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Vizconde 1

Monday, May 20, 2024

Declining Box Office and The Rise of

Virus Outbreak Themed Movies
By: Miguel Vizconde

A remarkable pattern is beginning to culturally significant out of these. In more engaged with public health
emerge as the COVID-19 pandemic the present day, we observe a stories. Movies that were formerly
continues to have a negative impact significant rise in viewers and box restricted to specialized markets or
on the world’s entertainment office revenues for these particular places in historical settings are
industry; a rise in the viewership and films. Virus outbreak themed movies currently the subject of heated
performance of virus outbreak have experienced a sharp rise in discussions in society. It is
themed movies. This phenomenon ticket sales, with a startling 30% necessary to reevaluate earlier
provides a deep insight into how increase in viewing over cinematic depictions of contagion
society responds to actual crises, in pre-pandemic levels, according to and social resilience because
addition to reflecting a shift in current box office data. Films like audiences are looking for stories
cinematic preferences. This Panic in the Streets (1950) and that connect with their real-life
increase in attention could be the Contagion (2011) are becoming experiences.
result of a shared desire to make increasingly popular again because
sense of, analyze, and possibly of their hauntingly accurate stories
even find comfort in fictional stories and insights into how society reacts
that reflect our anxieties and to pandemics.
experiences. It also emphasizes
how effective storytelling has always
been as a tool for introspection in
trying times. Let’s look at some
sobering data before discussing the
state of films today
How Audiences Can Cope
Through Uncertain Times
Virus outbreak themed movies look
COVID-19 in the urban world
especially relevant and poignant as
Effects of The COVID-19 the film business navigates
uncharted territory with fluctuating
Pandemic box office revenues. More than just
What drives this sudden interest in entertainment value, these movies
movies with virus outbreak themes? encourage discussion and
In the midst of a real-world crisis, reflection. Viewers can study current
one could contend that these issues and solutions through the
movies offer a sense of catharsis prism provided by these films’
A Shot from 1950’s Panic in the Streets and understanding. When faced depictions of themes such as grief,
with the uncertainties of a resiliency, moral quandaries, and
Increase in Viewership worldwide pandemic, viewers resort societal collapses. This emphasizes
373 movies that were released in to movies as a way to escape how storytelling has the persistent
US theaters were examined in reality as well as a mirror to ability to influence and mirror
thorough research done before the consider our shared hopes, society narrative, providing viewers
pandemic, 142 of which dealt with anxieties, and reactions to with a deeper knowledge of our
pandemics or outbreaks of infectious diseases. The popularity common human experiences
infectious diseases in humans. of these movies also emphasizes throughout difficult times in addition
Eighty films were found to be how society is becoming more and to providing them with enjoyment.
Vizconde 2

Miguel Vizconde

Allison Bocchino

Writing 2

10 June 2024

Metacognition Reflection Essay

Walter Dehority’s article Infectious Disease Outbreaks, Pandemics, and Hollywood -

Hope and Fear Across a Century of Cinema is an academic journal article aiming to examine

how pandemics have been portrayed in Hollywood’s films over the past century. Dehority

achieves this by viewing how movies from previous eras have reflected society’s fears and hopes

through statistical information, thematic analysis, and historical context. Dehority’s thorough and

concise research provided a strong foundation for translating the academic article into a

newspaper article. This metacognition reflection essay will look at how this academic text was

turned into a newspaper article and explain the intentional decisions that were made to modify

the content for a wider audience.

The article Infectious Disease Outbreaks, Pandemics, and Hollywood - Hope and Fear

Across a Century of Cinema was composed in an analytical and formal style that was reminiscent

of the format commonly found in scholarly journal articles. Its main goal was to conduct a

thorough investigation and study of the ways that pandemics and infectious disease outbreaks

have been portrayed in Hollywood films over the past 100 years. The essay carefully provided

research findings, statistical data, thematic analysis, and citations to support and substantiate its

claims in accordance with the standards of an academic journal article. The conventions of an

academic journal article reflect the discourse community of scholars, researchers, and academics

who are strongly in the dissemination of knowledge within particular fields of study, as well as in
Vizconde 3

rigorous analysis and critical thought. Typically, these articles follow an organized framework

that includes reviews, methodology, discussions, references, and conclusions. A well-organized

arrangement like this makes it easier for readers to navigate the text and fully understand the

study method and findings.

Many writing choices are essential to this scholarly genre. First, there is an unwavering

dedication to objectivity and evidence-based analysis. As could be seen in the original text,

academic publications maintain objectivity by heavily depending on data analysis, empirical

evidence, and reliable scholarly sources. For example, the article used statistics to

find pertinent movies and do perceptive assessments of patterns in virus outbreak themed

movies.1 The article also explores thematic analysis, revealing recurrent themes, motifs, and

narrative components found in movies with a pandemic theme. By evaluating cinematic

representations with larger cultural, historical, and social contexts, this analytical method

contributes to an enrichment of the discourse surrounding these cinematic portrayals. There are

also heavy uses of references and citations within this genre to give the research a strong basis

and establish credibility. For instance, to properly support its definitions and analysis, the

original text used reputable sources like the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) and the Centers for

Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).2 Moreover, the original article also carries out a detailed

thematic analysis, providing a thorough presentation of its conclusions, and carefully describing

its search procedures and film selection criteria.

Similarly, the translated newspaper article embodies several conventions intrinsic to the

genre, including an organized structure, attention-grabbing headlines, and a journalistic tone.

Dehority, Walter. “Infectious Disease Outbreaks, Pandemics, and Hollywood—Hope and Fear Across a Century of
Cinema.” JAMA : the journal of the American Medical Association 323, no. 19 (2020): 1878–1880.
Dehority, Walter. “Infectious Disease Outbreaks, Pandemics, and Hollywood—Hope and Fear Across a Century of
Cinema.” JAMA : the journal of the American Medical Association 323, no. 19 (2020): 1878–1880.
Vizconde 4

These norms improve reader engagement and comprehension in addition to facilitating a

compelling story. One of four conventions of newspaper articles that are used in the translation

consists of word choice. Word choice is important in newspaper articles as it ensures accuracy

and clarity for readers of the public. Furthermore, it also preserves the article’s professionalism

and neutrality, both of which are critical to retaining the credibility and trust of readers. Another

component of newspaper articles is its overall structure, including a headline, a byline, an

introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Northwestern’s Newswriting Guidelines

presents this hierarchical framework that aims to arrange material methodically. The structured

approach guarantees clarity and coherence by outlining the primary topic in the headline and

introduction, going into detail in the body, and ending with a reflection or summary.3 The

information is easily navigable by readers who can quickly and easily obtain important insights

and analysis. A third convention that was used in the translation is an attention grabbing

headline. Declining Box Office and the Rise of Viewership In Virus Outbreak Themed Movies

draws readers in and effectively captures the essence of the piece. The common convention of

creating captivating headlines fulfills the vital purpose of drawing in readers. The headline acts

as a point of entry, enticing readers to read on by providing a preview of the article’s substance

and implying the author’s viewpoint or introspection.4 In addition, a journalistic tone, marked by

neutrality, factual exposition, and perceptive commentary, permeates the entire piece. In order to

give readers objective and educational content, this tone is widely acknowledged in journalistic

writing. The journalistic tone employed in the examined article enables the material to be

presented in an objective and understandable way, hence increasing reader engagement. A closer

“Newswriting Guidelines,” Brand Tools - Northwestern University, 2024,
“Newswriting Guidelines,” Brand Tools - Northwestern University, 2024,
Vizconde 5

look at the dynamics of the film industry and public reactions to the COVID-19 pandemic is

revealed by analyzing the viewership of pandemic-themed movies in the midst of a downturn in

the box office performance of other films. The journalistic tone adds to the article’s legitimacy

and relevancy by providing insightful analysis. Overall, these conventions contribute to the

article’s readability and substance.

To accomplish my translation, I deliberately changed the academic text to fit the

conventions of newspaper articles while keeping its essential ideas and important details.

Simplifying the language was my first priority in order to provide accessibility and clarity for a

wider audience. This involved avoiding academic jargon and complex terminology, opting

instead for straightforward and easily understandable language. Furthermore, creating a

compelling headline functioned as a hook to draw readers in and communicate the main points of

the written piece. It was also essential to keep the format structured like a newspaper article, and

as a result, involved arranging the content as such. This purposeful arrangement helps to arrange

data logically, aiding readers to fully understand and comprehend the content as a whole.

Additionally, it was essential to adopt a journalistic tone that was marked by objectivity and

factual exposition. I also incorporated introspective thought, which enables me as a writer to

offer my opinion and observation while remaining impartial. Also, key points from the original

text were reaffirmed and the article’s credibility was increased by doing so. This practice is

essential to newspaper writing as it gives the topic context, which increases the article’s overall


Writing has principles that can be twisted or flexed to achieve specific goals, and there

are others that should be followed strictly. In a genre like journalism, although simple and

concise phrases are often preferable, it is sometimes permissible to utilize lengthy words for
Vizconde 6

emphasis or to explain difficult concepts. Furthermore, certain amounts of causal language could

aid in opinion pieces, depending on the tone and intended readership of the article. It can

facilitate the establishment of a conversational tone and foster a personal connection with

readers. Transparent storytelling and truthful reporting are also frequently given top priority in

journalism. To improve storytelling and reader engagement, narrative techniques like stories,

images, and descriptive language can be used, provided that the facts are true and substantial.

Meanwhile, some rules that should be followed strictly include preserving factual accuracy and

avoiding any forms of plagiarism. Through storytelling tactics may allow for some artistic

license, facts, figures, and quotations must be authentic and presented truthfully. Falsifying

information can undermine credibility and confidence. It is unacceptable to compromise on

journalistic ethics, which include values like impartiality, fairness, and avoiding conflicts of

interest. Any exception to the norm shouldn’t compromise moral principles or deceive readers. In

addition, citing sources for ideas, quotes, and sources is crucial. Although summarizing and

paraphrasing are standard practices, straight copying without acknowledgment is not permitted.

Moreover, disseminating facts that could unjustly damage someone’s reputation or make

derogatory remarks could lead to legal trouble as information must be verified and reporting

must be done responsibly. Therefore, while some writing conventions can be bent for stylistic or

artistic effect, fundamental values, such as truthfulness, morality, and responsible reporting

should always be respected.

In translating the academic article into a newspaper article, several concerns need to be

accounted for. This translation process was successfully navigated by making use of Janet

Boyd’s Murder! (Rhetorically Speaking) and Sandra L. Giles’ Reflective Writing and the

Revision Process: What Were You Thinking? One of my main concerns was audience
Vizconde 7

engagement as both Boyd and Giles believe that it’s critical to keep the audience interested.

Boyd’s exercise with the coroner and detective reports shows how important it is to draw readers

in with interesting and accessible material.5 In a similar vein, developing a story that relates to a

recent pandemic was crucial in converting the academic article discussing the themes of virus

outbreak-themed movies into a newspaper article that would appeal to readers who had

experienced COVID. Another important concern while translating the text was clarity and

purpose. Giles emphasizes how important purpose and clarity are while writing reflectively.6 The

original article’s purpose relates to how Hollywood has portrayed virus outbreaks throughout the

years. Thus, in translating this text, the newspaper article investigates how audiences respond to

movies with these themes amid actual crises. It was essential to make sure that this new purpose

was well-crafted and understood by audiences in creating the newspaper article to properly

separate both the academic text and the translated text. With a clear purpose in the newspaper

article, readers can immerse themselves in the article and how cinema and the pandemic

correlate with one another. Furthermore, cultural relevance was also a major focus as Boyd

emphasizes the significance of maintaining relevance to the cultural and temporal context in his

study of the role of context and genre conventions.7 For the translated newspaper article to

remain relevant and influential, its correlation with the recent pandemic aids the translated text in

touching on societal issues and recent events.

These readings also allow for the development of new skills that were necessary for this

translation process. It was important to modify the tone and style. Boyd’s emphasis on the

Janet Boyd, “Murder! (Rhetorically Speaking),” The WAC Clearinghouse Colorado State University, 2011,, 88-89.
Sandra L. Giles, “Reflective Writing and the Revision Process,” The WAC Clearinghouse Colorado State
University, 2010,, 197.
Janet Boyd, “Murder! (Rhetorically Speaking),” The WAC Clearinghouse Colorado State University, 2011,, 92.
Vizconde 8

language used in detective reports draws attention to the necessity of tailoring tone and style to

the intended audience.8 The academic text’s formal, academic tone was changed to one that was

more journalistic and analytical, fit for a newspaper article. Additionally, to give the translated

text depth and personal insight, the skills of reflection and critical analysis about the viewing

experience were integrated as well. Rhetorical techniques were also given significant

importance. Boyd placed a great deal of emphasis on rhetorical devices including pathos, ethos,

and logos. These techniques were used in the translation to make an emotional connection with

the viewer (pathos), build credibility (ethos), and make logical arguments (logos) on the growing

popularity of movies with themes of virus outbreaks.9 Finally, utilizing data and research was yet

another crucial competency as the translated text included relevant data and statistics to back up

the analysis.

In summary, a strategic translation was made to Walter Dehority’s academic article

Infectious Disease Outbreaks, Pandemics, and Hollywood - Hope and Fear Across a Century of

Cinema to engage a wider audience while maintaining the critical insights of the original work.

Through the simplification of language, engaging headlines, and adopting a journalistic tone, the

translation made the intricate article more relevant and digestible. Janet Boyd’s and Sandra L.

Giles’ stressed ideals allowed for the newspaper article to preserve clarity, purpose, and cultural

relevance, ensuring the article’s influence stretched to the general public. This practice

emphasizes how crucial it is to modify writing styles to fit various genres while maintaining the

fundamental principles of authenticity.

Janet Boyd, “Murder! (Rhetorically Speaking),” The WAC Clearinghouse Colorado State University, 2011,, 89-90, 95.
Janet Boyd, “Murder! (Rhetorically Speaking),” The WAC Clearinghouse Colorado State University, 2011,, 98.
Vizconde 9

Work Cited

Boyd, Janet. “Murder! (Rhetorically Speaking).” The WAC Clearinghouse Colorado State

University, 2011.


Giles, Sandra L. “Reflective Writing and the Revision Process.” The WAC Clearinghouse

Colorado State University, 2010.


Walter Dehority, MD. “Infectious Disease Outbreaks, Pandemics, and Hollywood-Hope

and Fear across a Century of Cinema.” JAMA, May 19, 2020.

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