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Useful Expressions, Idioms, and Phrases for B2-level English

Note: do not use idioms in formal writing, like an essay, formal letter, report, or application email/letter.
Can be used informally, like in personal emails, stories, reviews, informal letters, articles, and in conversation.

Once in a blue moon

Something that happens very rarely, almost never. This can replace “rarely”
I eat sushi once in a blue moon.
In two minds
You are undecided. Don’t know what to do. Usually, you are choosing between 2 options.
I don’t know, I’m in two minds about it; university looks great on a CV, but the job offer they’ve given me will kickstart
a possibly incredible career.
Stand ones ground.
Maintaining your position.
The other teams offense was incredibly aggressive but our defense stood their ground.
To not have a clue
To not know something or have no ideas about something/someone. To be lost (sometimes physically and mentally)
A woman walked into the meeting hall last week and you could tell by her face that she didn’t have a clue where she
was supposed to be.
In a nutshell
In a few words. Used to summarize something. Almost always starts a sentence.
In a nutshell, I found the whole experience to be highly rewarding.
Carry the torch for.
Having strong feelings for someone who can not be yours.
Suzan carried a torch for him for years after they broke up.
Close to home.
A comment which is true and makes you uncomfortable is close to home.
My patients lung cancer diagnosis is close to home for me because my uncle recently died of the same thing.
Cut to the chase
Making your point without extra unnecessary information.
**Informal usually- When you tell someone to cut to the chase, you’re saying hurry up (can be seen as rude). When
you say that you will cut to the chase, it’s not rude. You’re trying not to waste the other person’s time.
I can’t even look at her right now that hurtful remark cut me right to the quick.
Cork up something.
Failing to express your emotions.
She did not let her grief pour out when her father passed away it’s not good for her to cork up her feelings.
Bee in one’s bonnet.
Carrying an idea which constantly occupies your thoughts.
It seems that Mike still has a bee in his bonnet over the criticism he got in the staff meeting.
Fish out of water.
Feeling uncomfortable in unfamiliar surroundings.
Marie was like a fish out of water when she assumed a manager position at the company where she had worked as
a clerk for so long.
Reduce to tears.
Getting into tears because of someone’s behavior.
He scolded her so much that she was reduced to tears by the end of the meeting.
In the bag.
Refers to a situation when you are sure that success is sure.
Don’t start to think we’ve got this game in the bag gentlemen I’ve seen teams make bigger comebacks than this so
we can’t let up.
Blow up in face.
Refers to a situation when a plan or project suddenly fails.
Mike was trying to sabotage my campaign but the plan blew up in his face when I overheard him talking about it.
Cut one’s own throat.
Doing something that will cause your own failure.
You cut your own throat when you told them to leave how are you going to manage alone.
Come up roses.
Successful end results even though there may be some initial hiccups.
It looked like the negotiations might break down at any stage but everything came up roses in the end.
Chance ones arm.
Deciding to do something even though the chances of success are very little.
I think he is chancing his arm by dumping his life savings into yet another bizarre money-making scheme.
Bottom fell out.
Refers to a situation when a plan or project fails.
The Bottom fell out of the market and I lost a lot of money.
Place in the Sun.
Finding a place in the Sun refers to a position which provides you all the success and happiness you want in your
Your place in the Sun will be assured when you win this match so please do your best.
Sink or swim.
Fail or succeed.
In such a competitive business it’s always sink or swim for new companies looking to enter the market.
Champagne on a beer budget.
Wanting expensive things that you cannot afford.
My best friend always buys things out of her budget she has developed a taste for champagne on beer budget.
Top dog.
Very successful group company person country etc.
You’ll only get a truthful answer if you manage to talk to one of the top dogs.
Keep up appearances.
Maintaining an outward show of prosperity or well-being while hiding your difficulties.
She tried very hard to keep up appearances as she fell further and further into credit-card debt.
Wooden spoon.
Imaginary prize for the last person in a race.
My friends won a wooden spoon at the Fashion Show.
Have the world by its tail./ Have the world at his/her feet
Very successful person who can choose from a lot of opportunities.
Samantha landed her dream job after finishing at the top of her class in college she has the world by the tail.
Live beyond means.
Spending more money than you can afford.
They’ve been living beyond their means for some time now but they’re too proud to move out of that giant house or
give up their expensive cars.
Live in an ivory tower.
Living a lifestyle that saves you from the real-world problems.
If you didn’t spend so much time in your ivory tower you’d know what people really think.
The most common English idioms
For more expressions: visit
Also, check this out for helpful phrases and expressions you might see on the B2 exam:

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