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International Journal of Applied Research in Social Sciences, Volume 6, Issue 3, March 2024

International Journal of Applied Research in Social Sciences
P-ISSN: 2706-9176, E-ISSN: 2706-9184
Volume 6, Issue 3, P.No. 372-382, March 2024
DOI: 10.51594/ijarss.v6i3.894
Fair East Publishers
Journal Homepage:


Chima Abimbola Eden1, Onyebuchi Nneamaka Chisom2, & Idowu Sulaimon Adeniyi3
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Strathclyde, UK
National Examinations Council (NECO) Nigeria,
Department of Sociology, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria
Corresponding Author: Chima Abimbola Eden
Corresponding Author Email:

Article Received: 15-01-24 Accepted: 01-03-24 Published: 18-03-24

Licensing Details: Author retains the right of this article. The article is distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial 4.0 License
( which permits non-commercial use, reproduction
and distribution of the work without further permission provided the original work is attributed as specified
on the Journal open access page.
Parent and community involvement in education has garnered significant attention as a pivotal
factor in enhancing educational outcomes and fostering social improvement. This review explores
the multifaceted dynamics of such partnerships and their potential to positively impact the
educational landscape. Through collaborative efforts between parents, communities, and
educational institutions, a holistic approach towards addressing the diverse needs of students and
society at large is promoted. Effective parent involvement encompasses various dimensions,
including parental engagement in their children's academic journey, participation in school
activities, and advocacy for educational equity. When parents are actively involved in their
children's education, students tend to exhibit higher academic performance, improved attendance,
and enhanced social-emotional development. Moreover, parental involvement cultivates a
supportive home environment conducive to learning, thereby reinforcing the educational efforts
undertaken in schools. Community engagement in education extends beyond parental involvement

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International Journal of Applied Research in Social Sciences, Volume 6, Issue 3, March 2024

to encompass broader societal participation in educational endeavors. Local communities play a

crucial role in supplementing educational resources, providing mentorship opportunities, and
facilitating experiential learning initiatives. Collaborative partnerships between schools and
communities enrich the educational experience by bridging the gap between classroom learning
and real-world application, thereby nurturing well-rounded individuals equipped with the skills
necessary for societal contribution. Furthermore, fostering strong partnerships between schools,
parents, and communities serves as a catalyst for social improvement. By promoting inclusivity,
diversity, and mutual respect, these partnerships contribute to the creation of cohesive and resilient
communities. Through collective action, stakeholders can address systemic challenges, advocate
for educational reforms, and promote equitable access to quality education for all individuals,
irrespective of their socio-economic backgrounds. Parent and community involvement in
education represents a cornerstone for social improvement, fostering collaborative efforts aimed
at nurturing the next generation of global citizens equipped to navigate an ever-evolving world.
Keywords: Education, Parent, Community Involvement, Partnership, Social Improvement,
Parent and community involvement in education stands as a cornerstone for the holistic
development of learners and the broader enhancement of societal well-being (Li and Zhang, 2023).
The significance of such involvement cannot be overstated, as it transcends the confines of
classroom walls and extends into the fabric of communities (Hamm et al., 2021). Collaboration
between parents, communities, and educational institutions not only enhances academic
achievements but also nurtures individuals equipped with the skills and values necessary for
meaningful societal contribution (Cordova Jr et al., 2024).
Parental involvement in education has been widely recognized as a key determinant of academic
success and overall student well-being (Beard and Thomson, 2021.). When parents actively engage
in their children's educational journey, they contribute to a supportive home environment that
fosters learning, reinforces positive behaviors, and instills a sense of value for education (Hsu and
Chen, 2023). Furthermore, community engagement in education extends the support network
beyond the family unit, enriching the educational experience through diverse perspectives,
resources, and opportunities (Kelty and Wakabayashi, 2020). Together, parents and communities
play pivotal roles in shaping the educational landscape and preparing students for the complexities
of the modern world.
Collaborative partnerships between parents, communities, and educational institutions are
essential for enhancing educational outcomes and fostering social improvement (Alam and
Mohanty, 2023). The thesis asserts that collaborative partnerships between parents, communities,
and educational institutions are fundamental in achieving two interconnected goals: improving
educational outcomes and fostering social improvement. By working together, these stakeholders
can leverage their collective strengths to address educational challenges, advocate for equity, and
cultivate environments where all individuals have the opportunity to thrive academically, socially,
and emotionally. Through collaborative efforts, we can build stronger, more resilient communities
and empower future generations to realize their full potential.

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Background and Research Gap on Parent and Community Involvement in Education

Parent and community involvement in education has long been recognized as a crucial factor in
shaping the educational experiences and outcomes of students (Mishra, 2020). Historically,
schools have operated within a paradigm that largely isolated them from the broader community,
with limited interaction between educators, parents, and community members. However, as our
understanding of education has evolved, so too has the recognition of the vital role that parents
and communities play in supporting student learning and success. Research has consistently shown
that when parents are actively engaged in their children's education, students tend to perform better
academically, exhibit improved attendance and behavior, and demonstrate higher levels of
motivation and self-esteem (Hameed, 2023; Raza and Iqbal, 2023). Additionally, community
involvement in education has been linked to increased student achievement, reduced dropout rates,
and the promotion of a positive school climate.
Despite the wealth of research demonstrating the benefits of parent and community involvement
in education, there remain significant gaps in our understanding of how best to foster and sustain
these partnerships (Stanley et al., 2020). While some schools and communities have successfully
implemented programs and initiatives to promote parent and community involvement, many others
struggle to effectively engage parents and community members in meaningful ways.
Research Gap:
One major research gap in the field of parent and community involvement in education lies in the
area of effective strategies for promoting and sustaining these partnerships, particularly in
underserved and marginalized communities (Bryan et al., 2020). While there is ample evidence to
suggest that parent and community involvement can positively impact student outcomes, there is
a lack of research on which specific strategies are most effective in different contexts and for
different populations.
Additionally, there is a need for more research on the role of technology in facilitating parent and
community involvement in education. With the proliferation of digital communication tools and
platforms, there is potential to reach and engage parents and community members in new and
innovative ways (Haleem et al., 2022). However, more research is needed to understand how best
to harness the power of technology to promote meaningful parent and community involvement
without exacerbating existing inequities.
Overall, addressing these research gaps is crucial for advancing our understanding of how to
effectively promote and sustain parent and community involvement in education, particularly in
ways that support the needs of all students and communities. By filling these gaps, researchers and
educators can better equip schools and communities with the knowledge and tools they need to
foster strong partnerships that support student success and promote positive social change.
Parental Involvement
Parental involvement in education refers to the active participation of parents or guardians in their
children's learning and educational experiences (Farooq and Asim, 2020). It encompasses a range
of activities and behaviors aimed at supporting and enhancing a child's academic and personal
development. The significance of parental involvement cannot be overstated, as it has been
consistently linked to positive outcomes for students and schools alike.

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Parental involvement encompasses actions taken by parents to support their children's learning and
educational success (Otani, 2020). This involvement can occur both within and outside the
classroom, and it may include activities such as helping with homework, attending parent-teacher
conferences, volunteering at school events, and advocating for educational policies that benefit all
students. Parental involvement is significant because it reinforces the idea that education is a
collaborative effort between schools, families, and communities, and it plays a crucial role in
fostering a supportive learning environment for students (Alinsunurin, 2020; Oshioste et al., 2023).
Academic support which includes helping children with homework, providing resources for
learning at home, and engaging in discussions about educational goals and aspirations. Parents can
contribute to school life by attending parent-teacher conferences, volunteering in classrooms,
participating in school committees or parent-teacher associations (PTAs), and attending school
events such as performances, sports games, and fundraisers (Hagos et al., 2021). Parents can
advocate for policies and practices that promote equity and fairness in education, including
initiatives to address disparities in resources, opportunities, and outcomes among diverse student
Research has consistently shown that students whose parents are actively involved in their
education tend to achieve higher grades, perform better on standardized tests, and have greater
motivation to succeed academically (Prakhov et al., 2020; Bowen and Kisida, 2023). Parental
involvement has been associated with reduced absenteeism and disciplinary issues among
students, as parents play a role in reinforcing the importance of attendance and positive behavior.
Children whose parents are involved in their education tend to have higher levels of self-esteem,
better social skills, and greater resilience in the face of challenges (Aparício et al., 2020).
Family literacy programs that provide parents with the skills and resources to support their
children's literacy development at home. Parent academies or workshops that offer training on
topics such as effective parenting strategies, navigating the education system, and advocating for
children's needs (Gil and Johnson, 2021). Parent engagement campaigns that use outreach efforts,
communication tools, and community partnerships to involve parents in school activities and
decision-making processes. Collaborative partnerships between schools and families to create
supportive environments where parents feel valued, welcomed, and empowered to contribute to
their children's education (Albrecht, 2021).
Community Engagement in Education
Community engagement in education refers to the active involvement of local communities in
supporting and enriching the educational experiences of students (Anoke et al., 2023). It
emphasizes the collaboration between schools, families, businesses, non-profit organizations, and
other stakeholders to collectively contribute to the success of learners. Community engagement is
vital because it recognizes that education extends beyond the boundaries of the school and
acknowledges the diverse resources and expertise available within the community to support
student learning and development (Borup et al., 2020; Udokwu et al., 2023).
Communities can provide additional resources such as books, technology, funding, and facilities
to enhance the learning environment and expand educational opportunities for students (Onunka
et al., 2023). Mentors from the community can offer guidance, support, and role modeling to
students, helping them develop skills, explore career pathways, and navigate challenges.

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Communities can organize field trips, internships, service-learning projects, and other hands-on
experiences that connect classroom learning to real-world contexts and promote deeper
understanding and engagement (Rock, 2022; Raji et al., 2023).
Community engagement helps students see the relevance of their education by connecting
classroom concepts to real-life experiences, challenges, and opportunities, thereby increasing
motivation and retention (Akindote et al., 2023). By tapping into the diverse talents, perspectives,
and resources within the community, students are exposed to a broader range of learning
opportunities, cultural experiences, and career pathways, fostering a more comprehensive and
enriching educational experience.
Collaborations between schools and local businesses or industries to provide internships, job
shadowing opportunities, guest speakers, and curriculum input, preparing students for future
careers and addressing workforce needs (Kirkpatrick et al., 2022; Babarinde et al., 2023).
Initiatives that involve students in addressing community needs through volunteerism, service-
learning, and civic engagement, fostering a sense of social responsibility and empathy. Programs
that engage parents, community members, and school staff in joint decision-making, planning, and
implementation of initiatives to support student success, such as family literacy programs, parent
workshops, and community-based afterschool programs (Miller and Hutchins, 2021). Matching
students with mentors from the community who provide guidance, support, and encouragement,
helping students set goals, build confidence, and develop essential life skills (Okunade et al., 2023;
Orikpete et al., 2023). Collaborative partnerships between schools, parents, and communities are
essential for fostering a supportive ecosystem that promotes the holistic development and success
of students. By working together, these stakeholders can leverage their unique strengths, resources,
and expertise to address educational challenges, enhance student outcomes, and create a positive
learning environment (Penuel et al., 2020; Aderibigbe et al., 2023).
Effective partnerships for social improvement prioritize inclusivity, diversity, and mutual respect
among all stakeholders (Uchechukwu et al., 2023). By valuing and celebrating the unique
backgrounds, perspectives, and contributions of individuals and communities, these partnerships
create environments that are welcoming, equitable, and conducive to learning and growth for all
students (Warren, 2022).
Collaborative partnerships empower stakeholders to collectively identify and address systemic
challenges within the education system (Orikpete, 2020). By engaging in dialogue, advocacy, and
strategic planning, schools, parents, and communities can work together to dismantle barriers to
educational equity, such as inequitable funding, resource disparities, and systemic biases, and
create more just and inclusive educational systems (Radd et al., 2021; Fabian et al., 2023).
Partnerships for social improvement play a critical role in advocating for educational reforms and
policies that promote equitable access to high-quality education for all students (Orikpete et al.,
2021). By amplifying the voices of marginalized communities, mobilizing grassroots support, and
engaging with policymakers and stakeholders at all levels, these partnerships can influence
systemic change and advance the cause of educational justice (Datnow et al., 2023; Sapp, 2024).
Examples of successful collaborative partnerships for social improvement include Community
schools initiatives, Parent-led advocacy groups, School-community partnerships (Stanley and
Gilzene, 2023). Collaborative efforts that transform schools into hubs of community engagement,

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offering comprehensive support services, resources, and opportunities for students, families, and
community members (Malone, 2020; Medina et al., 2020). Grassroots organizations and coalitions
of parents and community members that advocate for educational reforms, equitable funding, and
policies that support the needs of all students, particularly those from marginalized and
underserved communities. Collaborations between schools and local organizations, businesses,
and government agencies to provide students with access to resources, enrichment opportunities,
and support services that enhance their academic, social, and emotional development (Statti and
Torres, 2020; Mahoney et al., 2021). Diversity and inclusion task forces: Multistakeholder
committees or working groups that work to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion within schools
and communities through policy development, training, and initiatives aimed at fostering a culture
of belonging and respect for all individuals.
Future Outlook and Recommendations
The future of education hinges on the strength of partnerships between schools, parents, and
communities. As we look ahead, several key areas emerge where focused efforts and strategic
recommendations can further enhance these collaborations and drive positive change.
Embrace and leverage technology to enhance parent and community involvement in education.
Develop user-friendly platforms for communication, collaboration, and resource sharing between
schools and families. Utilize technology to provide virtual opportunities for parent engagement,
such as online workshops, forums, and informational sessions. Additionally, explore innovative
uses of technology to bridge the digital divide and ensure equitable access to educational resources
for all families. Implement culturally responsive practices that honor and reflect the diverse
backgrounds and experiences of students and families. Provide professional development for
educators on culturally relevant pedagogy, inclusive curriculum design, and culturally sensitive
communication strategies. Encourage schools to actively engage with community organizations
and cultural institutions to incorporate diverse perspectives and experiences into the educational
experience. Strengthen and expand partnerships between schools and community organizations to
address the holistic needs of students and families. Collaborate with local businesses, non-profit
organizations, healthcare providers, and social service agencies to provide wraparound services,
such as mental health support, academic tutoring, nutrition assistance, and parent education
programs. Foster mutually beneficial relationships that leverage the resources and expertise of
community partners to enhance student learning and well-being. Empower parents to play an
active role in decision-making processes at the school and district levels. Provide opportunities for
parent leadership and representation on school governance councils, advisory committees, and
policy-making bodies. Offer training and resources to support parents in advocating for their
children's educational needs and participating in school improvement efforts. Foster a culture of
partnership and collaboration where parents are valued as equal partners in the educational
journey. Prioritize equity and access in all aspects of parent and community involvement
initiatives. Identify and address systemic barriers that prevent marginalized and underserved
families from fully participating in educational opportunities. Allocate resources and support to
ensure equitable access to technology, transportation, language interpretation services, and other
essential resources for all families. Promote policies and practices that prioritize the needs of
historically marginalized communities and address disparities in educational outcomes. Use data

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to inform decision-making and measure the impact of parent and community involvement efforts.
Collect and analyze data on parent engagement, student outcomes, and community partnerships to
identify areas of strength and areas for improvement. Use data to track progress towards goals,
assess the effectiveness of interventions, and make data-driven adjustments to strategies and
programs. Foster a culture of continuous improvement in parent and community involvement
initiatives. Solicit feedback from parents, educators, and community members on their experiences
and perceptions of involvement efforts. Use feedback loops to iteratively refine and improve
strategies, programs, and policies based on stakeholder input and insights. Embrace a growth
mindset and a commitment to learning and adapting to meet the evolving needs of students,
families, and communities.
Parent and community involvement in education is not just a nicety; it is a necessity for ensuring
the success and well-being of students and society as a whole. As we reflect on the importance of
these partnerships, it becomes evident that collaborative efforts between schools, parents, and
communities are essential for enhancing educational outcomes and fostering social improvement.
Collaborative partnerships create synergies that amplify the impact of individual efforts and
address the multifaceted needs of students and communities. By working together, schools,
parents, and communities can create supportive environments where all students have the
opportunity to thrive academically, socially, and emotionally.
In conclusion, let us reaffirm our commitment to strengthening partnerships for the betterment of
education and society. Collaborative partnerships are not just a one-time endeavor but an ongoing
journey towards equity, excellence, and empowerment for all. Let us heed the call to action and
continue our efforts to build bridges, foster inclusivity, and empower communities for a brighter
future. Together, we can create a world where every child has the opportunity to reach their full
potential and contribute positively to society.

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