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When my uncle was younger, he lived in Kampung Onreat.

When he goes to school, he has to walk

6-7 km from his home. Sometimes, he would take a bus but it would usually take half an hour before
a bus arrives. Even worse, sometimes when a bus comes, it might be full, meaning he had to wait for
another half an hour before another bus came. This is the reason why my uncle would prefer
walking to and from school rather than taking the bus. In his area, there was only one common
toilet. Whenever someone had to use it, they would have to wait for their turn. Compared to the
present, the village was dirty, the water was polluted and people littered everywhere.
Unfortunately, there were no proper drainage systems because the drains would be easily blocked
by heaps of rubbish. At that time, his favourite place to go was the open-air cinema, in the sense
that it did not have a rooftop. People would bring their stools and sit on the field. The cinema would
be screened using a projector, just like how a teacher shows how to answer a question on a
worksheet by doing the same thing and they would have to pay 10¢ per person to watch the movie.
Sometimes, it would suddenly rain so they had to run back to their homes to protect themselves
from the rain. My uncle would be disappointed because he could not watch the movie and it was
nonrefundable. Most of the houses did not have any TV so, they had to go to the community centre
to watch TV. In the past, there were also no streetlights. People had to carry torchlight to travel at
night. I am grateful because now everything is more convenient than in the past.

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