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LISTEN SIMPLIFY — Marine Renewable Energy (Ocean Energy)

(1) Producing enough energy to meet our needs has become a _____________.

(2) Demand is _____________, because of the world’s increasing population and

Burning fossil fuels, like gas, coal and oil, seriously damages the environment and they’ll
eventually run out.

(3) For a number of years now, scientists have been working out how we can derive energy
from... _____________, such as the sun and wind, without causing pollution.

(4) Today I’ll outline ... _____________ – also called ocean energy – which harnesses the
movement of the oceans.

(5) Marine renewable energy can be divided into _____________: wave energy, tidal energy
and ocean thermal energy conversion, and I’ll say a few words about each one.

(6) _____________, wave energy.

(7) Numerous devices have been invented to harvest wave energy, with names such as Wave
Dragon, the Penguin and Mighty Whale, and research is going on to try and come up with a
really _____________.

(8) This form of energy has plenty of potential, as the source is _____________, and there’s no
danger of waves coming to a standstill.

(9) Electricity can be generated using _____________, using a reservoir, or _____________.

(10) But the problem with ocean waves is that they’re _____________, with the wind making
them travel in _____________.

1._____________. ________ I am going to cover the daunting task of _____________ - a

thought that makes most of us cringe.
2._____________, 90% of all people _____________ about public speaking, about 10% of
whom are described as genuinely terrified.
3._____________ when we are finished here today, you all will be in the 10% of the population
who do _____________.
4.Did you know that lecturers tend to get more nervous if the speech they are giving is an
important one? It makes sense, right?
5.You probably _____________ nearly_____________ to address your residence hall about the
proper use of the recycle and compost bins _______ you might be if you were asked to give the
_____________ to your entire _____-student class.
6.So ______ is it that _____________ completely ___________ in front of crowds?
7.Some people think that the ability to give a good speech is ________ that others are simply
9.Public speaking can be learned with ________.
10._________, most _____________ you can do to improve your confidence in delivering a
speech is to _____________.
11,Honestly, while the content of your speech is relatively important, the audience will really
only remember _____________.
12.It is a ___________ to __________ the rest of ___________ to lead up to ______________
to really drive your message home.
13.This is a ___________ to ensure that your speech is well-organized.

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