Ncu b2 Unit 4

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Unit 4 shortage of teachers.

➣ short (adj) ❖ ✎
Syn: lack
City living 4.10 entertainment (n) /entəˈteɪnmənt/ -
Reading films, music, shows, etc. that help people
Pages 42–43 have fun ● Stars from the world of
4.1 rural (adj) /ˈrʊərəl/ - venkovský; entertainment usually have thousands of
vesnický followers on social media. ➣ entertain (v),
in the countryside ● She lives in a small entertaining (adj) ❖
rural town in the south of France. ❖ 4.11 commute (v) /kəˈmjuːt/ - dojíždět do
✎ Opp: urban práce
4.2 commercial (adj) /kəˈmɜːʃl/ - obchodní travel between work and home regularly
related to buying and selling ● Don’t ● He's prepared to commute long
forget this is a commercial operation and distances if necessary, as he has been
our top priority is to make money. ➣ jobless for a year. ➣ commute (n),
commerce (n) ❖ commuter (n) ❖
4.3 identical (adj) /aɪˈdentɪkl/ - totožný 4.12 outskirts (n) /ˈaʊtskɜːts/ - předměstí;
exactly the same ● His shirt is identical to okraj
mine – we bought them together. ❖ the area around a town or city ● Factories
4.4 rapid (adj) /ˈræpɪd/ - rychlý are usually built on the outskirts of cities.
fast ● The patient made a rapid recovery ❖
and was sent home in two days. ➣ rapidly 4.13 inhabitant (n) /ɪnˈhæbɪtənt/ -
(adv) ❖ obyvatel
4.5 resident (n) /ˈrezɪdənt/ - místní; a person or animal that lives in a place
obyvatel ● Nowadays, the village has around 100
a person who has their home in a place inhabitants. ❖
● Residents in the area are furious at the 4.14 historical (adj) /hɪˈstɒrɪkl/ - historický
decision to build a new mall. ➣ residence connected with the past or with the study
(n), residential (adj) ❖ of the past ● The library houses a large
4.6 urban (adj) /ˈɜːbən/ - městský collection of historical documents. ➣
of a city or town ● Heavy traffic is mainly historic (adj), history (n) ❖
an urban problem. ❖ ✎ Opp: rural 4.15 devote (v) /dɪˈvəʊt/ - věnovat
4.7 block of flats (n) /blɒk əv ˈflæts/ - give time, attention or energy to sth ● I
bytový dům can only devote one hour a day to the
a large building divided into apartments project. ➣ devotion (n) ❖
● There used to be a beautiful old house 4.16 walkable (adj) /ˈwɔːkəbl/ - po němž
there, but now it’s been replaced by a lze dobře chodit pěšky
block of flats. ❖ suitable for walking ● Cities aren’t usually
4.8 pace (n) /peɪs/ - rychlost; tempo as walkable as smaller towns. ❖
the speed at which sth happens ● She 4.17 pedestrian (n) /pəˈdestriən/ - chodec
walked at a rapid pace across the street. a person who is walking ● The bridge is
❖ designed for pedestrians only so no cars
4.9 shortage (n) /ˈʃɔːtɪdʒ/ - nedostatek are allowed. ❖
a situation where there isn’t enough of sth 4.18 housing (n) /ˈhaʊzɪŋ/ - bydlení
needed ● Schools are suffering from a buildings for people to live in ● The cost of
housing in London is extremely high. ❖
4.19 linear (adj) /ˈlɪniə(r)/ - přímočarý; hand if you want to say something. ➣
lineární raise (n) ❖
continuing logically from one part to the 4.29 spread (v) /spred/ - (roz)šířit se
next ● The story doesn’t move in a linear reach or cover a wider area ● The virus
fashion; it begins with the death of the spread quickly through physical contact.
hero. ❖ ➣ spread (n) ❖
4.20 approach (n) /əˈprəʊtʃ/ - přístup 4.30 claim (v) /kleɪm/ - prohlásit
a way of doing sth or thinking about sth say that sth is true without being able to
● Since we haven’t been able to come up prove it ● He claimed he was very poor,
with a solution, I thought we might but we didn’t believe him. ➣ claim (n) ❖
consider a new approach to the problem. 4.31 end up (phr v) /end ʌp/ - skončit
➣ approach (v) ❖ reach a particular place or situation after
4.21 growth (n) /ɡrəʊθ/ - růst completing other activities ● After
an increase in the size or the importance travelling around Europe for two months,
of sth ● The growth of the company led to we ended up in Prague. ❖
many new employees being hired. ➣ grow 4.32 humanistic (adj) /ˌhjuːməˈnɪstɪk/ -
(v)❖ humanistický; humanitní
4.22 residential (adj) /ˌrezɪˈdenʃl/ - treating people with respect, making sure
obytný; vilový they are happy, safe and healthy ● The
having mainly private houses, not offices new director had a more humanistic
or factories ● The house is in a beautiful approach to the treatment of prisoners. ❖
residential area with a lot of green space. 4.33 course (n) /kɔːs/ - směr
❖ the direction in which sth moves ● We
4.23 reduce (v) /rɪˈdʒuːs/ - omezit; snížit decided to change course as we weren’t
make or become smaller ● They have getting anywhere. ❖
reduced the price of these shoes to just 20 4.34 commuter (n) /kəˈmjuːtə(r)/ -
euros. ➣ reduction (n) ❖ ✎ Syn: decrease dojíždějící
4.24 get around (phr v) /get əˈraʊnd/ - sb who travels to and from work every day
pohybovat se; přemísťovat se ● The train is always packed with
travel to different places ● We mainly commuters on weekday mornings. ❖
used public transport to get around. ❖ 4.35 continually (adv) /kənˈtɪnjuəli/ -
4.25 expand (v) /ɪkˈspænd/ - rozšířit neustále
make sth bigger ● They are planning to without a break ● It was difficult to make
expand the airport. ➣ expansion (n) ❖ a decision as the situation was continually
4.26 modernist (adj) /ˈmɒdənɪst/ - changing. ➣ continue (v) ❖ ✎ Syn:
modernistický continuously
related to the modern art movement 4.36 uninviting (adj) /ˌʌnɪnˈvaɪtɪŋ/ -
● Modernist cinema can sometimes be nevábný
difficult to understand. ❖ not attractive or pleasant ● The hotel
4.27 propose (v) /prəˈpəʊz/ - navrhnout looked cold and uninviting; we definitely
suggest a plan for other people to think didn’t want to stay there. ❖ ✎ Opp:
about ● The marketing manager proposed inviting
changing the name of the company. ➣ 4.37 demand (v) /dɪˈmɑːnd/ - požadovat
proposal (n) ❖ ask for sth forcefully ● I’ve had enough. I
4.28 raise (v) /reɪz/ - zvednout demand to see the manager immediately.
lift to a higher position ● Please raise your ➣ demand (n), demanding (adj) ❖
4.38 fence (n) /fens/ - plot a group of houses or factories built
a barrier between two areas of land, according to a plan ● They bought a three-
usually made of wood or wire ● The house bedroom house on a new housing estate.
was surrounded by a beautiful old wooden ❖
fence. ❖ 4.47 consist of (phr v) /kənˈsɪst əv/ -
4.39 gated community (n) /ˌɡeɪtɪd skládat se z
kəˈmjuːnəti/ - oplocená čtvrť s hlídaným made or formed of various things ● A first-
vjezdem aid kit consists of plasters, dressings,
a group of houses surrounded by walls or bandages, tweezers and gloves. ❖
fences that you need the residents’ 4.48 bike lane (n) /ˈbaɪk ˌleɪn/ - pruh pro
permission to enter ● The house is in a cyklisty
gated community, so you’ll all be safe. ❖ a part of the road that can only be used by
4.40 unfenced (adj) /ʌnˈfenst/ - people riding bicycles ● Cars and
neoplocený pedestrians are not supposed to be in the
not surrounded by a fence ● The park is bike lane. ❖
unfenced, so you can go and have a walk 4.49 pavement (n) /ˈpeɪvmənt/ - chodník
there any time you like. ❖ ✎ Opp: fenced a path on the side of the road that people
4.41 low-rise (adj) /ˈləʊraɪz/ - nízký; can walk on ● You’re not supposed to ride
nevysoký your bike on the pavement. ❖
not tall, with only a few floors ● I’d prefer 4.50 crossroads (n) /ˈkrɒsrəʊdz/ -
to live in a low-rise building rather than a křižovatka
tower block. ❖ ✎ Opp: high-rise a place where two roads meet and cross
each other ● When we came to the
Vocabulary crossroads, we didn’t know which way to
Page 44 turn. ❖
4.42 profit (n) /ˈprɒfɪt/ - zisk 4.51 roadworks (n pl) /ˈrəʊdwɜːks/ - práce
money that you earn from a transaction or na silnici
business after paying the costs ● She repair or building work on a road ● The
made a big profit when she sold her house. traffic is moving really slowly because of
➣ profit (v), profitable (adj) ❖ the roadworks ahead. ❖
4.43 suburb (n) /ˈsʌbɜːb/ - předměstí 4.52 junction (n) /ˈdʒʌŋkʃn/ - křižovatka;
an area where people live that is outside uzel
the city centre ● They decided to move to the place where two or more roads or
the suburbs when they had their first child. railways meet ● It’s a small town but it’s
➣ suburban (adj) ❖ an important railway junction. ❖
4.44 district (n) /ˈdɪstrɪkt/ - čtvrť; okres 4.53 pedestrian crossing (n) /pəˌdestriən
an area of a town or country that has a ˈkrɒsɪŋ/ - přechod pro chodce
particular purpose ● His shop is in the a place in a road where traffic must stop
most fashionable shopping district. ❖ so that pedestrians can cross ● All cars
4.45 industrial (adj) /ɪnˈdʌstriəl/ - ought to stop at pedestrian crossings, but
průmyslový they don’t always do so. ❖
related to factories ● Industrial production 4.54 pedestrian zone (n) /pəˌdestriən
has increased by 3% in the last six months. ˈzəʊn/ - pěší zóna
➣ industry (n) ❖ an area where no vehicles are allowed ●
4.46 estate (n) /ɪˈsteɪt/ - sídliště; obytný This is a pedestrian zone. You can’t ride
komplex your bike here. ❖
4.55 speed camera (n) /ˈspiːd ˌkæmrə/ - saying what you hope will happen ●
radar Hopefully, we’ll be there by six, but it
a camera at the side of the road that depends on the traffic. ❖
takes pictures of cars that are going too 4.64 evidence (n) /ˈevɪdəns/ - důkaz(y)
fast ● Drivers are more careful when they one or more facts that make you believe
know there is a speed camera on the road. that sth is true ● What evidence do you
❖ have that he took the money? ➣ evident
4.56 speed limit (n) /ˈspiːd ˌlɪmɪt/ - (adj) ❖
maximální povolená rychlost 4.65 it’s up to you (expr) /ɪts ʌp tə ju:/ - je
the fastest you are allowed to drive in a to na tobě
specific area ● You need to slow down – you can make the decision, it’s your
the speed limit here is only 30 miles per responsibility ● It’s up to you. I’ll do
hour. ❖ whatever you say. ❖
4.57 facilities (n pl) /fəˈsɪlətiz/ - zařízení; 4.66 skyscraper (n) /ˈskaɪˌskreɪpə(r)/ -
vybavení věžák; mrakodrap
buildings, equipment and services a very tall building ● The new skyscraper is
available for a particular purpose ● The going to be the tallest in the world. ❖
hotel has special facilities for disabled
people. ❖ Listening
4.58 venue (n) /ˈvenjuː/ - místo konání
the place where an event or meeting takes
Page 46
4.67 inland (adv) /ˈɪnlænd/ do/ve
place ● The room provides an ideal venue
for business meetings. ❖
away from the sea ● Seabirds sometimes
4.59 urbanisation (n) /ˌɜːbənaɪˈzeɪʃn/ -
come inland looking for food. ❖
4.68 dweller (n) /ˈdwelə(r)/ - obyvatel
the process in which towns and cities are
sb who lives in a particular place ● Most
built where there was countryside before
apartment dwellers cannot imagine what
● The early 20th century was a time of
it’s like to live in a house with a garden. ➣
rapid urbanisation. ❖
4.60 goods (n pl) /ɡʊdz/ - zboží dwell (v), dwelling (n) ❖
products ● We will send you the goods you 4.69 citizen (n) /ˈsɪtɪzən/ - občan
a person who has legal recognition as
ordered tomorrow morning. ❖
belonging to a particular country ● After
4.61 boundary (n) /ˈbaʊndəri/ - hranice
living and working in the USA for ten
a line that marks the limit of sth ● The
years, I applied to become an American
fence marks the boundary between our
citizen. ➣ citizenship (n) ❖
garden and theirs. ❖
4.70 constant (adj) /ˈkɒnstənt/ - neustálý
happening all the time ● Her constant
criticism has begun to annoy me. ❖
Page 45 4.71 noise pollution (n) /ˈnɔɪz pəˌluːʃn/ -
4.62 set off (phr v) /set ɒf/ - vyrazit znečištění hlukem
begin a trip ● We’re going to set off for the a high level of noise that is harmful and
station in half an hour. ❖ annoying ● Noise pollution is at its worst
4.63 hopefully (adv) /ˈhəʊpfəli/ - in inner city areas. ❖
doufejme 4.72 regulate (v) /ˈreɡjəleɪt/ - regulovat
control how sth works ● The members of
the European Union agreed to regulate 4.82 standard of living (n) /ˌstændəd əv
their banks. ➣ regulation (n) ❖ ˈlɪvɪŋ/ - životní úroveň
4.73 on a regular basis (phr) /ɔn ə the amount of money and level of comfort
ˈreɡjələ(r) ˈbeɪsɪs/ - pravidelně you have in your life ● Your standard of
often or repeatedly ● I suggest we meet living doesn’t only have to do with how
on a regular basis from now on – how much you get paid, but also how much
about every Tuesday? ❖ free time you have. ❖
4.74 town planner (n) /taʊn ˈplænə(r)/ - 4.83 crime (n) /kraɪm/ - zločin
urbanista activities that break the law ● It is the job
a person whose job it is to plan how towns of the police to prevent crime. ➣ criminal
and cities are developed ● As a town (adj, n) ❖
planner, where do you recommend we 4.84 affect (v) /əˈfekt/ - ovlivnit;
should build the new hospital? ❖ postihnout
4.75 mood swing (n) /ˈmu:d swɪŋ/ - have an influence on ● The disease mainly
prudké změny nálady affects children. ❖
a sudden change in the way you are 4.85 amygdala (n) /əˈmɪɡdələ/ - amygdala
feeling ● My constant mood swings a part of the brain that affects how people
worried me. One minute I was happy, the feel fear and pleasure ● The damage to his
next I was in tears. ❖ amygdala meant that he could no longer
4.76 sharply (adv) /ˈʃɑːpli/ - prudce feel anything. ❖
quickly and suddenly ● House prices have 4.86 health-care worker (n) /ˈhelθ ˌkeə(r)
risen sharply in the last month. ❖ ˈwɜ:kə(r)/ - zdravotnický pracovník
4.77 homesick (adj) /ˈhəʊmsɪk/ - tesknící a doctor, nurse or other person that works
po domově in the medical sector ● It is important to
missing your home, family and friends ● keep health-care workers safe if we want
After my first week in Madrid, I was feeling to be safe ourselves. ❖
very homesick. ❖
4.78 would rather (phr) /wʊd rɑ:ðə(r)/ - Speaking
raději bych Page 47
would prefer to ● I’d rather stay at home 4.87 interact (v) /ˌɪntəˈrækt/ - vzájemně
than go to the party with him. ❖ na sebe reagovat/působit
4.79 hometown (n) /ˈhəʊmtaʊn/ - rodné communicate, react to ● Teachers should
město be able to interact well with their students.
the town or city that you were born in ● ➣ interaction (n), interactive (adj) ❖
After spending a few years abroad, I 4.88 car-free (adj) /kɑ: fri:/ - bez aut
returned to my hometown last week. ❖ without cars, where cars are not allowed
4.80 eliminate (v) /iˈlɪmɪneɪt/ - vyřadit; ● The city centre has now been declared a
odstranit car-free zone. ❖
remove or get rid of sth ● I’m trying to 4.89 entirely (adv) /ɪnˈtaɪəli/ - úplně
eliminate sugar from my diet. ➣ completely ● I’m afraid I don’t entirely
elimination (n) ❖ agree with you. ❖
4.81 majority (n) /məˈdʒɒrəti/ - většina 4.90 convince (v) /kənˈvɪns/ - přesvědčit
the larger number or part of sth ● The make sb believe that sth is true ● I’ve
majority of people don’t pay much given up trying to convince her; there’s no
attention to their diet. ❖ way she’ll change her mind. ❖
Grammar a chair on wheels that people who cannot
Page 48 walk use ● It isn’t always easy to get
4.91 experience (n, uncountable) around if you’re in a wheelchair. ❖
/ɪkˈspɪəriəns/ - zkušenost 4.101 motor-driven (adj) /ˈməʊtə ˌdrɪvn/ -
the knowledge that you get from doing sth poháněný motorem
for a long time ● The teacher had a lot of using fuel or electricity to move ● It’s a
experience working with young children.❖ motordriven boat, which is why it has no
4.92 experience (n, countable) sails. ❖
/ɪkˈspɪəriəns/ - zážitek 4.102 yell (v) /jel/ - křičet
an event or activity that affects you ● shout or make a loud noise because you
Meeting my favourite author was an are excited or angry ● There’s no need to
experience I’ll never forget. ❖ yell. I can hear you. ❖
4.93 space (n, countable) /speɪs/ - místo 4.103 make way for (expr) /meɪk weɪ
an empty place or position ● There is just fə(r)/ - uvolnit cestu
one parking space left. ❖ provide space for ● The people stepped
4.94 space (n, uncountable) /speɪs/ - back to make way for the actor’s car. ❖
prostor 4.104 human being (n) /ˌhjumən ˈbiɪŋ/ -
empty room that you can use ● I need to lidská bytost
make some space in my closet for all these a person ● The disease cannot be passed
new clothes. ❖ from animals to human beings. ❖
4.95 competition (n, uncountable)
/ˌkɒmpəˈtɪʃn/ - konkurence Use your English
circumstances in which everyone tries to Page 49
be more successful than the others ● 4.105 live on top of each other (expr) /lɪv
There’s a lot of competition between the ɒn tɒp əv i:tʃ ʌðə(r)/ - mačkat se
two phone companies. ❖ live very close to each other ● In many
4.96 without fail (expr) /wɪðˈɑʊt feɪl/ - modern cities, people have to live on top of
bez výjimky each other, as housing is limited. ❖
always, with no exceptions ● She always 4.106 resist the temptation (expr) /rɪˈzɪst
hands in her homework assignments on ðə tempˈteɪʃən/ - odolat pokušení
time, without fail. ❖ stop yourself from doing sth you like but
4.97 avenue (n) /æˈvənjuː/ - třída; bulvár shouldn’t do ● I couldn’t resist the
a wide road with trees or buildings on temptation to eat some more chocolate
both sides ● They drove silently along the cake. ❖
wide avenue. ❖ 4.107 have the best of both worlds (expr)
4.98 highway (n) /ˈhaɪweɪ/ - dálnice /hav ðə best əv bəʊθ wɜ:ldz/ - užívat si
a public road, especially one that connects výhod obojího
two cities ● You can drive faster on the enjoy the advantages of two very different
things at the same time ● He lives in the
highway, but there is still a speed limit. ❖
country but also keeps an apartment in the
4.99 hand (sth) over (phr v) /hænd
city for weekends, so he has the best of
(ˈsʌmθɪŋ) ˈəʊvə(r)/ - odevzdat
give sth to sb after you have been asked to both worlds. ❖
do so ● The police officer asked me to 4.108 from all walks of life (expr) /frəm ɔ:l
wɔ:ks əv laɪf/ - všech společenských
hand over my driving licence. ❖
4.100 wheelchair (n) /ˈwiːltʃeə(r)/ -
with different jobs or positions in society
invalidní vozík
● There are people from all walks of life in only for one person or a few people ● You
my dance class, from lawyers to builders can’t go in. It’s a private room. ➣ privacy
and hairdressers. ❖ (n) ❖
4.109 be on the increase (phr) /ɒn ði 4.118 density (n) /ˈdensɪti/ - hustota
ˈɪnkriːs/ - růst; být na vzestupu the number of people or things in a place
getting larger ● His book collection is compared with the size of the place ●
always on the increase; he must have Traffic density has doubled in the last
more than 10,000 books already. ❖ decade. ➣ dense (adj) ❖
4.110 take (sth) into consideration (expr) 4.119 lead to (phr v) /li:d tə/ - vést k
/teɪk (ˈsʌmθɪŋ) ɪntə kənˌsɪdəˈreɪʃn/ - vzít have a particular result ● The scandal led
(něco) v úvahu to a new government. ❖
think about sth before making a decision ● 4.120 rush (v) /rʌʃ/ - spěchat
I took all your views into consideration, but go very quickly or be very quick ● Don’t
the final decision was mine. ❖ rush – we have plenty of time! ➣ rush (n)
4.111 the talk of the town (expr) /ðə tɔ:k ❖
əv ðə taʊn/ - co se nejčastěji probírá 4.121 peace and quiet (expr) /pi:s ən
what everyone is talking about ● When kwaɪət/ - ticho a klid
her new book came out, she became the a situation in which nothing disturbs you
talk of the town. ❖ and you are not stressed ● I go to the
4.112 the urban jungle (expr) /ði ˌɜːbən library when I need some peace and quiet.
ˈdʒʌŋɡl/ - městská džungle ❖
city life (especially if you think it’s 4.122 come across (phr v) /kʌm əkrɒs/ -
unpleasant) ● With all the stress and the narazit na
noise, I wouldn’t survive in the urban find or meet sb by chance ● We came
jungle. ❖ across Mr Harry in the park. ❖
4.113 go to town (expr) /gəʊ tə taʊn/ -
užít si naplno
do sth with energy and spending a lot on it
● She really went to town on her birthday
Pages 50–51
4.123 engage (v) /ɪnˈɡeɪdʒ/ - zaujmout
party – it went on all night. ❖
attract sb’s interest ● The speaker
4.114 all over the place (expr) /ɔ:l əʊvə ðə
pleɪs/ - naprosto zmatený engaged the audience fully. ➣
not tidy or not well organised ● Your work engagement (n) ❖
is all over the place. I’m afraid you’ll have 4.124 relevant (adj) /ˈreləvənt/ -
to do it again. ❖ relevantní
4.115 ghost town (n) /ˈɡəʊst ˌtaʊn/ - connected with people’s own experience
město duchů and therefore useful ● Although it was
a town that used to be busy but now has written in 1900, the novel is still relevant
few or no people ● The place looked like a today. ➣ relevance (n) ❖
ghost town with dark, empty streets. ❖ 4.125 element (n) /ˈelɪmənt/ - prvek
4.116 life in the fast lane (expr) /ˈlaɪf ɪn ðə a necessary part of sth ● Humour is one of
ˈfɑːst ˌleɪn/ - velmi rušný a vzrušující život the key elements of a good lecture. ❖
a busy and exciting way of life ● She used 4.126 rhetorical question (n) /rɪˌtɒrɪkl
to enjoy life in the fast lane, but now she ˈkwestʃn/ - řečnická otázka
lives in a quiet village. ❖ a question which you ask to make a point,
4.117 private (adj) /ˈpraɪvət/ - soukromý without expecting an answer ● No need to
answer. It was only a rhetorical question.
❖ the act of spending money so that you can
4.127 form (v) /fɔːm/ - vytvořit get benefits in the future ● It’s an
give shape to sth ● I formed the expensive course, but considering the
impression that you didn’t like what he opportunities that I will have when I
said. ➣ form (n) ❖ complete it, it’s a good investment.
4.128 persuasive (adj) /pəˈsweɪsɪv/ - ➣ invest (v), investor (n) ❖
přesvědčivý 4.136 open up (phr v) /ˈəʊpən ʌp/ - otevřít
making you want to believe or do sth ● His make sth available ● Internet advertising
argument was very persuasive so we had will open up new markets for our products.
to agree. ➣ persuade (v), persuasion (n)❖ ❖
4.129 impersonal (adj) /ɪmˈpɜːsənəl/ - 4.137 above all (expr) /əˈbʌv ɔ:l/ -
neosobní především
not referring to specific people ● I tried to most importantly ● Above all, I’d like to
keep my criticism impersonal as I didn’t emphasise the importance of humour. ❖
want him to feel bad. ❖ ✎ Opp: personal 4.138 socialise (v) /ˈsəʊʃəlaɪz/ - stýkat se
4.130 get through (phr v) /get θru:/ - společensky; žít společenským životem
dokončit; dotáhnout spend time with friends ● I work so hard I
manage to do or complete ● Let’s hurry have no time to socialise; I haven’t seen
up, because we have a lot of work to get my friends for two months. ➣ social (adj)
through. ❖ ❖
4.131 make the most of (expr) /meɪk ðə 4.139 outline (n) /ˈaʊtlaɪn/ - koncept;
məʊst əv/ - co nejlépe využít nástin
use or enjoy sth as much as you can the main facts, without any details ● She
● We’ve only got a day in Paris, so let’s gave us a brief outline of what had
make the most of it and try and see all the happened. ➣ outline (v) ❖
sights. ❖ 4.140 support (v) /səˈpɔːt/ - dokládat
4.132 to be honest (expr) /tə bi: ˈɒnɪst/ - help show that sth is true ● The evidence
abych byl upřímný does not really support your claims. ➣
to tell the truth ● I didn’t really like her support (n), supportive (adj) ❖
new song. Τo be honest, I hated it! ➣ 4.141 lively (adj) /ˈlaɪvli/ - živý
honesty (n) ❖ interesting and exciting ● We had a very
4.133 adventurous (adj) /ədˈventʃərəs/ - lively discussion which I thoroughly
odvážný enjoyed. ❖
willing to try new and perhaps difficult 4.142 picture (v) /ˈpɪktʃə(r)/ - představit si
things ● I decided to be adventurous and imagine ● Can you picture yourself
tried a completely new approach. ➣ growing old? ❖
adventure (n) ❖
4.134 travel pass (n) /ˈtrævəl pɑ:s/ - Video
legitka; lítačka Page 52
a ticket that allows you to travel in a 4.143 particle (n) /ˈpɑːtɪkl/ - částice
particular area for a period of time ● If you an extremely small piece of sth ● Dust
are under 21, you can get a weekly travel particles are everywhere but you can’t
pass for only five euros. ❖ always see them. ❖
4.135 investment (n) /ɪnˈvestmənt/ - 4.144 app (n) /æp/ - apka
investice an application, a program that you can
use on a phone, tablet or computer ● I’ve
downloaded an app that organises my 4.155 blood pressure (n) /ˈblʌd ˌpreʃə(r)/ -
emails. ❖ krevní tlak
4.145 route (n) /ruːt/ - trasa the force with which blood travels in the
a way that you can follow to go from one body ● He suffers from high blood
place to another ● Which is the quickest pressure and has to take pills to control it.
route to the museum? ❖ ❖
4.146 concentration (n) /ˌkɒnsənˈtreɪʃn/ - 4.156 GPS (n) /ˌdʒiːpiːˈes/ - GPS
koncentrace (Global Positioning System) a system that
the amount of sth that you find in a place can show exactly where you are ● Your
● They are measuring the concentration of mobile phone uses GPS to show your
dust in the atmosphere. ➣ concentrate (v) position on an online map. ❖
❖ 4.157 device (n) /dɪˈvaɪs/ - přístroj
4.147 dose (n) /dəʊs/ - dávka an object or small machine that is
a measured amount of sth ● Do not designed for a particular purpose ● You
exceed the recommended dose. ❖ can use any device to visit the site, but it
4.148 lung (n) /lʌŋ/ - plíce looks best on a computer. ❖
one of the two organs in your chest that 4.158 bloodstream (n) /ˈblʌdstriːm/ -
help you breathe ● Take a deep breath krevní oběh
and fill your lungs with the fresh air of the the blood moving through your body ●
forest. ❖ The test showed there was poison in his
4.149 monitor (n) /ˈmɒnɪtə(r)/ - monitor bloodstream. ❖
(např. životních funkcí) 4.159 cardiovascular (adj)
a machine that watches and records sth ● /ˌkɑːdiəʊˈvæskjələ(r)/ - kardiovaskulární
If the heart rate drops, the monitor will related to the heart and the blood vessels
sound an alarm. ❖ (= the tubes through which the blood
4.150 exhaust (n) /ɪɡˈzɔːst/ - zplodiny travels) ● Smoking can cause
the gas that comes out of a vehicle or a cardiovascular disease. ❖
machine ● The exhaust from the old bus in 4.160 minimise (v) /ˈmɪnɪmaɪz/ -
front of us smelled terrible. ❖ minimalizovat
4.151 emission (n) /iˈmɪʃn/ - emise reduce sth as much as possible ● They are
the gas (or light or heat) that is produced trying to minimise their costs as the
● Electric cars do not produce any company is having trouble. ➣ minimal
dangerous emissions. ➣ emit (v) ❖ (adj) ❖
4.152 respiration (n) /ˌrespɪˈreɪʃn/ - 4.161 expose (v) /ɪkˈspəʊz/ - vystavit
dýchání put sb/sth in a dangerous situation ● Drive
breathing ● The patient’s respiration is carefully and don’t expose yourself to
slow and difficult. ❖ unnecessary risks. ➣ exposure (n) ❖
4.153 rate (n) /reɪt/ - tempo; rychlost
the speed at which sth happens ● If we
keep going at this slow rate, it will take
hours to finish the work. ❖
4.154 heart rate (n) /ˈhɑːt ˌreɪt/ - tepová
the number of times your heart beats in a
minute ● It is normal for your heart rate to
increase during exercise. ❖

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