Ins1502 Fi Concession 2023

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1.1) Carla Basili, Chutima Sacchanand, Anna Maria Tammaro, Nilobon Wimolsittichai.
1.2) 13 October 2022.
1.3) The role of policies on teaching information literacy in higher education: A comparative study in
Italy and Thailand.
1.4) Harvard referencing style.
1.6) 13 February 2023


Pre-reading is used when your aim is to see whether a piece of writing is going to be of value to you
and whether you need to delve in more detail. Speed reading is a fast way of reading in which you
do not skip anything, but you also do not stop to look up words you may not understand. You read
the text through quickly to get an overview. Skimming involves your eyes moving quickly over the
text while you note such things as headings or main ideas. Skimming is reading quickly to get the
main idea. Scanning is when you move your eyes quickly over a page. Scanning and skimming may
sound the same, however, scanning involves you knowing what to look for and skimming is not
knowing what you’re looking for. Key reading is like skimming and scanning and involves skipping
unimportant words in a piece of writing. Your aim in key reading identify the words and phrases that
contain the ideas and information you need for the purpose of your field of study. Study reading is
mostly used when studying. It involves intense, concentrated, and critical reading with the purpose
of understanding and remembering what you have read.


To compile a paragraph on the life and work of Kwame Nkrumah I would consult a biographical
dictionary. To identify the essential subdivisions of the study of philosophy I would consult the
Encyclopaedia of Philosophy. To trace the origin of the English word ‘quiddity’ I would consult the
biographical dictionary. To list the results of cricket tests played in South Africa during 2017 I would
consult a yearbook/annual. To write a brief definition of ‘mathematics’ I would consult a subject
dictionary. To trace the political developments at the national government level in South Africa from
2017 to 2018 I would consult a yearbook/annual.


4.1) Data means a given fact. It can either be a number, a statement, or a picture. Data symbols
serve a purpose only once they are converted into information. Organisations collect and store all
sorts of data, such as facts about their daily operations, products and customers. Information is data
that have meaning within a context – in other words it has been added through interpretation.
Information is data that have been manipulated or processed to be useful. When information is
adequately interpreted, understood and remembered, it becomes knowledge. Knowledge is
organised, summarised information that has given meaning and integrated with other contents of
understanding. Knowledge is information acquired through education and experience. Knowledge is
information that you personally possess.

4.2) Computer literacy involves knowing about and understanding computers and being able to use
them effectively. Media literacy is the ability to access, analyse, assess, create, contribute to, and
take part in messages in many formats – ranging from print, audio, video and the internet. ICT
literacy means the person has the skills to use ICTs effectively to communicate information. This
usually includes reading, writing, oral, numeracy, computer, and media skills. Also, a person must be
able to handle the technological devices.

4.3) Information literacy helps you identify situations in which information is needed or interpret an
information task. It helps you locate information sources and access the information recorded in
these sources. It helps you evaluate the information that you found. Information literacy helps you
use the information effectively in solving an information-related problem. It helps you understand
the relevant legal issues regarding the use of information so that you use it in a legal and responsible
way. An information literate person is able to participate in actions such as problem-solving and
decision-making, which enable others to learn from him/her. An information literate person is also
able to deal effectively with new technologies to handle information.


5.1) Confusing AND and OR Boolean operators could result in inaccurate searches and insufficient

5.2) The metasearch engine searches for information on more than one database of more than one
search engine or subject directory and provides results that comprise relevant information from all
databases in which it searched. These search engines can cover portions of many search engines and
directories in a single search. They can be useful in finding something obscure, in other words, topics
about which little is known. “Dogpile” is an example of a metasearch engine. Strategy tips to
remember when searching with “Dogpile” include the following:

• By inserting AND or + before a word, the user can require a specific combination of words to
be present in all search results.
• Certain words can be excluded from search results by using the NOT or – operators.

By using keyword or phrase searching, Dogpile will retrieve the largest number of relevant results to
match the search query. Dogpile searches four search engines or subject directories at a time.


6.1) One way a library can utilise the internet to communicate with its users is through a library
website. Many library users do not live close enough to a library to visit it in person therefore, they
can access the library remotely via the library’s website. Library websites serve as portals to services
and resources offered by the library. Another way a library can utilise the internet to communicate
with its users is through an OPAC (online public access catalogue). OPAC is a listing of the library
materials that can be retrieved on a computer terminal. OPAC represents the library’s bibliographic
database. The database consists of bibliographic entries that are like the catalogue cards. For
example, the user can check whether the information source is in the library’s possession and
whether it is on loan to somebody else, or whether it is still on order and has not yet been added to
the library’s collection. Another way a library can utilise the internet to communicate with its users is
through a virtual library. A virtual library can be defined as an online library. This implies that an
information service is provided mainly by accessing databases online. It is not necessary to visit the
library to determine whether a specific information source is available and what its call number is.

6.2) Web directories are websites that selectively categorise or classify a broad range of sites
available on the Web. These usually include only sites that are likely to be of interest to many users.
Web directories are software programs on which website information is evaluated and indexed. The
aim of web directories is to arrange sources by subject for the purpose of helping individual
searchers to find relevant information. You could use web directories if you have a general question,
for example if you plan to visit a city for the first time and want to find out what information is
available about the city. A search engine is a software program set up as a web page to allow users
to type in keyword queries in the location bar. A search engine also runs on a server, or a collection
of servers dedicated to indexing websites and pages. Search engines can be used when you need
something on a specific topic, for example hotel accommodation Durban during April 2021. The
metasearch engine searches for information on more than one database of more than one search
engine or subject directory and provides results that comprise relevant information from all
databases in which it searched. These search engines can cover portions of many search engines and
directories in a single search. They can be useful in finding something obscure, in other words, topics
about which little is known.


7.1) In the context of information use, ethics refers to respect for knowledge and information and
respect for the ideas of others. Ethics is involved when information users seek to acquire and use
information honestly and fairly and show respect to those who originally created the knowledge.
Intellectual property refers to a legal monopoly over artistic and commercial creations of the mind –
inventions, literary and artistic works and symbols, names and brand names – for which a set of
exclusive rights are recognised. Copyright is a form of intellectual property. It is the legal right to
regulate the use of an intellectual creation for a certain period. copyright is an automatic right,
which means that the author or creator does not need to apply for it. Information ethics, intellectual
property and copyright all deal with the rights of creators and their information/creations.

7.2) No. You evaluate the information. Find the most current article, make sure it’s relevant, make
sure it’s unbiased and make sure there’s sufficient information to complete the task.

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