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Alumni Association Portfolio Progress Report Template

Compulsory items are highligted in yellow.

1. Executive Summary
o Provide a concise overview of the key highlights, achievements, and
significant progress made during the reporting period.
2. Performance Metrics and Portfolio Summary
o Summarize the overall performance of the portfolio using relevant metrics and
KPIs. Include a brief summary of the portfolio’s scope and focus.
3. Portfolio Mission and Vision
o Clearly state the mission and vision of the portfolio. Ensure these align with
the broader goals of the alumni association.
4. Goals
o List the specific goals set for the reporting period. Include both short-term and
long-term objectives.
5. Team Members and Portfolio Committee Structure
o Detail the members of the portfolio team, their roles, and the structure of the
committee. Highlight any changes in team composition.
6. Activity Timelines in Gantt Chart
o Provide a Gantt chart or a similar visual representation of the activity
timelines. This should include start and end dates for key tasks and milestones.
7. Budget
o Include an overview of the budget allocated to the portfolio. Detail
expenditures and any variances from the budgeted amounts.
8. Key Programs
o Highlight the main programs managed by the portfolio. Include objectives,
key activities, and outcomes for each program.
9. Other Projects, Events, and Activities
o List additional projects, events, and activities undertaken by the portfolio.
Provide brief descriptions and outcomes.
10. Programs and Project Details
o Offer detailed information on specific programs and projects. Include scope,
objectives, progress, and any notable achievements.
11. Challenges and Risks
o Identify any challenges encountered during the reporting period. Discuss the
risks and the strategies used to address them.
12. Lessons Learned
o Share insights and takeaways from the portfolio’s activities. Highlight what
worked well and what could be improved.
13. Stakeholder Engagement
o Detail interactions with key stakeholders. Include feedback received and how
it has been incorporated into the portfolio’s activities.
14. Performance Indicators
o Provide detailed metrics and KPIs for each goal or project. Discuss the
performance against these indicators.
15. Future Plans
o Outline the plans and activities for the next reporting period. Include any
strategic shifts or new initiatives.
16. Success Stories or Case Studies
o Include examples of successful initiatives or programs. Highlight
achievements and the impact of the portfolio’s work.

Usage Guide:

 Platform: All reports should be presented in Coda. Portfolios can keep a copy of their
reports in Word , PDF or other document processor, but all reports should be
presented in Coda for the executive.
Frequency: This template should be used for quarterly, bi-annual, or annual reports,
depending on the reporting requirements of your association.
 Format: Ensure the report is clear, concise, and well-structured. Use modules and
sub-modules to organize the content in Coda.
 Supporting Documents: Attach any relevant supporting documents, such as detailed
budgets, full Gantt charts, or stakeholder feedback forms in Coda or submit through
Google Drive using the BAA file link.
 Submission: The Coda report should be up to date two week before every Board of
Directors quartely meeting for the alumni association’s executive committee to

This template will help ensure consistency, clarity, and comprehensive reporting across all

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