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1. Picture Mind Map (Mind Map) whose contents are subject matter that has been studied.

The image is made manually (hand drawing) or digitally (for example by using the Paint
application on Windows). This method is very good to use in learning anything, because you will
actively follow the material, practice and ask anything that you have not mastered.

This is mindmap modul 1-9.

Bahasa formal (pilihan

Bahasa tidak formal
kata, tata bahasa, Organisasi
Bertukar ide dengan orang (penyingkatan, slangs,
perubahan nada, ejaan, perusahaan
lain di kantor singkatan, klise)
tanda baca, hindari klise)

Departemen umum
Membuat kesimpulan dan dan tanggung
Mendeskripsikan jawab

Modul 1 Hal-hal di sekitar

Membaca artikel dgn metode Dua Cara kantor
SQ3R Berkomunikasi
Dala Bahasa Modul 2
Modul 9 Inggris Hal-Hal Yang
Ragam Cara Anda Pelajari
Komunikasi Dalam Bisnis Menulis email kantor (alamat
email, subyek line, salutation,
punctuation, specific job,
Modul 3 starting and finishing an email
Membuat janji dalam Modul 8 Menulis Email
Membuat Janji Informal Dan
bisnis (janji dalam Memo bisnis (subyek line,
bisnis, merespons Dan Memberi Bahasa Memo Bisnis
introduction, discussion,
janji) Inggris conclusion, style)
Memberi penjelasan
detail (tepat jelas, Modul 4
tanggapan, Struktur surat bisnis (kop
Modul 7 Seni Surat
pemahaman, Menyurat Dalam surat, onfo ttg
Surat Lamaran
Bisnis perusahaan, penerima,
Kerja Dan CV
Modul 6 badan surat, pujian,
Modul 5 Unsur-unsur
Letter Of tanda tangan, lampiran)
Letter Of Request surat bisnis
Struktur laporan (judul,
Surat lamaran kerja
pembukaan, bagiam
(an application letter)
utama, kesimpulan,

Curriculum vitae
Struktur memo (tata
Thanking dalam
Informal thanking letak, isi,)
komunikasi Surat permintaan Complaint letter
2. So the text is an evaluation for yourself to make it easier on what you have learned,
not exam questions/questions that must be answered correctly. The method above is
very good for self-assessing how to learn and which parts you don't understand from the
lessons you have received, so that with these mindmaps it will be easier to understand
and understand.
Inside is the command:
- To write down which parts of the lesson are not understood (you are not
confident about).
- To write down whether you have any questions about the lesson question).
- To share the question in your study community.

- Penerbit universitas terbuka, Buku Materi Pokok (BMP) MKWI4201 Bahasa Inggris,
Edisi 2, Modul 1-9.
- Https://

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