English Vocabulary in Use Advanced

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55 Industries: from manufacturing to service

A Industries and industrial practices

expression explanation opposite expression explanation
e.g. steel works, light industry e.g. manufacturing car
shipbuilding parts, TV sets
manufacturing industry making things, e.g. serving people, e.g.
consumer goods tourism, banking
involving computers, low-technology (low- involving little or no
e.g. software industry tech; informal) computer technology
cutting-edge involving new and using standard, proven
technology innovative technology technology
e.g. selling off state when industry is
railways to private owned by the
companies government

Many big industries are run as ………………. [partly state-owned, partly owned by private industries or businesses]
The nuclear industry receives a huge ………… from the government. [money/grants which enable it to stay in
The government tries to encourage …………... [investment from foreign companies]

B Industrial practices
Example explanation
Most of the factory workers are on…………….. they are only paid for the amount they produce
Many people now work on zero ……………, which they are employed by a company, but the number of
means they have no job security. hours they work each week may vary, and some weeks
there may be no work for them, so they receive no pay

Child …………. is a serious problem in some the employment of children to do adult jobs
In many countries, the right to ……………… has only a union that negotiates wages and conditions for the
come after long struggles. people it represents
Many cheap electrical goods are produced in factories where people work very long hours for low
…………………. in poorer countries. wages
……………..and ……………. are necessary when an training people for new jobs and teaching them new
economy is modernised. skills

The big multinationals1 often close factories as a cost-cutting exercise2 and relocate3 and switch production4 to
countries where labour and costs are cheaper.
In many cases, components5 for cars are imported and then assembled6 , rather than manufactured in the

big companies with operations in many different 4
move the centre of manufacturing to a different place
countries 5
effort to reduce their costs 6
put together
move the company’s offices (or, less commonly,
production) to a different place
55.1 Use expressions from the table in A opposite to rewrite the underlined parts of these sentences with
more appropriate vocabulary.
1 The economy cannot depend only on businesses like restaurants and hotels. We need to encourage
industries that make things we can sell.
2 In this area, there are a lot of industries that use computers and things, while in the north, they depend
more on industries that don’t use such up-to-date technology.
3 The latest, innovative technology is very expensive, so the company has to rely on existing, standard
4 The idea that industries should be owned by the government is less popular than it was, but the trend
towards selling o f f these industries has slowed down.
5 Industry with big factories producing things like steel and so on has declined, and now we’re more
dependent on industry that makes things like radios and furniture.

55.2 Give words or expressions which mean:

1 a combination of state ownership and private ownership
2 payment or grant from the government which enables a loss-making industry to continue
3 investment in a country by foreign companies
4 system of paying employees only for the amount they produce
5 an economy that depends on factories producing large quantities of cheap goods based on long hours and
low wages
6 to change the location where goods are produced (Give two answers.)
7 to train people for new jobs and teach them new skills (Give two answers.)
8 a big company with operations in many different countries
9 an effort to reduce costs
10 using children to do adult jobs
11 an employment contract which does not guarantee you work or pay every week

55.3 Here are some more expressions relating to problems in industry. Make sure you know what they
mean, then use them to fill the gaps in the sentences below. Use a dictionary if necessary.

black market copyright infringement industrial piracy industrial espionage

money laundering

1 is a serious problem in many parts of the world, with factories producing illegal
copies of top brand names.
2 It was a serious case of . The designs for the new aircraft were photographed
illegally and sold to a rival company.
3 is a problem for people who make a living writing books. Illegal editions mean
that the author receives no payment.
4 is a huge international problem, as police and banks try to trace money from
the illegal drugs trade and terrorism.
5 There is a big in the importa tio n of unta xed luxury ca rs in some countries.

Over to you
What kinds of industries have you worked in? Which would you like to work in? Why?
Would you buy an item if you believed child labour was involved in its manufacture? Why /
Why not?
Would you buy illegal imitations of famous designer brands? Why / Why not?
56 Technology and its impact
A Technological advances affecting daily life
technology examples of uses/applications example sentences with associated key words
……….. technology digital photography, digital video and The sound quality of a digital voice recorder is
audio recording; digital broadcasting superior to that of an analogue one.
a system for connecting electronic The hotel has wi-fi in every room.
devices to the internet without using
satellite navigation [SATNAV] She doesn’t use a road map now because her new
systems; mobile phones car has GPS (global positioning system) built in, so
she gave me her old plug-in SATNAV.
genetic modification of plants Biotechnology companies are experimenting with
new, disease-resistant crops for farmers. [with a high
level of protection against diseases]
automatic translation; Scientists working in AI are hoping to create
identification systems computers that will be more and more like the
human brain.
design of environments so This car has ergonomically designed seats.
people can work efficiently and [designed to give maximum comfort and
comfortably efficiency]
connecting electronic devices to each My car has Bluetooth, so I can connect my phone
other with no wires to the speakers.

B How much of a techie* are you?

[* person who loves acquiring all the new technology]
Today we are all to some degree dependent on technology. How many of these things do you
own or use?
a smartphone [a mobile phone that can be used as a small computer]
a hands-free earpiece and microphone for your mobile
a smart ID card for entering your workplace or college
a laptop (computer) or notebook
a desktop computer for the home or office
an MP3 player
a games console
a tablet using a touchscreen, such as an iPad
an e-reader, such as a Kindle

a router to let you connect to the internet from different devices

Language help
Technical (adverb = technically) means relating to the knowledge, machines and materials used in
science and industry, e.g. Removing the salt from sea water is a technically complex process.
Technological (adverb = technologically) means relating to or involving technology, e.g.

can also be used to mean according to an exact understanding of the facts, e.g. The recession is
technically over but things are still difficult for many people.

See also Unit 48.

56.1 Based on A opposite, what types of technology would you associate with the following?
1 a round-the-world yachtsman/woman trying to establish his/her exact position
2 a designer creating a new type of computer keyboard which would be more efficient and
comfortable to use
3 a scientist producing a new type of wheat which does not need to be sprayed against insects
4 a camera that produces photos that you can store on a computer or your phone
5 a computer that can make decisions for itself
6 a music player in your car that you can connect your phone to with no wires
56.2 Which type of device in B opposite is the speaker talking about?
1 I prefer it to my mobile because it’s much bigger, but it’s still not too heavy to carry around.
I can Skype on it and take photos with it. I can access my emails wherever I am. I just can’t make ordinary
phone calls.
2 The picture is really good quality and it’s fun being able to send in comments at the same time as you’re
watching a programme.
3 It’s pretty small and light, but the screen and keyboard are not very big and I find the trackpad more
awkward to use than a mouse.
4 I always use this rather than my laptop when I’m at home; I have it on a special table in my room next to my
5 I used to have to take so many books when I went on holiday but now I don’t need to. I just have to
remember my charger!
6 I changed its position and now I can get online from any room in the house.

56.3 Here are some other words and phrases connected with computers. Not all of them are on the
opposite page. Fill the gaps in the sentences. Use a dictionary if necessary.

computer nerd app thumbnail icon screensaver trackpad techie footprint

1 There are some good pictures of the Olympic Games on that sports website. You can look at pictures
and then click on them to see the full-size version.
2 My younger brother’s a real . He never goes out, and all he ever thinks about is
computers, computers, computers.
3 I’m a bit of a really; I love getting the latest mobile phone or digital camera.
4 I’ve downloaded a great new gaming onto my phone.
5 His on his laptop is a really cool picture of the night sky.
6 This new printer’s got a smaller than the one I had before, which is good, since my desk
is not very big.
7 Just click on that there to open the program.
8 I don’t really like this on my laptop; I’d prefer a proper mouse.

56.4 Complete the word beginning with ‘techn…’ in each sentence. Not all the words you need are on the
opposite page.
1 Karl got a good job as a lab techn in the university.
2 In this country, young people techn become adults at the age of 18.
3 Computer techn makes huge advances every year.
4 Andrea has a very interesting techn for remembering vocabulary.
5 Publicity photos of celebrities have usually been techn enhanced.

56.5 Over to you

The language and terminology connected with computers changes very quickly. If you want to keep
up with it, read computer advertisements in newspapers and magazines, or else visit the websites of
well-known hardware and software manufacturers, and note any new vocabulary and how it is used.
57 Technology of the future
A Technology
Here are some things we are likely to see more of in the future.
smart buildings/homes computer-controlled buildings and homes where things like lighting, heating, security, etc.
are completely automatic; the adjective smart can be used for anything that uses computers
or information stored in electronic form (e.g. a smartphone, smart TV, smart car)

interplanetary travel travel to planets in outer space, either for exploration or for tourism
and space tourism
nanotechnology science of developing and producing extremely small tools and machines by controlling the
arrangement of atoms and molecules
keyhole surgery medical operation in which a very small hole is made in a person’s body to reach the organ
or tissue inside

B The environment and nature

A doomsday scenario for the environment sees our destiny as a world choked with pollution, where many
plants and animals have become extinct. [the worst possible prediction, what will happen in the future] [the things
that will happen to us in the future]
Many experts foresee a situation where traffic in mega-cities becomes completely gridlocked. [think that
something will occur in the future] [cities of more than 10 million people] [unable to move at all] The population
explosion may lead to widespread food and water shortages. [rapid increase in population]
Genetic modification/engineering is already used to change fruit and vegetables so that they grow better.
However, many people object to the idea of genetically modified (or GM) food/crops. [changing genes]
[food/crops created by changing the genes of the ingredients]
Gene therapy will be used to eradicate some diseases, thanks to our knowledge of the human genome.
[changing genes in order to prevent disease or disability] [the ‘map’ or index of all the genes in a human being]
Some people envisage a world in which designer babies will be popular. [see a possible or probable situation in the
future] [babies whose genetic characteristics are artificially created]
Cloning of animals, and even human beings, may become common. [making a genetically identical copy]

C Society and people

The breakdown of the traditional family structure has already occurred in some countries. In
future, the nuclear family1 may no longer be the main type of family unit, and more loosely defined
relationships will develop. Globalisation 2 will increase, affecting how things are produced and sold,
what we buy and how we communicate. The world has become a global village 3 and we will have
more and more contact with other people in it. We may even make contact with extraterrestrial
beings4. The gulf 5 between rich and poor nations will widen if we do not take drastic measures6
now to improve the situation.

family with father, mother and one or two children
increase of trade around the world, with companies producing and trading goods in many different countries or the spread
of similar social and cultural behaviour around the world
a single community covering the whole world
creatures from other planets
severe actions that have noticeable effects
57.1 Match the words to make collocations.
1 gridlocked a explosion
2 genetic b village
3 human c traffic
4 population d genome
5 global e modification
57.2 Use the collocations in 57.1 to rewrite the
underlined parts of the sentences.
1 Asia underwent a dramatic increase in the population in the latter part of the 20th century.
2 The crop had been subject to having its genes altered.
3 Since the advent of the internet, the world has become one single community.
4 Times when the traffic cannot move can cost the economy millions of pounds.
5 Scientists now understand how the human genes are composed.
57.3 What do we call:
1 a huge city with more than 10 million people?
2 medical operations where a very small hole is made in someone’s body?
3 the science of making very small tools and machines by controlling atoms and molecules?

4 making an exact genetic copy of something?

5 creatures from other planets?
6 the process of altering human and animal genes?
7 the things that will happen to us in the future?
8 a baby whose genetic features have been chosen by its parents?
57.4 Rewrite the underlined words in these sentences using expressions from the opposite page.
1 The worst possible prediction is that we will destroy the world with nuclear weapons.
2 Travelling to other planets for scientific exploration will become normal in the coming centuries.
3 He belongs to a team of scientists who are trying to improve our understanding of the index of all the genes
in a human being.
4 Governments need to do things that will have a great impact to save the planet.
5 Many people see in their imagination a world in which the poor simply get poorer. (Give two
57.5 Which words or phrases from the opposite page are associated with these sentences?
1 These tomatoes will stay fresh for several months.
2 A typical family is often said to consist of a husband, wife and 2.4 children.
3 This sheep is identical in absolutely every respect to the sheep standing next to it.
4 Thanks to this, doctors may be able to cure some genetic diseases.
5 The world is becoming a very small place in terms of economics and communication.

6 The company is planning to market two-week holidays on the Moon.

57.6 Over to you

Write five sentences about how you envisage the future. Consider the future in terms of
technology, the environment and society.

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