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DLP No. 47 STATISTICS AND Grade Level: 11 Week: 9 Duration: 1 hour

The learner identifies the independent and dependent
Key Concepts/ Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding
Understandings to be developed of key concepts of correlation and regression analysis.
Performance Standard: The learner is able to perform
correlation and regression analyses on real-life problems in
different disciplines.
1. Objectives In this lesson, the student is able to identify independent
and dependent variables.
2. Content Correlation and Regression Analysis
3. Learning Resources References: Statistics and Probability Pages 374-378
4. Procedures
4.1.Introduction 4.1.a. Preliminary Activities (5 minutes)
of the 1. Opening prayer.
Lesson 2. Checking of attendance and housekeeping.
(10 minutes) 3. Presentation of objectives.
4.1.b. Introductory Activity (5 minutes)
Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity
Identify the variables in each of the
following: Expected Students’ Responses:
1. The time spent by a student
in reviewing a lesson can 1. Time spent in studying and
increase his score in an score in an examination.
examination. 2. Age and human stamina.
2. Age affects human stamina 3. Number of workers and the
3. Number of workers and time time needed to finish an job.
to finish a job. 4. Size of the family and water
4. Size of the family and consumption.
amount of water 5. Salary/income and educational
consumption. attainment.
5. Salary/income and
educational attainment.
4.2.Activity Situation Analysis:
(10 minutes) Expected Students’ Responses:
Mindy is a college student who
works as a teacher's assistant at an Dependent Variable:
elementary school. She is helping Scores in the exam
the thirdgrade teacher grade a
reading test. Mindy notices that the
grades on the reading test are all Independent Variable:
over the place, meaning that there No. of hours spent on Reading
are some students who did very
well, some students who did
average and some students who As the number of hours spent on
did poorly. These are the results of reading increases, the score in the
the test: 55, 32, 67, 100, 98, 75, 46, reading test also increases.
82, 72, 93, 44, 26, 67.
Later, Mindy is grading a
questionnaire. The students are
answering questions about what
they do at home. One of the
questions asks the student to track
how much they read outside of
school. These are the number of
hours that each student reported on
his or her questionnaire: 1, 2, 0, 3,
4, 6, 1, 2, 5, 0, 1, 1, 2.

Q. What is the dependent variable?

Independent variable?
Q. What is the relationship between
the number of hours a student
spends each week reading and the
reading test scores.

(10 minutes) Describe the relationship between Expected Student’s Responses
the two variables in the activity.
The scores of the students in the
exam depends on the time they spend
in reading.

4.4.Abstraction Discussion:
(10 minutes) Expected students’ answers
Dependent variable is measured as
outcome variable.

Independent variable is
"manipulated" or "imposed" by
researchers in an experiment

The dependent variable responds

to the independent variable. It is
called dependent because it
"depends" on the independent

More generally, the independent

variable is the “cause,” while
dependent variable is the “effect” of
the independent variable. The
dependent variable is also called
the response variable.
Dependent variables are those that
are influenced by the independent
The longer the time is spent in
studying the greater is the score.
Hence, a student should spend longer
time in studying for a greater exam
Based on the activity, what is the score, thereby higher grade and
relationship between studying and performance will be attained.
the scores in the exam? How
important is studying in a student?
How will you apply this in real life
4.5.Application Identify the dependent and
(5 minutes) independent variable in the Students’ expected answers
following: 1. Dependent variable: (y): score
in an examination
1. The time spent by a student Independent Variable: time
in reviewing a lesson can spent in reviewing a lesson.
increase his score in an 2. Dependent variable: (y): human
examination. stamina
2. Age affects human stamina Independent Variable: age

4.6.Assessment From each pair of variable identify Students’ expected answers

(10 minutes) the dependent and independent Independent Dependent Variable
variable and write the statement Variable
1.Number of Time to finish the
showing the expected relationship
workers job
between the two variables. Display 2. Size of the family Amount of water
of output and explain. consumption
1. Number of workers and time 3. Educational Salary/income
to finish a job. attainment
2. Size of the family and 4. Environmental Ice cream sales
amount of water 5. Number of Lung cancer
consumption. cigarette smokers incidence
3. Salary/income and
educational attainment
4. Ice cream sales and
environment temperature
5. Number of cigarette smokers
and lung cancer incidence.
4.7.Assignment You are going for a road trip. You
(5 minutes) plan to drive 40 miles to your
destination and then drive 40 miles
back home. You will drive at a
constant speed, the same speed on
the way there’s as on the way back.

S(mi/hr) 80 60 40 20 10
Total time /hr. 0.5 0.67 1 2 4

1. What happens to the total time

the trip takes as your speed
increases? Why does this make
2. Is the time affected by the
amount of speed or is the speed
affected by the time?
3. What are the dependent and
independent variables?
5. Remarks
6. Reflections
A. No. of learners who earned 80% on
the formative assessment.
B. No. of learners who required
additional activities for remediation.
C. Did the remediation lesson work? No.
of learners who have caught up with
the lesson.
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation.
E. Which of my teaching strategy work
well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover which I

DLP No. 48 STATISTICS AND Grade Level: 11 Week: 9 Duration: 1 hour
The learner draws the best-fit line on a scatter plot.
Key Concepts/ Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding
Understandings to be developed of key concepts of correlation and regression analysis.
Performance Standard: The learner is able to perform
correlation and regression analyses on real-life problems in
different disciplines.
1. Objectives The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of
correlation and regression analyses.
2. Content Correlation and Regression Analysis
3. Learning Resources
4. Procedures
4.1.Introduction 4.1. a. Preliminary Activities (5 minutes)
of the 1. Opening prayer.
Lesson 2. Checking of attendance and housekeeping.
(10 minutes) 3. Presentation of objectives.
4.2.Activity 1.Is there a relationship between Expected students’ responses
(20 minutes) the fat grams and the total calories
in fast food?
Total Total
Fat (g) Calories

Hamburger 9 260

Cheeseburger 13 320

Quarter Pounder 21 420

Quarter Pounder
30 530
with Cheese

Big Mac 31 560

Arch Sandwich
31 550

Arch Special with

34 590

Crispy Chicken 25 500

Fish Fillet 28 560

Grilled Chicken 20 440

Grilled Chicken Light 5 300

Prepare a scatter plot of the data on
graph paper.
2. Using a strand of spaghetti,
position the spaghetti so that the
plotted points are as close to the
strand as possible.

3. Find two points that you think

will be on the "best-fit" line.

4. We are choosing the points (9,

260) and (30, 530).
You may choose different points.

4.3.Analysis (Perfect positive correlation; High

(20 minutes) positive correlation; perfect
negative correlation; low negative Expected Students’ Responses
correlation; no correlation)

Task: Calculate the slope of the line

through your two points (rounded to
three decimal places).

Task: Write the equation of the


This equation can now be used to

predict information that was not
plotted in the scatter plot.

Calculate the slope of the line

through your two points (rounded to
three decimal places). Write the
equation of the line and predict the
total calories based upon 22 grams
of fat.

Question: Predict the total calories ANS: 427.141 calories

based upon 22 grams of fat.

ANS: 427.141 calories

4.4.Abstraction What is the formula to solve for the

(10 minutes) slope of a line? y− y 1=(x−x 1 )

(25 minutes) activitybuilder/custom/

Online student activity.

(Listing, speculating, sketching a
line, getting the slope, getting the y-
intercept, getting the meaning of the
slope, getting the meaning of the y-
intercept, solving for the equation,
finding the “best fit” line.
4.6.Assessment (½ sheet of paper) Based on the
(25 minutes) given activity, find the “best fit” of
the line. Draw/ sketch

(10 minutes)
The below bivariate data table Expected Students’ Responses
shows the number of student
absences and their final grades in a

Stu Number of
dent Absences Final Grades

1 0 90

2 1 85

3 1 88

4 2 84

5 3 82

6 3 80

7 4 75

8 5 60

9 6 72

10 7 64

It is quite obvious that these two

variables have a negative
correlation between them.

When the number of student

absences increases, the final
grades decrease.

 Plot the bivariate data from

the table on a scatter plot
and create the best-fit line
 Describe the slope of the
line. Write the equation of
the line.

5. Remarks
6. Reflections
A. No. of learners who earned 80% on
the formative assessment.
B. No. of learners who required
additional activities for remediation.
C. Did the remediation lesson work? No.
of learners who have caught up with
the lesson.
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation.
E. Which of my teaching strategy work
well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover which I


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