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Chapter I


This chapter of the paper presents the background of the study, the statement of

the problem, the significance, and the scope and limitations of the study.

Background of the Study

The one that remains in the middle of a bustling STEM classroom filled with

state-of-the-art equipment and collaborative workspaces: Is it possible for the learning

environment to have a transforming effect that will allow STEM students to reach their

full potential and excel academically?

Education is a structured process through which individuals acquire new abilities,

methods, details, and understanding. These are essential resources that help people

recognize, value, and carry out their responsibilities to their families, communities, and

country. Everyone can gain a positive perspective on the world and the society through

education, which is why it is valuable in life. Learning facilitates the investigation and

uptake of novel ideas. Through education, students are encouraged to be receptive to new

experiences and to see obstacles as challenges to be conquered fearlessly. It is what

propels both individual achievement and the development of developed countries.

STEM education integrates math, science, technology, and engineering into the

classroom. According to the Institution for Art Integration and STEAM, this educational

method emphasizes on fostering and enhancing conversations and problem-solving

among students, thereby fostering the development of pragmatic skills and a respect for

teamwork. The STEM strand is considered a priority area of education by the Department

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Tel. No. +6375 (075) 955 52586

of Education since it is essential to the development and expansion of the nation’s

economy. In the Philippines, there is a great need for STEM graduates, especially in

disciplines like science, engineering, and information technology. Students enrolled in

the STEM strand face challenges due to the nature of the curriculum and social pressure.

Furthermore, the learning environments that students experience in the classroom, among

their classmates and teachers, have a significant impact on their performance in STEM.

A learning environment is more than simply a classroom; it is a space where

students can be inspired by their surroundings and feel comfortable, encouraged, and

knowledgeable in their pursuit of knowledge. A classroom is a designated area where

teaching and learning activities are conducted in a school or other educational setting. A

teacher or instructor directs students through classes, conveys knowledge, and facilitates

discussions and activities related to a particular subject or course of study in a physical or

virtual setting. There are two main components to a classroom environment: human and


Moreover, learning settings are diverse, with unique features that vary throughout

contexts and classes. These settings fall into four types, according to (2018):

learner-centered, knowledge-centered, assessment-centered, and community-centered.

Federation University (2018) emphasizes that learner-centered environments are designed

to encourage active knowledge development by and for learners. Conversely, through

generative learning activities, knowledge-centered learning environments support

students’ deep investigation of important topics.

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Teachers and students make up the human component of the classroom, while

other elements such as the projector, books, computers, lighting, and blackboard are part

of the physical component. The foundation of the psychosocial environment in the

classroom is the interactions that take place between students and teachers as well as

between students. Academic achievement of students is known to be significantly

impacted by this learning state or environment. According to Baafi (2020), classroom

physical environment has a significant impact on students’ academic performance and

learning. Academic performance can be negatively impacted by inadequate conditions

related to temperature, noise level, lighting, and air quality.

The relationship between the classroom environment, academic interest, and

achievement has been studied in a study by Ezike (2018) on Senior Secondary Chemistry

students in particular Public Secondary Schools in Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria. The results

showed a significant relationship between academic success and the classroom

environment. Furthermore, it was discovered that the classroom environment and

academic interest together had an equally large impact on students’ accomplishment

levels. On the other hand, academic success also has an impact on the learning

environment; the degree to which this impact is felt depends on several factors, including

class size, classroom layout, accessibility to instructional resources, and instructor

expertise with emerging technology. Low educational standards are a result of inadequate

attention to these elements, which are frequently caused by structural problems in the

educational system.

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Several studies and investigations have highlighted several factors contributing to

the decline in education quality. These include insufficient government funding, poor

teacher quality, ineffective school management, and inadequate facilities. Additionally,

challenges stem from curriculum content, lack of resources like books and science

equipment, ineffective teaching methods, and classroom shortages. The lack of

professional development opportunities for teachers exacerbates these issues, leaving

them ill-equipped to teach effectively and adapt to diverse teaching methods.

Consequently, these constraints create a challenging learning environment that hinders

student academic progress. Ahmed, Faizi, and Akbar (2020) found that unfavorable

classroom environments and disruptive student behavior further impede effective

teaching and learning outcomes.

These educational challenges are evident in the Philippines’ academic

performance, particularly in STEM subjects, where it lags other Asian countries. Despite

efforts to improve outcomes, the Philippines struggles in global evaluations, highlighting

the need for urgent interventions, especially in STEM education. Insufficient resources,

limited teacher training, and lack of support for innovative teaching methods undermine

student performance in these critical subjects. Addressing these systemic issues,

including providing more resources and support for teachers, and fostering a conducive

learning environment, is essential for enhancing students’ academic achievements in

STEM and overall literacy.

This study aimed to fill knowledge gaps regarding how the learning environment

affects STEM students’ academic achievement. It seeks to understand how facilities,

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Tel. No. +6375 (075) 955 52586

teacher quality, and teaching methods influence skill development and educational

attainment in STEM fields. By examining these factors, the study aimed to provide

insights into improving Grade 12 STEM students’ academic performance at Speaker

Eugenio Perez National Agricultural School (SEPNAS). It focused on identifying

predictors of academic achievement within the learning environment to guide students in

implementing effective learning approaches to enhance their academic success.

Statement of the Problem

Learning environment plays an essential role in the academic success of every

student. This study aimed to identify the various aspects of the learning environment that

shape the success of STEM students.

Specifically, this paper aimed to answer the following research questions:

1. What is the sociodemographic profile of the STEM learners along their:

1.1. age,

1.2. sex,

1.3. section, and

1.4. monthly family income

2. What are the most common learning environment settings that the students are

living in?

2.1. at home and

2.2. at school?

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3. What are the perceived ideal learning environments that foster positive learning

outcomes for STEM learners?

4. How does the learning environment of the students affect their academic


5. What is the essence of various ideal learning environments for STEM learners to

thrive in their studies?

Scope and Delimitation

This research study focused on examining the effect of various learning

environments on the academic success of students in Science, Technology, Engineering,

and Mathematics (STEM) at Speaker Eugenio Perez National Agricultural School. The

study analyzed the conditions and factors within learning environments that influenced

the students’ academic performance and success.

To prevent selection bias and ensure the generalizability of the results, the target

respondents in this study were the grade 12 students currently enrolled in the school year

2023-2024. Six Speaker Eugenio Perez National Agricultural School (SEPNAS) STEM

academic track students in Grade 12 were selected as study participants and were verified

to meet the eligibility requirements through screening. They were further drawn from the

population through purposive sampling, specifically homogenous sampling.

The researchers concentrated on the above-mentioned participants as they were

the most appropriate subjects for the study, especially considering their strands, and due

to the convenience of access. To gather the needed data, each respondent was given the

same questions to answer through a semi-structured interview. The data collected from

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these interviews were subjected to in-depth analysis to understand the themes and

concepts that will arise from the study.

The research study began in April 2024.

Significance of the Study

The study aimed to understand how the learning environment impacts the

academic success of STEM students at SEPNAS, providing additional insights. Its

findings are valuable for students, teachers, guidance counselors, parents, researchers,

and others, offering a clearer understanding of how learning environments contribute to

academic excellence.

Students. This study holds significant importance for students as it examines the

impact of learning environments on academic success in STEM fields at SEPNAS. By

understanding these factors, students can enhance their study environments, become more

engaged in learning, and make informed decisions regarding their academic endeavors.

Teachers. This study can also help parents gain a deeper understanding of what

factors lead to their child’s academic success. With this knowledge, they can improve

home study environments, encourage better study habits, and work together with teachers

to enhance the overall educational experience.

Parents. Parents can also benefit from this study by gaining a better

understanding of the factors that contribute to their child’s academic success. With this

knowledge, they can create better study environments at home, promote effective study

habits, and collaborate with teachers to enhance the educational experience.

Roxas Boulevard, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Tel. No. +6375 (075) 955 52586

Guidance counselors. Guidance counselors play a significant role in students’

academic journeys. The findings of this study can provide them with valuable insights

into offering better advice and support tailored to conducive learning environments. This

could lead to more personalized assistance for students, ultimately improving their

overall school experiences.

Future Researchers. For fellow researchers this study contributes to our

understanding of how learning environments influence students’ performance in STEM

subjects. It serves as a foundation for further research and fosters ongoing discussions on

improving education.

Chapter II


This chapter deals with the review of literature and studies. It contains the

information gathered from the books, and journals that are relevant to the subject matter


Review of Related Literature

Numerous studies have emphasized the significant relationship between the home

environment and the academic performance of secondary school students. Researchers

such as NIMMI MARIA (2015), Dr. Y.S. Deswal and Rekha Rani (2014), and Jayanthi J.

and Srinivasan K (2015) have specifically examined the influence of parents on the

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Tel. No. +6375 (075) 955 52586

academic lives of young learners. These studies recognize the pivotal role that parents

play in shaping their children’s educational outcomes.

The home environment, including factors such as parental involvement, support,

and expectations, has been found to have a profound impact on students’ academic

performance. Parents who actively engage in their children’s education by providing

guidance, monitoring their progress, and fostering a positive learning environment at

home can significantly contribute to their academic success.

Within the context of Australia, improving student academic success and

engagement is particularly important for meeting the projected workforce demands of

various industries (Barkatsas et al., 2018). The classroom emotional climate is a crucial

aspect of this research project as it has been found to be a predictor of academic success

and engagement (Reyes et al., 2012; Rucinski et al., 2018). Assessing the classroom

emotional climate within STEM learning environments can provide insights into the

aspects of this construct that positively impact students’ aspirations to succeed and pursue

STEM education (Fraser et al., 2020). Furthermore, identifying

elements within this construct that have negative implications can also be helpful in

providing support to students and promoting positive engagement.

Moreover, a significant portion of a child’s time is spent within the confines of a

classroom. The classroom serves as a crucial setting for learning activities, but its

potential can only be fully realized in an environment that is conducive to both teaching

and the learning process. It is within this space that children acquire the essential skills

necessary for success in today’s globally competitive society. Additionally, the classroom

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Tel. No. +6375 (075) 955 52586

plays a vital role in helping students develop a sense of their own place in the world and

recognize the unique contributions they can make to it. It is where students shape their

desired future and acquire the knowledge and skills required to attain their goals.

Students’ perceptions of their classroom learning environment have been shown

in a multitude of studies over the past decades to reliably predict affective and cognitive

outcomes (Fraser, 2012, 2014; Fraser et al., 2020). Various aspects of the learning

environment, such as the Classroom Emotional Climate, Teacher-Student Interactions,

and Attitudes, have been found to have a significant impact on a child’s academic

achievement and socio-emotional development (Rucinski et al., 2018).

Additionally, the classroom emotional climate, characterized by a positive and

supportive atmosphere, fosters a sense of belonging, safety, and engagement among

students. Other components of the learning environment, such as teacher-student

interactions and attitudes, also have a significant impact on a child’s academic

achievement and social-emotional development (Rucinski et al., 2018). These factors

play a crucial role in shaping students’ educational experiences and outcomes.

Given the crucial role that classrooms play in a child’s growth and development,

it is essential to optimize the learning environment to maximize instructional

effectiveness. Creating an engaging, collaborative, and active learning atmosphere is key

to promoting effective teaching and learning experiences. Educators should strive to

cultivate a supportive and inclusive environment that nurtures curiosity, critical thinking,

and creativity. This can be achieved through thoughtful classroom design, the appropriate

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Tel. No. +6375 (075) 955 52586

use of instructional materials and technology, and the cultivation of positive teacher-

student relationships.

Furthermore, the performance of students in class can serve as an indicator of

effective teaching. Ajayi, Onibeju, and Olutayo (2020) found that teachers who

demonstrate subject matter expertise, possess suitable teaching qualifications, and

approach their work with a positive and passionate attitude have a significant impact on

students’ educational progress. Building on this, Kapici and Akcay (2020) highlight the

importance of well-planned lessons that facilitate the comprehension of new information,

ultimately enhancing students’ understanding. In addition, Redondo, Jr. and Bueno

(2019) emphasize that the effectiveness of the curriculum relies heavily on the

implementation of appropriate instructional strategies and assessments.

These elements contribute to creating a positive learning environment that

supports student engagement, motivation, and academic achievement. By considering the

classroom emotional climate, teacher-student interactions, instructional strategies, and

curriculum design, educators can enhance the overall quality of the learning experience

and promote students’ holistic development.

However, the lack of professional development opportunities and support can

hinder teachers’ ability to effectively teach the assigned curriculum and implement

diverse teaching methodologies. This issue is compounded by insufficient access to

teaching materials, which further limits instructional time. Dizon et al. (2019) support

this concern, emphasizing the need for improved support and resources to enhance

teachers’ capacity to deliver high-quality education. To ensure optimal student learning,

Roxas Boulevard, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Tel. No. +6375 (075) 955 52586

it is imperative to address these challenges and provide teachers with the necessary

support and materials to effectively fulfill their role in the curriculum implementation


Teacher-student relationships are a critical construct within learning environments

as an educator’s motivational style has the potential to directly impact student

engagement (De Loof et al., 2021). The quality of the relationship between teachers and

students plays a significant role in fostering a positive and supportive learning

environment. When teachers establish strong connections with their students, it enhances

students’ motivation, sense of belonging, and overall engagement in the learning process.

For students to attain advanced performances in specific domains, intentional

modifications and alignment of the curriculum are necessary at each of the four levels. A

high-quality gifted education entails offering services beyond the regular school

environment, such as mentors, experts, and programs, to enhance the skills of gifted

students. Furthermore, it should support academic growth and provide behavioral

strategies that cater to the needs of gifted and talented students through engaging and

stimulating learning experiences (NAGC, 2019).

Student-learning outcomes vary in areas, including academic learning

achievement, attitude, motivation, and higher-order thinking skills. Moreover, the

learning process and learning outcomes might differ based on factors such as the subject

of study, learning duration, or even the environmental conditions (Marton, Alba, & Kun,

2014; OECD, 2018).

Roxas Boulevard, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Tel. No. +6375 (075) 955 52586

According to Shernoff, D., Tonks S., and Anderson, B. (2018), research

reinforces the idea that a supportive and engaging learning environment enhances

students’ engagement and academic success in STEM studies. Their findings underscore

the critical role teachers play in creating a positive learning atmosphere. The Educational

Technology Research and Development study in (2020) highlights the positive impact of

such an environment on STEM student achievement and motivation. The collaborative

setting fosters a culture of hard work, mutual assistance, and persistence in studies.

Educational spaces, particularly the classroom, play a crucial role in learning, as

emphasized by Javaherikhah, A., Valiente, M.L., and Alvarez, F.M. (2021). The

classroom should be designed to cater to students’ age and educational level, as it

significantly influences society’s mentality and civilization. In developed countries,

spaces are designed using educational science, psychology, and technical techniques.

This research employs descriptive and analytical methods and library documentation

techniques to achieve an ideal classroom. A child-friendly learning environment

influences talents, personality, moral values, and future education. Creative and

stimulating school buildings encourage free-thinking and creativity, laying the foundation

for students’ interest in learning. Usman, Y.D., and Madudili, C.G. (2019) echo this

sentiment and emphasize the crucial link between students’ perceptions of a conducive

learning environment and higher academic performance. Their study identifies the

availability of resources, quality of teacher instruction, and student relationships as

pivotal factors shaping the learning environment.

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Tel. No. +6375 (075) 955 52586

Teaching methods, the ideas and procedures employed by educators to transfer

knowledge, enhance learning, and foster comprehension among pupils, are crucial to the

learning process. Effective teaching techniques have a significant impact on students’

understanding and academic success. The research project by Isa et al. (2020) identifies

teaching techniques as established patterns of behavior by teachers that take place

concurrently or sequentially.

Facilities also play a vital role in academic achievement and performance. Well-

maintained classrooms, libraries, and study areas offer a favorable environment for

learning. Cozy and well-organized facilities can improve concentration and contribute to

a positive learning experience.

Moreover, the study conducted by Usman and Madudili (2019) reveals that a

setting for learning with utilizable and accessible facilities ensures students’ academic

success and an efficient teaching and learning process. The physical environment, which

encompasses the tangible and spatial aspects of a specific location or setting, is essential

in various settings, including education. McKenna (2023) emphasizes the importance of

the classroom environment and identifies teacher support, peer collaboration, and

opportunities for problem-solving and creativity as key contributors to a positive STEM

classroom environment. Edgerton and McKechnie (2023) delve into the positive impact

of a supportive STEM learning environment on academic achievement, highlighting the

quality of the physical environment, effective classroom management, and positive

student relationships as crucial elements fostering academic success.

Roxas Boulevard, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Tel. No. +6375 (075) 955 52586

Adekoya, Ayanwole, and Adeyemi’s study (2022) on the academic performance

of students in junior secondary schools in Ogun State found a positive and significant

correlation with the physical environment of the school, including classroom buildings,

furniture, and instructional facilities. Teachers’ attitudes play a crucial role in the

educational process and can have a significant impact on students, the classroom, and the

learning process. Teachers’ actions and attitudes toward students can influence their

academic, emotional, and social development, ultimately affecting their overall academic


The concept of integrated STEM education is complex and multifaceted. Honey et

al. (2018) note that connections can be reflected at multiple levels simultaneously,

including in

students’ thinking and behavior, teachers’ instruction, the curriculum, interactions among

teachers, and the organization of the entire school.

In recent years, there has been a shift in science education towards incorporating

engineering and technology disciplines into learning experiences. This shift enables

students to develop skills such as idea generation and creative problem-solving with

depth and complexity (Johnson et al., 2020). By integrating scientific thinking and

engineering practices, students have opportunities to explore potential solutions to

environmental and social challenges they encounter (Dailey et al., 2018; Dailey &

Cotabish, 2016). Engaging in practical activities, interactive discussions, independent

work, and teamwork throughout the STEM process allows students to achieve specific

learning objectives, consolidate

Roxas Boulevard, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Tel. No. +6375 (075) 955 52586

newly acquired knowledge, and enhance their self-management and self-confidence


Conceptual Framework

Improving academic performance in STEM education relies on understanding the

best learning environments. Creating and nurturing such settings can greatly impact

students’ performance in STEM subjects. Predicting how these learning environments

affect academic success provides valuable insights for resource allocation and developing

specialized educational programs. This study aimed to measure the different elements

that contribute to optimal learning environments in STEM education. By identifying key

characteristics, the effectiveness of the research can be enhanced. The objective is to

explore methods that lead to more accurate predictions and understand how these

environments influence academic success. Additionally, this study seeks to identify

common characteristics and factors that affect academic success across different elements

in STEM education. The conceptual framework visually represents the study’s plan.

The conceptual framework illustrates the study's input, process, and output. The

first part consists of the respondents’ demographic information. And the study aimed to

measure the different elements that contribute to optimal learning environments in STEM

education. By identifying key characteristics, the research seeks to enhance

understanding of how these environments influence academic success. The researchers

employed purposive sample approaches to recruit grade 12 STEM students for a

Roxas Boulevard, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Tel. No. +6375 (075) 955 52586

phenomenological study design. Using a semi-formal interview to gather information, all

collected data were submitted to thematic data analysis.

Conceptual Paradigm

Input Process Output

• The most common

learning environment

settings the students are  Phenomenology

living in. Design Uncovering the
 Purposive Non- perceived ideal
• The perceived ideal
learning environments Probability learning environments
that foster positive Sampling for positive learning
learning outcomes for Technique outcomes.
STEM learners.  Semi-formal
• The effect of learning
environments of the
 Thematic
students’ academic
• The essence of various
learning environments in
STEM education.

Figure. 1. The paradigm of the study illustrating input, process, and the output required to achieve it.

Roxas Boulevard, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Tel. No. +6375 (075) 955 52586

Definition of Terms

The following terminologies are hereby conceptually and operationally defined to

provide a uniform and clearer understanding of the concepts presented in this study.

Exploring. It refers to the mindset and process of engaging in curiosity-driven

inquiry, where individuals purposefully and open-mindedly explore various subjects or

domains. In this study, it encompasses intellectual and experiential discovery, expanding

one’s understanding, and fostering personal growth and learning among Grade 12 STEM


Perceive ideal learning environment. It is the subjective understanding and

interpretation by Grade 12 learners of the optimal conditions, settings, and educational

atmospheres that contribute to effective and enjoyable learning experiences. In this study,

it involves capturing the distinct opinions of Grade 12 students regarding the aspects of

the environment they believe are most conducive to their development as learners in

STEM education.

Positive learning outcomes. It refers to the desired and beneficial changes or

achievements that occur because of the learning process. In this study, it specifically

Roxas Boulevard, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Tel. No. +6375 (075) 955 52586

denotes observable and measurable changes in knowledge, skills, attitudes, or behaviors

that indicate the successful acquisition or development of desired learning goals among

Grade 12 STEM learners.

Chapter III


This chapter discusses the methods employed by the researcher to gather

necessary information. It includes the duration and locale of the study, and the population

and participants. Additionally, this chapter shows the materials, procedures, and the type

of data collection tools utilized for the interpretation of data analysis.

Research Design

In this study, researchers utilized a phenomenological approach, delvimg into the

essence of a phenomenon through the experiences of those who have lived it. This

method allows participants to share their stories, particularly focusing on how STEM

students have experienced various ideal learning environments in relation to their studies.

By adopting a qualitative research design for storytelling, participants are encouraged to

narrate their personal experiences, making references to others along the way (Baraceros,


Roxas Boulevard, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Tel. No. +6375 (075) 955 52586

Balls (2009) emphasizes that phenomenology examines observations, perceptions,

and conscious experiences, including emotions and judgments. This approach aligns well

with the study’s aim of understanding the experiences of STEM students. Through this

design, data collection became more comfortable and conversational, ensuring the

gathering of rich and reflective insights for the researchers.

Duration and Locale

This study was carried out in San Carlos City, Pangasinan, starting from April

2024. The researchers conducted interviews with STEM students who participated in the

study to determine the effects of the learning environment on the academic success of the


This study specifically focused on the STEM senior high school learners at

Speaker Eugenio Perez National Agricultural School (SEPNAS).

SEPNAS, which was formerly known as San Carlos Farm School, was

established in 1905 to provide its students with greater educational options. It was a

secondary school that bore the late and former Speaker of the Philippines’ House of

Representatives, Eugenio Perez, whose hometown at the time was San Carlos.

In the 1900s, the school was founded to provide primary education to the citizens

of San Carlos City, and the Philippine Legislature renamed it “San Carlos Farm School”

because this vocational school was deemed necessary to utilize the country’s natural

resources. In honor of the late Speaker Eugenio Perez, San Carlos Rural High School was

renamed “Speaker Eugenio Perez National Agricultural School” in 1964. The Speaker

Eugenio Perez National Agricultural School is one of San Carlos City’s most illustrious

Roxas Boulevard, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Tel. No. +6375 (075) 955 52586

and largest educational institutions. It currently spans 38 hectares, with approximately 10

hectares devoted to education and the remainder to crop cultivation. There are 31

properly ventilated buildings with classrooms. Toilets, lavatory facilities, and water are

also available and easily accessible.

The researchers are fully convinced that the location satisfies the criteria

established by this study in this regard as most students enrolled have social media

accounts and has experienced the distance learning setup. The STEM strand is also

essentially offered by the school to students on which are whom the study’s primary

target informants.

Population and Its Informants

The researchers chose the Grade 12 STEM students of SEPNAS, confirmed to

have academic success, as the participants of this study with the aim of further exploring

and understanding the effects of the learning environment on the students. The

researchers chose to restrict the participants to STEM students only for the sake of

accessibility and convenience due to the restrictions brought on by the short period for

data collection.

Furthermore, in this study, the Homogeneous Purposive Sampling technique was

employed. Homogenous sampling entails selecting similar cases to examine a specific

phenomenon or subgroup of interest further, which differs from the logic of maximum

variation sampling. Due to the condition that only STEM students were selected as

respondents, the researchers believe that this sampling technique fit the study.

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Tel. No. +6375 (075) 955 52586

The number of participants was determined by the quality of the information

needed to be gathered or if data saturation was attained during the data collection process.

As explained by Faulkner and Trotter (2017), data saturation takes place when no new

information is revealed by data analysis. Saturation occurs when a researcher can

reasonably expect that additional data gathering will produce comparable results and

serve to support emerging themes and conclusions. So, by using this idea and following

the recommendations of Morse (1994) and Creswell (1998) of an ideal sample size for

phenomenological studies, the researchers decided to recruit at least 6 and at most 10

STEM students as participants for the study.

Once the informants were recruited, the researchers began performing data

collection through online or face-to-face one-on-one interviews, depending on the time

and resources available.

Materials and Procedures

To collect data from the participants, the researchers conducted interviews using a

semi-structured interview guide. This method enabled them to better understand the

effects of learning environments on Grade 12 STEM students. The semi-structured nature

of the interviews will provide flexibility while remaining relevant to the topic and

sensitive to the participants’ needs (Bartholomew, Henderson, & Marcia, 2000).

After obtaining approval from the research advisers and the school principal

regarding the predefined set of interview questions, the researchers proceeded to gather

data from the participants. Prior to the interviews, the researchers provided a brief

Roxas Boulevard, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Tel. No. +6375 (075) 955 52586

background about the research, including its objectives and the potential benefits for the


To ensure efficient and effective data collection in the future, the following

procedures were followed:

1. Development of research instruments: The researchers created the semi-

structured interview questions and prepared recording devices to document

the interview sessions.

2. Obtaining permission: The necessary permits were obtained from the research

adviser, assistant principal, and principal to conduct the study within the

school premises.

3. Identification of qualified participants: A survey questionnaire was given to

the target population to identify those who meet the qualifications in the

future. Participants were then selected through purposive sampling or self-

selection (volunteer) sampling.

4. Obtaining consent: Once the participants were chosen, the researchers

informed them about the interview and the venue, typically through private

messages or in-person communication.

5. Ensuring confidentiality: The researchers assured the participants that their

privacy would be protected with utmost care, and no information would be

disclosed to the public.

Roxas Boulevard, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Tel. No. +6375 (075) 955 52586

6. Preparation of instruments: The necessary data collection tools, such as the

interview questions and recording devices, were prepared before the sessions.

The researchers conducting the interviews were also properly oriented.

7. Establishing rapport and participant orientation: The researchers built a

friendly relationship with the participants to make them feel comfortable

during the interview. The participants were informed about the research

background, sample questions, and the procedures to be followed. They were

also informed that the interview would be recorded, and the transcript would

be made available for their review.

8. Interview Initiation: Prior to asking the prepared interview questions, the

researchers took the time to familiarize themselves with everyone. They

aimed to establish a rapport and build a comfortable environment for the

participants. Depending on the participant’s preference, the questions could be

asked in either English or Filipino. If there were any uncertainties or unclear

responses during the interview, the researchers aske follow-up questions to

seek clarification and ensure a comprehensive understanding of the

information provided.

9. Recording and Observation: The researchers commenced audio and video

recording before the first question was posed, and they concluded the

recording after the last question had been answered. Taking notes during the

interview allowed the researcher-interviewer to enhance their understanding

of the shared information. Additionally, the researchers carefully observed the

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participants’ nonverbal cues to gauge the sincerity and authenticity of their


10. Transcription and Data Analysis: Subsequently, the researchers transcribed

the interviews conducted with each participant to ensure accuracy in capturing

the spoken words. Multiple copies of the transcript were generated to prevent

any potential loss of data. Finally, the collected data underwent a thorough

and in-depth thematic analysis, enabling the researchers to interpret and derive

meaningful insights from the accumulated information.

Data Analysis

To facilitate future data analysis, the information obtained from the recorded

interviews was transcribed verbatim. Each piece of information extracted from the

transcribed data was assigned a distinctive “code” based on its context and relevance to

the sub-problems of this research. The researchers employed an inductive Thematic

Analysis approach to evaluate and interpret the codes derived from the data.

As a qualitative phenomenological study, the researchers believed that this

approach would assist in uncovering the meanings embedded in the information gathered

during the study. Thematic analysis, as described by Creswell (2014), is a systematic

process of organizing data by examining specific claims and categorizing them into

themes that describe the phenomenon of interest.

Furthermore, following the guidelines outlined by Braun and Clarke (2006), the

researchers adopted six critical steps in conducting the thematic analysis for this study:

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1. Familiarization: The researchers familiarized themselves with the participants’

information by listening to the audio recordings or reviewing the

transcriptions multiple times.

2. Coding: After becoming acquainted with the transcripts, the researchers

identified and highlighted key passages, such as phrases or sentences, and

assign them abbreviated “codes” that represented their meaning.

3. Theme Generation: The researchers reviewed the developed codes, identified

commonalities among them, and started generating thematic categories.

4. Theme Review: The researchers ensured the accuracy, factualness, and

relevance of the developed themes by comparing them to the original data set.

Any discrepancies were addressed before proceeding.

5. Theme Definition: Once the final list of themes was established, the

researchers precisely defined each theme and determined its contribution to

their understanding of the data.

6. Writing Up: The concluding step of the thematic analysis process involved

transforming the analysis into a coherent piece of writing. The researchers

employed realistic and engaging examples that linked to the identified themes,

research questions, and relevant literature.

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Chapter IV


This section aims to provide an overview of the various data analyses and interpretations,

as well as discussions of an in-depth exploration that were carried out in response to the central

phenomenon. The findings were based on data gathered from transcribed interviews with the

student informants. These data were then analyzed, interpreted, and discussed in order to integrate

them and develop multiple categories and themes that would form the basis for conclusions in

response to central phenomenon.


Theme 1: Environmental stressors

The informants has faced various several challenges posed by their different

learning environment which they have shared during the semi-structural Interviews

Poor ventilation

STEM students faced learning challenges due to uncomfortable environmental

conditions, including poor ventilation, which significantly impacted their concentration

and overall learning experience. Enhancing ventilation in educational spaces is essential

to creating a conducive environment that promotes optimal learning outcomes.

According to Participant 3, “ ngayon kapag nasa bahay ako ang

nararanasan ko ay syempre nandon na yung init kaya Hindi ako makapag focus”. (Right

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now, when I'm at home, what I experience is, of course, the heat, which makes it difficult

for me to focus on studying).

Similarly, Participant no. 5 stated, “Mainit sa Bahay hindi ako maka focus”. (It's

hot at home, I can't focus, cramped in my study area).

Likewise, Participant no.2 said, “Pero Ngayon parang mahirap ng magfocus sa

Bahay Kasi mainit na”.(However, now it's challenging to focus at home due to the

increasing heat).

As also affirmed by Participant no.6, “Kapag sa bahay maraming hindrances na

nakaka apekto sa aking pag aaral Isa na doon ung mainit na study area na Hindi ko na

masiyadong tinatambayan Kasi ganon”.(At home, there are many obstacles affecting my

studies. One of these is the hot study area that I no longer frequent because of that).

Noise distraction

The presence of noise distractions poses challenges for participants, hindering

their ability to study effectively and maintain focus on tasks. This ultimately impacts their

learning outcomes and productivity, highlighting the importance of minimizing

environmental disruptions to support optimal learning conditions

According to participant 1, "ano sa bahay kasi maingay kaya ganun hindi ako

nakaka focus ng mabuti pero kinakaya naman”.(At home, it's noisy so I can't really focus

well but I manage).

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Similarly to Participant 3, “ahh... Sa school naman po hindi ako nakakapag focus

dahil sa ingay ng mga classmate ko then may times na yung katabing classroom ay

maingay rin nakaka distract”. (In school, I can't focus because of the noise from my

classmates, and sometimes the neighboring classrooms are also noisy, which is


Also participant 2 said that, "Pagdating sa school Minsan tahimik kapag busy

kaming mga students pero minsan din maingay ang kapaligiran na nakakaapekto sa

aking pagaaral”. ( In school, sometimes it's quiet especially when we're all busy but

often the surroundings are noisy that affects my study).

Lastly participant no.6 said that, "At minsan Rin maingay kapag may mga

studyante na naglalaro sa baba o di kayay nag pa practice ng sayaw nakakadistract din

un”.(Sometimes, it's demotivating to study because of these conditions. Also, it can get

noisy when students play or practice dancing downstairs, which is distracting).

Crowded classroom

Overcrowded classrooms present significant challenges for STEM students,

impeding their ability to focus and engage effectively with educational material. This

environment diminishes their academic performance by limiting opportunities for

individualized attention and active participation in learning.

According to participant no.1, "Minsan mahirap mag focus sa school Kasi

marami kaming magkakaklase sa Isang room siksikan Hindi kami masiyadong makapag

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focus sa pag aaral”.(Sometimes, it's difficult to focus on school because we have many

classmates in one room, and it's crowded. We can't concentrate well on studying).

In the same way, participant no.5 stated, "Masyado kaming marami sa classroom,

siksikan sa paligid sanhi ng hindi kami maka focus sa Pag aaral”.(We are too many in

the classroom, it's crowded around us, causing us to be unable to focus on studying).

Also participant 6 said that, “Kapag nasa school namn siksikan sa room tas

mainit kulang sa electric fan ung classroom kaya minsan nakakawalang gana mag aral

sa school dahil sa mga Yan”. (When we're at school, the classroom is crowded and hot,

with insufficient electric fans).

Theme 2: Positive Learning Environment

As our participants confirmed, numerous studies have shown that the learning

environment significantly influences students' academic achievements. This highlights

the importance of fostering a positive and supportive atmosphere for learning, which is

essential for enhancing students' success and overall educational experience.

Supportive atmosphere

According to participant no 2, "positibong kapaligiran, pantay na pagtrato sa

mga mag-aaral at pagiging bukas”.( Positive environment, students treated equally and


As participant no.3 said, "Para saakin tahimik na kapaligiran dahil bilang isang

stem student may mga subject kami na mahihirap na kailangan talaga ng tahimik na

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kapaligiran upang makafocus kami saaming ginagawa at para mas lalo namin

maintindihan ang inaaral namin”. (In my opinion, a quiet environment is crucial

because as a STEM student, we have subjects that are challenging and require a quiet

environment to focus on our work and to better understand what we're studying).

Also participant no.1 said, "Pagpapalakas ng motibasyon dahil mas nagiging motivated

ako at determinado na magtagumpay kapag ang kapaligiran ay isang positibong

kapaligiran sa pag-aaral”.(Strengthening motivation because I become more motivated

and determined to succeed when the environment is a positive learning environment).

As reported by participant no.4, "Ito ay nagbibigay inspirasyon at sumusuporta sa mga

mag-aaral, nagpapalakas sa kanilang mga kakayahan at tiwala sa sarili, at nag-uudyok

sa kanila na magtagumpay sa larangan ng STEM”.(It inspires and supports students,

strengthens their abilities and self-confidence, and motivates them to succeed in the

STEM field).

Complete learning resources

Some informants expressed that having access to complete learning resources

greatly enhances their ability to study effectively.

According to participant no.1, “Para sa akin yung learning environment ay

maaaring makaapekto sa academic performance sa pamamagitan ng modernong

pasilidad at kagamitan, gayundin ang suporta mula sa aking pamilya at iba pang mga

tao na naka paligid sa akin”. (For me, the learning environment can affect academic

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performance through modern facilities and equipment, as well as support from my family

and other people around me).

Furthermore participant no. 5 stated, “Sa tingen ko ay kung may maayos kami na

learning environment kompleto sa kagamitan ay hindi ako mahihirapan mag focus dahil

tahimik sa kapaligiran Hindi gaanong maingay”. (I think if we have a proper learning

environment, complete learning resources then I won't have a hard time focusing because

the environment is quiet, not too noisy).

Likewise participant 6 stated, “Siyempre kapag kumpleto ung mga needs mo as a student

like mga learning materials, well ventilated na classroom tas Hindi siksikan, at magaling

din dapat magturo ung mga guro”.( Of course, when your needs as a student are

complete, such as having learning materials, well-ventilated classrooms that are not

overcrowded, and competent teachers who can teach well).

Theme 3: Ideal Learning Setting

Participants emphasized that the ideal learning setting prioritizes a quiet

environment that promotes focused study. Additionally, they highlighted the importance

of supportive teachers who actively engage students and foster a positive learning


Peaceful Environment

A quiet environment is essential for fostering concentration and optimal learning

outcomes. Participants highlighted the significance of a noise-free setting that promotes

focused study and supports academic success.

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According Participant 1, “Para sa akin yung availability ng space na tahimik sa

bahay dahil magpabuti ang aking pag focus sa pag-aaral at sa aking mga gawain”.( For

me, the availability of space at home and quiet study place because it improves my focus

on studying and my tasks).

In the same way, participant 3 said, “Sa bahay nakakaapekto saakin dahil tahimik

sya pero ang epekto nya saakin ay positibo dahil sa tahimik na kapaligiran”. (At home, it

affects me because it's quiet, but its effect on me is positive because of the peaceful


Further partcipant 5 stated, “Sa bahay tahimik naman medyo nakaapag aral ako

ng maayos pero kapag maingay ang mga bata ay nadidistract na ako”.( At home, it's

usually quiet, and I can study well, but when the children are noisy, I get distracted).

Teachers Influence

Participants emphasized the critical role of teachers in shaping the learning

experience. They highlighted the importance of supportive and engaging educators who

motivate students, provide guidance, and facilitate a positive classroom atmosphere

conducive to learning.

According to Participant 1, “Ang learning environment sa paaralan ay may

malaking epekto sa akin sa aking akademikong mga tagumpay sa pag-aaral tulad ng

kalidad sa pagtuturo ng mga guro”.( The learning environment at school has a big effect

on me and my academic success in studying like the quality of teaching by the teachers).

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Similarly Participant 3 stated, “ahmm sa school naman ano may epekto sya

saakin dahil mas may natutunan ako dahil narin sa mga guro na nagtuturo saamin”. (. In

school, it has an effect on me because I learn more due to the teachers who teach us).

In line with participant no.3, participant no.4 said, “Sa pamamagitan ng

pagkakaroon ng suporta mula sa mga guro at kapwa mag-aaral dahil mas makakabuti

ito sa pag-aaral ng mga mag-aaral”. (By having support from teachers and fellow

students because it will be better for students' learning).

Moreover Participant 5 said that, “Malaking epekto ito sa akin dahil minsan ang

ibang guro ay may mahinang boses, at maingay ang aking kapitbahay, mainit pa, kaya

hindi talaga ako makapag-focus”.( It's a big impact for me because sometimes other

teachers have weak voices, and my neighbor is noisy, it's hot, I really can't focus).

Lastly Participant 6, “Kapag walng distraction sa classroom like maingay, mainit

tas naiiintindihan mo ung tinuturo ng teacher malamang maganda magiging epekto nito

sa iyong performance sa school”. (When there are no distractions in the classroom such

as noise and heat, and you understand what the teacher is teaching, it will likely have a

positive effect on your performance in school).

Theme 4: Engagement and Well-being

Participants highlighted the importance of fostering student engagement and well-

being in the learning environment. They emphasized the impact of comfortable

surroundings and motivational factors on promoting active participation, positive mental

health, and overall academic success.

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Comfortable environment

Participants emphasized the importance of a comfortable learning environment

for student well-being and academic engagement.

According to Participant 2, “Kapaligiran, Pakiramdam ng kaayusan,

pagkakakilala sa isa't isa At pagiging bukas”. (Environment, Sense of order, get to know

each other And be vulnerable).

Also according to participant 3 stated, “Ahmm.... Bilang isang stem student mas

Epektibo saakin kung yung paligid ko ay maaliwalas tignan hindi mainit at walang

maingay”. (As a STEM student, it's more effective for me if my surroundings are bright,

not hot, and not noisy).

Moreover Participant 5 emphasizes that, “Sa access ng kagamitan sa school kung

kung ito ay madagdaan nila ay mas magiging comportable kami”.( Improving access to

school resources would make us more comfortable).

Lastly Participant 6 said, “Para sa akin kapag maganda or maayos ung learning

environment mo malaki Ang magiging epekto nito sa iyong pag- aaral like kapag hindi

maingay, Hindi mainit tas lahat ng needs mo as a student is Meron ka for sure

makakapag aral Kang mabuti at maganda ung magiging epekto nito sa pag aaral”.( For

me, when you have a good or proper learning environment, it greatly affects your studies.

Like when it's not noisy, not hot, and all your needs as a student are provided, for sure

you can study well and this will have a positive impact on your learning).


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The study confirms that five respondents are motivated when the learning

environment helps them stay focused and achieve their goals

According to Participant 1, “Nakakatulong ito sa akin sa pag-unlad, pagkatuto,

at pagpapalawak ng aking kakayahan”. (This helps me in my development, learning, and

widening of my abilities).

Similarly Participant 2, “Ito ay sumusuporta sa kanilang kalusugan sa pag-iisip

at kanilang mapanlikhang pag-iisip”.( It support my mental health and critical thinking).

Also Participant 3, “Mas lalo akong ginaganahan na mag review at mag aral”.(.

I become more motivated to review and study).

Likewise Participant 5, “Mas makakapag aral kami ng mabuti,makakapag isip ng

maayos,Makaka focus na kami sa aming pag-aaral”.( We would be able to study better,

think clearly, and focus on our studies).

Lastly Participant 6, “Yun nga tulad ng sinabi kapag complete ung mga learning

materials, Hindi mainit at maingay for sure motivated Kang mag aral”.( The study

confirms that five respondents are motivated when the learning environment helps them

stay focused and achieve their goals).

Table 1. Thematic Analysis of gathered data on Exploring the Perceived Ideal

Learning Environments for Positive Learning Outcomes as well as the concepts

from which the themes were generated.

Themes Concepts

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Environmental Stressor  Poor ventilation

 Noise distraction

 Crowded classroom

Positive Learning Environment  Supportive atmosphere

 Complete Learning Resources

Ideal Learning Setting  Peaceful Environment

 Teachers Influence

Engagement and Well-being  Comfortable Environment

 Motivation


Learning environments are essential for students as they provide opportunities for

students to learn in a variety of ways, engaging in meaningful and active interactions with

peers, and accessing resources that support different learning styles.

Positive learning environments can significantly impact students’ academic

achievement, confidence, social skills, and problem-solving abilities. These environments

encourage students to take risks, try new things, and foster a sense of trial and error and


Conversely, negative learning environments can lead to low confidence, poor

academic achievement, conflicts, stress, reduced social skills, and difficulties in problem-

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solving. They can also create fear of consequences and hinder students’ willingness to

take chances.

Hence, this study aimed to determine the perceived ideal learning environments

for positive learning outcomes. Apparently, the Science, Technology, Engineering, and

Mathematics (STEM) track under the academic track at Speaker Eugenio Perez National

Agricultural School seems to share similar experiences and perspectives in their learning

environments during this period.

As a result, the information provided by the student participants has led to the

discovery of the themes.

The first theme, Environmental Stressors, was derived from the participants’

retelling of the challenges they have experienced during their learning setup. This

includes poor ventilation, noise distractions, and overcrowded classrooms.

This aligns with the findings of Baafi’s (2020) study, which underscores the

significance of the classroom’s physical environment. It emphasizes factors such as

temperature, noise level, lighting, and air quality, all of which can detrimentally affect

academic performance.

In the second theme, Positive Learning Environments, some participants

mentioned the importance of a supportive atmosphere and access to complete learning

resources for academic success.

This aligns with the findings of Rucinski et al. (2018), who emphasized that a

supportive atmosphere in the classroom fosters a sense of belonging, safety, and

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engagement among students. Additionally, Dizon et al. (2019) highlighted the

significance of teacher-student interactions, attitudes, and the availability of complete

learning resources in facilitating students’ academic achievement and social-emotional

development. Their studies underscore the critical need for improved support and

resources to enhance teachers’ capacity to deliver high-quality education and create

positive learning environments conducive to academic success.

During the learning process, almost all of the participants emphasized that a

peaceful environment and the influence of teachers were crucial factors for improving

their studies. This resulted in the emergence of the third theme, Ideal Learning Setting.

This is supported by research indicating that students’ performance in class can be

indicative of effective teaching practices. Ajayi, Onibeju, and Olutayo (2020) found that

teachers who demonstrate subject matter expertise, possess suitable teaching

qualifications, and approach their work with a positive and passionate attitude

significantly impact students’ educational progress. Additionally, Usman and Madudili

(2019) highlight that a conducive learning environment with utilizable and accessible

facilities plays a crucial role in ensuring students’ academic success and promoting an

efficient teaching and learning process.

The last theme, Engagement and Well-being, was derived from the participants’

responses when asked about the importance of various learning environments in thriving

in their studies. The participants confirmed from their experiences that a comfortable

environment and motivation are what these learning environments brought to their

academic journey.

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A study by Fredricks, Blumenfeld, and Paris (2018) highlights the critical role of

learning environments in fostering student engagement and well-being. They found that

supportive and inclusive learning environments, characterized by positive relationships,

meaningful tasks, and opportunities for autonomy and self-expression, significantly

contribute to students’ motivation, engagement, and overall well-being.



This chapter provides the study’s summary, conclusion and recommendations of

the study based from the analysis and interpretation of data.


The objective of this phenomenological qualitative study was to explore the

perceived ideal learning environments for students in the Science, Technology,

Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) track at Speaker Eugenio Perez National

Agricultural School. The study aimed to gain an in-depth understanding of students’

perspectives on their ideal learning environments and the factors that contribute to

positive learning outcomes. Typical case sampling was employed to select participants

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who represented the typical experiences of STEM students in identifying perceived ideal

learning environments.

A total of six participants were selected as typical cases, ensuring a diverse range

of backgrounds and experiences. Data saturation was achieved through interviews with

the participants, allowing for a comprehensive exploration of their viewpoints on

perceived ideal learning environments. Thematic analysis was conducted to identify

common patterns and themes, and interpretations of the data were made to uncover the

strategies employed by STEM students to compensate for their lack of prior knowledge.

The study's scope was focused on STEM students within the Speaker Eugenio

Perez National Agricultural School (SEPNAS), providing a context-specific examination

of the challenges associated with particular educational setting. The findings derived

from this study provided valuable insights into the strategies employed by STEM

students to enhance their learning experiences.

Based on the thorough analysis of the data, several key findings emerged,

reflecting the typical experiences of STEM students facing challenges related to

perceived ideal learning environments. These findings can contribute to a better

understanding of the strategies employed by STEM students in similar circumstances.

From these findings, the study generated implications and recommendations to support

both educators and students in addressing the challenges associated with learning

environments in STEM education.

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The Informants' experiences and positive outcomes in dealing with challenges

within the educational environment varies. While these challenges may arise from

various factors within the educational setting, such as environmental stressors or

inadequate resources, students demonstrate resilience and determination in overcoming

them. Their experiences highlight the significant impact of the educational environment

on their overall learning experiences and academic progress. Despite facing adversity,

students’ determination enable them to transform challenges into opportunities for growth

and development within the educational environment.

As a result, the researchers uncovered the four themes that emerged from their

investigation. These are: (1) Environmental Stressor (2) Positive learning environment

(3) Ideal learning setting and (4) Engagement and well-being.


The phenomenological qualitative study conducted at Speaker Eugenio Perez

National Agricultural School (SEPNAS) among students in the Science, Technology,

Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) track revealed insightful findings regarding

students' perceptions of their ideal learning environments. Through in-depth interviews

with six typical case participants, key themes emerged. Firstly, students identified various

environmental stressors within their educational setting, such as inadequate resources and

external pressures, which posed challenges to their learning experiences. Secondly, they

expressed a strong desire for a positive learning environment characterized by supportive

teachers, engaging instructional methods, well-equipped facilities, and opportunities for

hands-on learning. Thirdly, the ideal learning setting emphasized interactive and practical

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learning experiences, collaboration among peers, and real-world applications of STEM

concepts. Lastly, participants highlighted the critical role of engagement and well-being

in influencing their motivation and academic outcomes. These findings underscored the

importance of addressing environmental stressors and fostering positive, engaging

learning settings to support STEM students' resilience and success within educational

contexts like SEPNAS. Such insights informed targeted interventions and strategies

aimed at enhancing learning environments for STEM students, ultimately improving

educational experiences and outcomes in STEM education.


To extract essential insights from the study participants, a phenomenological

inquiry served as the research design, while theme analysis facilitated data interpretation.

Individual interviews were conducted with each participant to delve into their

motivations for shaping positive learning settings and offered guidance for prospective

STEM students, highlighting the elements crucial for fostering an optimal learning


Upon thorough data collection and data processing, the researchers identified the

following thematic categories: "environmental stressors," "positive learning

environment," "ideal learning setting," and "engagement and well-being. These themes

offer a comprehensive understanding of the various experiences each participant has

within the perceived ideal learning environment.

In summary, the study enabled researchers to gain profound insights into each

participant's experiences, allowing for an in-depth exploration of their perspectives and

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educational experiences regarding the obstacles encountered within the perceived ideal

learning environment.


Following the interview and observations, the researchers developed and

compiled a number of recommendations, both independently and with assistance from the

participants. In order to help future Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics

(STEM) students of SEPNAS utilize their prior knowledge and coping mechanisms for

the specialization or strand they are about to take, one of our main goals in conducting

this study was to provide recommendations. Based on the findings, the researchers make

the following recommendations:

1. Improve physical classroom conditions, including ventilation, noise reduction, and

adequate space to minimize environmental stressors.

2. Provide access to complete learning resources, including textbooks, technology,

and educational materials, to support student learning and academic success.

3. Foster supportive teacher-student interactions and attitudes to create a positive

learning atmosphere and promote student engagement.

4. Encourage the development of peaceful environments conducive to focused

learning and academic growth.

5. Provide ongoing support and resources to help students overcome challenges and

thrive academically in the STEM education.

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Approved Title of the Study: Exploring the Perceived Ideal Learning

Environments for Positive Learning Outcomes

Name(s) of Tamondong, Glaiza Mae A., Palisoc, Ara Mae

Researchers/Interviewer(s): M., Rosario, Rheanabelle M., Aquino, Rica M.,
Beltran, Jennifer M., Austria, Jay Lorence M.,
De Guzman, Krisha Mae B.; and Martinez,
Resly C.,
Approved Research Design: Phenomenology
Group No: 4 Grade and 12 STEM-Julian Semester: 2nd
Section: Banzon
School Year: 2023-2024 Date of April 15-19, 2024
Time of Interview: Approximately Venue of To be conducted
1 hour per Interview: within the school
participant grounds, or through
within the time online(video
preferred by conferencing
the participant platforms)
Type of Interview: Semi-formal or Recording Audio recorder or
(Formal, semiformal semi-structured; Instrument: Audio-video of
or informal?; Online(Google (audio mobile phones
Online (specify the Meet, Zoom, recorder/
platform or Messenger audio-video
application) or in Audio/Video Call) recorder of
person/face-to- smartphone,
face?) etc.)
Introduction: This provides instructions to the interviewer which will serve as
his/her guide in conducting the session. It is a prerequisite that the interviewer
introduce himself/herself including the objectives of the research. You, the
researcher, may speak in the native language or any language that is most
comfortable both for the interviewee and you, the researcher-interviewer).

Magandang (umaga/hapon). Ako si_____________________, _____ taong gulang

at kasalukuyang nag-aaral sa Speaker Eugenio Perez National Agricultural School
(SEPNAS) sa ika-11 baitang a strand/specialization na STEM.

Alinsunod sa napagkasunduan natin noong ikaw ay aking inanyayahang maging

Roxas Boulevard, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Tel. No. +6375 (075) 955 52586

kabahagi ng aming pananaliksik bilang isang partisipante ay akin kang

kakapanayamin tungkol sa Uncovering the Place of Social Media Usage in Coping
with Academic Stress in STEM Learning upang aming lubos na malaman at
maintindihan kung ano nga ba ang nagging papel ng social media sa pag-cope natin
sa mga stress noong panahon ng distance learning modalities, upang sa gayon ay
magkaroon kami ng ideya kung paano natin magagamit ang social media bialng
isang epektibong paraan upang mapangalagaan ang mental well-being ng mga mag-
aaral lalong-lalo na ang mga STEM students, at makapagbigay tayo ng
rekomendasyon upang maging responsible tayo sa paggamit nito.

Bahagi ng panayam na ito na ikaw ay tatanungin tungkol sa mga pagsubok na

kinakaharap, sa papaanong paraan mo ginamit, at kung ano ang kahulugan para s
aiyo ng paggamit ng social media apps upang malabanan ang mga stress sap ag-
aaral ng STEM. Maaari kang gumawa ng paglilinaw kung may mga tanong kang
hindi mo kaagad naintindihan.
Nais din naming ipabatid na kami ay gagamit ng smartphone upang i-record itong
ating magiging panayam upang magawa kong maisulat ito at siya kong gagamitin
upang maisagawa ang gagawin kong pagsusuri sa iyong mga magiging tugon.

Tinitiyak ko sa iyong aumang ilahad mo sa panyam n itoay mananatiling sa pagitan

mo at ako lang ang makakaalaminto,atang mga iyog magiging pahayag ay
gagamitin lamang ayo nsa binanggit kong layunin ng pag-aral na ito.
Huwag kang mangingiming magsabi kung mayroon kang mga katanungan bago
tayo magsimula. May mga nais ka bang linawin? (Wait for interviewee’s reply.
Answer the query/concern and ask if you have satisfied the query before proceeding
any further). Kung wala na ay tayo nang magsimula.
Opening Question: (This is about getting to know participants so they will feel at
ease. Questions related to their work or activities are good opening questions.
Very personal questions must be avoided. )

Kumusta ang iyong pag-aaral? Paano mo isasalarawan ang iyong pag-aaral sa

panahong ito?

Maaari ka bang magpakilala kung sino ka, saan ka nakatira o nag-aaral? Ano ang
kalagayan ninyo sa inyong pamilya o bahay? Sino ka bilang isang mag-aaral at
iba pang impormasyon na may kinalaman sa paksa ng aking panayam? Nasa sa iyo
kung nais mong sabihin ang tunay mong pangalan, ngunit maaari ring gumamit ka
na lang ng pseudonym (false name) o alias.

Roxas Boulevard, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Tel. No. +6375 (075) 955 52586

Content Questions ( You may add follow up or probing or clarificatory questions

aside from those you will list down here, especially if you will use semiformal type
of interview on the sport during your actual interview. A sample set of content
questions aligned to an approved set of SOP questions There are no definite
number of questions to be asked; it should be the research question/s that should
guide you how many questions must you ask. Write them down here in this section)

1. What are the most common learning environment settings that students
1.1. Ano ang mga karaniwang learning environment na nae-encounter ng
mga mag-aaral sa kanilang tahanan?
1.2. Ano ang mga karaniwang learning environment na nae-encounter ng
mga mag-aaral sa paaralan?
2. What are the perceived ideal learning environments that foster positive
learning outcomes for STEM learners?
2.1. Ano ang mga katangian ng isang ideal na learning environment para
sa STEM education?
2.2. Paano nakatutulong ang mga ideal na environment na ito sa
positibong resulta sa pag-aaral sa mga STEM subject?
3. How does the learning environment of students impact their academic
3.1. Ano ang mga paraan kung paano nakakaapekto ang learning
environment sa tahanan sa academic performance?
3.2. Paano nakakaapekto ang learning environment sa paaralan sa mga
academic achievements ng mga mag-aaral?
4. What is the essence of various ideal learning environments for STEM
learners to thrive in their studies?
4.1. Ano ang mga pangunahing elemento ng isang epektibong learning
environment para sa mga STEM subject?
4.2. Paano sumusuporta at pinalalakas ng mga elementong ito ang
kakayahan at motibasyon ng mga mag-aaral sa STEM?

Closing Instructions - Questions that are easy to answer and provide opportunity
for closure. Towards the end, you, the researcher may want to ask easier
questions and provide the participant an opportunity to raise any issues not
addressed . Thank the interviewee of his/her time

Roxas Boulevard, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Tel. No. +6375 (075) 955 52586

Example: If the study is about the coping mechanisms of students with internet
connectivity problems in the time of pandemic, then you can ask the following
closing question:

Before we conclude this interview, is there something about your experience in this
(write the situation, such as modular learning modality) that you think influences
how you responded to the challenge of having no reliable internet
connectivity?” (Castillo-Montoya. 2016, p.823)

(After the interview, sincerely thank the interviewee)

Maraming salamat sa iyong pagpayag upang maging isa sa aming mga
partisipante. Your responses will be of great help for my group to be able t
complete our study. I hope it would be alright with you if I would make follow up
interviews in the coming days if need be.

Appendix C (Interview Transcript)

Roxas Boulevard, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Tel. No. +6375 (075) 955 52586

Participant 1

Researcher: So good afternoon sa iyo, ako si Rica Mae M. Aquino, 18 years old mula sa
STEM - JULIAN BANZON at nag-aaral sa Speaker Eugenio Perez National Agricultural
School Ayon sa ating napagkasunduan, ikaw ay aming kapananayamin tungkol sa aming
research study na titled "Exploring the perceive ideal learning environment for positive
learning outcomes", upang lubos na malaman, maintindihan kung ano nga ba ang naging
papel ng learning environment sa ating pag-aaral. Bahagi ng panayam na ito ay ikaw ay
akin tatanungin tungkol sa mga pagsubok na kinakaharap, at sa paanong paraan mo
kinakaharap ang iyong pag-aaral. Maaari kang humingi ng paglilinaw kung may mga
hindi ka agad naiintindihan, at nais din namin ipabatid na kami ay gagamit ng
smartphone sa panayam na ito upang irecord upang mas madaling maisagawa ang aming
gagawing pagsusuri sa iyong magiging tugon Tinitiyak din namin na ang anumang
sasabihin ma sa interview na ito ay strictly confidential at walang makakaalam. Wag kang
mangingiming magsabi kung mayroon kang katanungan bago tayo mag simula? May
gusto ka bang ipaclarify?

Participant: wala naman hahahah (None hahha)

Researcher: Ano ang mga pinaka karaniwang mga setting ng learning environment na
nararanasan ng mga mag-aaral? (What are the most common learning environment
settings that students experience?)

Participant: Uhm....ano ba yung mga common? Ang alam ko lang maingay, tahimik
masaya, malungkot, mga ganon

(Uh... what are the common ones? I only know noisy, quiet, happy, sad, those kinds.)

Roxas Boulevard, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Tel. No. +6375 (075) 955 52586

Researcher: ano po explain mo yung mga common environment meron sayo sa bahay tas
sa school( Can you explain the common environments you experience at home and at

Participant: ah okay po

Participant: Uhm sa akin ang learning environment ko ay sa bahay at sa school kasi

minsan nag re-review ako sa school na lang instead of sa bahay lalo na kapag late na ako.
(Uhm... for me po my learning environment is both at home and at school because
sometimes I review in school instead of at home especially when I'm late.)

Researcher: Ano ang mga karaniwang learning environments na kinakaharap ng mga

mag-aaral sa bahay? (What are the typical learning environments students encounter at

Participant: Ano sa bahay kasi maingay kaya ganun hindi ako nakaka focus ng mabuti
pero kinakaya naman. (At home, it's noisy so I can't really focus well but I manage. )

Researcher : Ano ang mga karaniwang learning environments na nararanasan ng mga

mag-aaral sa paaralan? (What are the common learning environments students experience
at school?)

Roxas Boulevard, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Tel. No. +6375 (075) 955 52586

Participant: ang learning environment ay may malaking epekto sa aking academic

performance, dahil ito ay nagbibigay ng mga oportunidad at mga kagamitan na kailangan
para sa aking pag-unlad sa pag-aaral. (In school, sometimes it's quiet especially when
we're all busy but often the surroundings are noisy. )

Researcher: Ano ang mga inaasahang magandang kapaligiran sa pag-aaral na

nagtataguyod ng positibong mga resulta sa pag-aaral para sa mga mag-aaral ng STEM?
(What are the perceived ideal learning environments that foster positive learning
outcomes for STEM learners?)

Participant: For me po ha ang kapaligiran sa pag-aaral, maaaring lumikha ng suportang,

at epektibong espasyo para sa pag-aaral upang umunlad at magtagumpay. (For me po, the
learning environment can create engaging, supportive, and effective spaces for learning to
thrive and succeed.)

Researcher: so ito na po yung next question natin (so here is the next question *smile)

Researcher: Ano ang mga katangian na nagtatakda ng isang magandang kapaligiran sa

pag-aaral para sa edukasyon sa STEM? (What characteristics define an ideal learning
environment for STEM education?)

Participant: Para sa akin yung learning environment ay maaaring makaapekto sa

academic performance sa pamamagitan ng modernong pasilidad at kagamitan, gayundin
ang suporta mula sa aking pamilya at iba pang mga tao na nakapaligid sa akin. (For me,
the learning environment can affect academic performance through modern facilities and
equipment, as well as support from my family and other people around me.)

Researcher: Paano nakatutulong ang mga magagandang kapaligiran na ito sa positibong

mga resulta sa pag-aaral sa mga asignaturang STEM? (How do these ideal environments
contribute to positive learning outcomes in STEM subjects?)

Roxas Boulevard, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Tel. No. +6375 (075) 955 52586

Participant: Pagpapalakas ng motibasyon dahil mas nagiging motivated ako at

determinado na magtagumpay kapag ang kapaligiran ay isang positibong kapaligiran sa
pag-aaral. (Strengthening motivation because I become more motivated and determined
to succeed when the environment is a positive learning environment. )

Researcher: Paano nakakaapekto ang kapaligiran ng pag-aaral ng mga mag-aaral sa

kanilang pagganap sa akademiko? (How does the learning environment of students
impact their academic performance?)

Participant: Uhmm... para sa akin dahil ito ang lugar kung saan nagtatamo ng kaalaman,
nagbuo ng mga kasanayan, at nagpapatibay ng aking mga kakayahan. (Uhmm...for me
because it's where I acquire knowledge, develop skills, and strengthen my abilities.)

Researcher: Sa anong mga paraan nakakaapekto ang kapaligiran sa pag-aaral sa bahay sa

pagganap sa akademiko? (In what ways does the home learning environment influence
academic performance?)

Participant: Para sa akin yung availability ng space sa bahay dahil mapabuti ang aking
pag focus sa pag-aaral at sa aking mga gawain. (For me, the availability of space at home
because it improves my focus on studying and my tasks. )

Researcher: Paano nakakaapekto ang kapaligiran sa pag-aaral sa paaralan sa mga

tagumpay akademiko ng mga mag-aaral? (How does the school learning environment
affect students' academic achievements?)

Roxas Boulevard, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Tel. No. +6375 (075) 955 52586

Participant: Ang learning environment sa paaralan ay may malaking epekto sa akin sa

aking akademikong mga tagumpay sa pag-aaral tulad ng kalidad sa pagtuturo ng mga
guro. (The learning environment at school has a big effect on me and my academic
success in studying like the quality of teaching by the teachers. )

Researcher: Ano ang kalakasan ng iba't ibang magagandang kapaligiran sa pag-aaral para
sa mga mag-aaral ng STEM upang magtagumpay sa kanilang pag-aaral? (What is the
essence of various ideal learning environments for STEM learners to thrive in their

Participant: Para sa akin yung ano access sa kagamitan sa pasilidad tapos yung the way
magturo yung teacher tapos suporta ng aking mga magulang sa aking pag-aaral. (For me,
it's about access to facilities and equipment then the way the teacher teaches and the
support of my parents in my studies.)

Researcher: Ano ang mga pangunahing elemento na bumubuo ng isang epektibong

kapaligiran sa pag-aaral para sa mga asignaturang STEM?) (What key elements make up
an effective learning environment for STEM subjects?

Participant: Yung na banggit ko kanina ayon yung mga nagtutulong sa pagbuo ng isang
positibong at produktibong learning environment para sa akin. (What I mentioned earlier
are the ones that help in creating a positive and productive learning environment for me.)

Roxas Boulevard, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Tel. No. +6375 (075) 955 52586

Researcher: Paano sumusuporta at nagpapalakas ang mga elemento na ito sa mga

kakayahan at motibasyon ng mga mag-aaral ng STEM? (How do these elements support
and enhance STEM learners' abilities and motivation?)

Participant: Nakakatulong ito sa akin sa pag-unlad, pagkatuto, at pagpapalawak ng aking

kakayahan. (This helps me in my development, learning, and widening of my abilities. )

Maraming salamat sa iyong pagpayag upang maging isa sa aming mga partisipante. Your
responses will be of great help for my group to be able complete our study. I hope it
would be alright with you if I would make follow up interviews in the coming days if
need be.

Appendix D. Data Collection Documentation

Roxas Boulevard, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Tel. No. +6375 (075) 955 52586


Personal Information
Name : Glaiza Mae A. Tamondong
Age : 18 years old

Roxas Boulevard, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Tel. No. +6375 (075) 955 52586

Sex: Female
Date of birth : October 12, 2005
place of birth : San Carlos City Pangasinan
Civil Status: Single
Citizenship: Filipino
Religion: Roman Catholic
Mr. German B. Tamondong
Mrs. Analie A. Tamondong

Educational Background
Elementary School: Salinap Elementary School
Junior High School: Salinap National high school
Senior high school: Speaker Eugenio Perez National Agricultural School

Personal Information
Name : Ara Mae M. Palisoc
Age : 18 years old
Sex: Female

Roxas Boulevard, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Tel. No. +6375 (075) 955 52586

Date of birth : December 10, 2005

Place of birth : San Carlos City Pangasinan
Civil Status: Single
Citizenship: Filipino
Religion: Roman Catholic
Mr. Salvador M. Palisoc
Mrs. Gloria M. Palisoc

Educational Background
Elementary School: Polo Elementary School
Junior High School: Agdao Integrated School
Senior High School: Speaker Eugenio Perez National Agricultural School


Personal Information
Name : Rheanabelle M. Rosario
Age : 18 years old
Sex: Female
Date of birth : September 04, 2005 62

Place of birth : San Carlos City Pangasinan

Civil Status: Single
Citizenship: Filipino


Roxas Boulevard, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Tel. No. +6375 (075) 955 52586


Personal Information
Name : Rica Mae M. Aquino
Age : 18 years old
Sex: Female
Date of birth : August 26, 2005

Roxas Boulevard, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Tel. No. +6375 (075) 955 52586

Place of birth : San Carlos City Pangasinan

Civil Status: Single
Citizenship: Filipino
Religion: Roman Catholic
Mr. Ricardo V. Aquino
Mrs. Marlyn M. Aquino

Educational Background
Elementary School: Bolingit Elementary School
Junior High School: Bolingit National High School
Senior High School: Speaker Eugenio Perez National Agricultural School

Personal Information
Name : Jennifer M. Beltran
Age : 18 years old
Sex: Female
Date of birth : March 05, 2006

Roxas Boulevard, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Tel. No. +6375 (075) 955 52586

Place of birth : San Carlos City Pangasinan

Civil Status: Single
Citizenship: Filipino
Religion: Roman Catholic
Mr. Joey L. Beltran
Mrs.Ludy M. Beltran

Educational Background
Elementary School: Baldog Elementary
School Junior High School: Speaker Eugenio Perez National Agricultural School
Senior High School: Speaker Eugenio Perez National Agricultural School

Personal Information
Name : Krisha Mae B De Guzman
Age : 19 years old
Sex: Female
Date of birth : March 28, 2005

Roxas Boulevard, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Tel. No. +6375 (075) 955 52586

Place of birth : San Carlos City Pangasinan

Civil Status: Single
Citizenship: Filipino
Religion: Roman Catholic
Mr. Salvador DG. De Guzman
Mrs. Nancy B. De Guzman

Educational Background
Elementary School: Baldog Elementary School
Junior High School: Speaker Eugenio Perez National Agricultural School
Senior High School: Speaker Eugenio Perez National Agricultural School

Personal Information
Name : Resly C. Martinez
Age : 19 years old
Sex: Female
Date of birth : January 15 2005
Place of birth : Calasiao Pangasinan

Roxas Boulevard, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Tel. No. +6375 (075) 955 52586

Civil Status: Single

Citizenship: Filipino
Religion: Roman Catholic
Mr. Renato C. Martinez
Mrs.Sally R. Cayabyab

Educational Background
Elementary School:Candido Marcellano Integrated
School Junior Candido Marcellano Integrated School
Senior High School: Speaker Eugenio Perez National Agricultural School

Personal Background
Name: Jay-lorence M. Austria
Age: 17
Sex: Male
Birthdate: July 6, 2006
Roxas Boulevard, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Tel. No. +6375 (075) 955 52586

Place of Birth: San Carlos City Pangasinan

Civil Status: Single
Citizenship: Filipino
Religion: Roman Catholic
Mr. lloyd D.V. Austria II.
Mrs. Jonaliza D.V. Muñoz

Educational Background
Elementary: Brgy. Pangalangan
Junior High School:Speaker Eugenio Perez National High School
Senior High School: Speaker Eugenio Perez Nation High School


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