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Lesson plan

Teacher: Sanda Nicoleta-Adelina

School: „C. Radulescu-Codin”, School
Date: 29th October, 2020
Grade: 5th
Number of students: 24
Level: 6th year of study
Type of lesson: content and language integrated learning (CLIL); acquisition of new language (vocabulary)
Skills: listening, reading, speaking, writing.
Methods: conversation, explanation, dialogue, practice
Classroom interaction: individual work, Teacher-Student, Student-Student
Teaching aids: blackboard, chalk, digital book, laptop, video projector
Students’ book: ”Limba modernă 1 –engleză”, cls. a V-a, Ed. Uniscan, 2017
Time: 45 minutes
-to enable students to link the themes of the unit to a subject from their school curriculum
-to enrich students’ vocabulary
-to make students activate the previous taught vocabulary
-to give students practice in speaking
-to give students practice in listening
Evaluation: - continue - through activities, observation, error correction
- final - through feedback
Stage of lesson/ Teacher’s activity Students’ activity Interaction Skills and Materials Subsidiary aims
Timing methods used
1.Organizational T enters the class, greets the T –Ss - speaking -to assure the
moment / Warm- students, and then asks if there - introductive part
up are any absentees. Ss greet the teacher and tell the of the lesson.
By chatting in English at the absentees if there are any. - questioning
2 min. beginning of the lesson, T
creates an ‘English language’
atmosphere, establishing contact
-to create a
between her and SS, and helps friendly
SS to relax.

2.Lead-in . “Map T gives each student an - to introduce

puzzle” envelope containing the pieces of -reading -Envelope the new topic
a puzzle. By doing it right, they - writing
5 min. will discover a country in Ss solve the puzzle Ss -speaking -to create
Europe. (the UK).( Appendix 1). confidence

-to create interest

in the topic

3. While- After they finish the task, Ss
watching/listening are asked to watch a video about -to inform Ss
for gist) the UK and try to identify the Ss about the topic
10 min. names of the 4 countries that they are going to
Explanation -Video
form it. (The Ss watch the video and identify study.
yellow/blue/purple/green the names of the countries.
country is.........). -to listen for gist
T writes the title on the board -Chalk
T tells Ss that they are going to
find out some interesting things
about these 4 countries such as
names of cities and famous
-to elicit the
landmarks. meaning of the
new words
Speaking -video
4. Pre-teach Before listening to/reading the Ss guess the meaning of the new
Writing projector
vocabulary texts about the UK, T pre- words. Picture -Pictures
exploitation -laptop
5 min. teaches some words using
- to listen for
pictures. (island, monument,
stadium, bridge, wall).

5.While- Each star on the puzzle Ss listen to and read the texts.
-listening -Ss’ books
listening/reading represents the name of the
Ss -reading -Ss’
for detail) capital city and each circle the - notebooks
10 min. name of another important city.
(numbers 1 to 8). - to consolidate
and use the new
6. Post-reading T asks Ss to copy the table from
(Writing and ex. 2, page 30 in their notebooks -to check
speaking) and complete it with the comprehension
information in the texts. Then,
they have to present one of the Ss complete the task. -Ss’ books
countries to the class. -to give feedback
10 min.

7. Assigning Ss are asked to do ex 1 and 2, Ss write down in their notebooks T –Ss - listening -Ss’ books -to consolidate
homework / page 31(a project about the page and number. and and use the new
3 min Romania, its capital city and - writing notebooks acquired
other cities/towns and then Ss alone knowledge.
collect information about famous
landmarks in each of the cities.)

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