Law of Five Ebook

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The Law of Five

Aleele Imabel Paago

Copyright © 2012 Aleele Imabel Paago

All rights reserved.

ISBN-13: 978-1469983714

ISBN-10: 1469983710

To BeriBari – my precious daughter

To Immaculate – my lovely wife
To Mercy ‘Dudu’ – my beloved mother

Acknowledgments i

The Dream Shop 1

1 In The Beginning 5

2 Teach Us to Number Our Days! 9

3 Reading The Manufacturer’s Manual of Your Life 16

4 Pure Purpose 24

5 The Law of Five 30

The End 40
This work is intended as self help for the ordinary person without any extra-
ordinary skills. I will like to thank my friend and colleague, Gson Ebuka, who
urged me to undertake this project. His persistence actually started off this
work. Worthy of mention is my good friend, Akpor Abade, who has
connected me to several people that shaped my destiny beyond the ordinary.
Also worthy of special mention is my friend, Chris Iwarah, whose support
and encouragement has given me a much wider platform than I could ever
have imagined. Thanks for all the pains you take on my behalf, week in, week
out. God will certainly bring you to the sixth day.
I have met a number of very interesting people in my life and though space
will fail me, it is important that I mention these, Segla Nayon Segla, Ufuoma
Ivenso, Chinenye Umeike, Boluwade Abels, Yinka Opaleye, Kalu Uche and
many other professional colleagues. I enjoyed your company daily and it sure
did help the inspiration.
I will like to say a very special thank you to all the ministers of Great Faith
Ministries, Lagos but especially Pastor Tope Raphael Joseph. I greatly
appreciate your prayer and guidance.
My entire extended family – the Imabel Dynasty headed by our wonderful
„Mmao‟ has been a blessing. You make life worth living. I cannot mention all
the names here, but I have been particularly inspired by Kakavura and Ziga –
I don‟t tell you often, but you are absolutely wonderful and intelligent. I wait
to see the impact you will make on your generation. All your cousins and
siblings are very much acknowledged here. You all know your names are
written on the pages of my life.
Mama, you have done a wonderful work and I am assured that your sixth day
is here. I have dedicated this book to you specially. You and your husband,
paid the price for the first five days, if we enjoy any victories today, it is
because you never gave up on us. Thank you.
BeriBari Daniela Bugiale Leela-adi-ne-Bari… You are a gem. You are
cherished. You pay prices that are beyond your age and it amazes me the
wisdom you have gathered in just four years of living. If I could I would
guarantee you a great future. But I know that your future is not all about what
I do really, it is about what you decide to do with the first five days of your
life. I hope that this book will set you off faster than I did and get you to your
dreamland in record time. We wait to see, but until then you know I‟m your
biggest fan.
Finally, to my darling wife, Immaculate, who continues to pay the price that
the first generation could not pay and daily births a new destiny for us all, I
am eternally grateful and bound to the oath I made to you. The path may be
rough today, but I have all the assurance that your future will not be anything
less than glorious. I love you!


T he building had an almost hypnotic effect on Joe. It was an

enormous building. The architect was truly a genius. The glass
panels were not just panels they were TV screens that were
controlled to show different scenario at different times. Using cutting edge
3D technology, visitors are transported to the most scenic places on earth. It
could be the Victoria waterfall in a moment and the next Eiffel Towers, Paris.
In deed it was a dream building. Once you stepped in you were forced to
leave reality behind.
What was more fascinating than the architecture were the goods on
display. These were not ordinary goods found in supermarkets and everyday
shops. Like a thousand shoppers before him, all Joe could say was “wao!” as
he stood speechless at the entrance.
“Come in!” the warm smile of the attendant was too inviting to ignore. If
he was mesmerized by the architecture, then he was overwhelmed by the
goods on display. Joe let his eyes take in the shop a row at a time. For what
seemed like ages, he walked aimlessly around, satisfied with just being there.
Then he became conscious that all around him, people were shopping and
picking the best goods off the shelf. The speed was amazing. That was when
he realized that maybe the claim was true. All goods here were free.
He was standing before the shelf labeled Power Dreams. Religious power,
Emotional Power, Love Power, Vocational Power… all of them were on sale.
For free. Just for fun, Joe had picked vocational power. It felt good.
The next shelf was more specific. Political Dreams. The dreams here were
not that many, but the shoppers here were much more aggressive and it
seemed everyone that had stopped by the Dream Shop was bent on picking
an item from this shelf.


Further down was Educational Dreams. Here, Joe picked a good degree
and some intimidating professional qualifications. From there elated Joe
located the Dream Jobs shelf. The choices here were varied. The first two
packages he took off the shelf did not quite fit. He got confused. Maybe he
could use the advice of a counselor?
From the Dream Marriage shelf, Joe had picked a wonderful pack that
seemed to make his eyes sparkle with delight. Now his cart was really full. He
would have loved to pick a few more things but he was concerned about the
As he reached instinctively for his wallet, the attendant at the check out
counter smiled, „that won‟t be necessary sir. I will only take an inventory of
what you have but you don‟t have to pay a dime.”
After an awkward moment of silence, the attendant spoke up again, “do
you want to get a few more items? You can keep these here. They are safe.”
This was even beyond his wildest dreams; Joe could never have believed
that the bold claim mounted on the wall outside was not mere gimmick. With
the assurance, he went back for a few more items, some of which he never
With broad smiles he thanked the beautiful attendant and pushed his
shopping carts ahead of him. It was too good to be true. No wonder they
called it the Dream Shop.
As Joe stepped out of the shop, exhilarated and overwhelmed by the
experience, a middle aged man walked up to him and offered to help with the
packages. Joe was grateful but considering the man‟s age, he declined the
offer respectfully.
“Thanks, sir, I think I can manage it.”
“In that case I will just walk with you to the car, I own this place and I will
like to have your opinion on our service. We truly want to improve.”
Joe was completely taken aback by this introduction. How could this
simple looking individual own such a magnificent place, and why was he
giving away everything free?
“ Well, it‟s not as free as you think,” the man answered the unasked
question, “you get to pay, only we give you the option to pay at your own
“But the sign said it was for free”, Joe protested.
“Ok. Let‟s see what you have there.” Again his smile was so genuine, Joe
could not help but answer.
“Well, I just picked a couple of things, a degree, a good home and you
know… a good vacation in France.”
“„Beautiful!”, he exclaimed. “Did you not visit our spiritual dreams section
or you did not like anything there? What about our Community Dreams?” he
asked with genuine concern in his voice.


“There are quite a number of good items you have in stock, but I truly do
not have the time to pick as much as I would have loved.” Joe responded.
“And who do you blame for that?” he queried.
“No one of course. I mean everyone should understand that you cannot
have all you want.” Joe became defensive.
“So then what you have here signifies your priorities? Will I be right to
assume that?” he asked again with that sincere concern that made one stop to
“Sure”, Joe nodded.
“Why do dreams not get fulfilled?”
“I don‟t know. Maybe some dreams are too expensive …”
“Expensive? But you didn‟t have to pay a dime for any of these…” He
paused and observed the bewildered look on Joe‟s face.
“Oh sure. You pay later, but are you satisfied with what you have now?”

“I guess I will have to come back some other time.” Joe replied trying not
to go any further in the conversation. He was feeling uncomfortable. It was
like his life was laid bare before this complete stranger who was so kind and
yet so penetrating with his questions.
“Ok. That‟s your choice.” He shrugged. This time you could really feel
sympathy in his voice.
“What?” Joe queried, “it‟s my life and I can decide what I do with it.” The
exasperation was hard to hide.
“I know”, he responded, “and that is my real concern. Are you doing the
best you can actually do? Look at what you have there… a couple of personal
things. Did you pick any dreams for your spouse? Oh, you assumed there was
no need, right? How about that poor child in your community who cannot
make it here unless you get a present for her? You walked into a shop
offering everything free and all you could think of was yourself? Well it‟s your
life and you decide.”
The two men stood at the back of a small car. The weather was kind – no
blistering heat, no annoying drizzles, just a gentle breeze that carried the smell
of pop corn from the ice-cream booth, and the laughter of children chasing
each other to their parent‟s car.
It‟s your life and you decide. The words were sharp and cut through Joe‟s
bones. He felt even more uncomfortable. Was this stranger now accusing
him of selfishness?
Joe opened the boot of the car and arranged his packages silently. He was
pleased with himself as he reevaluated his choices. It wasn‟t a bad shopping
experience. As the last package went into the back of the car, Joe
strengthened up and offered his hand to the Dream Shop owner.
“It‟s been a very pleasant experience sir, I will certainly come back.”


“Thank you for the compliments. Just remember, no matter how tall your
dreams, no matter how little it may be, no matter how expensive or how
cheap, if you do not understand the law of the dreamshop, all the dreams you
have freely purchased here, will ferment in the shopping bags you are carrying
right now.” The stranger‟s eyes penetrated deep into Joe‟s heart as he drew
the curtain on their discussion.
“When I see you again in a few years, will you still be as excited as you are
Those parting words were grave, philosophical and even mystical. Law of
the dreamshop? What was it? Joe could have asked a million questions but the
shop owner has already turned to leave.
“Time will tell”, Joe shouted to the stranger who was making his way to
another shopper.
Time…time… will....will… tell…tell the voice echoed back.
He may not have known it then, but that was the truth. Time is the
currency paid for dreams.
As Joe woke up from the incredible dream, he knew he had to find out
what the law of the dream shop was or risk an unfulfilled life.



W hy did God chose to create the world in 6 days?

Have you ever thought of it? Do you actually believe it was
in six days? Or is the bible speaking figuratively?
Do you believe He only spoke those three words “let there be…”followed
by whatever it is He wanted to create? If that is true, then why did God not
create the world in one day? If God is God, that was not impossible. Or was
Why did God not create the world in 30 days or 365 days or 1000 days or
even four days? Because it is obvious He could have if He wanted to. But He
did not.
Don‟t think that I‟m running out of my mind. Don‟t assume that because
you have never asked these questions before they are sinful.
Is it possible that God deliberately chose six days? Why six days?


Stop and ponder and if possible write down your answer. Because this
little book will challenge your regular concepts of life and time and success
and I don‟t want you to just accept what I say. Imagine that we are having a
discussion and you are expected to probe and ask your questions and make
your contributions.
I am inviting you to a journey into your future. If your life is exciting then
I expect that that future will even be more thrilling. If you are living a
“regular” average life – a life filled with complaints and regrets; a life filled
with unfulfilled dreams and desires; a life with more than a fair share of


aborted aspirations, then this book will prove to be even more meaningful to
Can you imagine for a moment what your life would look like if you had
absolute control over all the elements? Can you imagine what it would be if
you had all the money and the time to do all you would really love to do?
But first, what will you really love to do if you had all of the time and the
resources? Have you ever written it down? What if I suggest to you that you
do not need ALL the resources and the money and the time to do it? What
will it be like if you can do all you really wanted to do from today?
That is what this book is all about. Can you begin to imagine how
wonderful this journey is going to be? By the time we arrive at the last page,
you will find out that success in life is not based on how much you have as a
starting point.
I am writing this for ordinary persons, because that‟s who we are. Like a
lot of people, I used to view successful persons as people with extraordinary
skills, overwhelming self confidence and very strong willed. Since I do not
possess any of these qualities I naturally ruled myself out of the class of the
I am the kind of person that makes a resolution in the morning and forget
all about it in the evening. I draw up beautiful timetables and set targets for
myself but find myself unable to follow through on the good intentions. I
don‟t see myself as a failure, I only see me as an ordinary person. That was my
major problem.
If you are like me in any way you can understand the feeling. But the fact
that you are reading this is proof that you have not given up on yourself. It is
proof that you believe success is possible. It is proof that you are willing to try
again with a fresh idea.
You will find herein thoughts that are so profound, they will literally
change your life forever. You will be faced with the concepts that every wise
man, every profitable organization and every progressive civilization used to
create whatever it is they are known for.
But you will be left with a choice. Will you apply the truths you discover
here? Or will you drop the book like the many others you read before it
without taking any practical steps to making it work for you?
If you really want to make this journey, your journey, then you will have to
personally ask the difficult questions and go ahead to find the answers for
yourself. One question I was always asking as I researched and unveiled these
eternal truths was “how does it apply to me?”or “How do I apply this
immediately today?”
I encourage you to keep those two questions at the back of your mind as
you read the rest of this book.



Let‟s go back to the very beginning of creation. Let‟s find out how the
creative acts of God at the dawn of time apply to you as an individual and
how you can apply what the Master Architect did at the beginning to your life
right now to gain the kind of results He gained.
Someone is asking, is it possible to get the kind of results God had in
Eden? My answer is a straight yes. Especially if you are a born again child of
God. The Bible boldly declares,

1 Jn 4:17 because as he is, so are we in this world

It means that you carry the nature, the DNA of God. It means that you
should act like God. You can create and recreate your world.
That is not a far-fetched statement. It is not a figment of my imagination.

“I said you are gods and all of you are children of the most high…” Ps 82:6 (NKJV).

How does it apply to you? Read that verse again. It said ALL of you. Not
Christians or some Christians or some Muslims. ALL! It includes you.
Whether you do it knowingly or by chance, you are always creating and
recreating your world. That is the first quality of God we see in the Bible –
His creative ability.
So you are going to learn to act more like God in creating beauty out of
your mess. You are going to create light out of your darkness. You will call
order out of disorder; bring out health out of your sickness. You will call
forth the things that are not as though they were, because you already carry
the DNA of God.
That is easy to say but hard to do. If that is the thought in your mind, then
you have missed the first principles. Click here to read about the first steps
you must apply to exercise your God qualities.
God the Creator, opted to use only six days in creating the universe as we
know it. I hope you have come up with your answer why you think He did
I will reveal the answer to you, but before that consider this…


Have you ever wondered why time is broken down into weeks? You
probably assume it is for convenience. While that may be true, do you know
that ALL cultures of the world have a concept of weeks ranging from 4 to 7
days? It does not matter how civilized or backward it is a universal principle.
Is it mere coincidence? From where did it originate?
Some say our concept of the week is from the English calendar. While we
cannot discount the impact of the ubiquitous Gregorian Calendar on world


history, saying the concept of the week is from there will be giving it far more
credit than it deserves.
Over 6000 years ago, long before Julius Caesar or Pope Gregory, the
Egyptians had used a 365 day calendar of 13 lunar months just like ours. And
the week was the fundamental component. The Bible clearly shows in
Genesis 1 that God created the world in six days and rested on the 7th. Every
culture after that had adopted the concept of the week in varying lengths until
Pope Gregory‟s calendar that we take for granted today came along.
But this is not the answer to our question, it even further compounds it.
Why six or seven?

Why not 14 or 17? Time is a mystery. I believe God intentionally made it

mysterious. Time as we know it did not even come into existence until the
fourth day of creation.

“Then God said, let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day
from the night; and let them be for signs and seasons, and for days and years… Gen
1:14,19 (NKJV).

So how do we know that the first three days were days and nights as we
know it? I like to describe them as the first three days of eternity. It does not
solve the mystery or answer the question but it gives us an anchor from
where we can start our exploration.
Here is that anchor: time starts in God. Your beginnings, my beginnings
are in God and are concealed in the mysterious unknown. For you to start
properly you need to dig first into that origin, your origin. You need to
understand your foundation.
How can you apply that truth immediately?
That is the essence of the next chapter.
So why did God chose six days?
My answer is this, to teach us how to number our days.

PS. Note that I have consistently referred to God creating the world in six
days because on the seventh day, God rested. That rest I do not consider as a
creative act, but a creative celebration!



G od counts in days so should you.

Life is lived in days, not years or months. That is one of the
most important truths not too obvious in Genesis chapter 1. Yet
that is exactly what God was trying to teach us when He picked on days as
the fundamental unit of a life span.
Yes this does not answer the question why six days in particular (you have
to follow me just one more step before I reveal that answer to you.)
In the King James Version of the Bible, the words, Year(s) occur for a
total of 875 times. Comparatively the words, Day(s) are used 2523 times. Isn‟t
it instructive that the first thing God named was Day and guess what He
named day? It was the first thing He created.

Genesis 1:5 And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the
evening and the morning were the first day. KJV

You need to understand that the light was not the sun. The very
foundation of creation is the day. It is the first thing that has to be place
before any other thing can come to be. It is the principle that most first be
established before any creative function can take place.
Throughout the Bible and down through the ages, the one thing we can
most certainly predict about God is that He is a God of order. Order
presupposes an agenda; a schematic sequencing of events. He is a God that
runs the earth on principles – called natural laws.


And the first natural law, the very first principle God reveals is not the law
of gravity; it is not the law of sowing and harvesting, but the law of the day.
Life starts with the Day. Plans begin in the day.
If God did not consider it so very important; if He did not see it as the
most fundamental thing that every other thing will depend on, He would not
have started there.
Let there be light … and He called that
light DAY. If you miss this principle you
will struggle with everything else. Here is
why… The secret of
The word translated as light in Gen 1:3
according to Strong‟s exhaustive success is in
concordance of the Bible is illumination. numbering
Illumination refers to the provision of
light to make something visible. Encarta your days,
Dictionary says it is the “amount or not your
strength of light available in a place for a
purpose.” God had a purpose – to create months or
or recreate the earth as it were. For God‟s years
purpose to be actualized, God needed one
thing that was more fundamental than
anything else. He needed light to
illuminate what He was doing. Light, the
fundamental element of creation as revealed in Genesis, is called DAY.

In him was life; and the life was the light of men. KJV John 1:4

The Bible says, that Jesus was with God at the very beginning. It says
nothing could have been possible without Jesus (Word). The life force of men
and all created things is called Jesus. The light of men in John 1:4 is what
Genesis 1: calls DAY.
It is this life force that darkness cannot comprehend according
to John 1:5.
And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it. NKJV

This Life-Force is also referred to in Luke 1:78,79 as the Dayspring…

Shinning on those in the darkness, those sitting in the shadow of death, then showing us
the way, one foot at a time down the path of peace (MSG)
God‟s concept of the day is so powerful, it does not just refer to a time
frame as we are bound to think.
The day speaks of the origin; the beginning of a new program or era.
The Day of the Lord.
The Day of Salvation.


The Day of visitation.

We do not limit these descriptions to literally mean a 24-hour period.
In further explaining this powerful concept of The Day, Jesus said:

I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no
man can work. As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world. (John 9:4-5

The light is tied to work. the work is

specific and intended for a purpose. that God
purpose is not just the general purpose of God
for the dispensation, but very specific to the counts in
individual. Can you see the powerful
connections of the Life – Force as it relates to days,
you? You are the light of the world. You are
the carrier of the illuminating life-light of God so should
that brought into existence the whole work of
creation as seen in Genesis 1 and displayed you.
again in John 9 where Jesus „recreated‟ a blind
How powerful is that? That Jesus having
described himself as the Light of the world (John 9:5) also says that we as
Christians are the light of the world! Matt 5:14. The Message bible describes it
as “bringing out God-colors”. Are you reflecting the God-colors of your life
or are you left in the dark?

But the path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the
perfect day. Prov 4:18 KJV

As you walk in your path of destiny, the life-light continues to gr.ow in

intensity and in impact. It becomes impossible to ignore you when you lock
into this life giving light. Realize that if it‟s a path, then you have to locate it.
The day you locate your path becomes the beginning of a new era.
That beginning of a new era, or new dimension, is what God called Day in
Please be reminded that when God called the illuminating light, Day, there
was yet no sun, yet there was darkness. (You are probably aware, that day and
night is caused by earth rotating on its axis as it travels in an orbit round the
The light God called Day is not the 24 hour period we call day. Yet notice
that He called the darkness Night and for the avoidance of all doubts, He
immediately explained that the evening (night) and the morning (day/light)
was the first day.


We will return to this concept of the evening and morning in a different

chapter because it is so fundamental and so powerful to the Law of 5.
Having established the concept of Day as the start of a new program, or
as the illumination of a stated purpose, let us now consider the concept of the
24-hour day as the standard unit of a lifespan.

So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom. Ps 90:12
Redeeming the time, because the days are evil . Eph 5:16 KJV

I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no
man can work. (John 9:4 KJV)

The natural consequence of God naming the Light, Day is that the
illumination, the vision, the purpose, the era, your idea and abstract dreams
immediately becomes quantifiable. Though there was no 24-hour day by our
standards at that point, God quantified the time frame and called it the first
No matter how abstract or how far-fetched a dream may be,
understanding the Law of Day (the force of life) makes it concrete instantly.
This is the concept that time management experts teach but approach it in a
manner that leaves the average person battered and bewildered.
You are overwhelmed when told to break your dreams into goals and set
targets that are achievable and measurable. Yet how many times have you
done that and found out that you could not achieve what was clearly
measurable and achievable.
I have made several New Year resolutions that were measurable and yet
failed to achieve them. I was told it was because my goals were not
measurable or specific. Instead of saying “I will be rich or financially stable”, I
should say, “I am going to increase my income by 50% at the end of the
Maybe like me you have faced the same challenges. What can be more
measurable and quantifiable than the simple resolution “I will be married this
year”? It is frustrating. The reason is when you jump to the stage of setting
targets without understanding the concept of the origin of Day. You are
attempting to read without first mastering the alphabets. Yes you can see the
patterns and how they relate to each other in spatial arrangement, but you
cannot pronounce the words or discern their meaning.
Did you ever read that Jesus planned to hold five services in a week or
save a million souls in a crusade? Did you read anywhere when he stated that
part of his itinerary that day will be to feed 5 thousand people? He never drew
up a to-do list as helpful as that is.


Because God‟s concept of time is not just 24-hour periods. Jesus‟ concept
of work efficiency and target deliverables is clearly stated in John 9:4 – “the
works of Him who sent me.” Start always from the concept of the Life –
Giving force. The power described in John 1:2 – without him was nothing
made that was made. That is the light.
Have you ever heard of a subordinate that that tells his boss, “I have my
deliverables. I have drawn up my To-Do list for the week. Please let‟s
schedule this assignment for sometime in the future?” Would that worker last
long in the organization?
Your to-do list is already determined by God – like Jesus‟. He is the Boss.
He is the one who pays. It is not your goal. It is HIS goal. It is not what I
want to do, it is what He wants me to do.
Yes. I once read in Stephen Covey‟s 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
of a very self-aware and assertive assistant who was extremely helpful and
proficient and could be trusted to deliver because of his superior time
management skills. But when you read Covey‟s encounter with this man, you
realize that he practices just what I‟m trying to explain. He tells Covey, “you
are the boss, see all I‟m working on and the deadlines as agreed which of
these projects should I delay or cancel to satisfy your request”
That should be the approach. Your assignment originated somewhere.
The originator can decide to reorder things (and often does) and because we
fail to realize this we are left stuck with a To-Do list that has gone stale.
That is how opportunities are lost. That is how dreams are killed. You are
working out of sync with the Divine intelligence. Which is what makes
Moses‟ prayer a must – teach us to number our days, that we may apply our
hearts and efforts to wisdom.
You must number your days (your to-do list) the way God has numbered
it. The challenge is that our concept of numbering is different from God‟s.
What are the differences between God‟s time and man‟s time?
The clearest example is from Psalm 90 written by no other person but the
man who also wrote Genesis 1 – Moses. Before he made that powerful
prayer, Moses confesses to the challenge of man aligning his To-Do list with
God‟s because of the differences in our measurement parameters.
“A thousand years in thy (God‟s) sight are but as yesterday…”
In other words, God‟s 24 hours could as well be 365,000 human days!!!
Moses discusses this challenge in the concept of the sins of migrating
Israel. Time by our standards cause our memories to decay. A sin that was so
grievous to you five years ago when you committed it does not hurt your
conscience that much today. An abortion committed three years ago, for
instances with the weight of regret and shame and fear does not hold such
powerful emotions today in the heart of the girl. She still remembers the
incidence of course, but not with the same level of guilt or fear. Time has


taken its toll. But Moses, by inspiration, understood that it will always remain
fresh before God.
It is not only in the area of sin that we have this challenge. A couple
struggling with infertility will count 5 years of waiting as a long, long, time.
But is that how God is counting it? A man who has been unemployed for two
years considers it like a decade. A man who just got married to his heartthrob
considers two years as just a tiny beginning! Our concept of time is all so
We are chronos based. God is Kairos based. So what is Chronos &
Kronos? These powerful concepts are discussed in Chapter six.
God promised Abraham a son “at the time of life”. Abraham counted by
Chronos and almost missed it. God gave Joseph a dream but he could have
lost it if he did not understand the timing was God‟s prerogative. David was
anointed for kingship by God‟s directive, yet it took several years (some
theologians say 17 years) before he finally ascended the throne.
All through history and from your personal experience, it is obvious that
we all have a challenge to number our day just as God numbers it.


Your eyes saw my unformed substance, and in Your book all the days [of my life] were
written before ever they took shape, when as yet there was none of them. Ps 139:16 AMP

Imagine the power and implication of this one verse. Your today was
written down before your birth – at conception. If you live to be a hundred
years old, every one of your 36,500 days is already programmed. The
challenge is, are you living the program as written by God?

Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; Before you were born I sanctified you; I
ordained you a prophet to the nations." Jer 1:5 NKJV

150 years before Cyrus was born, he was named in Isaiah 45. 200 years
before the famous decree of 2 Chronicles 36: 22-23.
348 years before King Josiah carried out a spiritual reformation in 2 Kings
23:15-18, the word of his actions on that very day were pronounced by God
in 1 Kings 13.
That is how detailed our lives are programmed. Teach me to number my
days according to how you have already programmed it. That is my prayer. It
should be yours too.
The bible clearly states:

I know that [the determination of] the way of a man is not in himself; it is not in man
[even in a strong man or in a man at his best] to direct his [own] steps. Jer 10:23 AMP


The steps of a [good] man are directed and established by the Lord when He delights in
his way [and He busies Himself with his every step]. Ps 37:23 AMP
This is why the path of the righteous shines to a brighter day. The
program naturally leads to a crescendo.
God numbered the creative days to show us that there is an eternal
program. He expects us to display this intelligence in numbering our self-
drawn programs. And we must do this in sync with what heaven has already
drawn up for us.
What you need to number your days exactly how God numbers it is
Inspiration. We will look at that in the next chapter.




H aving survived the last chapter, there may be so many questions

pending in your heart:
How do I get hold of the book God has written about me?
Because it will be so easy after that.
If inspiration is how I get hold of the book, then what is inspiration?
Is inspiration some spiritual concept reserved for only the people that
have developed very deep personal relationship with God – the spiritually
I will attempt to answer these questions or at least start you off in a path
of thinking that will give you answers workable for you.
Let‟s start at the basics.
What is inspiration?
Inspiration is defined by Encarta dictionary as:
Stimulation to do creative work, stimulation for the human mind to
creative thought.
Somebody or something that‟s inspires somebody to creative thought.
The word inspiration is used only twice in the King James Version of the
I said there is a spirit in man and the inspiration of the Almighty giveth them wisdom.
Job 32:7,8 (KJV)

Here the word inspiration refers to a vital breath. Much the same as in the
only other place KJV uses the word – 2 Tim 3:16


KJV- 2 Timothy 3:16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable
for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:

The reference again is to divine breath. The divine breath is the vital life-
force as we can see in Genesis 2:7
There are certain unique things about this divine breath.
It is life giving, life sustaining and life preserving.
The divine breath is our life support; when
you unplug from this source, you die. Adam
had no life even after been created until the
divine breath came. Likewise the bones in Inspiration
Ezekiel‟s vision remained dead until the breath
of God came into them. is Divine
Inspiration is the Divine Intelligence in
mortality. Intelligence
This is the reason inspiration is considered expressed in
as creative thought. Adam could name every
animal, every tree, every flower, and God did humans.
not disagree with any. How could Adam
differentiate between cheetah and a leopard, a
wolf and a dog, plantain and banana? He just
knew, because he had inspiration - Divine
It is the inspiration that gives power for action. It is noteworthy that the
vision Ezekiel saw was of a great army – but they needed the divine breath if
they will ever fight a battle. You too will need that breath for your actions to
carry a considerable impact.
Inspiration is the Word (breath) of God. Only the Word of God could
carry all these attributes.
A careful study of Ezekiel 37 shows something interesting – inspiration
comes in different dimensions and impacts.

The Chaos:
The valley was a chaotic scene of death and decay, dryness and darkness.
It appeared the end has been seen of these lives. There are moments you
seem to be at this spot in life too. Your business has failed, your ambitions
have been murdered and buried, or the future is completely hopeless.
What do you do when you get to this spot? You need to be able to reach
into the death and bring out life. You need to bring out vibrancy from the
decay, you need to bring freshness from the dryness and light from the
darkness. There is only one proven way to do that. Get God‟s word! Speak
God‟s word to the situation. It has worked before, it will work unfailingly.


Notice how each bone located its member. Hear the rattling sound as
bones that have been moved by wild animals and forces of nature call out to
their members. It may take a while, but be assured that your bones are
coming back together. Be assured that the people you need to execute your
plans are getting into place from the moment the prophetic word of God
issued from your mouth.

The Purposelessness
Now the dry bones with the power of inspiration have located each other.
They are even covered with flesh and skins. But they are lifeless bodies –
corpses or at best sleeping bodies. This situation may describe you. You have
the seed of your idea in place, but it looks shapeless. By a sweep of divine
inspiration (breath) flesh – sinew, tendons and skin - will come upon that
skeletal idea giving it a form that is discernible. But this level can become
even more frustrating. Here you are with this beautiful idea yet nothing is
coming out of it.
Some people lose it at this stage. They can claim their situation is better
than it was a few years back, yet there is growing dissatisfaction because of
the purposelessness. There are no tangible victories, no stirring testimonies or
anything of value. These people drift along taking whatever comes their way
as their fate. They are not dead, yet they are not living an impactful,
meaningful life.
There is a higher level of inspiration that defines purpose. This level came
not to give life (they were not just
individuals) but to give the dry bones their
purpose as A GREAT ARMY, not farmers,
not students but an army. There was a
Every definite purpose determined for the dry
inspiration bones. Everyone knows the purpose or work
of a soldier.
comes with Have you accessed this level of
inspiration that specifically sets you apart
a different from others and defines your purpose?
impact. Inspiration from the foregoing is
available to ALL – Christians and non-
Christians alike. Anyone can read His book –
God is much more merciful than we
imagine. He will not deprive any of us from living our days as programmed
but we must make the conscious effort first.
At every stage of your life, there is always a degree of inspiration necessary
to get to the next level. It is your personal responsibility to get it. Some may


come easier than others and the higher you go, the more difficult it becomes.
That is why there is so much mediocrity around. Whenever you cease
pressing to get the next level of inspiration, you have inadvertently placed a
lid on your growth and purpose. It will only be a matter of time before you
become history.

Everyone gets flashes of inspiration when a sudden bright idea strikes. It is
the „aha!‟ moment. The big question is, how do I get the inspiration I need
when I need it? The answer is truly simpler than you can imagine.
How do people get inspiration? By tuning into the source of inspiration.
Inspiration is much like a radio broadcast, or a TV telecast. You need to
have the right equipment to receive it. God in His mercy already equipped us
with the receiver (radio or TV) if you are using my analogy here. What is that
receiver? It is your spirit.

1 Cor 2:9-12
But, on the contrary, as the Scripture says, What eye has not seen and ear has not
heard and has not entered into the heart of man, [all that] God has prepared (made and
keeps ready) for those who love Him [who hold Him in affectionate reverence, promptly
obeying Him and gratefully recognizing the benefits He has bestowed].
10 Yet to us God has unveiled and revealed them by and through His Spirit, for the
[Holy] Spirit searches diligently, exploring and examining everything, even sounding the
profound and bottomless things of God [the divine counsels and things hidden and beyond
man's scrutiny].
11 For what person perceives (knows and understands) what passes through a man's
thoughts except the man's own spirit within him? Just so no one discerns (comes to know
and comprehend) the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God.
12 Now we have not received the spirit [that belongs to] the world, but the [Holy]
Spirit Who is from God, [given to us] that we might realize and comprehend and
appreciate the gifts [of divine favor and blessing so freely and lavishly] bestowed on us by
God. (AMP)

The Spirit of God searches the deep things of God, including the book
written concerning you and reveals it to your spirit. This passage is so
beautiful in its description … “eye has not seen, ears have not heard” – is that
not the simple definition of tomorrow? Your tomorrow?
But it is not enough to have the receiving equipment. You must tune it to
the right channel.
If I want to enjoy nature, I tune to National Geographic. I want to listen
to music, I go to Channel O or MTV. I want news, I decide if it‟s going to be
CNN, SkyNews or Aljazeera. It is exactly the same thing when it comes to


What is your spirit tuned to? Life or death? What books do you read?
What movies do you see? Who do you listen to? Everything that gets to your
spirit inspires it. Depression is negative inspiration. So it is always your choice
at the end of the day.
Have you noticed how you talk to some people and you have boundless
energy to go do the most impossible things? Yet you spend just a few
moments with another person and all your dreams are flattened out. The
difference is in the broadcast coming from each
person. A positive broadcast leaves you energized for
action no matter the challenges you may face. On the
other hand, a negative broadcast leaves you sapped Wisdom
and drained so you are unable to take advantage of the
Gauge your spirit when you come back from is
church. If you are not energized to take on the next concealed
challenge then something is wrong. If you are not
powered to live your life differently in the world then in the
you must make every effort to resolve what ever the
problems may be. night
Normally the problem could be at any of these
places – the source of the broadcast, the message
broadcasted or the receiver has problems. The source
of the message we have established to be God. It is possible for you to have a
message not coming from that source or perhaps corrupted.
If the message is coming from the right source and you are not inspired, it
is possible the message is not relevant to the challenges you are facing at the
moment. The word has to be in season.
Or perhaps, the receiver is having challenges with interference. Doubts,
sicknesses, fears, are just a few of the negative emotions that can distort the
clarity of the message or block it from reaching your spirit (its final
destination). It is possible too that the physical environment could hinder the
free flow of the transmission.
Remember that we are discussing inspiration with a specific reference to
your understanding how to number your days like God.
This particular knowledge seems to follow a pattern set in Genesis 1.
Based on our discussion in Chapter 1, God initiated the concept of the day
long before our 24-hour day commenced. Did you notice that the Bible said –
„the evening and the morning were the first day‟? Why did God chose to
count the day not as morning and evening as we do but reverse the order?
Think about it for a moment.
The reason is hidden in plain view in Psalm 19:2 and Matthew 10:27

Day unto day uttereth speech; night unto night showeth wisdom (Ps 19:2 KJV)


"Whatever I tell you in the dark, speak in the light Matt 10:27 KJV

Did you see it? Or you are still guessing?

Wisdom is concealed in the night. Inspiration is buried deep in the night.
We associate night time with difficulties and weeping. Yet wisdom is
concealed in that night, in the weeping, in the challenges of your life. Have
you not heard that necessity is the mother of invention?
Yes, this is the reason why weeping endures for a night. (Psalm 30:5) Why
are you crying? Is it not because you lack some necessity? It could be health, it
could be relationship, it could be anything but you weep because you lack that
which you consider necessary and basic to your life at that particular time. Is
it not encouraging that buried in the depths of your tears are your greatest
joys? Is it not encouraging that there is yet inspiration in darkness? Is that not
what we call the lily in the valley?
2 Cor 4:17-18
For our light, momentary affliction (this slight distress of the passing hour) is ever more
and more abundantly preparing and producing and achieving for us an everlasting weight of
glory [beyond all measure, excessively surpassing all comparisons and all calculations, a vast
and transcendent glory and blessedness never to cease!],
18 Since we consider and look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are
unseen; for the things that are visible are temporal (brief and fleeting), but the things that
are invisible are deathless and everlasting. AMP
That is why the Bible is bold in declaring: “he who goes out weeping
carrying seeds to sow, will return with songs of joy, carrying sheaves with
The night time is the time to tune for inspiration!
There is something called purposeful weeping. Carry your seed in the
night time! Sow with tears. You are not just crying because the business is
bad, you should be sowing new business ideas, researching into what new
combinations you need to make your next move smarter and better.
You are not just crying because somebody you loved walked out of your
life. You use the season of your tears to reach out for the more permanent
relationships, the better jobs, the better you! That is the principle Job used
when he was clueless as to what next to do during his great tribulation.
Job 23:8-10

Behold, I go forward [and to the east], but He is not there; I go backward [and to the
west], but I cannot perceive Him; On the left hand [and to the north] where He works [I
seek Him], but I cannot behold Him; He turns Himself to the right hand [and to the
south], but I cannot see Him. But He knows the way that I take [He has concern for it,
appreciates, and pays attention to it]. When He has tried me, I shall come forth as refined
gold [pure and luminous] AMP


Guess what happens when you sow into the darkness. The wisdom of the
night takes over. The processes of darkness incubate the nothingness so that
you are able to call forth the light out of the darkness. You are able to call out
order out of disorder. You are able to bring purpose out of misfortune. Your
trials are working out Gold in great measure for you.
Until you go through this process, the day may not dawn yet. This is why
God counts a day as “the evening and the morning”. The night must give
birth to the day. Your inspiration lies in the season of want and darkness.
In my book, Falling Upward, I wrote extensively about the power of
darkness in incubating dreams. The womb is dark, the ground into which a
seed is sown is dark. We close our eyes to remember a beautiful moment.
Why? To create a little darkness.
Night is the carrier of wisdom, of all things beautiful. That is where the
broadcast of inspiration is clearest. Read that Job passage again.

But He knows the way that I take [He has concern for it, appreciates, and pays
attention to it]. When He has tried me, I shall come forth as refined gold [pure and
luminous] AMP
Having uncovered this truth, how then do you relate to your challenges,
needs, etc? Have you realized that these are the pages of your tomorrow?
Have you now realized that the night – your wicked boss, unforgiving
environment, poor background, womanizing husband, failures, etc - are
handed to you by life so that your way will be established?
If your environment serves you darkness there is a wisdom in it and you
are a solution to that darkness. What have you done about it?
Your inspiration comes in the night, your celebration comes in the
morning. Please don‟t waste your “nights”. Make every difficulty count.

What is the darkness in your life right now?

What seeds are you sowing? (or what are you expecting to reap at the end
of this season?)
What information do you need now to get the result you stated above?
Where can you get this information? Who can assist you?



What scripture(s) can you use to support the results you desire? Search
them out and commit them to memory. These are the words that carry the
creative power of God not your tears!



W as purpose evident in creation? Did the pattern reveal a

deliberate progression of interlinked purposes? How do you
create purpose? How do you derive the most from your
declared purposes?
In the last chapter, I established that there is a purpose for the night. That
purpose is to define the day. That is why God counted the day as starting
with the night. It is this personal definition of the day that I call inspiration.
But of course this is not a new concept. You already read it in Ecclesiastes
TO everything there is a season, and a time for every matter or purpose under heaven:
Remember we started this book trying to find out the reason (or purpose)
why God opted to create the world in six days and not ten or three or fifty.
Yes there is a purpose for God‟s choice of six. There is a purpose for
every circumstance of your life. There is a purpose for every nation. The big
challenge is discovering that purpose.
But we have established that inspiration uncovers and unfolds that
purpose and that most times that inspiration comes in the night. The
challenge is you have gone through several nights – hardships, deprivations,
threats, rapes, name it – but without a seeming purpose emerging. Is your
case different?
I don‟t think so. You have to read the book of your life (remember?) not
the alphabets. You have to see how the alphabets connect to form words,
how the words form sentences, how the sentences form paragraphs and the


There has to be a system to help you distill purpose from the events
unfolding in your life. If you could lay hold of that system how much would it
be worth?
Did you notice that God did not start by creating man and then giving
him what he needed? What kind of God would that be, if He suddenly
realized that man needed air after Adam had suffocated? But that is how we
approach life. We run after something then realize that we need something
else before we can get what we set out to get.
At the end of the day we take so many detours,
we get lost in the maze of life. Then we give up
and our initial dream becomes a distant goal Purpose
that can never be achieved. Life is wicked we
conclude. So we resign to fate and decide to
make the most of each day. Can
The Bible says when we do this, we are like
children “tossed like ships to and fro between Expire!
chance gusts” (Eph. 4:14 Amp). That ship never
arrives at its destination because its course is
not set.
Purpose is a pre-defined path leading to a
clearly defined destination. The designer of life deliberately created inter-
relatedness in all aspects of our lives. He did this purposely and demonstrated
it from the conception, design and creation of the earth.
Let me give you an example.
God promised Abraham a nation. In anxiety, trying to help God,
Abraham impregnated his slave (house maid). The result was Ishmael. Big
mistake. Eventually, Isaac, the son of the promise was born, and he too
passed the blessing to Jacob.
When Joseph showed up on the scene of his brothers in Shechem, no one
had any idea how Abraham‟s big mistake was going to become his life saver.
It was Ishmaelites that bought him and sold him to slavery in Egypt to open
the critical chapter in the formation of the nation of Israel.
The point I‟m making is this: God orders every step of His children. Long
before the need arises, God has a provision in place. If you are in need and
you have no provision, the likely things to check are –
Am I in the right place?
If I am in the right place am I blinded to the provision?
Remember when Hagar was chased out of Abraham‟s household with
Ishmael, she was close to a well but was dying of thirst. She was at the right
place but blinded to her provision. The same is seen when Abraham took
Isaac up Mount Moriah to sacrifice him. There was a lamb prepared but
Abraham hadn‟t seen it until the voice of God directed him. You need to
have your ears and eyes opened to your provision.


Am I taking my provision for granted?

Most times the answer does not look like what we are looking for.
Naaman went to Elijah to be cured of his skin disease. He had expected some
form of rituals and prayers, not to go take a bath in River Jordan. The answer
didn‟t look like it. Be careful how you treat the little things in your life.
There is a purpose and God makes everything beautiful in its time.
Purpose can expire. You can miss it or realize it too late. It is the anchor of
our lives. You can‟t invent purpose, you can only discover it. Your purpose
finds you out.
In 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Covey makes a very insightful
quote from Frankl.
“ultimately, man should not ask what the meaning of his life is, but rather
must recognize that it is he who is asked. In a word, each man is questioned
by life, and he can only answer to life by answering for his own life, to life he
can only respond by being responsible.” (7 Habits of Highly Effective People.
Steve Covey P.129)

Frankl goes on to say that we detect rather than invent our missions in
life. “everyone has his specific vocation or mission in life… therein he cannot
be replaced, nor can his life be repeated. Thus everyone‟s task is as unique as
his specific opportunity to implement it.”
Your purpose is tied to your time and place. That is why the opportunity
to fulfill purpose is locked in time. That is why it can be missed. That is why
there is no better time than today.
Light was created on the first day because of its purpose.
The atmosphere (sky) was created on the second day.

The land, seas and vegetation were created on the third day.
On the fourth day, God created the sun, the moon and the seasons.
On the fifth day aquatic animals were created.
On the sixth day, land animals including man were created.
Notice that everything that came on day 2 needed what was created on
Day 1. Things created on Day 5 needed everything created before that day.
The timing of the creation depended on the purpose.
Interestingly the Bible does not tell us when fire was created. Yet of all
creation, fire is what best describes our purpose in life. Let me explain.
This is why I remind you to fan into flames the spiritual gift God gave you when I laid
my hands on you. 2 Tim 1:6 (NLT)
Fire is a creation not an invention. It was created and hidden. Every
civilization, every individual must find a way of starting its fire and sustaining
it. Your purpose too was created yet hidden. You must find a way (or invent
one) of bringing your purpose to life. Just like fire.


Whether you choose to use stones, or matches or some other device will
be left to your ingenuity, your knowledge and the resources available to you.
That is exactly how your purpose is. That is why Paul used that powerful
imagery for Timothy.
Fan into flame! Stir up! Keep ablaze!
Now I need you to go back on your memory lane. Think of all that life has
thrown at you. Think of the major events in your life that were not in your
control. Look at your family background for instance, why where you born
into that family, into that community? What other things have that singular
act compelled on you? What opportunities did it expose you to? What
challenges does it offer you? What is your general experience growing up?
Can you see a pattern? It may not be obvious at first look.
Haile GebreSalassie is a well known long distance runner from Ethiopia.
Born into a very poor family and community that had no school, Gabe had to
run nearly 10km every morning to school and same distance back. This led to
his distinctive running posture with his left hand bent as if he was holding his
school books. From that poor village Gabe, having read the pages of what life
has offered him, rose to become one of the greatest long distance runners
ever. He broke 61 Ethiopian National records, and set 27 world records!
The poverty, the long distance away from school has served their purpose.
They were not earth-shaking revelations or events, but they were the pointers
to a hero‟s destiny.
Let me share a page from my past. No, I am not a hero or a popular figure
and that is exactly why I believe this works for everybody.
When I graduated from secondary school it took me three years to get
into a university. In the second year of my waiting, I got admission to
University of Calabar, South East Nigeria to study Geology. Somehow, the
school refused to clear me for registration. After two weeks on campus, I
decided to call off that vision. I was frustrated and devastated. A cousin had
given me a spiral-bound notebook as a parting gift hoping that I will use it in
school. Now the book was a constant reminder of my painful rejection.
While contemplating suicide, I decided to start writing my thoughts so
when I am gone, family members could piece it all together. That was how I
started writing poems and drawings. (Those poems are now published as A
Window of Hope – you should buy a copy.) Looking back, I am glad I was
rejected, I am glad I “lost” three years because what I gained was a skill to
start a career in writing. Given that I did not even study literature in
secondary school I guess I needed the hard lessons.
In January 2009, I walked into The Sun newspapers to do a change of
name for my wife. Jovially I asked one of the staff if I could be writing
columns for their sister publication – The Spectator. His first remark was that
everybody wants to write a column but they never seem able to keep up to
the challenge thus giving the editors needless worry and undue pressure as


they approach their deadlines. I said, “try me.” Today from writing for The
Spectator, I now write for a national paper with a circulation well over 50,000
copies. I am told it‟s the highest weekend paper in Nigeria. It wasn‟t an earth-
shaking moment (walking into Sun) but see how it has completely redefined
my life.
What are the circumstances of your life?
What have your big and small events
prepared you for? To discover
Life is defined by purpose. Pain without
purpose is suffering. purpose, you
Pain with purpose is sacrifice. must start by
What‟s the purpose of what you are going
through right now? Do you realize that you keeping a
are reading a page from your manufacturer‟s
manual today? You have been doing that journal of your
from the day you were born. So what thoughts and
opportunities have life offered you in the
past or presently to learn specific skills? experiences
When they say no knowledge is wasted it is
because every skill you learn now, every
experience is to prepare you for your life
To discover purpose you must start by keeping a journal of your thoughts
– your creative thoughts – or desires. You must document what you pray
about daily and the thoughts you get during and after the prayers. Write down
your night dreams (if you experience them) and anything else of importance
that occurs to you daily.
Review these journals periodically, reading it like a novel. You will be
surprised at how prayers have been answered. But even more surprising you
will begin to see a predominant thought that has surfaced in different ways
and times.
Over the years I have seen me as an inspirational writer in different
dreams. Book titles have popped into my mind at odd times – titles that I
don‟t even have a clue what they could be about, or what to do with them.
But I just wrote them down all the same. I have seen me writing poems
during lectures or sermons and even in business meetings. At some point I
came to the conclusion that what runs in my veins is not blood, but words.
My purpose had finally found me.
I know this is what I should be doing but I had a challenge. Writing
cannot feed my family not to talk of taking care of the bills. I began to
experience the disconnect that most people have – the job I was doing was
obstructing the work I should be doing. My purpose was in conflict with my
work. My existence was challenged. I needed help. So I went back to God.


Somehow, God arranged for me to have a job where I do a lot of research

and writing. On the job I met a friend who introduced me to the media – he
was the person that gave me the contact in The Sun. I have opened one more
page in the book of my life. While working in one organization to find
sustenance, I write publicly to find fulfillment.
We have a very loving father in God and He desires that we all live to
become what he created us to be. Trust Him to arrange the circumstances
and then take the opportunities as they come. You will not miss out on your
Ask God specifically to reveal the purpose of your creation. You will be
surprised how events will keep directing you to your destiny.
What if I have done all of these and yet I cannot see a pattern? No
problem. You have the power to CREATE your purpose. Is this
contradicting my earlier claims that you discover destiny? No. But you are a
free moral agent and rather than live your life tossed by circumstances, God
will be glad to see you work towards a definite plan – unwaveringly.
Start by defining what values you cherish in life. For example, I love to
inspire people to become their best. I value sincerity in all my dealings. I
cherish relationships. If I were to create a purpose for myself I will build it
around these core values.
What are your own core values? Please write them down because they are
the pointers you need to understand your book.
Whether or not you have discovered your eternal life purpose, it is
instructive to be sure that at every point in your life there is something you
are living for. I have found out that when you set a time-bounded purpose –
not just a goal – the purpose provides the force required to achieve the goal. I
set out to write this very book in five days. Given my schedule it appeared
almost impossible but that goal gave me the energy to say no to things that
were not absolutely essential and to stay up longer than usual. I knew I had
just a limited time to pursue it, achieve it and then move on.
Try setting up definite boundaries for your next goals and see how
impactful the sense of urgency and challenge can suddenly give you wings to
do the “impossible”.
The higher the purpose, the higher the risk and the higher the pay off. But
even purpose can be overtaken by time and events.
So what was the purpose God had for creating the world in six days?
The answer is on the next page.



W hy 6?
What you are about to read is so simple, it will stun you.
You will wonder why it eluded you all this while. Yet it is so
powerful the whole world depends on it.
But is that not how everything we have discussed in this little book is?
They are common truths hidden in plain view for everyone to see. Do not let
the simplicity of this truth deceive you. It is the most important success
principle on earth.
After hundreds of hours of study, I finally concluded that I have found
the secret of success for average people. I now have the formula that anyone
can use with tremendous results irrespective of level of education or self
discipline. It transcends culture and easily overrides all personality
There was a time I believed that to be successful you need to be a very
strong-willed person. I read books on how to develop my will power. It felt
good the first few days. After that I never can explain what happened to my
will power. How many times have you started your year with a beautiful New
Year resolution yet could not carry it through the first few weeks?
The problem really is not in will power. Every human being was endowed
with sufficient will power to carry out his life‟s mission successfully. Yes like
muscles, you need to exercise your will. Yes, I don‟t need the kind of muscles
that Usain Bolt, the world‟s fastest man has, to use my legs, so also I don‟t
need the kind of super will of Abraham Lincoln to be successful.
Then I stumbled on materials that suggested that your self-perception
(self esteem) was critical to your being successful in life. I read as much of it


as I could lay hands on. My self esteem rose astronomically. I began to see me
as a well adjusted adult capable of delivering the best possible results. I
stopped feeling inferior. It was great. I think it is one good ingredient in the
making of your success story but it is not the critical one. I know a few
successful people whose self esteem is not what I will aspire to have. There is
a very thin line between a “healthy” self esteem and pride.
Having studied many biographies and the idolization of heroes in the
media, I came to a woeful conclusion… I can never be much more than I am
now. I lack the boldness of a Martin Luther that can make him confront the
Roman Catholic Empire and win. I lack the inventive ingenuity of Thomas
Edison. I lack the creative intellect of Wole Soyinka. I lack the oratory skills
of Barack Obama.
I seem to fall short on the parameters that the world uses to define
winners. I guess that is why most people never achieve much too. If you are
numbered amongst these many “non-achievers” you have come to the right
place. Your life is about to take a different turn. You will see it when you
understand why God created the world in 6 days.
As far as I can see, there is only one reason why God decided to create
the world in six days. That reason is to teach us the Law of Five.
I know that is a very bold and controversial statement. But if you can see
other reasons I will be glad to learn of them. That is what my life is built on –
learning new truths.
So what exactly is the Law of Five?
The Law of Five states that there
are only five days between you and
your biggest dream.
Think about that carefully. Now
read the definition of the Law of Five There are
again. only
There are only five days between
me and my biggest dreams?
I hope you are not tempted to FIVE DAYS
throw this book away! Do I mean that between
a student who desires to become a
president can do so in the next 5 days? you and
Do I mean that the young man
planning to start his business can do your biggest
that in the next 5 days? Do I mean dreams.
that you can get your degree in the
next 5 days? Do I mean that you can
build your personal house in the next
five days? It all appears so far fetched


and impossible. But that is because that is the conditioning you have been
given over the years.
Yes. You can do whatever you choose to do, become whatever you
choose to become, live the life of your dreams all in the next five days.
Can you follow me on a refreshing walk in
the Garden of Eden again and see how you can
reach your maximum potentials in the next 5
Any days?
There are only five days between you and
dream your greatest aspirations. Purpose is locked up
not in your years but in each five days. Success is
not acted concealed not in months or years but in every
upon in 5 five days.
Every dream has an expiry date of just 5
days will days! You either work on it or lose it. You know
how it goes; you receive a big inspiration, or a
naturally bright idea strikes you while reading a book or
die listening to music, you resolve to work on it. The
more you think about it, the more viable it seems.
You can almost see the benefit to you at the end
of the day. Then a phone call or your boss
interrupts your thoughts. You push the idea aside
making a mental note to go back to it later. By the end of the day, you have
been so overworked, all you can do is grab some dinner and rest your bones.
The schedule is repeated the next day. Maybe you are able to muster some
free time to research on your golden idea, then the interruption again or a
difficulty crops up and you let it rest. You believe you can always come back
to it. You wake up one morning and see your beautiful idea being executed by
someone else and successfully too. That is when it dawns on you that the
dream you abandoned five years ago was truly your God sent breakthrough.
But you couldn‟t birth it, not because it was too difficult but because you
allowed the dream to lie fallow for just five days without working on it. How
Anything that is able to come between you and your dreams (goals,
visions, aspirations) in five days is able to kill that vision. If you do not take
any steps, no matter how small, in the next five days to get closer to your
dream, you will NEVER make it.
This law defies the resources at your disposal. If you understand and
apply it, you will realize that it is not the amount of money you have available
that can make your dreams come true or die. It is not the people you know or
don‟t know. Only one thing counts - the next five days.
One week. This is what God was dying to show us in the Garden of
Eden. “see, I did all of these in five days, you can do all you want but you


must work within the week.” That is what I hear God saying to us through all
the eternal weeks.
Now show me the person that cannot survive just one step in the next
five days. Show me the person that is so weak willed that he cannot take only
one step in the next one week. Show me the person that is so poor in self
esteem that he cannot take one small step towards his dream in the next five
days. Surely that person is not you.
Show me a dream you cannot do anything about in the next five days and
I will show you that you are holding a dream that is not yours.
The law of five is the law of human productivity. Every human dream is
subject to this law just as every object is subject to the law of gravity. More
dreams die due to people‟s ignorance of the law of five than to any other
factor. Dreams don‟t die because there was no money. Dreams don‟t die
because people did not believe in them. Dreams don‟t die because they were
too difficult to achieve. Dreams die because people fail to do something
about them.
Any dream that is worthwhile will seem impossible at the beginning. It
will require more than what you have to give both in time and finances. It will
task the people around you, but these are not the reasons the dream will die.
In reality, these are the reasons the dream SHOULD work, if only you can
apply the law of five.
But why is it the Law of Five and not the Law of Six?
As straightforward as that may seem, I think you need to answer a very
fundamental question: Why did God create the earth?
The answer is clearly stated in scripture – He created the world for His
pleasure. (Rev 4:11) Yet there is one thing that God does not do. He does not
praise Himself. So we can conclude that He created the world so He can
receive the praises of its inhabitants – plants, fishes, animals, everything.
But there is a higher level of praise God desired and longed for. He
needed praise from an intelligent being; a being that will freely and willingly
render Him worship.
“Let us create man in our image…”
For five days God worked to ensure that this much treasured and valued
being is created. He took five days to put things in place so that He can bring
forth the man.
So five days were the minimum required workdays for the actualizing of
the concept of the man. That is the foundation. That is the principle God laid
down for life on earth.
Is it a literal five days? No. First you must realize that the first three days
were kairotic days. These were the days without sun or moon; times and
seasons as we know them. Only two of those days were chronos based days.
This is a minor detail, with a big implication when you begin to dwell on the
length of those five days.


Every dream can be broken down such that there is one small thing you
can do this week to bring you closer to that dream. You must pursue your
dream at least once every five days or lose it. What must you do in the next
five days to revive your dying dreams? What must you do in the next one
week, to move a step closer to your dream? It may seem mundane or
insignificant but that is what you must do to achieve the biggest dream of
your life.
Businesses open at least every five days
in a week or they are not in business.
Schools open at least every five days to You don’t
be able to make a life transforming impact
on their students. need any
Churches, mosques and indeed all other superhuman
forms of religious worship must meet at abilities to
least once in the cycle defined as a week
otherwise the principles they teach will not become what
be entrenched. you are
The concept of the week is so
powerfully used by institutions, but so
created to
overlooked by individuals. The question is be. All you
why? It is the same individuals that operate need to do is
in the institutions, so why do individuals
neglect the most important success principle harness the
they are exposed to daily? power of
The answer is simpler than you imagine. time and
People ignore the obvious if it is simple and
straightforward. We are configured to look chance
for mysteries and get disappointed with
simple answers. I hope you will cross that
mental barrier today. Every organization pays people to do a repetitive task
every week. It is those repetitions that translate into mega profits. The more
an organization is able to streamline this repetitive action and give someone
the responsibility to keep doing them, the more productive the organization
The more time you devote to anything, the more that thing grows. If it
works for companies, it should work for individuals. If it works on
production plants it should work on dreams on the manufacturing line too.
So apply it.
It has been established by several researches that you need a minimum of
21 days to entrench a habit. That is a lot of good news for people like me. I
don‟t know how to last for five years on a project. Like most people, I fizzle
out or get distracted by other things. Yet my biggest dreams outlast five years.
That is probably the reason you have been losing.


Though I can‟t last for five years, yet I can stay focused for a single day. I
can take a small step today. If that small step leads to the eventual fulfillment
of my dreams then I will eventually get there. It may take me 10 years or 15
years or even a lifetime. But if I can break it into 5-day bits I will be living my
The bigger your dreams the more impactful the Law of Five. It is
amazing how the most powerful things on earth come completely helpless.
Imagine the newborn baby. He may be a president, she may be a great
inventor, but at conception and delivery, the baby is completely helpless and
at the mercy of everything. That is exactly how your dreams and aspirations
are. It may be the invention that will change the face of earth, it may be the
ministry that will liberate entire countries from the shackles of satan and
sickness but at conception it will be completely helpless. So you must tend it
the way a baby is tended. You must pay attention and look after it at least
once a week but better still on a daily basis.
Keep it before you; keep it in your sub-consciousness and you will see
opportunities that relate to your dream you never would have seen. You will
make connections to unrelated news items that others can‟t and that is the
beginning of success.
One inspiration alone is not sufficient to keep a vision alive. Remember
the valley of dry bones. You must get increasing levels of inspiration to keep
your dreams alive. You must keep prophesying and releasing these
inspirations at least on a weekly basis, if you desire to see their fulfillment.
I was privileged to teach this in a seminar to a group of youngsters
recently in Nigeria. When I asked the person with the biggest dream in the
room to step forward, a brilliant architecture graduate stepped out. He
wanted to become the president of Nigeria.
The distance from where he was (as a graduate waiting for Youth Service)
and the Aso Rock Presidential edifice seemed just too big. He was obviously
just putting me to the test – to show practically that what I was teaching was
I loved the challenge. Noting that he was an architect, I asked him if he
was ready to build a bridge to tomorrow. That struck a cord. I asked him the
realistic time frame for his dream. Putting his age into consideration and the
statutory age for the office of the president I told him his earliest shot at the
presidency can only be in the next twenty years. The year was 2010. 2011 was
going to be an election year.
At the top right corner of the white board, I wrote His Excellency,
President Adile (that‟s his name so please put yours) Commander-in-Chief of
the Armed Forces of Nigeria. Then I asked him the simple question – how
would you know that you have achieved this dream? His reply was clear –
when I get sworn in at the Eagle Square.
What will have to happen for you to be at the Eagle Square?


The 2027 presidential election would have taken place. That became the
first step written just under his name but slightly to the left. But before you
can become the presidential candidate of a party you have to win the party
presidential primaries. That became the next step slightly underneath.
Of course to become the presidential contestant you have to signify
interest and pick the presidential nomination form. The party at that level
will be looking at a track record. So my friend realized that before 2027 he
must contest other elections that will provide not just visibility but
To contest any election that will give him that visibility he needs to have
some good money. So there is a strong business objective now. It may seem
unrelated but that is the path the dream must follow.
As we worked our way down from the top breaking the dream into bits
and setting time frames, we got to the bottom where I asked him if he was a
member of any political party. I asked him on which party platform he‟d love
to run.
Did he know any of the top shots in the party? His answer was no. Did
he know anybody at all that‟s a member of the party? I handed over my
phone and asked him to make a call there and then requesting on how to
become a member.
That was the step he needed to take today to become the president of
Nigeria in 20 years. The next day he obtained the membership form. It was
not such a challenging thing to do for a young 22-year old graduate. But it is a
step crucial in his bridge to tomorrow.
By 2011 he was actively campaigning as a Neighbour To Neighbour
participant. It was not back breaking, maybe others where doing it for short
term benefits, but I believe my friend now has a long term vision of what he
is working towards.
The law of five has taken over.
If he refuses to be derailed, I have no doubts that come 2027, he will be
contesting for a national political position in the country.
Once in a church in a poor suburb of Lagos, Nigeria, I met a lady who
told me she‟d want to own a landed property in Lagos. She was only a poor,
uneducated maid. I suggested that was too small. Why don‟t we go for a
massive estate like Victoria Garden City (VGC) the suburb for the super rich
and celebrities in that city. Her eyes popped.
So I drew for her a bridge to tomorrow. Starting with the built estate we
kept identifying what step we need to take before that can be actualized.
13 The buildings are raised from foundation to completion.
12 Secure financing
11 Draw Architectural plan
10 Purchase property


9 Identify the property, ascertain location is not under government

8 Have substantial seed money to invest in purchase
Up to this point all of these events seemed out of her reach and just a day
dream. I asked her if she was earning any money presently. It was less than
N10,000 .
7 Open a savings account.
6 Get a better job
5 Get a university education
4 Pass JAMB
3 Pass WAEC
2 Identify the five key subjects she needs for her preferred course
1 Pick up the text book and read like a multi-billionaire who owns an

When you follow this process you see how easy it truly is. The dream may
be so far away, but there is something you can do today. In the case of this
little girl, it was for her to read her books. She can do that. She could also
open a bank account before the end of the week. For my other friend it was
just make a phone call.
Read the steps listed above from the bottom to the top and see how they
are not impossible at all. All that is required is the focus to do what you have
to do today or the next five days. With such a simple plan and a clear focus, it
is easy to win the biggest dreams.
People miss on their big dreams because they get distracted or do not
even know where they are headed. With a simple dream plan, your failures
and success become signposts showing you that you are on course or off
Your weekly persistence, will somehow open the most stubborn doors.
The biggest dreams are delivered in bits on a weekly basis. This is how to
number your days. This is how to apply your heart to wisdom.
So why don‟t you draw up your own bridge to the future? No matter how
big your dreams sit down alone now and starting at the top write out the
definite milestones that will show you that you are on track. Each step will
lead to the other and at the end of the day, you will always have something
you can and should do before this week runs out to stay on course. Put the
Law of Five to work for yourself.
Make it a personal commitment or be prepared to live a life littered with
uncompleted projects. “Going to do” is the father of “Never done”.

But why are some five days longer than others? Why do some people‟s
dreams come quicker than others?


There is a simple answer. It is the law of time and chance. I call it the 6th
day Effect. The concept is so intriguing, so out of the common that to do
justice to it, we must devote an entire book too. I invite you to get that
companion book – The 6Th Day Effect

Fill out this template to create your bridge to tomorrow.

State your dream in very concise terms: Eg Own a radio station

1. Dream:…………………………………………………………..

2. How will I know that I have achieved this dream?

3. What do I need to do to achieve No.2 above?
c) ……………………………………………………………………….
(list as many steps as required to )

4. What do I need to do to achieve 3a? (breakdown into as many steps as

necessary. It will be better to overdo it than leave anything to chance.
5. What do I need to do to achieve 4a? (Breakdown into as many steps as

Continue this process until you arrive at what you can do today or before
this week runs out. Then repeat steps 4 and 5 for 3b, 3c, 3d, etc. until all the
steps are broken down into a set of small targets that fit into five day periods.
If you have any challenges please call me.


S o there you have it. You don‟t need any super human powers or
abilities to be what you were created to be. You don‟t need all the
money or time in the world to actualize your dreams too. However,
if you don‟t do something in the next five days your dreams will not see the
light of day. Never.
Let me restate the concept so that you can take it with you forever.
Every dream has a life span of only five days – unless you work on it.
Any idea not acted upon in 5 days will never become reality.
Anything that is able to stop you from taking a little step towards your
dream in the next five days is the most dangerous enemy of your destiny.
Every dream, every ministry, every project, can be broken down into
stages and steps. If done properly, there is always a small step you can take
today or before the next five days that will eventually lead you to your greatest
dreams and beyond.
This seems too simple? That is exactly the point. God created life to be
simple but we delight in making it complex. “Paago, you don‟t understand, I
have been consistent, I have persevered, I have done all of these things and
even more, yet I have not attained my goal…”
I can understand your frustration and concern. But the story does not end
on the 5th day. There is a sixth day.
After you have done all, just relax your manifestation will always be on the
sixth day and this is entirely God‟s creation. To fully understand the power of
this and how it works, get the sequel to this book – The Sixth Day Effect. It
is a must read.
Now you know it. So what will you do?
Today is the first day of the best days of the rest of your life.


This is the law of the dreamshop.

And God saw all that he has made, and behold it was very good. And the evening and
the morning were the sixth day. Gen 1:31 (KJV)
You are good. You were made by God; for a purpose, for a time like this.
Never let the next 5 days kill the perfect work of God.
I love you and I am praying for you. Please pray for me too and share your
sixth day testimonies with me.


Paago, Aleele Imabel is a motivational speaker, inspirational writer, radio host

and aspiring teacher of God‟s word. He is a regular columnist with The
Saturday Sun Newspapers, Nigeria‟s widest circulating weekend paper and
BusinessWorld Newspapers. A passionate change agent, Mr. Paago is the
founder of Save Nigerian Schools Project, a self-help community effort to
fight the decay in public education in Nigeria. He has experience in banking,
maritime operations and consulting as organizational strategist. He delights in
helping churches and other organizations take a beyond-the-surface look at
their structures and processes and help them map out creative channels to
maximize their impact.
You can contact him on +2348023620564 or to
arrange for speaking engagements and/or other consultancy services.
He is married to a wonderful lady, Immaculate and their marriage is blessed
with a lovely child, Daniela.

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