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The weight of a mild steel pipe can be calculated based on its dimensions and the density

of the steel. Here's how to find the weight of the pipe you described:

1. Material Density: Mild steel has a density of around 7,850 kg/m³.

2. Pipe Geometry:

o Diameter (D) = 200 mm = 0.2 m

o Thickness (t) = 4 mm = 0.004 m

o Length (L) = 12 m

3. Calculate the pipe's cross-sectional area (A): We'll use the formula for the area of
a circle: A = π * (D/2)² A = π * (0.2 m / 2)² A = 0.0314 m²

4. Calculate the pipe's volume (V): V = A * L V = 0.0314 m² * 12 m V = 0.3768 m³

5. Calculate the pipe's weight (W): W = V * density W = 0.3768 m³ * 7,850 kg/m³ W ≈

2970.8 kg

Therefore, the weight of the mild steel pipe is approximately 2970.8 kg.

It's important to note that this is an approximate value. The actual weight may vary slightly
depending on the specific manufacturing process and the exact density of the steel used.

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