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TEST 2 B (Module 2)

NAME ……………………………………………………………… DATE …………………

CLASS ……………………………………………………………… MARK ______
(Time 50 minutes)


A. Match the words.

e.g. canvas K A statement

1 private ………. B victim
2 police ………. C detective
3 body ………. D officer
4 department ………. E station
5 store ………. F box
6 prison ………. G investigator
7 science ………. H store
8 murder ………. I guard
9 jewellery ………. J fiction
10 witness ………. K bag

Marks  ____
101 10

B. Complete the types of criminals.

e.g. k__ d __ __p __ __ __ (kidnapper) 14 b__r __ __ __ __

11 r__ __ b__ __ 15 p__ __ k __ __ __ __ __ __
12 v__ __ __ __l
13 m__ __ g __ __ Marks  ____
51 5

C. Underline the correct word.

e.g. When the bank robber opened the safe the alarm went/came off.

16 The film is about a woman who tries to 19 I was hungry after a long/far day’s work so I
steal/rob a bank. went for something to eat.
17 The police found him easily because the 20 After I saw the accident I called/named the
security camera arrested/captured his face fire brigade.
on film.
18 I couldn’t identify the thief as he was Marks  ____
wearing a face/mask. 51 5

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D. Put verbs in brackets into the Past Simple or Past Continuous.

e.g. Paul was driving (drive) home when he saw (see) an accident.

21 He ............................ (make) breakfast 24 As I ............................ (leave) the police

while she ............................ (water) the station, my mobile phone ............................
flowers. (ring).
22 When the police ............................ (find) 25 While I ............................ (study)
him, he ............................ (break) into I ............................ (hear) a loud noise
another shop. downstairs.
23 The robber ............................ (steal) all her 26 I ............................ (listen) to the news
jewellery while she ............................ while I ............................ (drive) to work
(sleep). yesterday.

Marks  ____
121 12

E. Fill in in, out, down or up.

27 Rachel is really sad because she 29 During the night thieves broke .................
broke ................. with her boyfriend and stole some money.
yesterday. 30 After spending ten years in jail, the criminal
28 My cousin has a really old motorbike but it broke ................. one day.
never breaks ................. .
Marks  ____
42 8

Everyday English

F. Match the sentences to the responses.

31 It says here that an old woman

robbed a bank yesterday. ……….
32 Sorry, I can’t come to the A What happened next?
cinema tonight. ………. B Honestly, I’m not lying.
33 When the police came, he ran C That’s ridiculous.
out of the bank. ………. D Yesterday evening.
34 I don’t believe anything you say! ………. E How come?
35 I think he was the dumbest F You can say that again.
robber ever. ……….
36 When did the robbery happen? ……….

Marks  ____
62 12
G. Fill in the missing words.

It was a quiet, sunny Saturday afternoon and Fiona 37) ……...… sitting out in her
garden. She was tired 38) ……...… a long week’s work and wanted to relax. While she
was reading a book, she heard something moving in the bushes. Then, she noticed a man
who 39) ……...… carrying a hammer and a bag over his shoulder. He looked around but
didn’t notice Fiona. She was terrified and didn’t say a word.
She picked up her mobile phone and quickly called 40) ……...… police. Then, she
screamed as loud as she could and surprised the burglar as he was climbing 41) ……...…
a window of her house. He stopped, saw her and ran out on to the street. Fiona chased
42) ……...… but he was much faster than she was.
The police arrived five minutes later. “I was very lucky that I was able to stop the thief
from breaking 43) ……...…”, Fiona said. “You can say 44) ……...… again” the policeman
replied. “Don’t worry. We’ll find and arrest the 45) ……...… .”

Marks  ____
92 18

H. Listen to David telling James about his day. For questions 46-50 choose the correct
answer A, B, C.

46 What kind of day did David have? 49 What was the robber trying to steal?
A good A an umbrella
B funny B a watch
C bad C a bag

47 Where was David? 50 What did the old lady do in the end?
A the high street A run off
B in a shop B say sorry
C at the cinema C fell over

48 Who was in trouble?

A a young boy
B an old lady
C James Marks ____
52 10

I. You enter a story competition organised by your school. Write a short story
entitled “Trouble by the seaside”. (80-100 words) Use the plan below and the
story in Ex. G as a model.

Paragraph 1
• Describe where you were and
who you were with.
• Explain how you first noticed that
someone was in trouble.
Paragraph 2
• Describe what the person’s problem was.
• Explain what you did to help them.
Paragraph 3
• Say what happened in the end and
how everyone felt.

Marks ____

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