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We, the former students at the Botswana International University of Science and Technology
(BIUST) hereby constitute an Alumni Association as a way to stay connected with our alma
mater, help fellow alumni after graduation, and to continue to contribute to the body of
knowledge as did whilst we were students.

1. The Botswana International University of Science and Technology shall be referred to as
2. This Association shall be known as the “BIUST ALUMNI ASSOCIATION” hereinafter
referred to as the “BAA.”

1. The following words and expressions shall have the following meanings:
a. “BIUST,” “Alma Mater”, “University” shall mean Botswana International University
of Science and Technology.
b. “Executive Committee” shall mean the governing body of the Association, also
referred to as the “Board of Directors” or the “Board.”

Proposed Interpretations
Constitution and its variations
General membership
Office bearers
Board of Directors

1. The offices of the association shall be at any premises that the association has rented, been
given, or leased to occupy for the purposes of conducting day-to-day business.
2. The BAA shall conduct its activities only in places and premises which have prior approval
from the relevant authorities, where necessary.

The objects of the society are:
1. To have perpetual succession in its name.
2. To sue and be sued.
3. To have a seal, which it may alter at its pleasure.
4. To elect, or appoint directors, officers, employees, and other agents, to fix their
compensation, and define their duties and obligations, and to indemnify such personnel.
5. To purchase, receive, take by grant, gift, devise, bequest or otherwise lease or acquire, own,
hold, improve, employ, use, and otherwise deal in and with, real or personal property, or any
interest therein, wherever situated.
6. To sell, convey, lease, exchange, transfer, or otherwise dispose of, mortgage, pledge,
encumber or create a security interest in, all or any of its property, or any interest therein,
wherever situated.
7. To purchase, take, receive, subscribe for, or otherwise acquire, own, hold, vote, employ, sell,
lend, lease, exchange, transfer, or otherwise dispose of mortgage, pledge, use and otherwise
deal in and with bonds, and other obligations, shares, or other securities or interests issued by
others, whether engaged in similar or different business, governmental, or other activities
8. To make contracts, give guarantees, and incur liabilities, borrow money at such rates of
interest as the Association may determine, issue its notes, bonds, and other obligations, and
secure any of its obligations by mortgage, pledge, or encumbrance of, or security interest in,
all or any of its property or any interest therein, wherever situated
9. To lend money, invest and reinvest its funds, and take and hold real and personal property as
security for the payment of funds so loaned or invested.
10. To do business, continue its operations, and have offices and exercise the powers granted by
the General Laws of Botswana in any jurisdiction within Botswana.
11. To make donations, irrespective of the Society’s benefit, for the public welfare or for
community fund, hospitable, charitable, religious, educational, scientific, civic, or similar
purposes, and in time of war or other national emergency in aid thereof
12. To pay pensions, establish and carry out pension, profit-sharing, share bonus, share purchase,
share option, savings, thrift and other retirement, incentive and benefit plans, trusts and
provisions for any or all of its directors, officers, and employees and for any of all of its
directors, officers, and employees of any corporation, fifty percent (50%) or more of the
shares of which outstanding and entitled to vote on the election of directions are owned,
directly or indirectly, by it
13. To participate as a subscriber in the exchanging of insurance contracts specified by the
General Laws of Botswana
14. To be an incorporator of other corporations of any type or kind

15. To be a partner in any business enterprise that the Association would have the power to
conduct itself.
16. To have and exercise all powers necessary or convenient to effect any or all of the purposes
for which the Society is formed, provided that no such power shall be exercised in a manner
that is inconsistent with the General Laws of Botswana.

1. The following shall be the objectives of the Association:
a. Be the voice of the Alumni in decision-making processes which affect the
development or improvement of the alma mater.
b. Seek to improve the professional and academic repute of members through but not
limited to assistance with, creation, or facilitation of opportunities for further training,
professional bodies affiliation, and alumni-industry networking.
c. Shall take part in the development and advancement of science, technology, and
innovation in Botswana.
d. Take part in charitable, educational, and scientific and literary purposes within the
meaning of Section 2 & Section 71(4) of the Income Tax Act of 2004.
e. To establish and strengthen the relationship between alumni by fostering individual
growth, enhancing connections to the Association and other activity that is deemed fit
for strengthening relations.
f. To establish relationships with relevant industry players and other Associations
aligning to the BAA’s mandate.

Alumni Members:
1. The following persons are Alumni Members of the Association:
a. All persons who have received a degree from BIUST.
b. Alumni Members shall be entitled to:
i) Entitled to a single vote at general meetings on any matter requiring a vote including
elections of office bearers,
ii) Entitled to propose amendments to this Constitution according to article XVII of this
iii) Eligible for any position within the governing structures of the Association,
iv) Entitled to such other privileges, if any, as may be provided for in this Constitution or
the By-laws.
Associate Members:
2. The following persons are Associate Members of the Association:
a. A person who has been registered in any higher education program that the university
offers and is on track to graduate from said program but does not meet the criteria set
forth in 1., above and who has either:
i) Made application for membership, or
ii) Has been nominated for membership by an Alumni Member of the Association and
who is then duly elected as an Associate Member by the Board of Directors.
b. Associate Members shall be entitled to such of the privileges of Alumni Members as shall
be determined by the Board of Directors from time to time, except the rights to:
i) Server as Directors of the Association
ii) Hold any office in the Association expressly reserved for Alumni Members
iii) Vote for members of the Association
iv) Vote for amendments to this Constitution, provided that the prohibitions in i. and ii.,
may be waived by a specific vote of the Board of Directors after nomination of an
Associate Member by an Alumni Member.
Honorary Members:
3. Honorary Members shall be persons who, after nomination by an Alumni Member, are
determined by the Board of Directors to have rendered outstanding service to the
Association and are elected as Honorary Members by the Board of Directors
4. Honorary Members shall be entitled to such of the privileges of Alumni Members as shall
be determined by the Board of Directors from time to time, except the rights to:
a. Serve as Directors of the Association
b. Hold any office in the Association expressly reserved for Alumni Members

c. Vote for members of the Association, Board of Directors, and
d. Vote for amendments to this Constitution

5. Alumni Members, Associate Members, and Honorary Members shall collectively be
referred to as “Members.”
6. Only members who are BIUST Alumni shall have the right to vote and to hold office in the
Association except Associate and Honorary Members.
7. Persons under 18 years of age shall not be accepted as members without the written consent
of their parents or guardian.
Application for Membership
8. The Board of Directors shall proffer a form to be filled out by a person who wishes to join
the Association.
9. The application shall be accompanied by an application / joining fee, which shall be
determined by the Board of Directors as appropriate.
10. The registrar must ensure that the applicant meets all the requirements outlined in Article
VI sections 1 to 7 of this constitution, then submit the name to the Board of Directors for
11. Upon approval, the Board of Directors shall publish the name of the new member to the
general membership through a noticeboard. The general membership shall be given eight
(8) weeks to raise objections, if any, about the registration of the new member
12. The Board of Directors shall make the final decision regarding the registration of the new
member, but they shall consider any objection(s) raised. After the eight (8) week mark of
the prospective member being on the noticeboard, the Board of Directors shall issue to the
prospective member a form of identification proving membership status.
13. A copy of the Constitution shall be furnished to every approved member upon payment of
the application/joining fee.
Termination of Membership
14. Members may terminate their membership at any time by submitting a written termination
notice addressed to the Board of Directors.
15. The Board of Directors, upon receipt of the termination notice, shall issue a written
acknowledgment and delist the member as appropriate.
16. Should a termination notice be received from a member of the Board of Directors, public
notice shall be made on the noticeboard announcing the stepping down of the individual
from the Board of Directors.
Joining Fees, Subscriptions and Other Dues

17. The general membership on recommendation from the Board of Directors, shall, from time
to time, determine the joining and subscription fees.
18. The Board of Directors, in consultation with the general membership, shall determine the
intervals at which subscription fees are paid and what happens if a member falls into
19. Should a member fall into arrears, the Treasurer shall duly inform them immediately.
20. If the member in arrears fails to settle said arrears within 4 weeks of their becoming due,
the Chairperson of the Association may order that the member be denied privileges of
membership until the arrears are settled.
21. If the member in arrears fails to settle their arrears for a maximum period of 12 months
consecutively, they will automatically lose their membership and cease to be a member of
the Association. The Board of Directors may, at its discretion, institute appropriate action
against said individual provided that due notice has been given to settle the debts.

1. The Board of Directors shall maintain a mailing list that will be used to communicate
information that is meant only for members of the Association.
2. The Association shall open social media accounts as deemed necessary, for the purpose of
keeping members of the Association and other stakeholders informed about the operations
and progress of the Association.
3. The Association shall operate a website for registrations, advertising, and keeping the
membership informed.
4. All digital media platforms owned by the Association shall act as the noticeboard of the

1. The supreme authority of the Association is vested in the vote of general membership.
2. An Annual General Meeting shall be held in August.
3. At other times, an Extraordinary General Meeting shall be called by the Chairperson upon
request in writing by not less than 25% of the total voting membership and may be called at
any time by order of the Board of Directors.
4. The notice in writing shall be given to the Secretary General setting forth the business that is
to be considered. The Extraordinary General Meeting shall be convened within 4 weeks of
receiving this notice.
5. If the Chairperson does not, within 6 weeks of receiving the written request, proceed to
convene the Extraordinary General Meeting, the members who requested for the
Extraordinary General Meeting shall convene the Extraordinary General Meeting by giving 2
weeks’ notice to voting members setting forth the business to be transacted and
simultaneously posting the agenda on the noticeboard.
6. At least 6 weeks’ notice shall be given of an Annual General Meeting and at least 4 weeks’
notice of an Extraordinary General Meeting. The Secretary General shall send a notice of the
meeting to all voting members stating the date, time, and place of the meeting through the
noticeboard. The particulars of the agenda shall be given to the members within 5 working
days in advance of the meeting.

1. The following points shall be considered at the Annual General Meeting:
a. The previous financial year’s accounts.
b. Annual report of the Board of Directors.
c. Where applicable, the election of office bearers for the following term.
i) Election of office bearers shall be done during the third August of every
administration at the Annual General Meeting
2. Any member who wishes to place an item on the agenda of a General Meeting may do so
provided that they give notice to the Secretary General 2 weeks before the meeting is due to
be held.
3. A two-thirds majority, 66%, of the members present shall form a quorum. Proxies shall not
be constituted as part of the quorum.
In the event of there not being a quorum at the commencement of a General Meeting, the
meeting shall be adjourned for 1 hour and should the number of members then present be
insufficient to form a quorum, the meeting shall be adjourned.
4. At adjournment of the meeting, those present will decide on the date of the next meeting.
5. In the event the proposed meeting fails to attract the necessary quorum, those present shall be
considered a quorum provided article VIII of this constitution has been fulfilled in its
a. Those present, whenever a meeting does not form a quorum shall have no power to
amend any part of the existing Constitution.

1. The Association shall be governed by a board of directors constituting,
a. The executive committee
b. The directors, and
c. At the discretion of the Chairperson in consultation with the executive committee, the
assistant directors.
2. The executive committee shall be elected at the 3 rd Annual General Meeting which translates
to a 3-year term.
3. At the 3rd Annual General Meeting, the Chairperson shall hand over their seat to the Chief of
Staff to conduct the elections.
4. Only present members will vote.
5. The election shall either be by secret ballot or by show of hands.
6. The elective position will be that of the Chairperson, as their Vice Chairperson shall list their
names for nominations as running mates. This means that a vote for a chairperson is also a
vote for a Vice Chairperson whom the Chairperson candidate has chosen as their running
7. The winners of the elections will be given leeway to fill the remaining seats of the board as
they deem fit within the rules established in this constitution.
8. The new chairperson shall be a chairperson with immediate effect.
9. The outgoing chairperson must prepare all necessary handover documents leading to the 3 rd
Annual General Meeting.
a. The outgoing Chairperson shall submit at the least all the documents necessary for the
existence of the association according the General Laws of Botswana, and specifically
the Societies Act to the Chief of Staff whom, also shall cooperate with the incoming

1. The administration of the Association shall be entrusted to a committee consisting of the
following to be elected members of the Executive Committee and Board of Directors.
a. Chairperson
b. Vice chairperson
c. Treasurer
d. Secretary General
e. Administrative Secretary
2. Other Positions for the board shall be added as necessary by the Chairperson.
3. The Chairperson shall, in consultation with the Executive Committee, employ a Chief of
Staff who shall be responsible for the daily operational planning of the Association.
4. Unless with the prior approval, in writing, of the Registrar of Societies, all of the Board of
Directors of the Association shall be Botswana Citizens.


1. The names of the above officers shall be proposed and seconded at the Annual General
Meeting and the election will follow on a simple majority vote of the members. All office
bearers may be re-elected to the same or related post for 2 consecutive terms of office.
2. The term of office of the Board of Directors shall be 3 years.
3. Election will be either by show of hands or by secret ballot, subject to the agreement of the
majority of the voting members present. In the event of a tie, the Chairperson of the meeting
shall cast the deciding vote.
4. A Board meeting shall be held at least once every 3 months after giving 7 days’ notice to
Board members. The chairperson may call a Board meeting at any time by giving 5 days’
notice. At least 66 percent (66%) of the Board members must be present for its proceedings
to be valid.
5. Any member of the Board absent from 3 consecutive meetings without satisfactory
explanation shall be deemed to have withdrawn from the Board and their successor may be
co-opted by the Board to serve until the next Annual General Meeting.
6. Any changes to the Executive Committee shall be communicated to the Registrar of Societies
within two (2) weeks of the change.
7. The duty of the Board is to organize and supervise the daily activities of the Association. The
Board may not act contrary to the expressed wishes of the General Meeting without prior
reference to it and shall always remain subordinate to the General Meetings.
8. The Board of Directors has the power to authorize the expenditure of a sum not exceeding
BWP100,000 per month from the Association’s funds for the Association’s purposes.

1. The Chairperson shall fulfill the following duties:
a. Chair the Board of Directors and preside over all BAA general meetings.
b. Have both the deciding vote and the tie breaker vote.
c. Make and execute decisions on policy, programs, and activities of the BAA with the
advice of the members.
d. Officially act for and on behalf of and represent the BAA.
e. Call meetings of the BAA at least 1 week in advance.
f. Function as an honorary member of all committees within the Association, unless
specifically stated otherwise.
g. Adopt rules of procedure for BAA meetings.
h. Appoint member of the Board of Directors.
i. Name, create, and shuffle board positions as they deem necessary to achieve the goals of
the Association.
j. The chairperson or any member of the BAA nominated by them shall represent the BAA
at all official functions.
k. Designate roles in writing to non-listed members of the Board of Directors.
l. During any temporary period of absence of the chairperson, the vice chairperson shall be
the acting chairperson.
m. In the event the chairperson and the vice chairperson are absent, the Secretary General
shall be the acting Chairperson.
n. In the absence of the Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Secretary General, any other
member of the Board of Directors may be appointed Acting Chairperson by a simple
majority of an ordinary meeting of the BAA.
o. Any acting Chairperson may only be appointed for a cumulative period of 90 days in any
term of office of the chairperson.
p. The chairperson may, after consultation with the Vice Chairperson, at any time they deem
fit, or on the instruction of the Board of Directors of the BAA, issue press statements for
and on behalf of the BAA.
q. Any member may issue press statements with the prior written approval of the
r. The chairperson may call an extraordinary meeting of the BAA Board of Directors on 24
hours’ notice.
s. The chairperson, in consultation with the Board of Directors, may from time to time
appoint ad hoc committees.
t. The Chairperson in consultation with the Board of Directors may from time to time take
disciplinary measures against any member of the BAA.
u. The Chairperson shall by virtue of his office, be a member of every committee of the

v. The Chairperson shall be responsible to the BAA for maintaining good order and
efficiency of the BAA.
w. The Chairperson shall have such powers as are necessary or expedient for them to
perform duties under this article of the constitution in consultation with the Board of
2. Board of Directors:
a. Assign members to committees in consultation with the Board of Directors.
3. The Vice Chairperson shall:
a. Stand in the absence of the Chairperson.
b. Fulfil any other duty prescribed by the Chairperson and/or the Board of Directors
c. Initiate the formation of any necessary committees.
d. Deputize for the Chairperson as appropriate as they are the de facto acting Chairperson in
the absence of the Chairperson.
e. Establish links with and maintain cordial relations with Associations of other universities,
educational and voluntary institutions within Botswana and abroad.
f. Be familiar with the disciplinary procedures and always refer to the Code of Conduct.
g. Undertake such other projects as assigned by the Board of Directors.
4. The Treasurer shall:
a. Maintain all financial records.
b. Fulfil any other duties prescribed by the Chairperson and/or the Board of Directors
c. Set specific procedures for reimbursement.
d. Promptly deposits all moneys accruing to the BAA in the bank.
e. Prepare and revise, as necessary, the BAA budget, with the advice of the Board of
f. Be responsible for requests and expenditures of members activity and service fee
allocations, if applicable
g. Be responsible for the formation of the financial committee and serve as its chairperson.
h. Prepare and keep all financial records of the BAA.
5. The Secretary General shall:
a. Function as the Chairperson in the absence of the Chairperson and Vice Chairperson
b. In consultation with the Chairperson and Administrative Secretary, prepares all agendas
for the BAA, and Board of Directors.
c. Ensure circulation of notices, agendas, and previous minutes of the BAA meetings to all
member of the BAA.
d. Keep record of all BAA-related matters.
e. Unless and until a dedicated communications office is established, they will function as
the primary contact regarding interfacing with entities external to the Association.
6. The Administrative Secretary shall:
a. Record all minutes of the BAA and the Board of Directors.
b. Send minutes of all meetings within 7 days after the meeting.

c. During the temporary vacancy in the Office of the Secretary General, the Administrative
Secretary shall function as the Secretary General.
d. Keep accurate minutes of the Board of Directors and general meetings.
e. Keep accurate attendance records of members.
f. Prepare copies of the agenda and previous meeting’s minutes to distribute at every
general meeting, if deemed necessary in advance.

The Board of Directors, by a unanimous vote, may reallocate the duties and responsibilities
enumerated in this section of this constitution.
i) Specific Duties of the Members (all voting, acting members):
(1) Unless specifically stated otherwise, the members must pass all decisions by a
majority vote (i.e., 2/3 or 66%).
(2) The meetings shall occur at the discretion of the Chairperson.
(3) The members must approve all major expenditures by a majority vote.
(4) The Board of Directors must approve all budget and allocation requests, including
but not limited to, the following:
(a) External funding requests.
(b) Budgeting for the organization’s individual project requests.
(5) The organization may revise any of its internal governing rules and regulations as
prescribed in the BAA constitution and/or its by-laws.
(6) Any member may recommend the creation of permanent and/or temporary staff
positions to the Chairperson.
(7) The members may elect the Board of Directors in accordance with the statutes
and the BAA constitution and/or its by-laws.
(8) The members, by a two-thirds majority vote, may remove any member from the
Board of Directors.
ii) Duties and Qualifications of the Advisors:
(1) The advisor(s) shall advise the BAA members on policies and procedures as well
as on how to approach problem-solving situations.


1. The Board of Directors shall prepare an audited statement of accounts to be presented at the
Annual General Meeting.
2. The Board of Directors shall be required to audit each year’s accounts and present a report to
the Annual General Meeting.

3. The Chairperson may require the Board of Directors to audit the Association’s accounts for
any period within their tenure and make a report, as necessary.
4. The Treasurer, in consultation with the Board of Directors, shall be responsible for the
preparation and conduct of all internal audits for presentation at the Annual General Meeting,
and elsewhere as may be needed.
5. The Treasurer shall function as the point of contact for all external audit exercises conducted
by external auditors.
6. The Chairperson, Treasurer, Secretary General and appointed external auditor contact shall
be responsible for the appropriate dissemination of the audit report as prepared by the
external auditor to the relevant stakeholders, being internal and/or external to the Association,
whichever the case may be.
7. The financial year of the Association shall be from April 1 st to March 31st of the following
calendar year.

1. If the Association at any time acquires immovable property, such property shall be vested in a
trust and appropriate trustees appointed to be signatories to the trust.
2. The Board of Trustees shall be constituted of individuals from within the BAA and those
from without.
a. From the BAA, the Chairperson of the Board of Directors shall be the preferred
appointment, unless otherwise specified by the Board of Directors through a simple
majority vote for one of its members not being the Chairperson.
b. The Board of Directors will choose one Alumni Member to join the Board of Trustees.
c. Trustees from outside the BAA and Alma Mater shall be selected based on the merits of
their public and/or professional profile for suitability of selection.
3. The trustees of the Association shall:
a. Not be more than 5 and not less than 3.
b. Be elected by a General Meeting of members.
i) Nominations and voting for the Board of Trustees shall be conducted at the onset of
each administration’s term of office, should the Board of Directors wish to change the
Board of Trustees.
ii) If there is no vote to change the Board of Trustees, the sitting board shall continue as
c. Not effect any sale or mortgage of property without the prior written approval of the
General Meeting of members.
4. The office of the trustee shall be vacated:
a. If the trustee dies or becomes of unsound mind.
b. If the trustee submits written notice of resignation from their trusteeship appointment.
c. If the trustee is guilty of misconduct of such a kind as to render it undesirable that they
continue as a trustee.
d. If they are voted out through a majority vote during the Annual General Meeting.
e. If they are absent from the realm of the Republic of Botswana for more than 1 year
resulting in difficulties in carrying out their duties, without a valid and compelling reason.
5. Notice of any proposal to remove a trustee from their trusteeship or appoint a new trustee to
fill a vacancy must be given by publishing in the Association’s notice board and other
applicable media outlets, internal and external, at least four (4) weeks before the general
meeting at which the proposal is to be discussed and voted upon. The results of such a
general meeting shall them be notified to the Registrar of Societies.
6. The address of each immovable property, name of each trustee and any subsequent change
shall be notified to the Registrar of Societies.

1. The funds of the Association shall not be used to pay personal fines of members regardless of
the status of legal convictions.
2. The funds of the Association shall not be allocated for and/or to personal use by any of its
3. The Association shall not hold any lottery, whether confined to its members or not, in the
name of the Association or its office-bearers, Board of Directors, or members, unless with
prior written approval from the relevant authorities.
4. The Association shall not raise funds from the public for whatever purpose without prior
written approval from the relevant authorities.

1. A 2/3 (66%) majority of the voting members at the Annual General Meeting shall have the
right to initiate and conduct proceedings to amend this constitution.
2. All review drafts of the constitution shall be sent to the Registrar of Societies for final
approval before coming into effect.

1. In the event of any question/query or matter pertaining to the day-to-day administration of
the Association, which is not expressly provided for in this constitution, the Board of
Directors shall have the power to use their own discretion.
2. The decision of the Board of Directors shall be final unless and until otherwise
overturned/reversed at a general meeting of members.

1. In the event of any disputes among members, an Extraordinary General Meeting shall be
called to order to resolve the dispute through a vote where necessary and in accordance with
this constitution.
2. The decision of the Extraordinary General Meeting shall be deemed final.

1. There shall be a vote of no confidence in the event of the majority of the Board of Directors
members being aggrieved or at variance with any of the other members.
2. Should a motion of no confidence be passed on a member of the Board of Directors, the
affected member shall immediately vacate their office in favor of their appointed
3. The ousted individual shall hand in all the properties of the Association to the Board of
Directors without delay.
4. The Association shall then hold a meeting to elect a new member to fill the vacancy, unless
the Chairperson decides to fill the vacancy as stipulated in this constitution.

1. The general meeting shall decide on the dissolution of the Association.
2. A 2/3 (66%) majority of the voting members shall be required to give their consent via a
majority vote and appending their names, ID numbers, contact details and signatures to
whatever petition, in order to effect dissolution of the Association.
3. Upon dissolution, the certificate of registration must be returned to the Registrar of Societies
for appropriate termination/disposal.
4. All debts and liabilities incurred by the Association will be fully discharged, and the
remaining funds donated to an approved charity or charities registered in Botswana, in the
event of a dissolution.
5. A certificate of dissolution or appropriate written notice shall be given within seven (7) days
of the dissolution to the Registrar of Societies.


1. The general body is empowered to approach the Board of Directors if necessary and ask for a
general meeting where they are entitled to put their deliberations about their dissatisfaction
about an ordinary member or any other matter affecting the association.
2. The majority’s decision shall be binding, they may discipline or expel anyone from the
Association if they so wish, provided that does not in any way contravene the provision of
any law in Botswana.



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