DAVIS Quick Start Guide - Driver V2.1

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Quick Start Guide – Driver

This guide has been produced to provide the simple steps required to get started with your
DAVIS account. For details not covered in this guide please read the full documentation.

Version 2.1
Quick Start Guide – Driver

Invitation and Login ................................................................................................................................................ 2
Completing Driver Profile ................................................................................................................................... 3
Driving Licence Check Approval .............................................................................................................................. 3
Grey Fleet Management ......................................................................................................................................... 5
Other Grey Fleet Tasks ................................................................................................................................... 7
Roadworthiness ...................................................................................................................................................... 8
Driver Audit .......................................................................................................................................................... 10
My Nominated Drivers ......................................................................................................................................... 12
Contact Details...................................................................................................................................................... 14

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Invitation and Login
Your employer is now utilising the DAVIS application for the management of compliance for driving licence
checking and vehicle management. Other modules may be undertaken such as assessments and e-learning.
You should receive an email similar to this shortly which allows you to access your own secure driver profile.

By clicking on the Activation Link in the email, you will be presented with the DAVIS login page. Please enter a
password that’s more memorable. Please note that your new password must meet the criteria required (a
minimum of 8 characters with at least one capital letter, one number and a symbol).

Once you have entered your password and selected reset password, it will confirm your password has been
changed successfully. You are then able to go back to the login page and enter your username and password to
access your driver profile.

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Completing Driver Profile
You will be required to complete your PERSONAL PROFILE before any other sections are
accessible. This includes information such as full name (middle name if required), date of
birth and address.

Certain tabs in the PERSONAL PROFILE are optional. Whether optional information is
requested or not will be a matter of company policy. Optional information includes
HEALTH DECLARATIONS & DRIVING PATTERNS. Companies may also upload company
related documents such as driver policy. If company related documents are uploaded it
may be necessary for Drivers to check a declaration that they have read and
understood/accepted them before they are can to proceed further. This is for audit

Drivers will be required to give a declaration that they have provided accurate information. To complete the
PERSONAL PROFILE the Driver must check the declaration statement and click the SUBMIT button.

As you complete the profile you will see a tick appear against the item to show that it has been completed.

To make the registration process as logical as possible, DAVIS uses a wizard approach to walk you through each
form in a logical sequence.

Once the Personal Profile has been submitted, you will be able to start entering your driving licence

Driving Licence Check Approval

Before you go to the next stage, you will need to confirm that you hold a UK driving licence and drive in
connection with your employment.

If you don’t feel comfortable completing the process by email, you can use the printed permission option as an
alternative. This requires you to fill out your information digitally, print and then sign the hard copy form. The
document will then be sent to us for processing.
There is also the option for you to OPT-OUT of the entire approval process. (The main reasons for this being
used is if the driver doesn’t hold a UK licence).

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You will then be required to enter your 16-digit driver number from the front of your photocard. The rest of
the information on this screen will be pre-filled as it’s pulled from the completed PERSONAL PROFILE.
Once all the required fields have been completed, please press SAVE and then NEXT when you are able to do

The information that you have provided

during the registration and permission-
granting processes will be shown on-screen
by way of a summary for you to check and

This will then take you to the final stage.

Please ensure that you read and understand the declaration. You may also opt-out of providing approval for
the checking of CPC and Tachograph Card details.

Once the declaration has been read and understood you simply CHECK THE BOX under the formal declaration
statement to confirm your understanding of the information.

You will then select submit and this will then submit your information to the DVLA.

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Up to this point you can still OPT-OUT or generate a paper mandate form by clicking on the USE PRINTED

Once you have provided permission your employer will run the check at their discretion. If the check has been
completed, information to the right will be visible in the driving licence tab section. The permission you have
completed is valid for 3 years and you will be prompted to renew this 30 day prior to the expiration date. You
can remove permission at any point in the process and employers can also ask to renew it at any stage.

Grey Fleet Management

The next stage of the process will be adding your grey fleet vehicle. You will need to key in your vehicle
registration and click the LOOK UP button. This will
automatically return the vehicle details from the DVLA,
including MOT and Tax dates which will be continuously
monitored thereafter.

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The next process will be to add your insurance policy details. DAVIS requires some information in relation to
the insurance certificate beforehand. The policy section will require information such as:
• Vehicle
• Insurance Company
• Policy Holder and Number
• Issue and Expiry Date

The Restrictions section allows you to confirm the following:

• The policy type
• That you have business cover
• Any limitations
• Any exclusions
• Any restricted mileage

If your employer has requested the service, these sections will be checked by the DAVIS SUPPORT TEAM when
inspecting the document. The Business Cover field is a key aspect as this allows you to drive the vehicle on
behalf of the organisation.

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Once this information has been
completed, the driver may then
be required to upload a copy of
their insurance certification for

DAVIS will accept PDF and JPG

uploads, as long as the
information is clear and concise
to read. The document is then
subject to approval

Other Grey Fleet Tasks

Other sections of the grey fleet
module may be required but
this is dependent on the
individual company’s settings.

Servicing and road worthiness

checks may be enabled for
completion and these will show
as outstanding tasks if your
employer requires you to
provide this information.

If your employer has requested this information to be completed, you will need to select the add
button next to service. This will provide the screenshot view below. As a driver, you will need to
declare the following and reminder dates will then be provided to the driver and the user 30 days
before expiry:

• Service Type – Full or Interim

• Odometer Reading
• Date of Last/Next Service
• Notes

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Again, the same process applies to Roadworthiness, if the task is active, you will need to select the add button
and complete the details. A series of questions will be covering topics such as tyres, oil, fluids, windscreens and
there is a pass/fail criteria in the back end of the software. As a driver, you will be need to answer the
questions honestly and you will be notified of the result and will have to update this based on the schedule
agreed by the employer.

When you are ready to do so, please select the MY E-LEARNING tab on the left-hand side to begin the
assessment. This will present the initial driver profiling section where you can select START. A welcome
message is shown as a video tutorial explaining what to expect throughout the test.

Clicking CONTINUE will then take you to the first stage of the assessment where you will be asked questions on
attitude, knowledge, observations and hazards. When you click on the correct answer, you will a green success
message and an explanation as to why it’s the right answer. This is provided to reinforce the point.

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When a question is answered incorrectly, DAVIS will provide a red warning indicator. The correct answer is
highlighted in green with an explanation as to why that is the correct answer. This is an educational exercise
for you as a business driver so it’s important to supply information to help encourage good practice.

Once the tests have been completed, a risk score will be provided for based upon your profiling assessment.
Depending on how well you performed, you may be required to complete triggered modules based on risk.
The assessment journey and topics will be activated by the System Administrator at initial setup. Alternatively,
your employer may introduce required modules for all results, to improve driver knowledge.

You can stop the test at any point and DAVIS will save the previous completions. When you log back in to
complete the exercise, DAVIS will provide information on the outstanding modules that you are still required
to complete.

9|P a g e
Driver Audit
The Driver Audit can be used either to: -
a) collect information from the driver pool where numbers of business drivers, the type(s) of vehicle
they use and the driving patterns of the workforce are unknown. This can be part of a project
planning exercise and/or budgeting to implement driver and vehicle compliance measures; or
b) existing DAVIS customers can use the driver audit to update or confirm information that is already
held in DAVIS.

You will either receive an email invitation from DAVIS to complete the Driver Audit, or you may be issued with
a unique code that allows you to access the service from a public terminal. In the example below, the driver
has been sent an invitation to their email address.

To start the driver audit, click on the START AUDIT button.

Alternatively you can use the link and the Access Code.

The invitation will identify who is requesting you to complete

the audit (typically your employer).

10 | P a g e
You will be asked to enter your first and last names as part of the
registration process. This information is used as part of the
security validation. The name entered should match the name
that the manager who sent you the invitation used. Once you
have entered your name click SUBMIT to start the audit. To use
the validation code as an alternative method of registering you
can either use the code and the link to login or you can click on
the BACK TO THE ACCESS CODE link shown below the SUBMIT
button. Where the incorrect name has been entered, the system
will advise you of the error and allow you to change this.

Successfully logging into the service will take you to the screen shown below. Drivers will be required to
identify the department and location that they work in using the drop-down pick list. Where your location or
department are not shown in the drop-down listing, selecting OTHER from the drop-down listing will open up
a text box that allows you to enter your location and department details. Driver Audit will save your custom
location and department information – allowing you to continue to complete the remaining fields.

The Driver Audit service uses a wizard approach to take you through the different steps. The progress bar to
the left of the screen will show you where you are in the navigation process. The active screen is highlighted in
blue. As each step is completed, the progress indicator will move down to the next item in the list. Each
completed item will show a green tick. After completing all fields click SAVE.

The Driver Audit is fully interactive and will respond to your answers as you progress through the workflow. A
YES response will open up additional questions that will need to be completed. A NO response will move the
cursor to the next field. Once all fields have been completed, click SAVE to move to the next item.

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Driving Details
Where you have indicated that you do not drive a vehicle in connection with your work, you will skip these
questions. Where you have indicated that you drive in the course of your job, there are a series of questions
that ask you about your work-related driving patterns.

With the exception of the question on your previous accidents, DAVIS is only concerned with your actual work
driving. In short, the time(s) that you actually spend behind the wheel during working hours in the course of
your employment or connected with your job. This is not the same as your weekly working hours (unless you
drive full-time). This information is used to calculate a risk score based upon the statistical likelihood of you
being involved in an incident of some type that may well be caused by another driver’s error or fault. The
calculation uses information collected by the Department for Transport over a number of years for accidents
according to road type and time of day. Those spending more time on the road will by definition have a
greater chance of being involved in an incident. Your own previous accident history will also be taken into

Your times-of-day and road type answers must together add up to 100% (remember this is 100% of your
business-related driving and should not include your leisure or personal driving hours). DAVIS will warn you of
any errors and allow you to adjust values to add up to 100 percent.

Based upon your answers, DAVIS will calculate your estimated annual business mileage. Where this does not
agree with your own estimated business mileage, its worth checking your answers and adjusting these as
necessary. DAVIS will use an average of your declared figure and the calculated figure where these differ.

Click SAVE when you have completed the questions.

You will now be asked about any driving related health issues and may be asked to download and read any
driving policy or other related documents and confirm that you have done so. As a final step you will be asked
to confirm that your responses to the questions are true and fair.

Completing the Driver Audit will close the application.

My Nominated Drivers
If you are a company vehicle driver, your employer may request you to add any nominated drivers to the
system. This allows the business to keep track of the spouse or partner who may be allowed to drive the fleet
vehicle. The request by the company driver is added to the profile and the user of the account receives a
notification. Requested information such as First name, last name, date of birth and email address is required.

Once a manager approves the request, the nominated driver will need to complete the driving licence check
permission process to complete via email. The manager always has the opportunity to reject a nominated
driver request should they wish to do so.

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Any nominated drivers will show in the NOMINATED DRIVERS section and can be removed from the system at
any point.

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Contact Details


Licence Check Limited

1 St James Court
Friar Gate

Tel: 0330 660 7108

Fax: 0330 660 7103

Email: support@edavis.co.uk

Web Portal: https://fleet.edavis.co.uk

Web: www.edavis.co.uk

Support Hours

Monday-Thursday (excluding public holidays) 08:30 – 17:30

Friday 08:30 – 17:00

Data Security and Protection

Licence Check Limited is an ISO 27001:13 registered company.
Licence Check Limited is a member of the Association for Driving Licence Verification and is subject to the
ADLV Code of Practice.
Licence Check is registered with the Information Commissioners Office No. Z1734781 as a Data Controller.
Licence Check Limited will not share any Personal Information with any other third parties. Our Privacy policy
can be found on www.edavis.co.uk.

Whilst every effort has been made to ensure that the information published herein is correct and up-to-date at the time of
publication, Licence Check Limited do not warrant the accuracy or completeness of the information contained in this
document which includes information compiled from government and other sources as well as other third-party content
which has not been verified independently by Licence Check Limited.

Where any errors or omissions are notified to us, we will endeavour to update the materials at the earliest possibility and
make the amended version available for download from www.edavis..co.uk.

DAVIS and edavis are trading names of Licence Check Limited. The DAVIS logo is a registered trade mark of
Licence Check Limited.

©Licence Check Limited 2020

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