Grammar Talk - Prepositions Place - Time - Movement

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Prepositions of at
Place, Time, & in on through
Movement to

of Time

of Place
at – used to indicate a location (usually more general)
e.g. at the bank, at the door
in – specific location in a larger area
e.g. in the room, in the city
on – the surface of a thing
e.g. on the table, on the wall
under – location below a surface
e.g. under the bed, under the bridge
above – location up from a surface (encima)
e.g. above the clouds, above your head
beside – next to something (al lado de)
e.g. beside the river, beside the road
between – thing is located in the middle of two things
e.g. between the buildings, between the trees
behind – thing is located at the back of something
e.g. behind the house, behind the curtain
in front of – thing is located before something
e.g. in front of the museum, in front of the TV
near – you or a thing is close to something else
e.g. near the park, near the store
There is a cup on the table. A small stream runs below that bridge.
The helicopter hovered above the house. He put the key under the doormat.
The police placed a sheet over the body. He put his hands behind his back.
He stood in front of the door and rang the bell. Tasha is playing at the playground.
Ram sat beside Tara. I was in my room yesterday and saw nothing.

to – where you are going (destination)
e.g. I am going to the park.
from – starting point of movement
e.g. She came from the store.
toward – movement describing direction of point B
e.g. She walked toward the door.
into – entering a place/thing
e.g. She walked into the room.
out of – exiting a place/thing
e.g. He walked out of the room.
through – movement in a space/medium When we want to talk about how we go from place A to
e.g. She walked through the door. place B, we use to in two different ways:
across – from one side to the other side of a place
e.g. He walked across the street. ➪ Using by + means of transport (car, taxi, plane, bike,
etc.) or using on + foot.
over – moving above one side to other side of thing
I go to school on foot.
e.g. The bird flew over the river.
I go to work by car.
along –movement on path/road I went to Zurich by plane.
e.g. They walked along the beach. I went to the airport by taxi.
down – from a higher place to a lower place ➪ Using a verb of movement (walk, drive, fly, cycle, etc.)
e.g. She climbed down the ladder. or for public transport, using take + means of transport.
I walk to school
I drive to work.
I flew to Zurich.
I took a taxi/a bus/a train/etc. to the airport.

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