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Page 1 of 77 Issued on 12.09.2016 Report RDSO/2016/EL/IR/0175, Rev.


lR;eso t;rs

Technical Report on
Maintenance & Reliability issues of
Micro-Processor based Control &fault
Diagnostic System (MPCS) for
25 kV AC Tap-Changer
Electric Locomotives.

Report No.: RDSO/2016/EL/IR/0175, Rev.`0’

Issue Date: 12.09.2016

Approved by

O. P. Kesari

Issued by
Electrical Directorate
Research, Designs and Standards Organization
Manak Nagar, Lucknow-226011

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Status of Revision

S.N. Date of Revision Page no. Revision Reason for

1. - all 0 First Issue

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S.N. Subject Description Page nos.

1. Chapter - I Introduction 4
2. Chapter - II In-house developments 5-6
3. Chapter - III Development through industry- 7 - 12
MPCS version-0
4. Chapter - IV MPCS version-1 13 - 30
5. Chapter - V MPCS version-2 31 - 64
6. Chapter - VI MPCS version-3 65 - 74
7. Chapter-VII MPCS Repair & AMC 75
8. Chapter -VIII List of SMI/MS/TC related with 76 - 77

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Chapter I
1. Introduction :
1.1. Existing AC tap-changer type electric locomotives working on Indian Railways had
relay based protection and control scheme. It consists of large amount of cabling,
relays and associated interlocks/contacts. Reliability of all these interlocks, relays and
interconnections was low and maintenance intensive.
1.2. RDSO had started development of Microprocessor based system in late eighties and
taken a decision to eliminate majority of all these relays and interlocks. Moreover, for
troubleshooting of any fault in a locomotive, crew had to waste substantial time and
so blocking the section. At the end, maintenance personnel had to depend upon the
sequence of events, as recorded in loco logbook, which makes fault analysis
inadequate. Hence, microprocessor based control and fault diagnostic system was
developed to solve following issues:
 Frequent and specialized maintenance requirement for relays
 Frequent calibration need for time delay relays due to drift
 Complex control cabling
 Poor reliability due to wear & tear of large quantity of moving parts like
 Manual record keeping of DJ tripping and others occurrences
 Limitation of manual recording of fault logs.
1.3. The control scheme of tap-changer type AC electric locomotives had been modified
using microprocessor. This had helped in reducing cabling, as well as maintenance of
intensive relays which were not only maintenance prone and unreliable.
1.4. The modified scheme had helped operating crew in diagnosis and reducing pressure
on maintenance staff as well. It was financially viable too.
1.5. Presently, Tap changer electric locomotives working on Indian Railways were
provided with control based on electromechanical and Electro-pneumatic relays/
contactors. Microprocessor-based Control System (MPCS) version-2 and 3 was
provided in conventional electric locomotives (approximately 2000 locomotives) as
per specification no. ELRS/SPEC/MPC-FDS/0001 Rev. ‘2’ & Rev. ‘3’ by procuring
MPCS from M/s Medha/Hyderabad, M/s Stesalit/Kolkata, M/s ICECPL/Haridwar,
M/s SIL/Kolkata, and M/s Laxven/Hyderabad.

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Chapter II

2. In-house developments:
2.1. At the end of the eighties, in 1989 this project was started in RDSO with a concept to
replace existing relay logic into soft logic with the help of 8 bit microprocessor (8085
microprocessor trainer kit). RDSO developed and demonstrated a software program
on above mentioned trainer kit with the help of controlling relays and indicating
LEDs on in-house lab model successfully.
2.1.1. RDSO had again developed actual loco logic on 8-bit microprocessor (8085
microprocessor trainer kit) up to DJ closing including Q118, Q45, Q44 and MTDJ
branches in software logic and tested it successfully on WAM4 training simulator at
Electric Loco Training School, Kanpur in 1991-92.
2.1.2. During visit of Member (Electrical) to RDSO in September, 1991, a demonstration on
working of a microprocessor based Control System for Electric Locomotives,
designed and developed by RDSO was made and a prototype unit was fitted on
WAM4 loco no. 20414 at ELS/BSL/CR which had worked satisfactorily. The
development of engineering model was done by IRIEEN/Nasik as a project.
2.1.3. The proposal for in-house development of microprocessor based locomotive control
and fault diagnostic system was sanctioned by DG/RDSO on 16.11.1992 and an
amount of Rs.8.3 lakhs was allocated for the procurement of four numbers of
microprocessor based system for electric locomotive.
2.1.4. Railway Board vide D.O. no. 91/Elect(TRS)/441/1 dated 27.01.1993 had advised
RDSO to prepare detailed specification for adoption of MPCS system based on the
performance of loco no. 20414.
2.1.5. Railway Board vide D.O. no. 91/Elect(TRS)/441/1 dated 30.03.1993 had decided that
microprocessor control system for WAG5 locomotives should be developed by RDSO
and CLW.
2.1.6. Meanwhile, another prototype unit (based on 8085 8-bit microprocessor) had been
developed by M/s WML free of cost. A hardware MPCS system was installed along
with software developed by RDSO up to DJ closing (MTDJ branch) on WAM4 20437
loco at Electric Loco Shed, Mugalsarai, but the system could not be commissioned
successfully on the loco for field trials due to hardware issues of M/s WML system.

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2.1.7. RDSO had issued specification no. E-16/22 in May 1993 for microprocessor based
control system of 25 KV AC electric locomotives. Order for procurement of four nos.
microprocessor based control system was placed on M/s ADC, Roorkee, as per
RDSO specification no. E-16/22 (May 1993). One unit was installed on WAM4 class
loco number 20437 at ELS/MGS. The system had worked satisfactorily for about 4
years. It had since been taken out, as maintaining a single unit was difficult. Other
three units were fitted on WAG7 locomotives by CLW.

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Chapter III
3. Development through industry-
3.1. MPCS version-0:
3.2. RDSO had issued specification No. E-16/22 in May 1993. CLW had placed
developmental order on M/s ADC; Roorkee for 25 Number of the microprocessor
based control & fault diagnostic system as per CLW’s specification No. D&D/202
dated 27.4.94
3.3. Total 29 units of MPCS version-0 were procured (25 by CLW & 4 by RDSO), out of
which 27 units were provided in locomotives, one was kept as spare at
ELW/Kachrapara and one was used in Electric Training center (ETC), Kanpur for
training of the drivers.
3.4. ELS/CNB had 16 locomotives and ELS/GMO had 11 locomotives of MPCS version
3.5. Salient feature of MPCS version-0
a. 8 bit (Z-80) microprocessor used.
b. 48 binary inputs
c. 48 binary outputs were used with OEN* relays to drive loco contactors and 110 V
dc relays.
(Note: *O/E/N India Limited (OEN), A Relay manufacturer company)
d. Two display unit having 2 line 20 characters LCD display with 24 operating keys
in each cabs for displaying messages and use two big size (2 inch) seven segment
LED display for Notch indicators.
e. One 110 V to 5V & 24 V, 5Amps current rating power supply used for the
f. Surge, RF/EMI protection and opto-isolation were used for the system.
g. The following 20 relays were eliminated with this system:
(i) Time Delay Relays (5 Nos.)
Q118, Q44, QTD105, QTD106, Q120
(ii) Sequencing Relays (10 Nos.)
Q45, Q100, Q46, Q48, Q49, Q50, Q51, Q52, QRS, QWC
(iii) Signaling Relays (5 Nos)
QV60, QV62, QV63, QV64, QVSOL

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h. Reduction of Interlocks :
Only 4 out of 36 auxiliary contacts of Master Controller and 2 contacts each of
CTFs & Reversers were used in MPCS.

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3.6. Summary of Failures of MPCS Version-0 for electric locomotives.

Year 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05
Defective Items
Power supply card 1 5 3 3 4 5
Input card 1 9 5 3 2 1 1
Display unit 2 19 18 6 2 3 3
Output card 9 9 11 11 12 4 1
CPU card 2 1 7 4 1 1
Controller card 9 5 1
Mother Board 2 2
Complete unit 2
CFN loose connection 1 2 7 2 2 3 2
Misc. faults 1 6 1
Population 11 11 27 27 27 17 13 7
Total Failures 4 15 67 50 24 25 17 15
FRPCPY 36.36 136.36 248.14 185.18 88.88 147.05 130.76 214.28

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Year wise FRPCPY For MPCS Ver-0 of M/s ADC Make

150 136.36 130.76

50 36.36

1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05

Item wise failurs For MPCS Ver-0 of M/s ADC Make

Misc. faults 8

CFN loose connection 19

Complete unit 2

Mother Board 4

Controller card 15

CPU card 16 Failurs

Output card 57

Display unit 53

Input card 22

Power supply card 21

0 10 20 30 40 50 60

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3.7. Failure analysis of MPCS version ‘0’ :

3.7.1. Largest number of failures was on account of failure of output cards due to which
locomotive fails on line.
3.7.2. Second largest number of failure was of display units, which doesn’t fail locomotive on
line, but leads to un-scheduled withdrawal from traffic.
3.7.3. Other major contributors towards failure of the system were input cards, power supply
cards, loose connection, CPU Card, controller card and mother boards.
3.7.4. Such high level of failures on account of the MPCS version-0 itself was not at all
acceptable, which disrupts traffic in the section or leads to un-scheduled withdrawal
from traffic.
3.8. Major problems experienced in this system can be broadly categorized into Technical
and Commercial issues.
3.8.1. Technical Problems :
a. Except for initial teething problems, the system had given satisfactory performance.
The problems experienced mainly were related to engineering design and the
service support from the supplier.
b. This design had input/output connector on the individual cards and card was
dedicated for inputs and outputs, this concept requires large number of spare cards.
c. Maintenance was not easy for cards due to connector fitted on the card.
d. No analog parameter had been processed.

3.8.2. Commercial Problems:

It was basically due to the Vendor, whose capacity to provide after sales support and
upgrade the existing system based on fault analysis was not at all adequate. Lack of
alternate source was another reason, so that, no substantial action could be taken to
improve the reliability of the MPCS Version-0 system.

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Photograph of MPCS version-0 (M/s ADC make)

Front View with Door Closed Back view Front View with Door open
Main Unit MPCS Version-0

16 channel input card Display unit

Using terminal strip (RDSO) 2 line 20 character LCD display With 24 keys
Card & Display Unit MPCS Version-0

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Chapter IV

4. MPCS version-1

4.1. Based on the performance reports, feedback and lack of service support from the M/s
ADC for MPCS version-0, it was felt necessary to increase the vendor base, before large
scale implementation of MPCS.
4.2. Based on the feedback received, following points were considered for preparing revised
 The interface between the system and locomotive had been standardized.
 All interfacing cables, connectors with their pin configurations were frozen.
 The display unit was modified. It was very similar in appearance to the unit used
on three-phase locomotive. Provision for Audio-visual alarm and conspicuous
fault acknowledgement button was made.
 An expert system was developed to guide the crew, in case of fault.
 Dedicated slots for inputs and outputs were used in place of dedicated cards.

4.3. 5 more relays was eliminated in MPCS version-1 and total 25 relays were eliminated as
given below-

(a) Time Delay Relays (6 Nos.)

Q118, Q119, Q44, QTD105, QTD106, Q120

(b) Sequencing Relays (11 Nos.)

Q45, Q100, Q46, Q48, Q49, Q50, Q51, Q52, QRS, QWC, QCVAR

(c) Protection Relays (2 Nos)

Q30, Q20
(d) Signaling Relays (6 Nos)
QV60, Q61, QV62, QV63, QV64, QVLSO

4.4. RDSO had revised old specification no. E16/22for electric locomotives with
standardization and improvements, and again issued a new specification No.
ELRS/Spec/MPC-FDS/0001 Rev ‘0’ in Dec. 1998.

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4.5. The following major changes had been made in revised specification.
S.N. Old spec. no. E16/22 (1993) Revised spec. No.
MPCS ver-0 MPCS ver-1
1. Two CPU card of (8 bit) Two CPU card of (8 bit or more)
microprocessor used, operated with microprocessor used with
manual changeover software operation of 100%
redundancy provision to avoid
single fault that may lead to loco
2. 48 binary inputs (24V &5V) DC 64 binary inputs 110V DC and
analog inputs
3. 48 Binary Outputs (24V) DC relay 48 Binary Outputs 110V DC
based transistor based
4. One display is used in each cab for 2 lines 40 characters LCD
displaying all inputs and outputs alphanumeric display used for
with 24 operating keys display messages.
5. Notch indicator used two 1” seven Notch indicator used two 1”
segment LED display on each seven segment LED display on
display unit. each display unit.
6. Male/female lock type connectors Circular threaded connectors had
was used. been used
7. Details of test was not define Follows IEC-571-1 Rules for
electronic equipment on rail
8. Warranty not defined 1 year warranty defined
9. Memory not defined 100 faults memory with ring
buffer defined
10. Analog parameters not defined. Analog parameters included
11. -- Future provision for interfacing
of other MP based system like
12. -- System shall have real time clock
(RTC) for recording faults with
date and time.
13. ---- Stored fault data can be down
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loaded through handheld

terminal and print with MS-
DOS/Windows operating system.
14. -- The system has power-up and
periodic self-diagnostics

4.6. CLW had placed developmental orders on 4 firms for 60 loco sets as per the new
specification number ELRS/Spec/MPC-FDS/0001 Rev ‘0’ Dec. 1998. RDSO had
approved the designs and carried out type testing on the prototypes offered by three
firms. Details are given below;
S.N. Firm Quantity Remarks
1. M/s Advance Digital Controls/ 30 nos.
Order completed after
2. M/s Medha Servo Drives/ 10 nos.
3. M/s Stesalit Limited/Kolkata 10 nos.
4. M/s TATA consultancy limited/ 10 nos. prototype and order
SBC not completed



S.N. Parameters ADC Medha Stesalit

1. Ordered 30 no. for WAP4 5 no. WAG7 + 5no. 5 no. WAG7 +
quantities WAP4 =10 5no. WAP4 = 10
2. PO order no. 31/98/2709/8099 31/98/2709/80995 31/98/2709/80990
& date 2 date 6.3.2000 date 6.3.2000 date 6.3.2000
3. Cost of the ₹ 2,30,000/- ₹ 1,84,000/- ₹ 1,65,000/-
4. Design 2.8.2000 11.7.2000 17.7.2000
submitted for
hard ware
portion on
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S.N. Parameters ADC Medha Stesalit

5. Design 13.10.2000 27.9.2000 25.9.2000
approval given
for the same
6. Prototype 10.04.2002 1.2.2002 22.7.2002
cleared on
7. Loco 20.07.2002 29.05.2002 11.01.2003
8. Performance Satisfactory Satisfactory Satisfactory
9. CPU Card Hitachi 3048 MP Intel 196 m-controller Intel 80C196KC
Microprocesso 32 bit 16 bit Watch dog 16 bit micro
r used RTC Y2K timer used with controller with
Compliance, indication front panel LED
Watch dog timer indications for
used with status. Two
indication separate processor
cards used with 2-
architecture to
ensure fail-safe
operation. In case
of failure of one
subsystem, the
system works with
the other healthy
10. Input card Total =80 inputs Total =80 inputs Total = 96 inputs
16 inputs/card, 5 16 inputs/card , 5 with dual
cards cards redundancy
Facia had LED Facia had LED 32 inputs/card, 3
indication indication cards under each
Opto isolation, Opto isolation, Surge processor. Total 6
Surge protection protection, reverse cards.

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S.N. Parameters ADC Medha Stesalit

11. Output card Total =48 outputs Total =48 outputs Total =48 outputs
16 outputs/card , 16 outputs/card, 3 with built-in
3 cards cards testability and
Facia had LED Opto isolation, over feedback
indication load and short circuit 8 outputs/card,
Opto isolation, protection Total 6 cards
over load and Opto isolation,
short circuit over load and
protection short circuit
12. Interfacing For display unit For display unit For display unit -
card RS232 RS485; RS485;PC
Downloading Downloading RS232 Interface- RS232
13. Analog input 8 channel 8 channel 8 channel with
card 12 bit resolution opto-isolation
10 bit resolution
14. Display unit 4 lineX40Ch 4 lineX40Ch backlit 4 lineX40Ch with
backlit type type LCD Display backlit LCD.
Communication with Communication Communication –
– RS232 for Control Unit on – RS485. Display &
RS485 Keyboard design
same as
recommended by
Screen Starting MENU driven with 4 MENU driven
Structure sequential keys Isolation, LT with 4 keys
operation for the mode and BPAR Isolation, LT
driver status on line 1 of mode and BPAR
LCD status on line 1 of
Eliminated relay LCD
status for better Eliminated relay
Trouble shooting. status for better
trouble shooting.
7-singment RED color, size RED color, size 1” RED color, size 1”
Display 1”

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S.N. Parameters ADC Medha Stesalit

Color Dark green Specified gray Specified gray
(Reason given by
the firm because
of dirty hand of
the driver this
color was more
Size of the unit 345 mm X 143 310 mm X 230 mm X 310 mm X 230
mm X 53 mm 61 mm mm X 100 mm
Keys Membrane type Membrane type ( Membrane
(MENU, MENU, ,,ACK type,(MENU,
,,ACK and and ENTER keys) ,,ACK and
ENTER keys) ENTER keys)
annunciation with
against any alarm.
Memory for 100 faults 380 faults Logs last 128
the faults events, which can
in display be displayed on
the panel or
downloaded to the
PC through serial
Look wise Good Best Better
Some difference
with given Keys
Note: Functioning of
Control Unit was not
dependent on
healthiness of Display
15. Cabling/ Provided as per Provided as per spec. Provided as per
Harness spec. with level with label and tags specification with
and tags labels and tags
16. Back-plane Soldering Soldering Soldered with
64 pin EURO 64 pin EURO 64/96 pin EURO
connector connector connector

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S.N. Parameters ADC Medha Stesalit

17. Connectors Round threaded Round threaded as Round threaded as
as per per specification with per specification
specification with polarization. with polarization.
18. Fabrication of Good Very good Good.
the cabinets
19. Front door & Left side hinged Left side hinged with Left side hinged
locking system with gasket and gasket and lock, with gasket and
lock, detachable. detachable. lock, detachable.
20. PCB qualities Double sided Double sided with Double sided with
with PTH and PTH PTH.
semi SMD were
21. Housing of the Plastic tracker Powder Coated Plastic tracker was
PCB was used enclosure for PCBs used
Easy to insert and totally sealed with Easy to insert and
opening of PCB handles opening of PCB
Easy to insert and
opening of PCB
22. PCB card Vertical Horizontal & packed Vertical
23. Soldering Wave and hand Wave and hand Wave and hand
soldering both soldering both soldering both
24. Component Satisfactory Good Good
25. Tracking of Jumper was used Extra wire used for Good Layout
the PCB tracking somewhere
to correct layout
26. Size of the 770 mm X 383 760 mm X 380 mm X 744 mm X 380
main unit mm X 296 mm 305 mm mm X 300 mm
27. Size of the SC 200 mm X 150 200 mm X 150 mm X 200 mm X 150
unit mm X 100 mm 100 mm mm X 75 mm
28. Size for As per As per specification As per
mounting studs specification OK OK specification. OK
29. Redundancy Only CPU card Only CPU card CPU, Input and
Analog cards

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S.N. Parameters ADC Medha Stesalit

30. Analog signal Resistive Use frequency Resistive
measurements technique used conversion technique attenuator pad
with live zero with optical
With this it was isolation to bring
possible to detect the signals to
Interconnecting Cable scale.
short and open
31. Downloading In specified In specified format on As per specified
Data format Laptop/PC format

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S.N. Parameters ADC Medha Stesalit

32. Extra feature  Status of CPU  This system had
 MEM and working hardware
of analog channels redundancy of 2
was shown in the out of 2 to
self-test mode ensure higher
 Provision to add 2 degree of
Input and 2 Output safety, which
cards in the system was necessary
for future for such type of
expansion application.
 All Input, Output  One fault LED
and CPU cards was provided on
were the display
interchangeable panel.
within their
designated slots
 Insertion of a card
at a wrong place
was not possible
 CPU card
functioning was
toggled at every
normal DJ opening
to ensure that both
cards were
 Galvanic (Opto
isolation for all
analog inputs
 Separate DC/DC
Converter for
Display Unit
Power Supply

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4.8. Performance of MPCS version-1

Make 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07
P F %F P F %F P F %F P F %F P F %F
ADC 1 2 200 4 4 100 37 71 191 44 34 77 44 10 23
Medha 1 3 300 1 1 100 10 16 160 10 4 40 10 0 0
Stesalit 1 2 200 1 4 400 1 2 200 9 13 144 9 6 67
Total 3 7 233 6 9 150 48 89 185 63 51 81 63 16 25

(Note: P = Population, F = Failures and %F = FRPCPY)

FRPCPY of MPCS version-1


250 ADC
200 Medha
150 Stesalit
100 Total
2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07

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4.9. Failure Analysis of M/s ADC make MPCS version-1 (from 2002-07)

Items Failures
Power supply card 3
CPU card 2
Input card 1
Output card 8
Controller card 6
Mother board 0
Display unit 72
Connectors 4
Software 2
Misc 2
Analog card 10
Total Failures 121
Population 44

Item wise failures of M/s ADC make MPCS version-1

Analog card 10
Misc 2
Software 2
Connectors 4
Display unit 72
Mother board 0
Controller card 6
Output card 8
Input card 1
CPU card 2
Power supply card 3

0 20 40 60 80

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4.10. Failure Analysis of M/s Medha make MPCS version-1 (from 2002-07)

Items Failures
Power supply card 0
CPU card 0
Input card - 0
Output card 9
Controller card 0
Mother board 0
Display unit 1
Connectors 1
Software 0
Misc 5
Analog card 0
Total Failures 24
Population 10

Item wise failures of M/s Medha make MPCS version-1

Analog card
Misc 5
Software 0
Connectors 1
Display unit 1
Mother board 0
Controller card 0
Output card 9
Input card 0
CPU card 0
Power supply card 0

0 2 4 6 8 10

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4.11. Failure Analysis of M/s Stesalit make MPCS version-1 (from 2002-07)

Items Failures
Power supply card 1
CPU card 1
Input card 2
Output card 4
Controller card 0
Mother board 0
Display unit 8
Connectors 3
Software 1
Misc 0
Analog card 0
Total Failures 27
Population 9

Item wise failures of M/s Stesalit make MPCS version-1

Analog card
Software 1

Connectors 3
Display unit 8
Mother board 0
Controller card 0
Output card 4
Input card 2
CPU card 1
Power supply card 1

0 2 4 6 8 10

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4.12. Problems Related With Maintainability:

4.12.1. M/s ADC make MPCS version-1:
(I) Fault detection and replacement of card was no problem, however M/s ADC did not
hand over the key of the unit in warranty period as a result of which loco had to
wait for their representative even though it could be attended by shed staff.
(II) Spare cards were not kept in shed.
(III) Component on the cards were manually soldered instead of wave soldering.
(IV) Input output cards were dedicated which had increased the inventory, i.e.
for each input and output cards, shed had to maintain the spares.
4.12.2. M/s Medha make MPCS version -1:
(I) Detection and replacement of card was no problem.
(II) Only 1 output card had been kept in shed as spare.
(III) Input cards were common i.e. it can be replaced for any input card. Similar was the
case for output card i.e. lesser inventory.
(IV) No LED indication on output card. Identification of defective output cards can be
done with the help of digital output status in the diagnostic display, which was
cumbersome. The problem gets worsened in case of communication failure to
display unit. However LED indication was available for Input Cards.
4.12.3. M/s Stesalit make MPCS version-1:
(I) Detection and replacement of card was no problem.
(II) Input cards were common i.e. it can be replaced for any input card. Similar was the
case for output cards i.e. lesser inventory.
(III) For any fault in the output cards, the complete unit will shut down which makes
troubleshooting to find defective output difficult. The only way was to replace each
card one by one and only then faulty card was identified.
(IV) There was no LED indication both for Input as well as output cards.
(V) Identification of defective input cards can be done with the help of digital input
status in the diagnostic display, which was cumbersome. The problem gets
worsened in case of communication failure to display unit.
(VI) One set of cards had been kept in shed as spare.

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4.13. Repair Of Defective Cards

(I) Repairing was not possible in any of the units supplied by Original Equipment
Manufacturer (OEM) due to non-availability of details to the circuit & components.
(II) Only repair contracts with the OEM were possible.
4.14. Software Related Problems and Issues
4.14.1. M/s ADC make MPCS version-1:
(I) Software, both for downloading new version of software to the loco as well as
downloading of faults from loco had not been given.
(II) There was no background data for faults stored.
4.14.2. M/s Medha make MPCS version-1:
(I) Slight time delay in command execution.
(II) Software for downloading new version of software to the loco had not been given.
(III) There was no background data for faults stored.
4.14.3. M/s Stesalit make MPCS version-1:
(I) Slight time delay in executing the commands as they had used the system of double
check in input.
(II) For any fault in outputs, the systems got shutdown. This should be limited to only
particular major areas i.e. SMGR (up), C118 & VCB circuits.
(III) Software for downloading new version of software to the loco had not been given.
(IV) There was no background data for faults stored.

4.15. Other problems of MPCS version-1:

(I) M/s ADC had not given the system keys &manual for trouble shooting of MPCS
(II) M/s ADC had not given any training on the revised system.
(III) None of the OEMs had supplied hand held terminal data extraction units.
(IV) Sometimes display units remain blank when ‘BA’ put ON. After putting BA ‘OFF’
& then ‘ON’ it displays.

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4.16. Photograph of MPCS version-1 of M/s Medha Make

Covered cards Enclosed I/O cards

Horizontally mounted cards Connector fitted on left side Main unit

Display unit Signal Condition Unit (SCU)

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4.17. Photograph of MPCS version-1 of M/s Stesalit make

Main unit with doors closed Main unit with doors open

I/O card Display unit

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4.18. Photograph of MPCS version-1 of M/s ADC make

Main unit with doors closed

I/O card Display unit

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Chapter V

5. MPCS Version-2

5.1. Based on the performance reports and feedback of MPCS version-1, RDSO had revised
specification no. ELRS/Spec/MPC-FDS/0001 Rev ‘0’ of Dec. 1998 with standardization
and improvements, and issued specification No. ELRS/Spec/MPC-FDS/0001 Rev ‘2’ in
Aug 2005.
5.2. The following points were incorporated in MPCS Version II specification.
S. Clause no. changes from old spec. Added in new spec.

1 1.4.6 Quote the cost of repair for cards

2 1.4.10 Warranty: (b) Penalty for late responding at the
(a) 1year to 2 years time of failures.
3 1.6 Modification
4 1.7 Field trials
5 1.9 ToT (As a special condition)
6 1.10 (a) Infrastructural requirements
(b) Region wise service centers
7 1.5.7 / 1.11 IEC 571 to IEC60571 (a) IEC61000
WAG7 CKT to all type (b) WAM4,WAG5 & WAP4 locos
(c) Spec. ELRS/SPEC/SI/0015
8 2.1 Design should have built-in testability to
ensure the reliability and safety.
9 3.1.1 / 2.1.1 8 bit MP to 16 bit MP or Working of both processors defined
above properly
10 2.1.2, 2.1.3 64 inputs to 96 inputs Details of input / output cards were given
with spare and redundant cards
11 2.1.4 Signal conditioning unit details were
12 2.1.5 (iii) Status memory capacity was increased to
512 faults
13 2.1.6 Included more analog signal for

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S. Clause no. changes from old spec. Added in new spec.


14 2.1.7 Fix the mounting details and specify in

the spec.
15 2.1.8 3.1.8 Power supply details were given with
16 2.1.9 3.1.9 Display unit: Detailed screen structure was given 2 line 40 Ch to 4 line 40
17 Coupler: Circular
threaded to bayonet
18 2.1.11 3.1.11 Algorithm: only WAG7 Added with WAM4, WAG5 &WAP4
19 2.1.12 More relays were eliminated like QD’s
and QF’s
20 2.2.13 USB device for downloading the data
from the system
21 & 3 Priority of faults was specified
22 2.4 & 2.4.3 Safety feature:
A switch was provided for tripping the
DJ and lowering the pantograph when
system fails with the MTDJ output.
23 3.8 Electromagnetic and RFI pollution
24 4.1.1 Details of number of items were defined
with 5 years backup support, cost of
spare parts, repairs of cards and annual
maintenance contract.
25 Chapter 5 Inspection
26 Chapter 6 Details of tests were given with
parameters and process as per IEC
27 Annexure SB connection list, Burn in test,
Input/output list, Fault messages list,
Screen structure, Mounting Details,
display unit Details

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5.3. 4 more relays was eliminated in MPCS version-2 and total 29 relays were eliminated as
given below-

(a) Time Delay Relays (6 Nos.)

Q118, Q119, Q44, QTD105, QTD106, Q120

(b) Sequencing Relays (11 Nos.)

Q45, Q100, Q46, Q48, Q49, Q50, Q51, Q52, QRS, QWC, QCVAR

(c) Protection Relays (6Nos)

Q30, Q20, QD1, QD2, QF1, QF2
(d) Signaling Relays (6 Nos)
QV60, Q61, QV62, QV63, QV64, QVLSO

5.4. Approved Vendor status of MPCS V2

The following vendors were approved for MPCS version-2

Firms Status
1. M/s Medha Part-1
2. M/S ICEPL Part-2

3. M/s SIL Part-2

4. M/s Laxvan Part -2
5. M/s Stesalit Temporary delisted from Part-2
category for MPCS V2 vide letter
no. EL4.2.15/STE Dated

5.5. Performance of MPCS version-2

Make 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10

P F %F P F %F P F %F
ICECPL 11 22 200.0 11 14 127.3 4 4 100
Medha 4 11 275.0 66 6 9.1 270 8 2.9
Stesalit 5 4 80.0 58 41 70.7 156 146 93.6
SIL 1 5 500.0
Total 20 37 185.0 135 61 45.2 431 163 37.8
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Make 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13

P F %F P F %F P F %F
ICECPL 6 10 166.6 4 1 25.0 25 11 44.0
Medha 428 30 7.0 550 34 6.2 622 37 5.9
Stesalit 207 99 47.8 400 254 63.5 621 152 24.4
SIL 6 9 150.0 13 6 46.2 25 7 28.0
Total 647 148 22.8 967 295 30.5 1293 207 16.0

Make 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16

P F %F P F %F P F %F
ICECPL 62 74 119.3 85 119 140.0 92 122 132.6
Medha 898 107 11.9 1017 128 12.58 1105 149 13.48
Stesalit 690 372 53.9 711 433 60.90 693 391 56.42
SIL 49 15 30.6 52 18 34.62 75 28 37.33
Laxven 5 4 80 5 14 280.0 4 9 225.0
Transtel 2 0 0 2 0 0 1 2 200.0
Total 1706 572 33.5 1872 712 38.03 1970 701 35.58

(Note: P = Population, F = Failures and %F = FRPCPY)

5.6. Warranty Failure Status of MPCS ver-2 for last 2 years



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5.7. Shed wise FRPCPY of MPCS ver-2 for last 3 years

2013-14 2014-15 2015-16

Railway Shed P F F%/Y P F F%/Y P F F%/Y
SCR LGD 10 1 10.00 10 2 20.00 7 5 71.43
SER BNDM 78 34 43.59 77 33 42.86 80 46 57.50
SCR BZA 168 89 52.98 174 91 52.30 182 115 63.19
NCR CNB 61 26 42.62 67 49 73.13 69 43 62.32
SCR KZJ 66 15 22.73 82 64 78.05 92 43 46.74
SER BKSC 49 23 46.94 67 20 29.85 70 30 42.86
ECoR ANGL 96 27 28.13 105 41 39.05 110 58 52.73
NR LDH 142 56 39.44 142 53 37.32 146 63 43.15
WCR TKD 32 21 65.63 32 28 87.50 32 14 43.75
SECR BIA 95 13 13.68 95 35 36.84 95 37 38.95
WCR NKJ 68 93 136.76 74 38 51.35 74 29 39.19
ECR MGS 68 23 33.82 85 29 34.12 87 30 34.48
SR ED 48 6 12.50 49 22 44.90 50 13 26.00
ER ASN 74 21 28.38 81 36 44.44 86 20 23.26
SR RPM 57 12 21.05 44 18 40.91 28 6 21.43

2013-14 2014-15 2015-16

Railway Shed P F F%/Y P F F%/Y P F F%/Y
SR AJJ 46 6 13.04 53 23 43.40 76 20 26.32
WR BRC 36 3 8.33 38 5 13.16 47 13 27.66
NR SRE 12 2 16.67
NR GZB 26 7 26.92 30 3 10.00 32 10 31.25
NCR JHS 79 11 13.92 102 24 23.53 103 23 22.33
CR BSL 70 13 18.57 84 17 20.24 90 13 14.44
WR BL 81 19 23.46 92 27 29.35 103 22 21.36
CR KYN 8 4 50.00 14 2 14.29 16 5 31.25
ECR GMO 25 16 64.00 25 6 24.00 20 4 20.00
ER HWH 16 1 6.25 22 1 4.55 21 3 14.29
SER TATA 61 18 29.51 56 18 32.14 53 5 9.43
WCR ET 93 7 7.53 99 13 13.13 114 14 12.28
ECoR VSKP 27 2 7.41 38 7 18.42 36 9 25.00
SER SRC 35 5 14.29 35 7 20.00 39 6 15.38
GRAND Total 1706 572 33.53 1872 712 38.03 1970 701 35.58

(Note: P = Population, F = Failures and %F = FRPCPY)

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5.8. Modifications:
RDSO had issued following modifications for MPCS version-2 based on the feedback
and suggestions of Zonal Railways. Details of common modifications for all firms are
given below;

Sl. Brief Description of Modifications

Stages Reference Works carried out

1 C145 logic to be changed. It shouldn't

open when QF / QE acted

I-62 can be used for locos having

2 conventional QD relays i.e. if ISCU
was not fitted, system should work
with conventional QD also
Message should be generated for all
3 TLTE cases i.e. RGAF input high, P2
input was low
C145 logic to be made as 1. Software of CPU card to be
RDSO's 4 conventional logic and additionally modified
letter no. L1_6 FB to be added. QVRF
M-1 2. Software of Display Unit to
interlock to be eliminated
EL/4.2.15 dt. be modified
12.08.10 5 SIV_ON command (BLSI) logic to be
modified as per conventional logic Status: completed

6 For "SIV not picking up" message,

time to be increased to 30 sec.

7 IP coil logic to be modified as per

conventional locomotive logic
It should be possible to see the
8 logged faults through the display in
DJ closed condition
"Auto regression via QD can be
9 announced with specific TM, through
which TM QD was acting

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Sl. Brief Description of Modifications

Stages Reference Works carried out
While pressing BLRDJ, Q30 should
10 be bypassed through Q45 interlock in
Q44 branch as per conventional

RDSO's letter Software of CPU card to be

M-2 no. EL/4.2.15 11 modified
2 sec on time delay of QSVM
dt. 30.09.10 Status: completed

12 6th notch tripping due to BLVMT off

message display

Display message for protective relays 1. Software of CPU card to be

13 ie. DJ tripped via QLM, check other modified
safety relays also" 2. Software of Display Unit to
14 Message "Line contactor stuck up, do be modified
not use DBR"

15 Provision of QF interlock in Q50

circuit instead of Q51
RDSO's letter Lab-view based front end
M-3 no. EL/4.2.15 Data downloading front end software (downloaded data viewer)
16 should be made compatible with
dt.15.12.10 software to be installed in the
Windows Vista & Windows 7 also
PC or Laptop.

This modification was not

possible by modifying software
logic alone, hence the same had
Change in the logic of auto regression been superseded later by RDSO
17 which was bypassed by shifting of modification sheet no.
HMCS (I60) RDSO/2011/EL/MS/0404 Rev
0, Dated:28.12.11

Status: completed

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Sl. Brief Description of Modifications

Stages Reference Works carried out

1. Software of CPU card to be

Modification in Electric locomotive modified
MS RDSO's letter control circuit fitted with MPCS for 2. Wiring of control cables of
no. EL/4.2.15 19 individual isolation of hard/soft QDs
404 the loco to be done as per
dt. 28.12.11 during operation of HMCS program
modified arrangement shown in
modification sheet.

5.9. Firms wise failures analysis and reliability action plans for MPCS Version ‘2’

5.9.1. Performance Analysis of M/s Medha MPCS Version ‘2’

a. Year wise performance of MPCS version-2 of M/s Medha is given below;

Year P F %F
2007-08 4 11 275.0
2008-09 66 6 9.1
2009-10 270 8 2.9
2010-11 428 30 7.0
2011-12 550 34 6.2
2012-13 622 37 5.9
2013-14 898 107 11.9
2014-15 1017 128 12.58
2015-16 1105 149 13.48
(Note: P = Population, F = Failures and %F = FRPCPY)

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b. Details of Item wise failures of MPCS V2 of M/s Medha make are as under:

c. Modification Status

Sl. Brief Description of Modifications

Stages Work carried out /status

M1 to
1 to 17 As specified in para 5.8 Completed

M4 High state level for inputs (say 60 V DC) completed

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d. Current modification status

Sn. Item description Target date Current Status

1. Rectify correct message 10.03.2015 completed

for DJ tripping when SI
voltage fail.
2. QD modification 31.03.2015 Pending in 16 locomotives
at GZB Due to HMCS
switch not available

3. Viewing message in DJ 31.03.2015 completed


5.9.2. Performance Analysis of M/s Stesalit MPCS Version ‘2’

a. Year wise performance of MPCS version-2 of M/s Stesalit make is given below;

Year P F %F
2007-08 5 4 80.0
2008-09 58 41 70.7
2009-10 156 146 93.6
2010-11 207 99 47.8
2011-12 400 254 63.5
2012-13 621 152 24.4
2013-14 690 372 53.9
2014-15 711 433 60.90
2015-16 693 391 56.42
(Note: P = Population, F = Failures and %F = FRPCPY)

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b. Details of Item wise failures of M/s Stesalit MPCS V2 are given below:

Nos per In
Faulty Item 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16
loco service
Calibration 3 9 4
Software 9 6 5
External 15 7 3
Maintenance 18
Modification 3 6
Misc 4
Transient 13 10 10
Found normal 8 9 6
Grand Total 372 433 391
Population 690 711 693

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c. Modifications completed by M/s Stesalit

Firm had taken the following actions for improving reliability of the MPCS system:

(i) Filter card: After analysis, it was found that choke was getting defective due to high
surges of output Power supply.

Action taken: Design of filter choke was improved.

(ii) CPU Card: After analysis, it was found that IC no 74HC574 was failing due to problem
in pull up resistor.

Action taken: The higher value of pull up resistor was used with IC no. 74HC574 in
circuit modification.

(iii) Software: After analysis, it was observed that fault downloading in pen drive was not

Action taken: necessary modification incorporated in all the locos Software.

(iv) Input Card: After analysis, it was observed that failures of this card had occurred due to
EMI interference in input sensing side.

Action taken:

(i) LC filter introduced in each input channel.

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(ii) SMD Surface Mounted Devices (SMD) component used instead of Dual in package
(DIP) components.

(v) Output Card: After analysis, it was observed that MOSFET & Zener Diodes were

Action taken: Rating of MOSFET had been changed from 200 V to250V. Zener diode
wattage had been changed from .5W to 2W. A new design Single In
Package (SIP) hybrid module has been used.

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(vi) TM current sensing unit (ISCU): After the analysis it was observed that ISCU was
failing due to generated noise by the loco side & pickup of low level voltage sensing
current input.

Action taken: A new card was design by the firm using hall effect based sensing IC in place
of sensing current through milli volt drop across shunts.

(vii) Backplane cabling: After analysis, it was found that short/flashes in backplane happened
due to rubbing of cables with wall of backplane

Action taken: all the cables inside were properly insulated with additional silicon sleeve
and proper creepage distance from body was ensured.

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d. Modifications not completed by M/s Stesalit

Sl. Brief Description of Modifications

Stages Reference Work carried out/status

M1 to
1 to 17 As specified in para 5.8
M3 Completed

1. Replacement of TM
current sensing units by
modified one
2. Replacement of Analog
Input card by modified one
RDSO's letter 3. Software of CPU card to
Resolution of analog voltage sensor
M-5* no. EL/4.2.15 18 be modified for improved
by TM CSU was to be finalized
dt. 31.12.10 resolution.
4. Software of Display Unit
to be modified for improved

Status : Merged with M7

Q44 logic to be made as conventional 1. Software of CPU card to be

RDSO's letter
logic. ASMGR ''ON Notch I/C" modified
M-6* no. EL/4.2.15 19
(Input-24) to be utilised in place of 2. Software of Display Unit to
"Between Notch I/C" (Input-16) be modified

1. Replacement of TM CSUs by
upgraded one (Ver 6x)
2. Replacement of Analog cards
RDSO's Old TM CSU and Analog Cards were by upgraded one
letter no. being replaced with upgraded TM 3. Software of CPU card to be
M-7* 20
EL/4.2.15 dt. CSU (Ver 6x) and Analog Cards for modified for improved
04.06.12 reliability resolution.
4. Software of Display Unit to
be modified for improved

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Sl. Brief Description of Modifications

Stages Reference Work carried out/status

In the Output cards- modification in

Replacement of Output cards by
MOSFET protection Circuit by
modified cards which were
adding one resistance with the
provided with resistance with
freewheeling diode for better
freewheeling diode
response and energy dissipation

M-8* 21 Replacement of CPU cards by

Modification in CPU cards by
modified cards provided with
providing sleeve on USB connector
sleeve on USB connector

Replacement of Display Units

In the Display units, replacing the
by modified Displays provided
fuses with slow blow fuses.
with slow blow fuses.

Implementation of Software Release

no. 2.0 in WAG7 locomotives fitted Replace the CPU and Display
letter no.
M-9* 22 with MPCS Ver-2 of Stesalit makes Software with new released
EL/4.2.15 dt.
for several Software and operational software
problems identified by RDSO

(* M5, M6, M7, M8 & M9 modifications had not completed by M/s Stesalit, these modifications
were included in Integrated Modification which was also not carried out by M/s Stesalit)

e. Integrated Modification:
(i) Integrated modification covering hardware modification for output card, CPU card,
Multifunction card, Display unit, SCU, ISCU, & Analog card and Software
modification issues was issued vide letter no. EL/4.2.15/STE dated 31.07.2014.
(ii) Target for completion of 100 locomotives was given 15.10.2014. However M/s
Stesalit had not carried the Integrated modification.
(iii) M/s Stesalit had been temporarily delisted from Part-II source vide letter no.
EL/4.2.15/STE dated 07.04.2015.
(iv) Salient features of Integrated Modification are given below:

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A. Hardware modifications for integrated modification:

S. Failures/Problem Proposed Modification needed to Previous Relevance of Advantages /

N reported reduce the failure ongoing/ proposed Remedies expected
New modification by the modification
1.1 Sometimes Flickering An RC circuit with 1.5KΩ/0.125W/0805 New RC filter was The problem of
of Outputs causing resistance and (0.47µF/50V) & introduced to output flickering
malfunction / failure (47pF/50V) capacitances were brought in reduce flickering was expected to be
of Locomotives the path of “AHEALTH#” and reduced by this
“BHEALTH#” signal line coming from modification
backplane. R1 & R3 resistance would be
changed with 47K(0.25W) resistance.
1.2 Damage of MOSFET The old SIP card was completely M9 HW Short circuit Failure of Output
/ SIP module of replaced with the modified one. The protection / Over
cards due to damage
Output cards leading modified SIP card had been designed to current of MOSFET / SIP
to failure of output ensure that it had enough latching and protection of had been reduced
channels holding current for the proper operation Output channels considerably by
of SCR (for short circuit protection) and had been using the new SIP
high watt resistors were used therein for modified modules. The result
those were always in conducting mode. was tested by the
Moreover there will be less heat performance of 45
dissipation across the new SIP card. Old locos (M9 hardware
SIP cards to be replaced by modified SIP and software
cards. modified) which
were running last 9-
12 months.
1.3 Damage of MOSFET Transorb 1.5KE200A should be present M8 All these This modification
of Output cards in all the 16 channels across the components were had improved the
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S. Failures/Problem Proposed Modification needed to Previous Relevance of Advantages /

N reported reduce the failure ongoing/ proposed Remedies expected
New modification by the modification
leading to failure of MOSFET.2. Put the snubber circuit (Res used to improve performance of
output channels 10E 2W connected in series with poly protection of output cards
cap 0.1uF 250V) across (between Source MOSFET
& Drain) each MOSFET.3. One 56V
Transorb in series with a FR304 / FR306
Diode to be put across each output and
1.4 Components burnt- Put 1.5mm glass epoxy sheet in between M8 Precautionary This mechanical
out due to electrical 3 pairs of SIP cards assembled very measures were modification
contact (closely closely. Also put the same thing in taken by reduced the failure
assembled between pairs of MOSFETs (assembled mechanical of output cards
components / with heat sinks) placed very closely (back assembly to caused by burnt-out
modules) causing to back) to take precautionary measure avoid any of components due
failure of output (not required in ver 46) against any burning out, to close assembly
channels burning-out problem caused by caused by
undesirable contact among closely electrical contact
assembled components.
2.1 Wrong Analog values The R3 resistor (2.2KΩ/0.5W), which New This Expected better
read by CPU card was connected between VREF pin of U1 modification will performance of
which might be one and 12V power, to be replaced with arrest the Change MPCS against the
of the causes of (1KΩ/0.5W) one. in analog failures due to
malfunctioning of reference voltage wrong analog values
Q20, Q30, QCVAR, 2. The R1 resistor (8.2KΩ/0.25W), R2 which leads to leading to POT re-
QD etc. resistor (10KΩ/0.25W) and POT1 (5KΩ) re-adjustment of calibration
to be removed from circuit. POTs in Analog
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S. Failures/Problem Proposed Modification needed to Previous Relevance of Advantages /

N reported reduce the failure ongoing/ proposed Remedies expected
New modification by the modification
cards to make the
voltages read by
CPU close to
actual ones.
2.2 Communication fail 1. A Bi-directional TVS (6.8V) between New Protection circuit Damage of MAX-
between CPU & positive & negative lines( IC pin 6 & 7) of MAX-485 485 IC was expected
Display due to which in MAX485 would be inserted. (One of the ICs to be reduced by this
NR would not 2. Connect resistance 560Ω/0.25W driving modification
function properly. between pin 6 of U33 (Max 485) and communication
VCC in suitable place as required. between CPU
3. Connect resistance 560Ω/0.25W and Display) had
between pin 7 of U33 (Max 485) and been modified.
GND in suitable place as required.
2.3 Problem of Failure of existing RTC IC was the root New The new part no. Advantage of better
Date/Time corruption cause of this problem. Previous RTC IC IC was having performance of RTC
which would lead to was to be replaced by the Industrial Extended IC will be obtained
corruption of Grade one (part no. DS12CR887+5) temperature
background data due range and larger
to lack of proper time lifetime of
stamp embedded
2.4 Failure of CPU cards One sleeve had been provided on USB M8 The sleeve will Failure of CPU due
due to damage of Slot as a protector. provide to undesirable
components caused Protection electrical contact
by electrical contact against any had been reduced
of USB device with undesirable
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S. Failures/Problem Proposed Modification needed to Previous Relevance of Advantages /

N reported reduce the failure ongoing/ proposed Remedies expected
New modification by the modification
CPU facia contact of USB
device with the
CPU facia
3.1 Communication fail 1. One Bi-directional TVS (6.8V) to be New These will Failure of MFC
between CPU & used across the differential outputs of provide cards was expected
Display due to MAX485. protection to be reduced by this
which NR would 2. A Bi-directional TVS (6.8V) to be against damage modification
not function placed across the differential inputs of U1 of 6N137 IC
properly. (6N137). (One of the ICs
3. A Pull up resistor 10KΩ /0.1W at Pin.7 driving
of Opto-isolator 6N137 to be inserted. communication
between CPU
and Display) due
to noise / surge
in supply line
4.1 Failure of LCD 1. It was to be ensured that the body of New Failure of LCD Better performance
module (garbage LCD module was totally isolated from module due to of LCD was
display, not resetting the Display Box. improper expected by this
properly, getting assembly / fitting modification
partially blank etc) 2. A 47µF/35V Capacitor along with a as well as effect
due to which no text 0.01µF/50V Capacitor across the supply of spurious noise
could be shown in in LCD module would be inserted. had been taken
loco cabs. care of.
4.2 Problem of less The pull up resistor (10KΩ /0.25W) of New Modification was Advantage of better
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S. Failures/Problem Proposed Modification needed to Previous Relevance of Advantages /

N reported reduce the failure ongoing/ proposed Remedies expected
New modification by the modification
brightness / contrast “V_BRGT” pin (Pin.2 of display done to improve visibility without
of LCD leading to connector) was replaced with 4.7KΩ brightness / any contrast
problem of visibility /0.25W. contrast of LCD adjustment in the
on the display screen. locomotives will be
4.3 Communication fail 1. Two nos. of TVS(6.8V) from the New This will provide Failure of Display
between CPU & differential output pins (pin6 and pin 7) better protection units due to failure
Display due to which of MAX-485 to earth had been removed of IC MAX485 of those two ICs
NR would not and one TVS across the same pins had and IC 6N137. were expected to be
function properly. been put. reduced
2. Two nos. of TVS(6.8V) from two
differential input pins (pin 2 and pin 3) of
6N137 to earth had been removed and
one TVS across the same pins had been
3. A Pull up resistor 10KΩ /0.1W at Pin.7
of Opto-isolator 6N137 to be inserted.
5.1 Failures in 1. Insulated pillar post(12 mm & 40 mm) New Mechanical Better performance
locomotives arising will be used for placing of two cards isolation as well of SIGCON modules
out of Q20, Q30, inside the box to improve isolation. as quality of with better assembly
QCVAR problems insulation of and improved
occur due to failure 2. A rubber gasket was placed between cables had been quality of cables will
of SIGCON module. the Box and the Cover. improved. reduce the failure of
The root cause was locomotives.
found as insulation 3. Halogen free e-beam cables (Radiant
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S. Failures/Problem Proposed Modification needed to Previous Relevance of Advantages /

N reported reduce the failure ongoing/ proposed Remedies expected
New modification by the modification
breakdown of cables Make) of 1 sq mm and 0.5 sq mm were to
and improper be used for inside box wiring.
isolation between box
and PCBs of
SIGCON module.
6.1 Inappropriate The hardware was modified in TM ver M7 TM channel Activation of QD in
operation of QD in 61 cards, where resolution of each TM signals sensed by running locomotives
running locomotives channel had been increased by reducing MPCS were had been improved
the effect of noise, as the processed made more much by M7
output was sent as currents instead of accurate / closer modification of TM
voltages. to actual values modules and Analog
7.1 Inappropriate For processing of TM channel signals M7 TM channel Activation of QD in
operation of QD in from TM modules, one RC circuit had signals sensed by running locomotives
running locomotives been incorporated for each channel to MPCS were had been improved
filter out spurious noise. made more much by M7
accurate / closer modification of TM
to actual values modules and Analog

B. Software modifications for integrated modification:

Failures Problem Relevance Modification Present Status Remarks

reported No.
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S. Failures/Problem Proposed Modification needed to Previous Relevance of Advantages /

N reported reduce the failure ongoing/ proposed Remedies expected
New modification by the modification
1. Double Notch To arrest failures related to this issue of New Problem
Progression / double Notch Progression / Regression addressed and
Regression instead of firmware
single notch as MP+ / modified
MP- was operated
2. The necessity of long This modification was required to fix this New Problem
pressing of BLRDJ problem. addressed and
under HT condition firmware
in case of ARNO modified
fitted locos
3. Auto-regression via It was the rectification needed as per New Problem
Q20 to be made existing loco logic addressed and
independent of firmware
HPAR modified
4. IP valve (OUT22) de- It was the rectification needed as per New Firmware
energizing existing loco logic modified
5. TM current direction As per requirement of some sheds New Firmware
to be shown as modified in the
negative during Display end
6. Proper handling of Differentiation of these two fault New Firmware Cables of -I64 and I-
fault messages of DJ messages was required for proper modified 67 were to be made
trip via QSIT for 'SIV troubleshooting of loco available at BD
Internal Fault' / 'SIV panel for connecting
External Fault' with our MPCS
7. Change in Q44 Logic RDSO's letter no. EL/4.2.15 dt. 21.02.12 M6 Problem This modification
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S. Failures/Problem Proposed Modification needed to Previous Relevance of Advantages /

N reported reduce the failure ongoing/ proposed Remedies expected
New modification by the modification
as suggested by addressed and was still in progress
RDSO firmware
8. Soft relay parameter To check the soft relay pick-up and drop M9 Firmware
viewing from Display values just by scrolling display screen modified
by the user
9. Soft Calibration of Ease of analog channel calibration from M9 Problem
Analog Inputs to display end without ant POT adjustment addressed and
avoid POT setting in of Analog card firmware
Analog card modified
10. Self withdrawl of To increase system availability by CPU M9 Problem
Faulty CPU card out redundancy addressed and
of two CPU cards. firmware
11. Modification of To arrest failures caused by fluctuation of M9 Firmware
LSCHBA Logic LSCHBA input by spurious noise modified
12. USB Download To make the filename user-friendly M9 Firmware
Filename modified
13. Processing of Short- To avoid the requirement of making M9 Firmware
circuit outputs HBA OFF and ON upon the detection of modified
short-circuit by any of the output
channel(s). Now it was taken care
automatically by the firmware.
14. Modification of Fault As suggested by RDSO M9 Firmware
messages modified
15. Storing of all Fault As suggested by RDSO M9 Firmware
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S. Failures/Problem Proposed Modification needed to Previous Relevance of Advantages /

N reported reduce the failure ongoing/ proposed Remedies expected
New modification by the modification
messages modified
16. Display of Digital To display the output status more M9 Firmware
Output status as 'ON' prominently to detect if any channel was modified
, 'OFF', 'SRT' under short-circuit condition
17. Display of Loco No. Incorporated as an user-friendly feature M9 Firmware
on the default screen modified
18. Increase in speed of This was one of the requirement of sheds M9 Problem
data downloading as well as improved feature of MPCS addressed and
19. Individual isolation Modification was done as per RDSO M9 Firmware Wiring of control
of hard / soft QDs modification sheet no. modified cables at Loco end
during operation of RDSO/2011/EL/MS/0404 Rev 0, had to be modified
HMCS programme Dated:28.12.11. by the shed staffs.
switches as per
RDSO's letter no.
EL/4.2.15 dt.
20. Time and Data It should be rectified as this type of Resolution was
Mismatch of mismatch was undesirable and already yet to be done
downloaded data reported by some sheds
from CPU-A and
21. Short circuit output As per the requirement highlighted by Firmware to be
channel no. to be few Loco Sheds that during scrolling of modified
saved in flash fault history in the display screen, the
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S. Failures/Problem Proposed Modification needed to Previous Relevance of Advantages /

N reported reduce the failure ongoing/ proposed Remedies expected
New modification by the modification
memory channel no. under short circuit condition
was not appearing in the fault message
22. Problem of Data It was to be rectified as smooth Work was going
downloading with downloading of data from CPU was very on to resolve the
ARM processor much required problem
based CPU cards
23. Sometimes QD was this problem had to be resolved to make Work was going
not acting at 160A the QDs act properly in running on to resolve the
locomotives issue
24. Setting of Q30, Q20 To arrest the unwanted variations of Work was going
were getting settings of eliminated relays like Q20, on to resolve the
disturbed frequently Q30 etc. issue

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5.9.3. Performance Analysis of M/s ICECPL MPCS Version ‘2’

a. Year wise performance of MPCS version-2 of M/s ICECPL make is given below;

Year P F %F
2007-08 11 22 200.0
2008-09 11 14 127.3
2009-10 4 4 100
2010-11 6 10 166.6
2011-12 4 1 25.0
2012-13 25 11 44.0
2013-14 62 74 119.3
2014-15 85 119 140.0
2015-16 92 122 132.6
(Note: P = Population, F = Failures and %F = FRPCPY)

b. Details of Item wise failures of M/s ICECPL MPCS V2 are given below:

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Nos per In
Faulty Item 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16
loco service
Calibration 1 1 1
Software 1 1
External 2 1
Maintenance 1 1
Modification 1 2
workmanship 1 1
Misc 2
Transient 3 3 3
Found normal 2 5 8
Grand Total 74 119 122
Population 62 85 92

c. Modifications carried out by M/s ICECPL

S.N. Need of Modification Modification Details

1 Input card channel failure problem Transient voltage suppressor rating changed
from 200 V to 300 V

2 SCU & ISCU failure observed by RS485 bus resetting module in SCU & ISCU unit
communication loss provided and 680uF capacitor provided across
1N4148 diode and capacitor C1 was removed.

3 Noise problem on data bus lines 100pF Capacitor in backplane for the data bus

4 Data downloading issue Modification of USB Port

5 P.T. burst problem Surge arrester before P.T. to be provided

6 Improve Input channel redundancy to Software change of Master and Slave controller
save line failures on CPU & display controller

7 Shed requirement (Some important Software change of Master and Slave controller
relay Q30,QD , QF1 & QF2 setting ) on CPU & display controller

These modifications had been carried out by M/s ICECPL in 88 locomotives and only 3
locomotives are balance, target for completion is 30.9.2016.
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d. Technical Verification of Modifications

Railways had informed that the quality of modifications carried out by M/s ICECPL is
not satisfactory. Technical verification of modifications at ELS/CNB had been carried out
on 24.11.2015 on 28477/WAG7 jointly with M/s ICECPL. Observations had been given
in the following paragraphs.

i. Input Redundancy: it was provided with Software change of Master and Slave controller
on CPU & display controller cards.
Recommendation: M/s ICECPL was advised to submit joint report with shed after
complete testing of Input Redundancy as specified in specification.

ii. Loco parameters settings: it was provided with Software change of Master and Slave
controller on CPU & display controller cards.
Recommendation: M/s ICECPL was advised to submit joint report with shed after
complete testing of Loco parameters settings.

iii. 100pF Capacitor Modification on backplane for the data bus lines;
100pF Capacitor placed at data bus lines on backplane. These capacitors were not properly
aligned; these should be placed with proper hole at component side on PCB. Jumper was
also not allowed which was shown in fig.-1.

100pF Capacitors


Recommendation: M/s ICECPL was advised to place the capacitor on component side
with proper alignment and remove the jumper on bottom side and use it properly on
component side.

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iv. Provision of Surge arrestor before PT to arrest PT burning;

After large number of failures of PT, firm had provided surge arrester before PT to reduce
failures of PT. Firm had provided surge arrester using spark plug to arrest 2 KV surge.

Fig. 2: Surge arrestor using automobile spark plug

Recommendation: M/s ICECPL was advised to discontinue provision of spark plug and
use proper required surge arrester to improve reliability.

v. Modification of USB Port:

During verification, it was found that proper cover on USB port was not provided as
shown in fig. 3. One capacitor was fitted in hanging position on the USB module and this
module was tightened with nylon tie on the CPU card as shown in fig. 4. At the bottom
side they had used additional jumpers and lot of RTV on the USB module as shown in
fig. 5. This may reduce the reliability of the product.

Fig. 3 USB Port Fig. 4 Fixing of component with tie

Fig. 5 Excess RTV

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Recommendation: M/s ICECPL was advised to use proper cover on front side of the
USB module and capacitor should be placed properly on component side and proper
fitment of USB module on CPU card is required.

vi. 3300pF bypass capacitor modification on filter PCB from DC+ to GND.

3300 pF bypass capacitor on filter card from DC+ to GND was provided as shown in fig.
6. This capacitor was fixed with jumper and RTV on the board, which is not proper way
of fitment.

Fig. 6: Capacitor Fixing

Recommendation: M/s ICECPL was advised to placed capacitor on PCB through hole

vii. 100 µF/450 V capacitor paralleling modification on filter PCB.

Previously, 3 capacitors of 100 µF/450V were used in series as shown in fig. 7. During
this modification firm made it parallel connection using jumper and track cutting as
shown in fig. 8.
3 capacitors
100F 450V

Fig. 7 & 8 Capacitor Modification

Recommendation: M/s ICECPL was advised to modify layout properly and avoid jumper on
this small PCB.

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viii. It was observed that RS485 bus resetting module in SCU unit was not properly fixed. This
module was only pasted by RTV in the SCU unit. This module was to be properly fixed with nut
and studs for rolling stock.

Bus Resetting module


Recommendation: M/s ICECPL was advised to properly fix bus resetting module

5.9.4. Performance Analysis of M/s SIL MPCS Version ‘2’

a. Year wise performance of MPCS version-2 of M/s SIL make is given below;

Year P F %F
2009-10 1 5 500.0
2010-11 6 9 150.0
2011-12 13 6 46.2
2012-13 25 7 28.0
2013-14 49 15 30.6
2014-15 52 18 34.62
2015-16 75 28 37.33

(Note: P = Population, F = Failures and %F = FRPCPY)

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b. Details of Item wise failures of M/s SIL MPCS V2 are given below:

Nos per In
Faulty Item 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16
loco service
Software 4
Calibration 2 3
External 1
Modification 1
Found normal 1 2
Grand Total 15 18 28
Population 49 52 75

c. Reliability Action Plan Completed

To improve the reliability M/s SIL had under taken following measures:

Sn Item description Target date Current Status

1. Cyclic Check for dry 31.03.2015 Completed
soldering of
components on cards
2. Replacement of TVS in - Completed in all
output card with higher 7 locos
capacity in 7 systems.
3. To keep one set of - Complied
spare cards in BL shed

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5.9.5. Performance Analysis of M/s Laxven MPCS Version ‘2’

a. Year wise performance of MPCS version-2 of M/s Laxven make is given below;

Year P F %F
2013-14 5 4 80
2014-15 5 14 280.0
2015-16 4 9 225.0

(Note: P = Population, F = Failures and %F = FRPCPY)

b. Details of Item wise failures of M/s Laxven MPCS V2 are given below:

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Chapter VI

6. MPCS Vsersion-3
6.1 M/s Medha had developed an upgraded version of MPCS in consultation with RDSO and
commissioned in WAP4 loco no. 22594 at ELS/LGD/SCR in Nov’ 2009 for field trial,
which had worked satisfactory.
6.2 MPCS specification no. ELRS/SPEC/MPC-FDS/0001 Rev 3 (Apr 2013) had been
prepared based on field problems and to improve the reliability of the system
incorporating GPS based remote monitoring and vigilance control device (VCD) along
with ESMON speed data.
6.3 The above features and improvements will further be helpful in diagnosis,
troubleshooting and analysis of faults. Also, the elimination of conventional earth fault
relays and merger of VCD are cost effective. The single display for MPCS and VCD will
be much convenient for the crew and maintenance staff hence will reduce the stress level.
6.4 Railway Board vide letter no. 2013/Elect(TRS)/441/1 dated 25.03.20113 and 28.09.2015
had instructed that all new procurement of MPCS by Railways/CLW shall be done with
RDSO’s revised specification no. ELRS/SPEC/MPC-FDS/0001 Rev. ‘3’.
6.5 Benefits of MPCS ver-3
• Improvement in reliability of locomotives
• Real-time monitoring of locomotives for sheds and TLCs.
• Provide assistance to crew.
6.6 Features of MPCS version-3 :-
• To provide TSD assistance to crew.
• To provide REmoteMonitoring&ANalysis feature for Electric Locos
• To provide 10.4 inch TFT color display in place of 40chX4 lines mono LCD.
• To provide notch position through digital encoder.
• To provide inbuilt VCD system.
• To provide interfacing with existing ESMON PG for loco Speed and record it for
• To provide GSM, CDMA & GPS system for REMAN_EL.
• To provide facility to enter Driver ID, Train no. Section name, Train Load etc.
Date & Time should be updated through GPS.
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• To make provision for diagnostic tool for instantaneous faults.

• Separate serial bus for MU operation.
• Provide auto selected appropriate I/O parameters for background data of fault.
• Provide three type of server login;
(i) Admin login (ii) TLC login (iii) Shed login
• Self -test feature for Digital inputs, Outputs.
• To provide generation of report, Job cards, different charts & graphs for download
fault data.
• Fault data stored in Excel file directly from web.
• To provide BP & BC pressure measurement.

6.7 Comparitive features of MPCS Ver-3 and MPCS Ver-2

S.N. Features Ver-3 Ver-2

1. Display COLOR, 10.4”, 40ChX4line
2. Remote monitoring yes no
3. Inbuilt TSD yes no
4. BP & BC pressure data yes no
5. Speed data yes no
6. Energy data yes no
7. Hall effect sensors yes no
8. Notch indicator By encoders By logic
9. Background data, Show as per Show full data
(5 s B, C, 3 s A) fault
10. VCD feature yes no
11. Soft Relay bypass yes no
12. SEC & GTKM yes no
13. Configuration data yes no

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14. Transferring/Download USB, laptop, USB, laptop

fault data web server
15. Event data display yes no
16. GPS location yes no
17. Time date setting By GPS Manually
18. Graphical data for yes no
VCD, BP, BC, Speed
19. Diagnostic tool yes no
20. Life time counters yes no
21. Trip data counters yes no
22. Couplers bayonet crimped soldered
23. Data entry through key yes no
24. Battery voltage yes no
25. Serial bus for MU yes no
26. Server utility Yes No
27. Data for inspection yes no
28. DBR selector for logic 4 types 2 types
28. Web page Login yes no

6.8 Comparison of hardware of MPCS version-3 and MPCS version-2:

Technical details of MPCS hardware of version-3 and version-2 are given below:

S.N. Items Quantity Brief Description

Ver-2 Ver-3
1. Main control unit 1 no 1 no Having Rack for cards, backplane and
connector on top.
A Filter card 1 no 1 no To filter the power supply of 110 V
DC for MPCS power supply card
B Power supply card 2 nos. 2 nos. To prepare 12V and 5V from 110 V
Dc for MPCS system.
C CPU card 2 nos. 2 nos. Having microprocessor 16 bit or
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S.N. Items Quantity Brief Description

Ver-2 Ver-3
higher and USB port for data
D Analog Card 1 no 1 no For processed SCU parameters for
CPU card.
E Multifunction/ 1 no 1 no This card accommodates various
Interfacing card hardware for both the CPU and
Interface card for Main unit and the
Display unit.
F Input card 8 nos. 9 nos. Input opto isolated 16 channel in each
G Output Card 5 nos. 5 nos. Output opto isolated 16 channel in
each card
h Remote monitoring -- 1 nos This module communicates with main
module unit control card through parallel or
serial interface and transmit MPCS
information to web portal.
2. Display unit 2 nos. 2 nos. For Version-2:4 x 40 character
alphanumeric displays and segment 7-
segment LED for display of notch
For version-3: 10.2” colour TFT
LCD display. Notch position was
shown in same display.
3. Signal conditioning 1 no. 1 no. Used for Auxiliary and CHBA voltage
Unit (SCU)
4. Intelligent Signal 2 nos. 2 nos. Use for traction motor currents. Each
conditioning Unit unit for 3 TMs currents.
5. Antenna unit -- 1 no. Antennas for GSM, CDMA & GPS
6. Sensors -- 6 nos. Hall effect current sensors for TM
2 nos. Pressure sensors for BP & BC
pressure measurement.

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6.9 Block Diagram of MPCS Version-3

6.10 Approved Vendor status of MPCS V3

The following three vendor are approved for MPCS version-3

Firms Status
1. M/s Medha Part-1
2. M/S ICECPL Part-2

3. M/s SIL Part-2

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6.11 Performance and failure analysis of MPCS V3

Population of MPCS V3 of various makes, their failures and FRPCPY is given below:
2014-15 2015-16
Firm P F F% P F F%
Medha 0 -- -- 58 2 3.40
ICECPL 5 4 80 7 27 385.71
SIL 0 -- -- 2 0 Nil
Total 5 4 80 67 29 43.28
(Note: P = Population, F = Failures and %F = FRPCPY)

6.12 Shed/Make wise Population of MPCS V3 (till Mar 2016)

Shed ICECPL Medha SIL Total
AJJ 1 1 2
Angul 1 1
BSL 1 1
BRC 1 0 1
CNB 1 0 1
JHS 1 1
ED 5 5
GZB 1 3 4
HWH 1 9 10
KZJ 1 1
LDH 1 0 1
MGS 1 14 1 16
NKJ 10 10
TKD 9 9
BKSC 0 1 1
SRC 3 3
Grand Total 7 58 2 67

6.13 Warranty Failure Status (2015-16) of MPCS Version-3

All MPCS Version-3 failures were under warranty.

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6.14 Performance Analysis of M/s ICECPL MPCS Version ‘3’

(i) Shed wise FRPCPY of MPCS Version-3 for 2015-16 is given below:
Railway Shed Population Failures FRPCPY in %
NR LDH 1 6 600.0
NR GZB 1 7 700.0
SR AJJ 1 6 600.0
ER HWH 1 1 100.0
WR BRC 1 5 500.0
ECR MGS 1 0 0
NCR CNB 1 2 200.0
TOTAL 7 27 385.71

(ii) Item wise failure details are given below:

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6.15 Photographs of M/s ICECPL make MPCS version-3

Display Unit

Main Unit

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SCU Unit


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6.16 Photographs of M/s Medha make MPCS version-3

Main Unit ISCU Unit

6.17 Photographs of M/s SIL make MPCS version-3

Display Unit Main Unit

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Chapter VII

7. MPCS repair and Annual Maintenance Contract

7.1 MPCS Repair

For developing alternate sources for repairing of MPCS, RDSO had made Functional
Requirement Specification (FRS) no. RDSO/2016/EL/FRS/0015, Rev. ‘0’ dated 19.5.2016
and Schedule of Technical Requirements (STR) no. RDSO/2016/EL/FRS/0084, Rev. ‘0’
dated 19.5.2016.

Expression of Interest (EOI) no. RDSO/2016/EL/EOI/1 dated 11.8.2016 had also been
published in newspapers for developing sources for repair of MPCS.

7.2 Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) of MPCS

Technical scope of work for AMC of MPCS had been issued by RDSO vide SMI no.
RDSO/2016/EL/SMI/0288, Rev. ‘0’ dated 21.6.2016.

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Chapter VIII

8. List of SMI/MS/TC related with MPCS

8.1 List of Special Maintenance Instructions (SMI) related with MPCS

SN SMI No. Date Description

1 RDSO/2016/EL/SMI/288 21.6.2016 Technical scope of work for AMC
Rev 0 of MPCS
2 RDSO/2015/EL/SMI/284 11.9.2015 Review of setting of Relay Q-20 to
Rev 0 reduce traction motor flashing cases
3 RDSO/2012/EL/SMI/276 27.7.2012 Maintenance instruction of dynamic
Rev 0 braking excitation contactor C-
145auxiliary contact for 25 kV AC
electric locomotives

8.2 List of Modification Sheets(MS) related with MPCS

SN MS No. Date Description

1 RDSO/2016/EL/MS/450 19.5.2016 Deactivation of Vigilance Control
Rev 0 Device (VCD) acknowledgement from
ALP side on Electric Locomotives
2 RDSO/2015/EL/MS/442 11.9.2015 GR-0 indication of trailing locomotive
Rev 0 through additional signaling lamp in
leading locomotive in multiple unit
operation of two locomotives
3 RDSO/2014/EL/MS/431 5.2.2014 Modification in loco control circuit for
Rev 0 working of VEAD valve in trailing
locomotive during multiple unit
operation (MU) for 25 kV AC Electric
Locomotive fitted with microprocessor
based control and fault diagnostic
system (MPSC ver-2)
4 RDSO/2014/EL/MS/430 20.1.2014 Modification in loco control circuit for
Rev 0 connections for Auto regression bypass
(HPAR) switch in 25 kV AC electric
tap changer locomotive working with
MPCS version-2
5 RDSO/2012/EL/MS/421 25.10.2013 Modification of loco control circuit for
Rev 1 LSDBR lamp to avoid wrong indication
of working of AC MVRF in MPCS
fitted Electric locomotives
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6 RDSO/2012/EL/MS/410 4.6.2012 Circuit modification of I-68 branch for

Rev 0 C145 operation feedback for 25 kV ac
electric locomotives fitted with MPCS
7 RDSO/2011/EL/MS/404 28.12.2011 Modification in electric locomotive
Rev 0 control circuit fitted with
microprocessor based control system
(MPCS) for individual isolation of
hard/soft QDs during operation of
HMCS programme switch
8 RDSO/2009/EL/MS/386 29.10.2012 Modification in loco control circuit for
Rev 1 MU operation of 25 kV AC
conventional tap changer electric
locomotives working with
microprocessor based control & fault
diagnostic system(MPCS)(Ver.’2’)
9 RDSO/2009/EL/MS/384 7.10.2009 Modification of loco control circuit for
Rev 0 circuit breaker (DJ) opening and panto
lowering by BLDJ and ZPT switch in
25 kV conventional locomotive
equipped with microprocessor based
control and fault diagnostic system

8.3 List of Technical Circulars (TC) related with MPCS

SN TC No. Date Description

1 RDSO/2012/EL/TC/119 20.3.2013 Technical circular for MPCS with
Rev 1 remote monitoring and analysis
feature of 25 kv AC electric

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