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The honorable judges of the competition,

and also my beloved audience.

Assalamualaikum wr. wb.

First and foremost, let us express our gratitude to Allah SWT. who has bestowed His
blessings and sustenance upon us, allowing us to come together on this occasion. We also
send our shalawat and salam to Prophet Muhammad Saw., who has guided us from the era of
ignorance towards the era of glory.

Good morning Ladies and gentlemen, how are you today? I hope you’re all in a good
condition. My name is Muhammad Rizqi Maulana Abbas from MAN 1 Karanganyar, and
today I will invite you to know more about “The Role of the Youth in Bumi Intanpari
Towards a Golden Indonesia 2045”.

Ladies and gentlemen, have you ever heard about ‘Bumi Intanpari’? What about
“Golden Age Indonesia 2045”? Bumi Intanpari is another name for the city of Karanganyar.
'Intanpari' is an acronym for Industry, Agriculture, and Tourism. Golden Indonesia 2045
represents a pivotal milestone marking Indonesia's 100th anniversary. To welcome this
golden age, the youth have a responsibility to prepare Indonesia to become stronger and more
advanced in the future. That means Golden Indonesia 2045 can advance Bumi Intanpari in
every sector, including the sectors of industry, agriculture, and tourism. Like the short part of
the lyrics from a song titled “Pesona Karanganyar” from Titis Sri Jawoto.

Dibumi Intanpari
Sambutlah hangatnya mentari
Ke elokan alammu
Buatku terpana
Pesona Karanganyar

From the lyrics that I have sung, these lyrics have a meaning about the aesthetic of
Karanganyar. Take a look at this rice plant. Imagine that this imitation represents a real rice
plant, symbolizing the city of Karanganyar as a city that prioritizes the agricultural sector.
Also, its golden yellow color signifies that the rice is ripe, just like the preparation of the
younger generation for welcoming Golden Indonesia 2045. That means the Karanganyar
youth generation is the golden generation.

My beloved audience. As we know, Karanganyar has its own aesthetics in the culture.
The aspiration for Golden Indonesia 2045 is a prosperous, and also sustainably growing
Indonesia. This generation can strive to contribute to the prosperity of Golden Indonesia 2045
by expanding their insights. We can expand our knowledge with literacy. You can do literacy
by reading, writing, storytelling, and many more. Karanganyar has provided this literacy
program by establishing a regional library or as we know Perpusda Karanganyar that aligns
with modern equipment. With this modern equipment, we can say that this is the first step to
reach Golden Indonesia 2045. Literacy can also help Karanganyar to promote the city of
Karanganyar on the international stage with its English proficiency.

The second way to reach Golden Indonesia 2045 is to maintain students' character
development. The cadet program is a variety of extracurricular activities in addition to a
rigorous academic curriculum and military-style training. We can start this program in
schools by starting a cooperation with police or military academies to educate students,
providing opportunities to learn discipline, leadership, and civic responsibility. We are
committed to preparing the generation of Karanganyar to be principled and resilient, with an
unyielding spirit. By teaching them to control anxiety within themselves, we aim to make
them more visionary.

My beloved audience, in conclusion, the aspiration for Golden Indonesia 2045 can be
realized through the concerted efforts of the youth. Karanganyar's cultural heritage and focus
on literacy are key to achieve Golden Indonesia 2045. Through our modern library and
character-building of Cadet programs, we instill discipline and leadership in our youth. By
fostering a principled and resilient generation, we ensure a bright future for Karanganyar and
Indonesia. Thank you.

I think that’s enough for my speech. To wrap up, I appreciate your attention and time.
If there are any mistakes in my words, I apologize. Good Bye.

Wassalamualaikum wr. wb.

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