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Calatin, Paul Harvy H.

Climacosa, Ma. Danahlei A.
Gatchalian, Jimuel T.
Glean, Jerome J.
Granados, Francine Ann S.
Pangco, Lawrence Lloyd M.
Relox, Mary Grace D.
Samonteza, Mark Cedric B.

Practical Research I Adviser

Ms. Jane A. Selga, LPT

Emotional intelligence is the capacity of an individual to perceive, interpret,

demonstrate, control, evaluate, and use emotions to communicate with and relate to
others effectively and constructively (MSEd, KC 2023). Emotional intelligence helps
individuals build stronger relationships, succeed at school, and work, and achieve
their career and personal goals. It can also help them to connect with their feelings,
turn intention into action, and make informed decisions about what matters most to
them (Smith, M. 2023). Building emotional intelligence helps you manage stress in
several ways. It helps you assess situations better, cope with pressure, and navigate
social conflict (McCray, N. 2022).

People often consider grades first when defining academic performance. This
includes schools, who rank students by their GPA (Grades Point Average), awarding
special designations such as valedictorian and salutatorian for those who graduate
first and second in their class. Scholarship organizations and universities also start
by looking at grades, as do some employers, especially when hiring recent
graduates. (Work - 2018) Academic performance is a measure of a
student's achievement in several academic courses. Teachers and education
officials often assess achievement by classroom performance, graduation rates, and
exam outcomes. (Thornton, T. 2022). Students' academic excellence will lead to
increased employment. If the students do well in their exams, they will graduate on
schedule. There are factors that affect students’ academic performance; an
uncomfortable learning environment, family background, learning infrastructure,
difficulty in understanding, teacher-student ratio, information overload, performance
pressure, unhealthy lifestyle, distracted mind, and loss of interest (Team, C. 2022).

The participants in this context analysis are senior high school students at
Gazellian College Foundation Incorporated. Senior High School is a Department of
Education (DEPed) program. Some parents and students are unaware of how senior
high schools operate and why they have been included in our redesigned
educational system. Senior high school is a necessity for college admission,
especially when the pupils are going to attend four or more-year courses in college.
If students desire to avoid college and enter the workforce as soon as possible,
senior high school provides the quickest option to receive Certificates of
Competency and National Certificates from TESDA, which may be used to apply for
both local and international jobs that require a specific set of abilities. The senior
high school program is broken down into career tracks and learning tracks. Career
tracks (Academics, Arts and Design, Sports and TVL/TLE) and Learning tracks
(ABM, STEM, HUMSS, GAS, Home Economics, ICT, Agri- fishery arts, and
Industrial arts (Short Courses.n.d.). The researchers chose the Senior High School
Department as their respondents since this level is most likely to experience
challenges in Academics at Gazellian College Foundation Incorporated. That is why
the researchers are conducting this study to learn more about Emotional Intelligence
and how it can aid respondents in academic performance and various aspects of
their lives.

This study aims to know the importance of emotional intelligence in students’

academic performance among the senior high school department at Gazellian
College Inc. The study aimed to answer the following questions:

 Why are the students not performing well in academics?

 Why do students lack Emotional Intelligence skills?
 How does emotional intelligence contribute to problem solving skills and critical
thinking abilities among students?

 To apply emotional intelligence in a students’ academic performance.
 To determine the reason why the students are lacking intelligence about
 To examine the role of emotional intelligence in critical thinking and problem-
solving skills.

This hypothesis guides our investigation, and further exploration of this

relationship can provide valuable insights for educational strategies and student
support. If senior high school students exhibit higher levels of emotional intelligence,
as indicated by improved emotional regulation, interpersonal skills, and empathy,
then it is expected that they will achieve higher grades and demonstrate superior
overall academic performance.


This research was conducted with the goal of providing important information and
knowledge about the selected topic "The importance of emotional intelligence in
students' academic performance among the senior high school department at
Gazellian College Foundation Incorporated”. From respondents, recent studies or
thesis, and related sites that are required. The expected benefits to individuals as
Students: This study will be valuable for academic institutions to capitalize on
emotional intelligence to reduce emotional issues among students and attain higher
academic achievement and performance.
Teachers: They could assist in determining the significance of emotional intelligence
in senior high school students' academic performance and the impact it will have.
Parents/Guardians: They will support their children to be emotionally intelligent,
they are the ones that are supposed to be the first educator of their children to be
knowledgeable in managing the emotions.
Future Researchers: Being new to this type of subject is a difficulty for students,
particularly those entering college without prior research experience. As a result, this
will be a tool that will guide and navigate them in obtaining credible, reliable, and
equivalent factors known as important facts for deeper knowledge of the issue. In
fact, this research will be the primary source of illumination for them in their future


1.Profile of senior high school  Data collections of senior
students according to: high school students through
-Name interview
-Age  Administering questionnaire
-Sex  Organization of senior high
-Grade & Section school students’ responses
2.Why are the students not  Statistical analysis of data
performing well in academics?
3.Why do students lack
Emotional Intelligence skills?
4.How does emotional
intelligence contribute to
problem solving skills and
critical thinking abilities among

Figure.1 Conceptual Framework of the importance of emotional intelligence in

Senior High school academic performances.

The method that is being used to conduct the conceptual method is the IPO
method which means Input, Process, and Output.
Input: In the input the researchers contained the profile of the respondents
which is the senior high school students’ in Gazellian College Foundation
Incorporated, the personal information that is required are the name, age, sex, and
grade & section. The statement of the problems is also cited in the input.
Process: For the process, the researchers collecting the data through
interviews in their respondents which is the senior high students’ department,
administering questionnaire, organization of senior high school students’ responses,
and statistical analysis of data.





Figure II. Theoretical Framework of having high emotional intelligence on Senior High
School students'

According to John Mayer (University of New Hampshire psychologist and one

of the first to study emotional intelligence) self-awareness is being “aware of both our
mood and our thoughts about mood.” It is also explained by Goleman (2002) as the
ability to read and understand your emotions as well as recognize their impact on
others. It can simply be put that self-awareness is a basic understanding of how we
feel and why we feel that way. The more we are aware of our feelings that easier
they are to manage and dictate how we might respond to others.

Motivation refers to the inner force that drives an individual to engage in

activities with long-term goals in mind. Rather than being guided by immediate
rewards, motivation is a long-term driver that focuses on the long-term benefits of
engaging in activities.

Empathy refers to the human ability to understand, share, and relate to others'
emotional experiences, leading to compassionate and kind responses towards them.
Empathy is often defined as the capacity to put oneself in another person's shoes
and imagine how they feel, enabling them to respond with care and sensitivity to
their emotional state.

Self-regulation is the cognitive and behavioral process whereby individuals

manage their emotions, thoughts, and attitudes in a way that enables them to
successfully cope with challenging or disturbing situations. This involves maintaining
a positive outlook, even when things do not go as planned, and preventing impulsive
reactions by controlling unexpected or disruptive emotions or impulses.

An individual’s social skills determine the extent to which relationships and

networks are built and maintained. It involves the ability of the individual to find
common ground with other people under different circumstances and leverage their
views about the world to build relationships.

This research study emphasizes the importance of emotional intelligence in

students' academic performance. The researcher will gather data through interviews
from senior high school students of Gazellian College Foundation Incorporated
school year 2023-2024. The researchers will also distinguish the benefits of
emotional intelligence in academic performance based on the discoveries.

The researchers will conduct an interview that will be limited to the

respondents of Senior High school students' of Gazellian College Incorporated. The
answers of the respondents will serve as a reference to be able to know the
importance of emotional intelligence in students' academic performance. However,
the results or findings might not be able to fully examine the subject, such as the
personal information of the respondents since it is a qualitative data and only
focuses on the importance of emotional intelligence in students' academic

Academic Performance: refers to a student's achievement in educational pursuits,

typically measured by grades, test scores, and overall success in their studies.
Emotional Intelligence: refers to a person's ability to recognize, understand,
manage, and use their own emotions effectively, as well as their ability to recognize,
understand, and influence the emotions of others.
Emotional Regulation: is the process of managing and controlling one's own
Empathy: is the capacity to understand and share the feelings and perspectives of
Interpersonal Skills: the ability to communicate, interact, and build positive
relationships with others effectively.

Foreign Literature

Students who are better able to understand and manage their emotions
effectively, a skill known as emotional intelligence, perform better in school than their
less skilled peers, as evaluated by grades and standardized test results. Our
research shows that high intelligence and a conscientious disposition are the most
essential psychological attributes required for academic achievement, as well as
emotional intelligence, which may also assist students succeed. It is not enough to
be intelligent and hardworking. Students must also be able to understand and
manage their emotions to excel in school. American Psychological Association

According to the article of Mayer Et-al (2016). Our results expand on these findings
by suggesting that, when the quality of the relationship with teachers is low, the
association between emotional intelligence and flourishing become stronger. In sum,
our study provides some empirical evidence to support the importance of developing
personal and social resources (i.e., emotional intelligence and teacher-student
relationship) to foster adolescents’ well-being and improve their academic

According to Kant (2019). Emotion is an essential element of one’s

personality and of life. In both personal and professional survival, emotional
intelligence plays a significant role. Emotions are the most influential psychological
conditions of human personality. With the help of emotions one can show his or her
internal feeling in the most effective way. Emotions are the most important aspect of
human nature as it motivates one’s behavior. They provide several opportunities to
an individual to show his or her internal feeling for the environment. Emotions with
thinking resulting in experience of feelings, Emotions are our strong motivating
systems, as they promote and compel us to do something urgent extemporaneously
and provide the solution of any problem immediately. They play a vital role in social
settings by providing help in developing and enhancing interpersonal and
intrapersonal communication and relationships. Emotions are involved in every
activity, action and reaction of human beings. Emotionally intelligent people can
recognize their potential and they exercise this in their personal and professional life.
tin the span of the last twenty years, Emotional Intelligence (EI) concept has become
a very popular parameter of a person ‘s knowledge, skills and abilities in office,
profession, school, personal life and overall success. Now it is being considered
widely that emotional intelligence is also required for job satisfaction, motivation,
decision taking in adverse situations etc. It is filled now that inclusion of emotional
intelligence in higher education is needed because it will make students able to
reduce their academic pressure and in becoming a better decision maker. Emotional
intelligence is not only useful for their academic life but also useful for post academic
According to the Research Journal of Educational Sciences (2013). Emotional
intelligence is the capacity for recognizing our own feelings and those of others, for
motivating ourselves, and for managing emotions well in us and in our relationship.
Through this research it showed that emotional intelligence is highly beneficial in the
areas of education, work, and mental health. This study suggested as well as
provided research evidence that when it comes to long-term success and success in
varied life situations, being high in emotional intelligence is more important than
being high in academic abilities. Teaching emotional and social skills is very
important at school; it can affect academic achievement positively not only during the
year they are taught, but during the years that follow as well. Teaching these skills
has a long-term effect on achievement. In short, emotionally intelligent students
would have better academic achievement or through EI there is a possibility of
improvement of academic achievement.

According to Scerer (2015), he interprets adaptability as a capability that

allows the individuals to be flexible and be able to alter one’s feelings. It makes
mention of humans abilities in switching emotionally and behaviorally from one to
another. The people who score highly in adaptability are flexible, realistic, and
allowed to deal with change well, especially in a good way.

According to Pulido & Herrera (2017), Rebollo & de la Peña, (2017), and
Puertes et al. (2020). This harmony is found in the agreement between thoughts and
feelings. Therefore, education can be used as an instrument for the integrated
growth of minds, not only regarding a mental dimension but also at the spiritual and
emotional levels. The issue of age and sex differences on emotional intelligence
remains debatable as different studies claim that women handle emotions better
than men (Extremera et al 2006; Billings et al., 2014); Reholin & de la Peña, 20 In
addition, with respect to age, it appears that emotional control gets better as one
ages (CMAs & Mall, 2005; Pulido and Herrera, 2017; Rebollo and de la Pella, 2017).

According to Bisquerra and Petrides (2016), emotional intelligence becomes

progressively important in the field of education, hence it promotes the psychological
well-being of students, it initiates them to have a higher quality of understanding of
their surroundings. In addition, they produce the necessary skills to manage the
various situations that occur in their daily lives. Thus, this construct is established as
an education process that must be permanent and continuous, advocating the
integral development of students.

According to Preeti (2013), academic achievement is an outcome in which the

students, teacher, and institution achieved their academic achievement goals.
Academic achievement refers to the proportion which the learners acquire
knowledge, skills, and proficiencies that the instructor aims to teach or assign.
Academic achievement considered as academic intelligence, by academic
intelligence means typically stated by conventional definition and test comprising so-
called general ability and related abilities. Students’ ability to express his or her
personality and to enjoy rich and complex social relations depends on their mastery
of academic matters. Academic achievement is commonly measured by examination
or continuous assessment but there is no general accordance on how it is tested in a
good way or which aspects are more fundamental procedural knowledge such as
skills or declarative knowledge such as facts. Achievement comprehends student
ability and performances; it is multidimensional; it is intricately related to human
growth and cognitive, emotional, social, and physical development; that reflects the
whole individual.

According to Ahmed (2019), Mohzan (2013), Academic

performance is traditionally connected with a range of factors including cognitive
intelligence; hard work/persistence; learning strategies; socio-economic factors;
cultural background; motivation/determination; stress management and relationships
with teachers, schoolmates and parents. Of these, cognitive intelligence is
considered the most important.

According to Wolfe (2017), when an individual is emotionally intelligent and

can manage and regulate their feelings, it is considered a different style of being a
smart person.

According to Lee & Madera (2019); Ma (2019), An emotionally intelligent

person that has the capabilities of recognizing their internal feelings, they use it to
make adequate life decisions, manage stress and control impulses.

According to Lee & Madera (2019), If the individuals had a high emotional
intelligence, they had the ability to stay motivated and optimistic when they were
pursuing their goals.

According to Koz & Boz (2020), when individuals also have a high emotional
intelligence, it means they are empathetic, and they have social skills: they get along
with other people easily and manage their relationships well and persuasion.

According to E. Goh (2013, 2015), the students that commit academically

dishonest behaviors tend to have a dilemma with time and stress management.

Local Literature



This chapter presents the methods and procedures used by the researchers to
effectuate the data needed regarding this study. This includes the elucidation about
research method, research design, respondents of the study, sampling procedure,
and data gathering procedures. It enables the readers to assess the general validity
and reliability of a study.

In this chapter, the researchers discuss the methods and procedures they used to
gather the necessary data for this study. They provide details about the research
design, the participants in the study, the location where the research was conducted,
the instruments used to collect data, the procedures for gathering data, the methods
of analyzing the data, and the ethical considerations considered. It is important to
understand how the researchers approached their study and ensured the reliability
and validity of the gathered information. By using qualitative research, the deep
context and meaning of the experiences of the individuals involved in the study can
be analyzed and understood. The title "The Importance of Emotional Intelligence in
Academic Performance Among the Senior High School Department at Gazellian
College Foundation Incorporated" was chosen to highlight the significance of
emotional intelligence in relation to academic success specifically among the senior
high school students at Gazellian College Foundation Incorporated. This title
indicates that the study aims to explore the impact of emotional intelligence on
academic performance within this educational setting. By examining this topic, the
researchers hope to shed light on the importance of emotional intelligence in the
academic journey of high school students.

This study used the phenomenology type of research. Phenomenological research
design focuses on exploring the essence of respondents’ experiences and
understanding the meaning participants attribute to those experiences, and Its
purpose is to understand the essence of the phenomenon in the study. This research
is according to the article of Groenewald, T. (2004).
The research targeted senior high students, aged 16-17, from Gazellian College
Foundation Incorporated, utilizing purposive sampling to ensure a focused selection
process. The senior high students will encompass both male and female students.
The decision to choose this demographic is driven by the aim to gather
comprehensive insights into the phenomenon under investigation. The study
recognizes the significance of understanding the emotional intelligence and
academic performance dynamics in this stage of senior high school education.

The design of a phenomenological study involves structured steps in analyzing
data, such as selecting a phenomenon for investigation, conducting participant
interviews, identifying recurring themes, and sharing findings. The research design
aims to impartially isolate itself from the study, avoiding the introduction of biases in
result interpretation or participant interactions. (Mckoy 2023). Phenomenology
employs criterion sampling, where participants must meet specific criteria, with a key
criterion being their firsthand experience related to the phenomenon being
investigated. Researchers seek participants who have undergone a common
experience but differ in characteristics and individual perspectives. (gen pract, 2017)


To gather data from the respondents using an interview method in Senior

High School students of Gazellian College Foundation Incorporated, several
steps need to be taken. Firstly, the researchers required a signature for
permission to conduct an interview with Senior High school students. These
interviews held in the campus of Gazellian College Foundation Incorporated.
Secondly, the researcher formulates a question that undergo to a strict
validation process. Researchers ensure that the questions are valid and reliable
and yield to accurate results. The validation process involves a series of tests
and analysis, under the guidance of the research adviser, the formulated
questions is validated by validators. As a final step, the researchers conducted
an interview with respondents in person, and make careful notes regarding
their responses. The data is collected and organized by the research team.
Through this process, the research team can gain an idea and deeper
understanding to the experiences and perceptions of the Senior High school
students at Gazellian College Foundation Incorporated, it can contribute a
significant amount of knowledge to the researcher's study.

Interview Transcript of how Emotional Intelligence effects the Academic

Performances of Senior High school students’

Interview: Why do students face academic challenges and how can these challenges differ?
Participant 1: Nahaharap ang mga students sa mga hamong pang akademiko sa
pamamagitan ng kakulangan at magulong pamumuhay nag kakaiba ang mga hamong ito
sapagkat mas nalululong sa depression ang karamihan dahil sa mas nakakaapekto ito sa
kanilang nararamdaman.

Translate: Students face academic challenges through lack and chaotic living, these
challenges are different because most are more addicted to depression because it affects
their feelings more.

Interview: What do you think are the possible reasons why some students are not
performing well in academics?
Participant 1: Para saakin nagkakaroon mg mababang performance ang mga magaaral
dahil sa distractions tulad ng kakulangan sa pag kontrol sa sarili lalo na sa pag ibig.
Translate: For me, students have low performance because of distractions such as lack of
self-control, especially in love.

Interview: In what ways does emotional intelligence contribute to academic success or

Participant 1: Nakatutulong ito upang mabigyang gabay at maagapayan ang bawat
estudyante na mas maliwang ang tibay ng kanilang loob upang malabanan ang depression.
Translate: It helps to guide and guide each student to better develop their courage to fight

Interview: Can you share any specific examples or experiences where you have seen
emotional intelligence positively impact a student’s academic performance?
Participant 1: Ang halimbawa nito ay ang pagkakaroon ng mababang marka na kung saan
nagbubunga ng dissapointment sa mga magaaral ang positibong epekto ng emotional
intelligence dito ay ang mas pagiisip na bumawi kesa manliit sa sarili.
Translate: An example of this is having a low score which produces dissapointment in
students the positive effect of emotional intelligence here is more thinking to recover than to
belittle oneself.

Interview: How do you envision the role of emotional intelligence in developing critical
thinking and problem-solving skills among students?

Participant 1: Naiisip ko ito bilang isang gabay upang magkaroon ng maayos na kaisipan
sa pag lutas ng mga hamon sa buhay.

Translate: I think of it as a guide to have a sound mind in solving life's challenges.

Interview: What role does emotional intelligence well-being play in students’ ability to cope
with academic pressures?

Participant 1: Sa patuloy na pag linang at pag-hasa upang sanayin ang sarili.

Translate: Continuously cultivating and honing to train oneself.

Interview: How can emotional intelligence be fostered to improve students’ self-regulation in

academic setting?

Participant 2:


Interview: What emotional support systems exist for students facing academic challenges
and how effective they are?

Participant 1: Be motivated mabisa ito sa paraang mas nakapag bibigay ito ng maganda at
malinaw na kaisipan sa bawat mag-aaral.

Translate: Be motivated, it is effective in a way that gives each student a beautiful and clear
Interview: What factors do you think contribute to students’ academic performance and how
do you see emotional intelligence playing a role in this?

Partcipant 1: Rewards gumaganap ito sa pamamagitan ng pag bibigay motibasyon sa

isang mag aaral upang mas maging positibo ang kanyang pag ganap sa pag-aaral.

Translate: Rewards work by motivating a student to make his/her learning more positive.

Interview: Can you provide examples or share any insights on how emotional intelligence
can enhance problem solving and critical thinking abilities among students?

Participant 1: Depression sa grades dahil sa pag kadismaya, matagumpay na naka

aapekto ang emotiond intelligence dahil sa mas nangangailangan ito ng masusing pag isip
upang mag bigay motibasyon sa sarili.

Translate: Depression in grades due to frustration, successfully affects emotion intelligence

because it requires more thorough thinking to motivate oneself.
Interview Transcript of how Emotional Intelligence effects the Academic
Performances of Senior High school students’

Interview: Why do students face academic challenges and how can these challenges differ?

Participant 2: Dahil kung minsan maraming requirements at subjects na kailangang

pagtuunan ng pansin kaya naging hamon ang pagbabalanse ng kanilang oras sa pag-aaral,
minsan ay nahihirapan din sila sa mga lesson maaaring madali para sa isang tao ngunit
mahirap para sa iba.

Translate: Because sometimes, there are many requirements and subjects that need
attention, balancing their time for study has become a challenge. Sometimes, lessons that
may be easy for one person can be difficult for others.

Interview: What do you think are the possible reasons why some students are not
performing well in academics?

Participant 2: Minsan hindi nila gusto o hindi sila interested sa kanilang pinag-aaralan
minsan sa kakulangan ng mga kagamitan ganun din ang problema ng pangkalusugan at
hindi sapat na suporta mula sa pamilya.

Translate: Sometimes, they do not like or are not interested in what they are studying.
Additionally, a lack of resources, including health-related issues, and insufficient support
from family contribute to their challenges.

Interview: In what ways does emotional intelligence contribute to academic success or

Participant 2: Sa pamamagitan ng emotional intelligence ay nakakatulong ito na kontrolin
ang mga emosyon at reaksyon ng mas nakapokus sa kanilang pag-aaral at nagiging dahilan
din ito ng mabilis na makaunawa sa mga lesson.

Translate: Through emotional intelligence, it helps in controlling emotions and reactions,

allowing them to focus more on their studies. It also contributes to a quicker understanding
of lessons.

Interview: Can you share any specific examples or experiences where you have seen
emotional intelligence positively impact a students’ academic performance?

Participant 2: Sa isang group project nahihirapan ang team or group members na

magkasundo at magtulungan dahil sa iba't ibang idea perspective at personalities ng bawat
members sa halip na magdulot ito ng gulo pag aaway na yung dahilan ito para magpakita ng
leadership at empathy ng mga estudyante.

Translate: In a group project, challenges arise when team members have varying ideas,
perspectives, and personalities. Rather than causing chaos and conflict, this situation
provides an opportunity for students to demonstrate leadership and empathy.

Interview: How do you envision the role of emotional intelligence in developing critical
thinking and problem-skills among students?

Participant 2: Sa pamamagitan ng self-awareness na nagtuturo sa kanila ng i-handle ang

mga emosyon na maaaring makaapekto ng kanilang pag-iisip at empathy na ang pag-
unawa sa damdamin ng iba.

Translate: Through self-awareness, which teaches them to handle emotions that may
impact their thinking, and empathy, understanding the feelings of others, students can
navigate and manage interpersonal dynamics more effectively.

Interview: What role does emotional well-being play in students’ ability to cope with
academic pressures?

Participant 2: Ang emotional intelligence ay nagbibigay ng mga skills na kinakailangan

upang ma-manage ang pressure sa pag-aaral ng mga students tulad ng pagiging kontrolado
sa mga emosyon at kalmado na walang iniisip nagbibigay ito sa kanila na i adapt mag focus
sa pag-aaral.
Translate: Emotional intelligence equips students with skills to manage academic pressure,
such as maintaining emotional control and staying calm. This enables them to adapt and
focus on their studies more effectively.

Interview: How can emotional intelligence be fostered to improve students’ self-regulation in

academic setting?

Participant 2: Sa pamamagitan ng pagiging mindfulness na nakakaapekto sa kanilang mga

kilos at desisyon sa pag-aaral sa pamamagitan din ng regular na practice at pagpapahalaga
ng self-reflection mas mapapaunlad nito ang self-regulation na mas maging handa na
harapin ang mga pagsubok sa pag-aaral.

Translate: By practicing mindfulness, which influences their actions and decisions in

studying, coupled with regular self-reflection, students can enhance self-regulation. This
makes them more prepared to face challenges in their academic journey.

Interview: What emotional support systems exist for students facing academic challenges
and how effective they are?
Participant 2: Ang guidance counselor at peer support groups ay nakakatulong at
nakakapagbigay ng tulong sa mag-aaral.
Translate: Guidance counselors and peer support groups play crucial roles in aiding and
support to students.

Interview: What factors do you think contribute to students’ academic performance and how
do you and how you see emotional intelligence playing in this role?

Participant 2: Maaaring salik ay ang motivation self-discipline at effectiveness study habits.

Translate: Factors may include motivation, self-discipline, and effective study habits.

Interview: Can you provide examples or share any insights on how emotional can enhance
problem-solving skills and critical thinking abilities among students?

Participant 2: Halimbawa kapag ang isang mag-aaral ay may mataas na iq at kailangang

maintain ang mga academic challenges na nagka cause sa kanila no stress. malalampasan
nila iyon sa paggamit ng kanilang self-awareness para magkaroon ng plano kung paano sila

Translate: For example, if a student has a high IQ and needs to maintain academic
challenges without causing stress, they can overcome this by using their self-awareness to
create a plan on how to address the situation.

Interview Transcript of how Emotional Intelligence effects the Academic

Performances of Senior High school students’

Interview: Why do students face academic challenges and how can these challenges differ?

Participant 3: Dahil sa mga kanilang pag aaral ang mga estudyante ay nahaharap sa iba't
ibang hamon. Ilan sa mga pangunahing hamon ay maaring kinabibilangan ng mataas na
antas ng kahirapan ng mga asignatura. Nagkakaiba ang mga hamon depende sa indibiwal
na kapasidad, interes at pangangailangan ng bawat estudyante.

Translate: Because of their studies, students face various challenges. Some of the main
challenges may include high levels of poverty in certain subjects. The challenges vary
depending on individual capacity, interests, and needs of each student.

Interview: What do you think are the possible reasons why some students are not
performing well in academics?

Participant 3: Dahil ilan sa mga ito ay maaring kulang sa tamang study habits, hindi pag
kakaunawa sa mga konsepto, kawalan ng interes sa paksa.

Translate: Some of these challenges may be a lack of proper study habits, failure to
understand concepts, and lack of interest in the subject.

Interview: In what ways does emotional intelligence contribute to academic success or


Participant 3: Ang emotional intelligence, o ang kakayahang maunawaan at pamahalaan

ang sariling emosyon at ng iBang tao, ay malaking papel sa tagumpay.
Translate: Emotional intelligence, the ability to understand and manage one's own emotions
and those of others, plays a significant role in success.

Interview: Can you share any specific examples or experiences where you have seen
emotional intelligence positively impact a student’s academic performance?

Participant 3: Isang halimbawa ay ang isang mag-aaral na may mataas na emotional

intelligence na madaling makisama sa kanilang mga kapwa.

Translate: An example of this is a student with high emotional intelligence who can easily
have a good relationship with their peers.

Interview: How do you envision the role of emotional intelligence in developing critical
thinking and problem-solving skills among students?

Participant 3: Ang emotional intelligence ay may mahalagang papel sa pagbuo ng kritikal

na pag iisip at mga kasanay sa paglutas ng problema ng mga mag-aaral.

Translate: Emotional intelligence plays an important role in developing critical thinking and
problem-solving skills in students.

Interview: What role does emotional well-being play in students’ ability to cope with
academic pressures?

Participant 3: Ang mataas na antas ng emotional intelligence ay maaring magbigay ng

kakayahang mag-adapt at mag tagumpay sa kabila ng mga pagsubok sa pag-aaral.

Translate: High levels of emotional intelligence can provide the ability to adapt and succeed
despite the challenges in learning.

Interview: How can emotional intelligence be fostered to improve students’ self-regulation in

academic setting?

Participant 3: Maaaring gawin mo ay Self-awareness (pagkaalam sa sarili) ituro sa mga

mag-aaral ang Kahalagahan ng pag-unawa sa kanilang sarili at damdamin.

Translate: One thing that can be done is to teach self-awareness to students, emphasizing
the importance of understanding oneself and emotions.
Interview: What emotional support systems exist for students facing academic challenges
and how effective they are?

Participant 3: Maraming mga emosyonal na sistema ng suporta para sa mga mag-aaral,

tulad ng mental health services sa mga paaralan. Mahalaga ito sa bawat estudyante dahil
sa kung gaano kabilis at epektibo ang kanilang pagtugon sa mga emosyonal na hamon.

Translate: There are many emotional support systems for students, such as mental health
services in schools. This is important for every student because of how quickly and
effectively they can respond to emotional challenges.

Interview: What factors do you think contribute to students’ academic performance and how
do you see emotional intelligence playing a role in this?

Participant 3: Sa tingin ko ang salik na makakatulong sa akademiko ay ang tamang

mindset, mahusay na time management, at malusog na interpersonal na ugnayan sa
kanilang kapwa mag-aaral at guro.

Translate: Factors that contribute to academic success include having the right mindset,
good time management, and strong interpersonal relationships with fellow students and

Interview: Can you provide examples or share any insights on how emotional intelligence
can enhance problem solving skills and critical thinking abilities among students?

Participant 3: Pakikipag-ugnayan itaguyod ang malusog na pakikipag-ugnayan sa

pamamagitan ng collaborative activities.

Translate: Collaboration promotes smooth communication through collaborative activities.

Emotional Intelligence - In what ways does - “Makakatulong ang
emotional EQ sa pamamagitan
intelligence ng pag-taas ng
contribute to morale ng isang
academic success or students na
challenges? puwedeng mag-lead
- What role does sa pagkakaroon ng
emotional well-being tiwala sa sarili na
play in students’ magagawa niya ang
ability to cope with isang bagay.”
academic - “With Emotional
pressures? intelligence mas
- How can emotional alam mo kung
intelligence be paano i-comfort self
fostered to improve mo and it helps you
students’ self- think positively, to
regulation in get less stressed.”
academic setting? - “Emotional
Intelligence grants
you the ability to be
able to handle things
without too much

Academic Performances - Why do students - “Humaharap ang

face academic students’ ng
challenges and how academic
can these challenges challenges dahil
differ? malimit ay hindi kaya
- What do you think i-handle mentally
are the possible and physically ang
reasons why some mga sobrang
students are not daming
performing well in schoolworks. At
academics? dahil din minsan sa
- What emotional environment, sa
support systems kanilang paligid
exist for students mapa-tao man ito o
facing academic facilities.
challenges, and how Nagkakaiba ito sa
effective they are? kani-kanilang mga
dahilan at epekto.”
- “Maaaring mas
nakatuon ang
kanilang atensyon
sa ibang bagay o
nahihirapan sila
dahil may dinadala
silang problema.”
- “Ang mga mag-aaral
ngayon ay mayroon
ng motivation bawat
isa, ito ang isa sa
mga dahilan kung
bakit lumalaban ang
mga bata, epektibo
ito dahil gaya ko ito
rin ang gamit ko
para malampasan
ang problema.”
Problem-solving and Critical - Can you provide - “Natatanggap ko
Thinking abilities examples or share ang mga criticism
any insights on how about sa aking
emotional performance sa
intelligence can School nang
enhance problem- mauwag at maayos
solving and critical na nagiging dahilan
thinking abilities para mas pag-
among students? butihin.”
- How do you envision - “Kung naisasaayos
the role of emotional mo ang sarili mong
intelligence in problema o
developing critical emosyon, magiging
thinking and Madali lamang sa
problem-solving iyo mag-manage ng
among students? iba pag mas
manhirap na
The researchers collected data from the respondents through face-to-face and
written interviews. Before gathering data, the researchers formulate research questions that
will drive the entire investigation and will be validated by the research adviser. This will allow
them to address some significant aspects of their findings and provide a brief context for the
data they will present.

1. Why do students face academic challenges, and how can these challenges differ?

2. What do you think are the possible reasons why some students are not performing well in

3. In what ways does emotional intelligence contribute to academic success or challenges?

4. Can you share any specific examples or experiences where you have seen emotional
intelligence positively impact a student's

academic performance?

5. How do you envision the role of emotional intelligence in developing critical thinking and
problem-solving skills among students?

6. What role does emotional well-being play in students' ability to cope with academic

7. How can emotional intelligence be fostered to improve students' self-regulation in

academic settings?

8. What emotional support systems exist for students facing academic challenges, and how
effective are they?

9. What factors do you think contribute to students' academic performance, and how do you
see emotional intelligence playing a role in this?

10. Can you provide examples or share any insights on how emotional intelligence can
enhance problem-solving skills and critical thinking abilities among students?

This research formulated three codes which are the: emotional intelligence,
academic success, and problem-solving and critical thinking abilities. The first code which is
emotional intelligence containing these questions: In what ways does emotional intelligence
contribute to academic success or challenges? The majority answer here is “Makakatulong
ang EQ sa pamamagitan ng pag-taas ng morale ng isang students na puwedeng mag-lead
sa pagkakaroon ng tiwala sa sarili na magagawa niya ang isang bagay.” Next is what role
does emotional well-being play in students’ ability to cope with academic pressures? The
accurate answer regarding on this question is “With Emotional intelligence mas alam mo
kung paano i-comfort self mo and it helps you think positively, to get less stressed.” And for
the last question is how can emotional intelligence be fostered to improve students’ self-
regulation in academic setting? The common answer here is “With Emotional intelligence
mas alam mo kung paano i-comfort self mo and it helps you think positively, to get less

The second code contains academic achievement related questions and gathered data, the
first question and its majority answer are why do students face academic challenges and
how can these challenges differ? “Humaharap ang students’ ng academic challenges dahil
malimit ay hindi kaya i-handle mentally and physically ang mga sobrang daming
schoolworks. At dahil din minsan sa environment, sa kanilang paligid mapa-tao man ito o
facilities. Nagkakaiba ito sa kani-kanilang mga dahilan at epekto.” the second question and
its majority answer are what do you think are the possible reasons why some students are
not performing well in academics? “Maaaring mas nakatuon ang kanilang atensyon sa ibang
bagay o nahihirapan sila dahil may dinadala silang problema.” The last question on this code
also its majority answer are what emotional support systems exist for students facing
academic challenges, and how effective they are? “Ang mga mag-aaral ngayon ay mayroon
ng motivation bawat isa, ito ang isa sa mga dahilan kung bakit lumalaban ang mga bata,
epektibo ito dahil gaya ko ito rin ang gamit ko para malampasan ang problema.”

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