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Jurnal Penelitian Mahasiswa Indonesia

eISSN: 2827-9956
Volume 3 Nomor 1 2022

A Discourse Analysis On
Conversation Of “Who is
The Ideal Presidential
Candidate for Young
People” On Mata Najwa

Ni Made Wilhel Mina Putri
Ganesha University of Education

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memahami dan mendeskripsikan model pidato dari hasil wawancara yang
terjadi dalam percakapan “Siapa Calon Presiden Ideal Anak Muda” di Mata Najwa dan dengan ini dapat
digunakan sebagai alat pengajaran bahasa yang bermanfaat. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian dengan
metode kualitatif yang bersifat deskriptif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik rekam dam catat.
Analisis data dilakukan melalui beberapa prosedur:“(1) reduksi data (seleksi data dan pengodean data),
(2) penyajian data, dan (3) penarikan kesimpulan dan verifikasi data.”Berdasarkan hasil analisis data
dan pembahasan, kesimpulan dari penelitian ini peneliti menemukan fungsi wujud implikatur
percakapan dalam dialog interaktif Mata Najwa dengan pejabat publik. Dengan menggunakan teori
analisis percakapan dengan beberapa aspek di dalamnya seperti analisis pembukaan dan penutupan,
pasangan adjecency, manajemen topik, turn-taking, organisasi preferensi, umpan balik, dan perbaika,
sesuai dengan teori analisis percakapan dalam discourse analysis.

Kata Kunci: Teori Analisis Percakapan, Wawancara Analisis Percakapan, Mata Najwa

This study aims to understand and describe the model of speech from the results of interviews that
occurred in the conversation "Who is the Ideal Candidate for Young People" in Mata Najwa and this
can be used as a useful language teaching tool. This research is a research with a descriptive qualitative
method. Data collection was carried out by recording and note-taking techniques. Data analysis was
carried out through several procedures: (1) data reduction (data selection and data coding), (2) data
presentation, and (3) drawing conclusions and data verification. Based on the results of data analysis
and discussion, the conclusion of this research is that the researcher found a functiona form of
conversational implicature in Mata Najwa's interactive dialogue with public officials. By using the
theory of conversation analysis with several aspects in it such as opening and closing analysis,
adjecency pairs, topic management, turn-taking, preference organization, feedback, and improvement,
in accordance with the theory of conversation analysis in discourse analysis.

Keywords: Conversation Analysis Theory, Conversation Analysis Interview, Mata Najwa

Jurnal Penelitian Mahasiswa Indonesia
eISSN: 2827-9956
Volume 3 Nomor 1 2022

Introduction and a goal achieved. According to Johnson and

Johnson, 1998: 89 it is taken from (Qi & Tian,
In everyday life, people are used to 2010) that conversation analysis is closely
having conversations, in ordinary to formal related to the structure of the conversation itself
language. Formal conversations usually take like, “opening and closing, adjacency pairs,
place in certain places, for example the news on topic management, turn-taking, preference
TV showing interviews with figures, where organization, feedback, and repair”. According
conversations occur between characters and the to Burn 1996: 18) taken from (Qi & Tian, 2010)
host. According to (Brennan, 2010) the analysis, it was carried out to observe what
Conversation is an activity between two or happened to the speakers who were involved in
more people carried out face-to-face that is conversational interactions. (Qi & Tian, 2010)
universal and alternately. In conversation, of
course, there is a context of conversation, which There are several reasons for carrying
is not only accepted and translated, but there is out the analysis of these conversations, among
a context of tension pairs that give the first and others, interviews conducted on Indonesian
second speakers a structured turn, and there are television shows in Mata Najwa often discuss
goals to be achieved by the speaker in about social and legal issues in Indonesia. In
discussing something with his partner. this conversation, Mata Najwa discussed "Who
According to (Nurfaidah, 2015) Conversation is the Ideal Presidential Candidate for Young
can be said to be an interaction that takes turns People" in part 6. Presenting Faldo Maldini,
in communicating, such as opening, asking Gamal Albinsaid, Cinta Laura and Lalola
questions, offering and accepting, offering with Easter as part of young people and two
rejection and closing, which are included in politicians to voice the voices of young people
speaking interactions. Conversations are who were declared still in ignored by the
carried out to get the purpose of the government and provided an explanation of the
conversation, by exchanging ideas or political party system in Indonesia. The topics
information with each other. An analysis is discussed are very interesting to analyze, in
carried out in this conversation to be able to addition to knowing the important points in the
study social interactions and the conversations conversations that occur between speakers, this
that are carried out in interactions, whether they can be a lesson for young people to be more
have a significant influence on social science creative and start getting out of their comfort
learning and are in accordance with the zone. Mata Najwa provides a critical way of
linguistic structure in future studies. thinking in every show that gives another
In analyzing the conversation, interesting impression. Everything includes
Atkinson and Heritage argue that this is done how the government in the political field
not to interpret the meaning of the participants responds to the voices of young people who
in the conversation or intend to limit it. often ignore them, political parties, easy
(Hidayat, 2019). On the contrary, it is done to children's voices must be carried out not only
re-present the data obtained through heard and then discarded, the thoughts of young
observations by researchers on the behavior of people now are different from the thoughts of
participants in interactions. (Heritage, 2008). In old people in the past, and are too used to it.
conversational analysis, it is not as everything is a formality. All of these things
comprehensive as teaching on the linguistic will be found in this research. The video
structure being analyzed, but there are interview was taken from Mata Najwa's
several theories that are focused on. Youtube, which lasted 10.56 minutes which
According to Robin Woffitt reviewed by was published on October 28, 2021. This
activity is an interview news for young people
Pentti Haddington, that focused on the main
with voices, guided by Najwa Shihab.
concepts in CA. (Liddicoat, 2009). It is
defined that the CA function can be used to The theory used is CA (conversation analysis),
analyze actions in the social world in social this theory is said to have been able to provide
interactions. So a conversation in which good results of the analysis of a conversation.
data collection through an observation of (Qi & Tian, 2010). By using the aspects of CA
news interviews can be analyzed to get a result which will be explained briefly. Opening and

Jurnal Penelitian Mahasiswa Indonesia
eISSN: 2827-9956
Volume 3 Nomor 1 2022

closing, in conversation it means that in the conversations held in Mata Najwa that
conversation the speaker opens the discussed political parties and the voices of
conversation by greeting as an opening at the young people in Indonesia, we can find out the
beginning of "Hello" "Hi" "Welcome", "Good small points in the conversation, what kind of
Morning" etc., to other speakers as the interaction took place and how the conversation
beginning of starting a conversation. Then took place and among whom. So,by analyzing
closing is a closing done by the speakers at the we find the results using the above aspects.
end of the conversation such as "thank you, see
you and so on. (Sitepu, Hanafiah, & T. Method
Thyrhaya Zein, 2020). Adjacency pairs is a way This analysis uses a qualitative
of having a conversation, the speaker will take descriptive method, namely by first observing a
turns in speaking. This is done to initiate a news story then inputting data and analyzing.
communication and interpret the meaning of Data collection was done using recording and
the conversation. In conversation, speakers can note-taking techniques. Data analysis is done
give each other a response that expresses through several procedures: "(1) data reduction
rejection or acceptance, question-answer. And (data selection and data coding), (2) data
can submit a request or assessment. (Sitepu, presentation, and (3) conclusion drawing and
Hanafiah, & T. Thyrhaya Zein, 2020) data verification. Qualitative descriptive here is
In a conversation, the preference the process of obtaining materials to be
organization gives an explanation as a great analyzed. For the conversation analysis stage,
right for the speaker to give his opinion. That the conversation will be analyzed in accordance
is, the type of response can be liked or disliked with the CA analysis strategy. The
depending on the speaker. Statements of liking conversations were taken from news interviews
put forward by the speaker, can be in the form on the Mata Najwa channel. The discussion of
of agreeing with the opinion, accepting the social and political issues in Indonesia,
answer received. On the other hand, if the explaining how the voices of young people are
speaker does not like to enter the context of still neglected even though the ideas of young
opposing a statement by glaring, disagreeing people are very influential for the progress of
with the response received, giving an the country. The conversation was conducted
unexpected answer or not answering, and by paying attention to how the situation and
assuming one of the confessions. (Sitepu, expressions and body language occurred during
Hanafiah, & T. Thyrhaya Zein, 2020) the conversation and recording the ongoing
conversation and then transcribing it, the
According to Sitepu, Hanafiah, & T. conversation corrected the language but did not
Thyrhaya Zein, (2020) The next aspect, lose the meaning of the context of the
feedback. In a feedback conversation, which conversation. Since this is an Indonesian
means how the listener responds to the speaker, program, the conversations will be in
it can give a response in the form of, "yeah or Indonesian. Transcription of the conversations
umm" it can also be in the form of body will be done based on the CA method. Then, of
language that is mutually understandable. Then course, the conversation provides English
in contrast to Repair, the speaker will provide translation.
or make corrections to the words said. In the
improvement aspect, it emphasizes how the Findings and Discussions
speaker and listener can understand and hear The results of the research and
the meaning of what is being said. Then the last discussion of conversational implicature in the
aspect, topic management is how the speaker Mata Najwa Interactive dialog on Trans7. The
maintains the topic, whether there is a new topic data source of this research is the youtube video
discussed in the conversation or only one topic of Mata Najwa's interactive dialog on Trans7
in the conversation. downloaded from the internet. Trans7 which is
Performing an analysis of this downloaded via the internet. Meanwhile, the
conversation, can clarify the form of interaction data of the research are the utterances of Najwa
in the conversation that occurs. By analyzing Shihab and public officials who are suspected
of containing conversational implicatures. The

Jurnal Penelitian Mahasiswa Indonesia
eISSN: 2827-9956
Volume 3 Nomor 1 2022

following are presented conversations from the kita melihat bagaimana kalau pun
results of recording and recording; pada akhirnya ada anak-anak muda
1. Najwa : Sudah bersuara, saya akan bahas yang masuk jadi anggota legislatif baik
soal politik praktis terutama di segmen Ini, di tingkat pusat maupun di daerah,
karena ada dua politisi. Saya ingin ke saya khawatir Itu lagi-lagi itu berhenti
Faldo, ini hasil survei terakhir ada 64,7% sebagai formalitas, karena yang
anak muda nilai politisi tak mewakili pegang kontrol tetap elitnya. Ketika
aspirasi rakyat ini suara anak muda. Anda misalnya ambil boating itu sikap
sebagai politisi muda melihat ini apakah praksik yang diperhitungkan bukan
merasa miris atau bagaimana? induvidu anggota, karena induvidu
2. Faldo : Ya, pertama untuk mas Gamal anggota pada akhirnya akan
semoga kita bertemu lagi ditengah kondisi
merefleksikan sikap praksik itu seperti
saya sibuk seperti sekarang. Bagi saya
sebenarnya demokrasi itu kan kumpulan
pro-kontro. Jadi bagaimana kerja-kerja 5. Najwa: Jadi anak-anak muda yang
kita hari ini untuk melakukan kontrol ada di partai politik belum segnifikan
terhadap kerja tegalan kerja partai politik bisa mempengaruhi kebijakan partai?
adalah untuk memperkuat itu dan sesuatu 6. Lalola: Persis, dan satu lagi jika
yang dikontrol dengan baik hasilnya juga misalnya saya bahwa pada akhirnya,
masih baik oleh karena itu menurut saya seperti apa yang disampaikan oleh
jangan sampai ada kejadian politisi itu Faldo. Itu justru memperkuat bahwa
benar sendiri, karena itu partai politik keputusan itu adanya di elit, dan di
adalah tempat orang bertukar awal Faldo sempat menyampaikan,
kepentingan. Teman-teman boleh tidak
jika kita dekat kita bisik-bisik juga
suka dengan partai politik, tapi sadarlah
bahwa partai politik tempat kita mencari
kedengeran, sedangkan orang di luar
solusi. Jadi kami seberapa banyak kita mau teriak seperti apa kupingnya tidak
bertukar pikiran di dalam internal partai mendengar, dan hal itu menunjukan,
politik, bagaimana partai politik itu jangan-jangan kondisi politik kita
menghadapi masyarakat. toksik banget. Sampai akhirnya kita
3. Najwa: Oke, Lola bagimana? Karena harus punya akses yang eksklusif ke
kalau kita lihat partai politik, ya orang-orang yang ambil kebijakan.
sekarang partai politik dikatakan Padah kan tidak boleh.
peduli anak muda, banyak anak-anak 7. Najwa: Anda tidak tertarik masuk
muda di dalam, tetapi dalam politik praktis?
prakteknya Apakah memang partai 8. Lalola: Saya tidak tertarik
politiknya sudah muda? 9. Faldo: Saya mengundang Mbak Lola
4. Lalola : Menurut saya tidak, karena masuk, untuk mengubah
kita terlalu sering puas dengan kekahwatiranya, ke-khawatiran hanya
formalitas, mungkin partai politik kita menjadi ke-khawatiran jika tidak di
bicara birokrasi aja berapa banyak ubah.
anak muda yang masuk jadi ASN, 10. Najwa: Cinta tertarik tidak dengan
kemudian mereka semuanya terhambat politik praktis.
mungkin mereka mempunyai inovasi, 11. Cinta Laura: Mmmm…Belum tau ya,
mungkin mereka mempunyai cara tapi sebenarnya saya punya
berpikir atau punya keberanian out the pertanyaan yang mungkin kalau mau
box, tapi kemudian terhalang oleh dijawab boleh, Apakah benar ada anak
atasannya "permisi pak, mohon izin" muda di politik,sekarang generasi Z
dan Lola sebagai atasanya dan bagi berusia 13 sampai 26 tahun dalam hati
saya itu konteks yang sama saja bisa 5-10 tahun depan kemungkinan
jadi terjadi di internal partai politik, mereka akan menjadi fecture leader

Jurnal Penelitian Mahasiswa Indonesia
eISSN: 2827-9956
Volume 3 Nomor 1 2022

negara ini dari segi bisnis dari segi 16. Faldo: Saya tidak percaya politisi
politik, tapi aku rasa hal-hal yang muda, jadi saya tidak ingin melihat
membuat mereka tertarik tidak anak muda itu di diskrisiminasi, jujur
ditonjolkan dalam sistem politik yang saja, saya sudah merasakan jadi polisi
ada sekarang . Saya pernah bekerja masuk di usia 27 sekarang, saya 31
dengan satu departemen, saya tidak diskriminatif kalimat itu, makanya
mau katakan apa. Saya sempat saya selalu bilang politisi baru. Jadi
memberikan masukan, kayaknya kalau kondisi game elit ini, tidak seperti yang
anda ingin anak muda lagi Mbak Lola kawatirkan, jadi suka tidak
mendengarkan Anda "yang kalian buat suka, apapun yang anda inginkan, tapi
harus seperti ini" tapi tidak pernah ketika anda membuka kertas pemilu itu
dengar lagi lagi mereka kembali ke adalah partai politik. Jadi saya tidak
start burn dan kembali ke cara- mengiginkan adanya keributan, seperti
caranya dulu, jadi Aku rasa semua mantion-mantion saja.
hanya untuk mendapatkan suara tapi 17. Najwa: Menurut anda suara yang
sebenarnya tidak ada yang kita disampaikan di media sosial itu
berikan advaice sebagaian baik "doang"
didengar dan dilakukan. So, what the 18. Faldo: We can do more mbak Nana,
point? saja bukan bermaskud menyalahkan
12. Najwa: Oke.. oke... What the point? orang yang berbicara, tapi pilihan nya
Bagimana Gamal? tidak didengar dan kembali lagi pada kita. Mau setuju
tidak dilakukan, hanya di pasang saja. atau tidak, jenis nya banyak mungkin
13. Cinta Laura: Kita sebagai generasi Z ke Mas Gamal cocok ke yang lain
sebenarnya memiliki banyaj sekali ide, terserah.
yang kemungkinan bisa merubah 19. Cinta Laura: Tapi, anda sadar tidak
situasi negara saat ini, tetapi kenapa impek sosial yang kita lihat ke
tidak didengar. masyarakat di Indonesia sebenarnya
14. Gamal: Ini point yang bagus ya, jadi dilakukan oleh organisasi-organisasi
saya tidak ingin disebut kampanye. yang dibina oleh anak remaja dan
Tapi saya ingin memberi contoh, dewasa muda. Jangan berfikir saya
sekarang milenial take over sudah salah, bahwa kira-kira 50% dari
terjadi di berbagai negara. Banyak populasi Indonesia itu berumur 0-40
sekali pemimpin dan badan legeslatif tahun, tapi kita di pimpin oleh orang
yang berusia muda. Contoh, Merry jauh diatas itu yang tidak mengerti
Black di Inggris dengan usia 19 tahun, generasi dan cara berfikir anak muda.
Di Uganda seorang anggota dewan 20. Faldo: Jadi di 2024 nanti, ukuran
berusia 18 tahun, namanya Berkopiah untuk memilih bagi kaum muda itu
lalu kita juga tahu di Australia itu lumayan besar, jadi game nya
Jordan masih di sekitar 22 tahun. Jadi, sekarang adalah mencari pemimpin,
sebagai generasi muda harus punya orang parpol, ahli dengan isu yang
kesadaran untuk meningkatkan politik, Mbak Cinta sampaikan dan isu yang
bukan hanya menyuarakan. Dan ada sudah orang-orang katakana.
beberapa hal yang fundamental, 21. Najwa: Adakah itu?
sekarang bagimana anak muda agar 22. Faldo: Masalahnya tidak semudah itu.
masuk ke parlemen. Harus adanya
Conversation Analysis
peluang lebih yang dapat mendorong Adjacency Pairs
anak-anak muda untuk bergabung ke
sebagai politisi muda. In this section, participants involved in
15. Najwa: Bagimana Faldo? the conversation can ask questions and provide

Jurnal Penelitian Mahasiswa Indonesia
eISSN: 2827-9956
Volume 3 Nomor 1 2022

other speakers' ratings so that other speakers juga masih baik oleh karena itu menurut saya
can respond with extended answers and jangan sampai ada kejadian politisi itu benar
refusals. There are different types of adjacency sendiri, karena itu partai politik adalah tempat
pairs proposed by several experts: Levinson orang bertukar kepentingan. Teman-teman
(1983), Paltridge (2006), Coulthard (1985), and boleh tidak suka dengan partai politik, tapi
Schegloff & Sacks (1973); the types of sadarlah bahwa partai politik tempat kita
adjacency pairs they proposed are mencari solusi. Jadi kami seberapa banyak kita
announcement, apology, statement, judgment, bertukar pikiran di dalam internal partai politik,
blame, command, complaint, compliment, bagaimana partai politik itu menghadapi
greeting, invitation, farewell, offer, question, masyarakat.
request, suggestion, call, threat, and warning. (Yes, first for Mas Gamal, hopefully we will
This can occur in the conversation of adjacency meet again in the midst of my busy condition
pairs. Because according to Tampubolon, like now. For me, democracy is actually a
(2019) explained, adjacency pairs consist of collection of pros and cons. So how our work
two parts of exchanges in a conversation today to control the work of political parties
between two speakers who are functionally mooring is to strengthen it and something that
connected and the speaker depends on the other is well controlled the results are still good,
speaker. In this part, participants involved in therefore I don't think that politicians are right,
the conversation can ask questions and give because political parties are where people
assessments to the other speaker so that the exchange interests. Friends, you may not like
other speaker can respond with longer answers political parties, but be aware that political
or rebuttals. parties are where we seek solutions. So we ask
Question-Answer how much we exchange ideas within political
The question here means, there are those who parties, how do political parties deal with
ask questions from one speaker to another. society)
Where the questions asked can be answered by Do you as a young politician see this,
listeners with appropriate or inappropriate do you feel sad or what?, is the question asked
answers by Najwa to Faldo. Then, the answer given by
Excerpt 1-2 Faldo was categorized as an appropriate
Najwa : Sudah bersuara, saya akan bahas soal answer, because Faldo was still speaking
politik praktis terutama di segmen Ini, karena according to the context of the conversation
ada dua politisi. Saya ingin ke Faldo, ini hasil between him and Najwa. In addition, this is
survei terakhir ada 64,7% anak muda nilai stated as a question because Najwa really
politisi tak mewakili aspirasi rakyat ini suara intends to ask about the response of young
anak muda. Anda sebagai politisi muda melihat people in the field who do not believe in
ini apakah merasa miris atau bagaimana? political parties. The survey discussed earlier
(Already speaking, I will discuss practical by Najwa as evidence that the voices of young
politics, especially in this segment, because people are not heard by governments, therefore
there are two politicians. I want to go to Faldo, young people have very little trust in political.
this is the result of the last survey that 64.7% of
young people value politicians that do not Turn-Taking
represent the aspirations of the people, these In this conversation there is a situation
are the voices of young people. Do you as a where each speaker takes the opportunity to
young politician see this do you feel sad or speak which is called a turn in speaking.
what?) Conversations that take place take turns without
Faldo : Ya, pertama untuk mas Gamal semoga the presence of a more dominant party in the
kita bertemu lagi ditengah kondisi saya sibuk opportunity to speak, this is due to turn-taking
seperti sekarang. Bagi saya sebenarnya in the conversation. During the interview, the
demokrasi itu kan kumpulan pro-kontro. Jadi Najwa presenter could control all the speakers,
bagaimana kerja-kerja kita hari ini untuk each participant in the conversation was given
melakukan kontrol terhadap kerja tegalan kerja the opportunity to ask each person a question.
partai politik adalah untuk memperkuat itu dan In this conversation the speakers are still
sesuatu yang dikontrol dengan baik hasilnya controlled in speaking so as not to look chaotic.

Jurnal Penelitian Mahasiswa Indonesia
eISSN: 2827-9956
Volume 3 Nomor 1 2022

The harmony of utterances in an utterance can beberapa hal yang fundamental, sekarang
only be explained when paying attention to the bagimana anak muda agar masuk ke parlemen.
context of speech so that there is no confusion. Harus adanya peluang lebih yang dapat
Confusion due to lack of coherence (Kato, mendorong anak-anak muda untuk bergabung
2000). ke sebagai politisi muda. (This is a good point,
If the percentage in the Mata Najwa so I don't want to be called a campaign. But I
interview part 6 is 22, it means that fifty percent want to give an example, now millennial take
of the conversations are carried out, there are over has occurred in various countries. There
five speakers and the presenters. Najwa has a are many young leaders and legislatures. For
turn to speak 9 times twenty precents, Faldo 6 example, Merry Black in England is 19 years
times fifteen percents, Lalola and Cinta 3 times old, In Uganda a board member is 18 years old,
twelve percent, and Gamal 1 time three percent his name is Berkopiah and then we also know
but with a long narration. Maybe if you look at that in Australia Jordan is still around 22 years
it, it seems that someone is dominant, but if you old. So, as a young generation, we must have
watch the video of their conversation, all of awareness to improve politics, not just voice it.
them are very appropriate in turn and And there are some fundamental things, now
everyone's topic discussion is available. This how to get young people into parliament. There
has only been shown in the video part 6. must be more opportunities that can encourage
young people to join as young politicians.)
Preference Organization
Najwa : Bagimana Faldo?
Preference organization is the part
where the speaker has freedom of speech, the Faldo : Saya tidak percaya politisi muda, jadi
speaker is free to give their opinion whether saya tidak ingin melihat anak muda itu di
they like it or not (Duran & Sert, 2019). diskrisiminasi, jujur saja, saya sudah
Speakers have the right to freely support their merasakan jadi polisi masuk di usia 27
own statements in the form of agreeing and sekarang, saya 31 diskriminatif kalimat itu,
disagreeing. On the other hand, if the speaker makanya saya selalu bilang politisi baru. Jadi
does not like to enter the context of opposing a kondisi game elit ini, tidak seperti yang Mbak
statement by glaring, disagreeing with the Lola kawatirkan, jadi suka tidak suka, apapun
response received, giving an unexpected yang anda inginkan, tapi ketika anda membuka
answer or not answering, and assuming one of kertas pemilu itu adalah partai politik. Jadi saya
the confessions(Pillet-Shore, 2017). tidak mengiginkan adanya keributan, seperti
mantion-mantion saja.
(I don't believe in young politicians, so I don't
The assessment of the meaning of an opinion want to see young people being discriminated
submitted by someone in a conversation can be against, to be honest, I've felt that I'm a police
responded to by showing an expression of agree officer at the age of 27 now. So the condition of
or disagreement this elite game is not what Mbak Lola is worried
Excerpt 14-16: about, so whether you like it or not, whatever
you want, but when you open the election
Gamal : Ini point yang bagus ya, jadi saya tidak paper, it is a political party. So I don't want any
ingin disebut kampanye. Tapi saya ingin commotion, just like mansions.)
memberi contoh, sekarang milenial take over
sudah terjadi di berbagai negara. Banyak sekali It can be seen in the conversation when
pemimpin dan badan legeslatif yang berusia Gamal was asked to give his response to Cinta
muda. Contoh, Merry Black di Inggris dengan Laura's complaint. Gamal gave a response that
usia 19 tahun, Di Uganda seorang anggota wanted to provide opportunities for young
dewan berusia 18 tahun, namanya Berkopiah people who wanted to become young politicians
lalu kita juga tahu di Australia itu Jordan masih from Gamal's point of view. But after that
di sekitar 22 tahun. Jadi, sebagai generasi muda Najwa's interviewer asked for a response from
harus punya kesadaran untuk meningkatkan Faldo, the interviewer's actions by saying "How
politik, bukan hanya menyuarakan. Dan ada is Faldo?" The aim is for Faldo to give his
assessment of what is judged by Gamal. Faldo

Jurnal Penelitian Mahasiswa Indonesia
eISSN: 2827-9956
Volume 3 Nomor 1 2022

said "I don't trust young politicians" an may be, Is it true that there are young people in
expression of disagreement, this action was politics, now Generation Z is 13 to 26 years old
shown to Gamal that the response that Gamal in their hearts 5-10 years from now they are
gave to make room for young politicians could likely to become the country's fecture leader
not be trusted, for him young politicians would from from a business point of view from a
only be discriminated against. Faldo made this political perspective, but I think the things that
statement because of his experience as a young interest them are not highlighted in the current
politician at the age of 27. So, this section political system. I used to work with one
expresses disagreement with the given department, I don't want to say anything. I gave
statement. some input, I think if you want young people to
listen to you again, "what you guys make should
Feedback be like this" but never hear it again they go back
In feedback conversation, which means to start burn and go back to the ways they used
how the listener responds to the speaker, it can to be, so I think it's all just to get votes but
give a response in the form of, "yes or umm" actually nothing we give advaice as good heard
"Okay" can also be body language that can be and done. So, what's the point?)
understood together (Strajhar et al., 2016). It can be seen in the conversation that
Then in contrast to Repair, the speaker will feedback is used in the conversation. In
provide or make corrections to the spoken response to a question that was given, Cinta
words. In the improvement aspect, it Laura gave a "Mmmm" response which means
emphasizes how the speaker and listener can she showed a response that she still didn't know
understand and hear the meaning of what is or she was thinking of a word she wanted to say.
said. Then the last aspect, topic management is With the answer "Don't know yet" shows what
how the speaker maintains the topic, whether is less certain for Cinta regarding the questions
there are new topics discussed in the asked by Najwa's interviewer.
conversation or only one topic in the Repair
conversation. Feedback found in sections 2,
3.11, 12 Repair, the speaker will provide or
make corrections to the words said. In the
Excerpt 11-12: improvement aspect, it emphasizes how the
Cinta Laura : Mmmm…Belum tau ya, tapi speaker and listener can understand and hear
sebenarnya saya punya pertanyaan yang the meaning of what is being said. Then the last
mungkin kalau mau dijawab boleh, Apakah aspect, topic management is how the speaker
benar ada anak muda di politik,sekarang maintains the topic, whether there is a new topic
generasi Z berusia 13 sampai 26 tahun dalam discussed in the conversation or only one topic
hati 5-10 tahun depan kemungkinan mereka in the conversation. (Sitepu, Hanafiah, & T.
akan menjadi fecture leader negara ini dari segi Thyrhaya Zein, 2020).
fbisnis dari segi politik, tapi aku rasa hal-hal Excerpt 19:
yang membuat mereka tertarik tidak
ditonjolkan dalam sistem politik yang ada Cinta Laura : Tapi, anda sadar tidak impek
sekarang . Saya pernah bekerja dengan satu sosial yang kita lihat ke masyarakat di
departemen, saya tidak mau katakan apa. Saya Indonesia sebenarnya dilakukan oleh
sempat memberikan masukan, kayaknya kalau organisasi-organisasi yang dibina oleh anak
anda ingin anak muda lagi mendengarkan Anda remaja dan dewasa muda. Jangan berfikir saya
"yang kalian buat harus seperti ini" tapi tidak salah, bahwa kira-kira 50% dari populasi
pernah dengar lagi lagi mereka kembali ke start Indonesia itu berumur 0-40 tahun, tapi kita di
burn dan kembali ke cara-caranya dulu, jadi pimpin oleh orang jauh diatas itu yang tidak
Aku rasa semua hanya untuk mendapatkan mengerti generasi dan cara berfikir anak muda.
suara tapi sebenarnya tidak ada yang kita
berikan advaice sebagaian baik didengar dan (However, are you aware that the social
dilakukan. So, what the point? impacts that we see in Indonesian society are
(Mmmm… I don't know yet, but actually I have actually carried out by organizations that are
a question that maybe if you want to answer it fostered by teenagers and young adults. Don't

Jurnal Penelitian Mahasiswa Indonesia
eISSN: 2827-9956
Volume 3 Nomor 1 2022

think I'm wrong, that approximately 50% of is the Ideal Presidential Candidate for Young
Indonesia's population is aged 0-40 years, but People” to analyze.
we are led by people far above that who don't
understand the generation and way of thinking All people in this world communicate
of young people.) both formally and informally. Because of this,
an analyst must be able to analyze a
It can be seen in the section above, that conversation with aspects that have been
the sentence that was conveyed by Cinta Laura believed and have been put forward by the
"Don't think I'm wrong" was quickly made by speaker. The conversation this time is certainly
Cinta, so that the listener/speaker did not think not a daily conversation, but a conversation that
that what Cinta was saying was wrong, so she is carried out only on certain events or sessions.
immediately corrected it to confirm that her Like in a program broadcast on television,
statement was true. where the petition submitted will be watched by
many people so that many judgments will come
Opening and Closing from the audience. This conversational study
was also found by a researcher entitled "Talk
In this conversation, there is no Indonesia on Trans7" by Nia, Bambang, Eni.
opening at the beginning of the conversation However, the theoretical analysis carried out is
and even no closing at the end of the not the same. The method used is descriptive-
conversation, why is that because I only took qualitative with the type of sexual conversation.
the video interview part 6 which was interesting So, took the flow of the conversation by paying
for analysis. So here those who analyze only attention to the structure of the flow and turn
focus on the video by Mata Najwa about “Who

Conclusions References
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