Brief Overall Health Plan Early Pregnancy

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NOT TO Leftovers and Pre-Prepared Foods. // Unwashed or Pre-Cut Fruits and Vegetables. // Soft Cheeses, Unpasteurized Milk Products and Soft-Serve Ice
EAT Cream. // Smoked or Raw Seafood. // Smoked Meats, Pâté and Cold Chicken. // Rock melon And Raw Sprouts. // Unpasteurized Juice. // Liver And Other
Foods Containing Vitamin A // Certain Cheeses
GOOD TO Dairy. // Legumes. // Sweet potatoes. // Salmon. // Eggs. // Leafy greens. // Lean meat. // Berries. // Plus Lean meat. A good source of iron and protein,
EAT thoroughly-cooked lean meats like sirloin or chuck steak, pork tenderloin, turkey and chicken offer all of the amino acids that act as the building blocks for
cells. // Yogurt. ... // Edamame or Soybean Chili // Kale. ... // Bananas. ... // Beans and lentils. ... // Ginger tea. // pomegranate //
BEST Avoid Caffeine // Avoid Alcoholic beverage // Exercise // Avoid Smoking // Consult your Pregnancy specialist // Drink more water // take a daily vitamin
TIPS D supplement of 400IU or every day. // REST // Healthy diet // Home learn pregnancy // Practice Kegels // Stay active // Avoid certain seafood // Avoid
processed foods // for Pharmaceutical drug Consult the doctor // Get plenty of sleep // Eat healthy foods // Eat well
Foliate: taking 600 micrograms of folic acid .. // Get a flu shot // Get ready to see your baby // Make a Birth Plan. //Set up your appointment with health care
professional. / Plus Make sure to nourish your and your baby's growing bodies with nutritious food. Make sure you are getting adequate energy, protein,
vitamins and minerals by eating a variety of healthy foods, including vegetables, meat, beans, nuts, pasteurized dairy and fruit.
BEST In Ayurveda, the guidelines to a healthy pregnancy are given in accordance to months. First month: A mixture of natural supplements such as khajoor,
HERBS draksha, vijari and manooka are taken with milk. This mixture is consumed through most of the time.
Plus Ayurveda offers a variety of treatments that suitable during pregnancy such as eating small pinches of roast cardamom seed powder during the first
trimester to counter morning sickness. Another good remedy is sipping tea made with ayurvedic herbs, ¼ teaspoon ginger powder and/or fennel seeds and
hot water.
Plus The food must be sweet and cold in quality. Including herbs such as Satavari, Bala, Licorice, and Madhuka will nourish the pregnancy during the first
trimester. Ayurvedic classics promote consuming ghee extracted from milk, rice cooked with ghee, or honey to stabilize the pregnancy.
Plus Ginger // Thyme OR Jungli podina (‫)جنگلی پودینہ‬. Fennel OR soanf // Garlic OR lehsen // Lemon balm OR ‫ ُخ وشُبو دار ۔ ُگ چھے دار َس دا َبہار پوديَن ہ‬// Licorice Or
‫ ملیٹھی‬// Peppermint ‫ پودینے کا ست‬// Ginger OR ‫ ادرک سرنٹھ زنپبیل‬// Aloe vera // Cranberry // Valerian oR Jatamansi // Oat // Borage OR ‫ برگ گاؤزبان‬// Eucalyptus
OR sufaida // Raspberry // Red raspberry leaf // Clary Sage OR ‫ پودینہ کے خاندان میں ایک خوشبودار جڑی بوٹیوں واال پودا‬// Chamomile or Gul Baboona //
HOMEO CRAMPING: MAGNESIA PHOSPHORICA 6X / Dissolve 4 tablets in a tsp of warm water and take whenever you feel cramps // FATIGUE : FERRUM PHOS
REMEDIE 12 X / 3 times a day till no longer needed // MORNING SICKNESS: IPECAC 30 C / 3 times a day for 5 days // MOOD SWINGS (WEEPING): PULSATILLA
S 12C / 3 times a day for 5 days // MOOD SWINGS (DISSATISFACTION OR INDIFFERENT TOWARDS OWN FAMILY ): SEPIA 12C / 3 times a day for 5
days // NASAL STUFFINESS / COLD : SILICA 12 C / 3 times a day for a week
OR // KALI BICHROMICUM 12C // DIZZINESS: FERRUM PHOS 30C / When feel dizziness // HEARTBURN: ARESNICUM ALBUM 12C / 3 times a day
OR CARBO VEG // CONSTIPATION: NUX VOMICA 6X / 3 times a day for a week // BREATHLESSNESS: ANTIMONIUM TART 12 C / Single dose &
when needed // BACKACHE : ARNICA 30C / times a day till no longer needed OR
YOGA Triangle Pose // Buddha Konasana // Downward Dog Pose // Easy Pose // Standing lateral stretch // Garland pose // Goddess Pose // Seated forward bend
pose // Corpse Pose
EXERCISE Walking // Pilates // Water aerobics // Cycling // Swimming // Aerobic exercises // Pelvic brace // Pelvic floor exercises // Running // Strength training // Kegel
exercise // Kneeling pushups // Low intensity weight training // Yoga // Back press // Hip flexor stretch

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