Holiday Homework X, Che, (2024-25)

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Session 2024-25
Holiday Homework
Class: X Subject:- CHEMISTRY

i.Attempt all the questions in chemistry class-work copy, with a proper heading
ii. If in any question it’s asked to learn and write than, kindly first learn the content and after
that only write it in your copy.
iii.Kindly complete the task neatly and in good handwriting.
iv. Try to complete the work by your own efforts, don’t copy from others else you’ll not be able
to command the topics.

1. Read Ch-1,2 of chemistry and write all the equations given in these chapters in your Chemistry
C.W. copy.
2. Prepare teaching- aid(Chart) on The Modern Periodic Table and also learn the name, symbol,
atomic number of the elements belonging to Group-1, 2,13-18.
3. Prepare your own indicator:
. Crush beetroot in a mortar.
. Add sufficient water to obtain the extract.
. Filter the extract by the procedure learnt by you in earlier classes.
. Collect the filtrate to test the substances you have tasted earlier.
. Arrange four test tubes in a test tube stand and label them as A, B, C, D. Pour 2 mL each of
lemon juice solution, soda-water, vinegar and baking soda solution in them respectively.
. Put 2-3 drops of the beetroot extract in each test tube and note the colour change if any.
. Write your observations in a table.
. Prepare indicators by using other natural materials like extract of Red Cabbage leaves,
coloured petals of some flowers such as Petunia, China Rose and Turmeric.
Learn and Write
4. Table 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.6 & 4.1 (Page nu.34, 35, 36, 37, 51 NCERT BOOK Class-IX,Science).
5. Table 3.2, 3.3 (Page nu.45, 47 NCERT BOOK Class-X, Science).

Note: if any doubt or difficulty in the above questions feel free to ask me.

Subject Teacher-
Ms. SnehaShukla



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