz Miller: Dr Liz Miller:
9781447213703: Books
 Book: Mindset (The New Psychology of Success) –Carol S. Dweck, Ph.D Mindset:
The New Psychology of Success: Dweck, Carol S.: 9780345472328: Books
 Book: Why We Sleep –Matthew Walker, PhD Why We Sleep: Unlocking the Power
of Sleep and Dreams: Walker PhD, Matthew: 9781501144325:
 Book: Immunity to Change –Robert Kegan and Lisa LaskowLahey Immunity to
Change: How to Overcome It and Unlock Potential in Yourself and Your
Organization (Leadership for the Common Good): Kegan, Robert:
9781422117361: Books
 Podcast: “Huberman Lab” on Spotify –Dr Andrew Huberman Huberman Lab |
Podcast on Spotify

Focus Area: Deliver Results


Ability to hold self and team members responsible for the job, decisions, actions and

Proficiency level 1:

Accepts personal responsibilities and holds self accountable for overall team result.
Implements clear responsibilities and processes for monitoring team work and
measuring results.

On job development

Development by others

Self development

 Book: The Power of Personal Accountability: Achieve What Matters to You by

Mark Samuel and Sophie Chiche The Power of Personal Accountability: Achieve
What Matters to You: Samuel, Mark, Chiche, Sophie: 9780975263815: Books
 Book: Accelerate: The Science of Lean Software and DevOps: Building and
Scaling High Performing Technology Organizations by Jez Humble Accelerate:
The Science of Lean Software and DevOps: Building and Scaling High Performing
Technology Organizations: Forsgren PhD, Nicole, Humble, Jez, Kim, Gene:
9781942788331: Books
 Book: Managing By Accountability: What Every Leader Needs to Know about
Responsibility, Integrity and Results Managing by Accountability:
What Every Leader Needs to Know about Responsibility, Integrity--and Results
eBook : Dealy, Milton D., Thomas, Andrew R.: Kindle Store
 Book: Accountability Leadership: How to Strengthen Productivity Through Sound
Managerial Leadership by Gerald Kraines Accountability Leadership: How to
Strenghten Productivity Through Sound Managerial Leadership: Kraines, Gerald:
9781564145512: Books
 Book: Winning with Accountability: The Secret Language of High-Performing
Organizations by Henry J. Evans Winning with Accountability: The Secret
Language of High-Performing Organizations: Henry J. Evans: 9780981924205:

44 Books

Planning & Organizing

Ability to plan, prioritize, delegate and organize work and resources to secure
organizational goals achievement.

Proficiency level 1:

Effectively plans and delegates tasks to team members to achieve team goals.
Manages resources and prioritizes activities according to plan.

On job development

Development by others

Self development

 Workshop: Leadership Academy Module Delegation

 Workshop: Leadership Academy Module Time Management
 Book: Scrum: The Art of Doing Twice the Work in Half the Time by by Jeff
Sutherland Scrum: The Art of Doing Twice the Work in Half the
Time: 8601410683535: Sutherland, Jeff, Sutherland, J.J.: Books
 Book: Management 3.0: Leading Agile Developers, Developing Agile Leaders
(Addison-Wesley Signature Series (Cohn)) by Jurgen Appelo Management 3.0:
Leading Agile Developers, Developing Agile Leaders (Addison-Wesley Signature
Series (Cohn)): Appelo, Jurgen: 0785342712476: Books
 Book: Death by Meeting: A Leadership Fable...About Solving the Most Painful
Problem in Business by Patrick Lencioni Death by Meeting: A Leadership
Fable...About Solving the Most Painful Problem in Business: Lencioni, Patrick:
8601404616433: Books
 Book: Your Brain at Work: Strategies for Overcoming Distraction, Regaining
Focus, and Working Smarter All Day Long by David Rock Your
Brain at Work, Revised and Updated: Strategies for Overcoming Distraction,

Regaining Focus, and Working Smarter All Day Long (Audible Audio Edition):
David Rock, Roger Wayne, HarperAudio: Audible Books & Originals
 Video: Confessions of a recovering micromanager | Chieh Huang: Confessions of
a recovering micromanager | Chieh Huang - (TEDx, 12:07min) Confessions of a
recovering micromanager | Chieh Huang - YouTube

Finance acumen

Ability to understand key financial indicators to make better business decisions.

Proficiency level 1:

Understands basic financial terms and how team contributes to the company financial

On job development

Development by others

Self development

 Book: Financial Literacy for Managers: Finance and Accounting for Better
Decision-Making (Wharton Executive Essentials) by Richard A. Lambert Financial
Literacy for Managers: Finance and Accounting for Better Decision-Making
(Wharton Executive Essentials): Lambert, Richard A.: 9781613630181: Books
 Book: Quick Value: Discover Your Value and Empower Your Business in Three
Easy Steps: by by Reed Phillips QuickValue: Discover Your Value
and Empower Your Business in Three Easy Steps: 9781264269648: Phillips,
Reed, Slack, Charles: Books


Negotiates based on observations and information collected from both sides using
proper arguments and data. Manages to win support or buy-in from others.

Proficiency level 1:

Negotiates based on observations and information collected from both sides using
proper arguments and data. Manages to win support or buy-in from others.

On job development

Development by others

Self development

 Udemy:Successful Negotiation: Master Your Negotiating Skills: (2h)
 Video: Never Split The Difference By Chris Voss (TEDx, 12 min)
 Book: Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In by by Roger
Fisher Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In:
8601420133235: Fisher, Roger, Ury, William L., Patton, Bruce: Books
 Book: Beyond Reason: Using Emotions as You Negotiate by Roger Fisher and
Daniel Shapiro Beyond Reason: Using Emotions as You Negotiate: Fisher, Roger,
Shapiro, Daniel: 0884720532528: Books
 Book: Getting More: How You Can Negotiate to Succeed in Work and Life by
Stuart Diamond Getting More: How You Can Negotiate to Succeed in Work and
Life: Diamond, Stuart: 9780307716903: Books
 Book: Negotiation Genius: How to Overcome Obstacles and Achieve Brilliant
Results at the Bargaining Table and Beyond by Deepak Malhotra, Max Bazerman Negotiation Genius: How to Overcome Obstacles and Achieve
Brilliant Results at the Bargaining Table and Beyond (Audible Audio Edition):
Deepak Malhotra, Max Bazerman, Fred Sanders, Random House Audio: Audible
Books & Originals

 Book: Bargaining for Advantage: Negotiation Strategies for Reasonable by G.
Richard Shell Bargaining for Advantage: Negotiation Strategies for
Reasonable People: 2nd Edition (Audible Audio Edition): G. Richard Shell, Sean
Pratt, Gildan Media, LLC: Audible Books & Originals
 Book: Whatever It Takes: Master the Habits to Transform Your Business,
Relationships, and Life by Brandon Bornancin Whatever It Takes:
Master the Habits to Transform Your Business, Relationships, and Life (Audible
Audio Edition): Brandon Bornancin, James Larson, Brandon Bornancin: Books
 Book: 99 Negotiating Strategies: Tips, Tactics & Techniques Used by Wall Street's
Toughest Dealmakers by David Rosen 99 Negotiating Strategies:
Tips, Tactics & Techniques Used by Wall Street's Toughest Dealmakers (Audible
Audio Edition): David Rosen, Eric Morrison, Ross & Rubin Publishers LLC: Audible
Books & Originals


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