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In "Miracle on Ice" (1980), Coach Herb turned the USA team into a strong, united group that went on to

beat the Soviet Union at the 1980 Winter Olympics.

1.How did the coach turned USA team?

The coach, Herb Brooks, played a pivotal role in transforming the team. It began from the selection
process itself. He did not just choose the most talented player, he selected players who would fit well
together as a team. He worked to build strong bond among the players. He knew how to push his
players to perform at their best, whether through tough love or inspiring speeches. He reminded the
team that sometimes, against all odds, amazing things can happen if you work hard and believe in
yourself. Herb understood the psychological aspect of the game. He knows how to manage pressure and
keep his players focused and composed especially in hih pressure situations. His calm self and strategic
thinking was evident during the tense final minutes of the game against Russia.

2. What are the organisational elements you can find it in the movie with examples?

Objective elements of organization

Structural elements

1.Leadership: Coach herb shows strong leadership throughout the movie. He takes on the role of coach
and motivator, pushing the team beyond their limits and teaching discipline. His leadership style is a
blend of tough love, strategic thinking, and the ability to inspire confidence to his players. Example: Herb
challenges the team with training session for their best effort and commitment. He also delivers
motivational speeches to boost their confidence an teamwork.

2.Teams: We can see many teams like the USA Olympic hockey team, which is the primary team in focus
in the movie, the soviet union hockey team, the german team etc.

Functional elements:

1.Plans: Herb made a rigourous training plan which was aimed at improving the players physically and as
a team. For instance, In the movie, there are scenes showing the teams training routine, including
grueling workouts on the ice and in the gym as well as tactical drills to develop their gameplay

2. Strategies: herb implement innovative tactical strategies to counter the strengths of their opponents
particularly the Soviet Union team. This includes a forechecking system. Durig the game against the
soviet,the team executed the forechecking strategy which lead them to score.

3. Standards: Throughout the movie Herb raises the teams standards by demanding maximum effort
and effort from each player, pushing them to surpass their own limits and achieve peak performance.

Subjective elements of organization


1.Physical energy: The teams physical energy is evident during the intense training sessions. Scenes from
the movie depict the players exerting high levels of physical energy during practice which represent their
dedication and commitment to improving their fitness.
2.Technical skills: The movie highlights the technical skills of the players which includes skating ability,
stickhandling, passing, shooting, and defensive tactics.

3.Patience: Patience is a strategic element in hockey hich involves disciplined gameplay, waiting for
scoring opportunities, and maintaining patience under pressure. The team demonstrates patience by
following tactical strategies, waiting for openings in the opposing team.


1.Enthusiasm: The players show great enthusiasm throughout the movie, passion for the sport and the
desire to represent their country on the international stage.

2.Commitment and determination: Coach Herb show a sense of commitment and determination in his
players, expecting them to give their absolute best and never give up, regardless of the challenges they

3.Attitude and Emotions: Despite being face with doubt and discouragement from others they believed
in themselves and shew a positive attitude.

4.Social skills: The movie portrays the development of strong social bonds among the players,
highlighting their ability to communicate and support each other both on and off the ice. This indicate
importance of teamwork and mutual respect in achieving success.


1.Aspiration: The teams aspiration and will to win against opponents like the Soviet Union serve as
driving forces throughout the movie. Their determination form as an aspiration to achieve greatness.

2.Mental skills: Mental skills such as focus, concentration and mental toughness are essential for team
success. They must remain composed and focused even under high-pressure situations.

3. Assess the movie in a managerial perspective?

The movie highlights the role of leadership in achieving organizational goals. Coach Herb show
leadership qualities leading his team towards excellence through motivation and empowerment. His
ability to inspire belief, implement teamwork and push their boundaries show effective leadership
principles. Managers can learn from Brooks approach by emphasizing clear goals, providing continuous
feedback. The movie shows us that strategic planning and effective and efficient implementation of that
plan were the key elelemnts to achieve a competitive advantage. Managers can adopt a strategic
mindset by aligning organizational strategies with market trends. From effective leadership and team
dynamics to strategic planning, the movie shows essential principles for managerial success.

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