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‫كلية اآلدا ب‬

‫ الثانى‬: ‫الفصل الدراسي‬ ‫ عام‬: ‫ اللغة اإلنجليزية و آدابها الشعبة الدراسية‬: ‫القســم‬
Introduction to Novel – Midterm Exam - ‫ مدخل إلي القصة‬: ‫امتحان مادة‬ ‫ األولى‬: ‫الفرقة‬
)1( : ‫ نصف ساعة عدد صفحات االمتحان‬: ‫زمن االمتحان‬ )02( :‫الدرجة الكلية‬ 11/5/2024 : ‫تاريخ اإلمتحان‬
‫ محمد الفقى‬.‫ د‬: ‫أستاذ المادة‬

Answer the following questions as you are requested to do in each part: -

[Total: 20 Marks]

A. State whether these statements are true or false: - [8 Marks, Each 1 Mark]

1. Literature is a written as well as an oral expression of human experience. ( )

2. The novel emerged as the most important form of prose fiction in the 17 century. ( )
3. The features that characterize epic make us conclude that it is the forefather of the modern
novel. ( )
4. Gothic novel became popular in the eighteenth century. ( )
5. Picaresque novel relates the experiences of a picaro in his conflict with the social norms of
society. ( )
6. Bildungsroman is a novel that portrays the development of a protagonist from childhood to
maturity. ( )
7. While Epic was written in verse, Romance was mostly written in prose. ( )
8. Epistolary novel is a novel written in the form of journals. ( )

B. Write briefly on Only Two of the following topics: - [12 Marks, Each 6 Marks]

1. The main methods of narration and the difference between them.

2. Types of characters and the way of presenting them.
3. Plot and its main elements and its main types.

Good Luck
Dr. Mohamed El-Feky

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