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Exercise 1):- Change the voice of the following sentences:

1. She sings a sweet song.
2. Do you not play hockey?
3. Does she sell lottery tickets?
4. I am bending the branch.
5. Is she boiling potatoes?
6. Are the servants bringing tea?
7. The child has caught the ball.
8. Nobody has compelled me.
9. Have they not dipped their fingers in the water?
10.Did you drop the mirror?
11.Was she not feeding her baby?
12.Had the doctor not felt the patient’s pulse?
13.They will keep my photo with them.
14.Shall we have left our books there?
15.Who has made this chair?
Exercise 2):- Rewrite the following sentences putting the verb given against them
in the appropriate passive voice form :
1. She …….. up by her aunt.( bring )
2. Invitation cards .…….. to all her friends.( send )
3. You will ……… to the feast.( invite )
4. The result ………. On Monday.(declare )
5. They ……….. at the report of the gun.( alarm )
6. We ……….. at his failure.( shock )
7. Rice ………. In many parts of the world.( grow )
8. The political prisoners ……….. tomorrow.( release )
9. Sweets ………… among the students.( distribute )
10.The enquiry ………… next month.( conduct )
* Exercise for practice:-
Fill in the passive form of the verb given in brackets----
1. Swati feels proud of her mother because she (a)……….. (nominate) secretary
of women Welfare Association. It seems she is not aware of the unfair means
that (b)………… (used) for her success. In fact she (c)………… (like) by the women
because of her impolite manners and wrong practices.
2. Last Thursday annual function (a) ………… (celebrate) in our school. Dr. S. D.
singh (b)………. (invite) as chief guest. The prizes (c) …………… (give away) to the
best performers of the year.
3. A new bill (a) ……….. (introduce) in the parliament during the next session. The
draft of the bill (b) ………. (examine) currently by experts. It (c) ………. (sent) to
the experts in December last year.
4. Thousands of people (a) ………. (kill) in the devastating Tsunami last year.
Many villages (b) ………. (destroy) completely. Now new houses (c) ……….
(build) for the homeless. So far five builders (d) ………… (arrest) for making
unsafe houses. It (e) …………. (hope) that very soon life (f) ……….. (make)
normal for the people there.

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