21CS54 - M3,4,5 Practice Problems

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MODULE -3- Most Important Practice Problems

1.Apply the Find-S algorithm to the given GPA dataset find the maximally
specific hypothesis. The dataset includes attributes such as Study Hours, GPA,
Attendance, Homework, Participation, Group Study, and Passed Exam. Describe
the final hypothesis obtained from the algorithm and interpret its implications for
predicting exam outcomes based on student attributes.

| Study Hours | GPA | Attendance | Homework | Participation | Group Study |

Passed Exam |


| 2.5 | 2.3 | low | low | low | no | no |

| 5.0 | 3.3 | high | high | high | yes | yes |

| 3.0 | 2.7 | medium | medium | low | no | no |

| 4.0 | 3.0 | high | medium | high | yes | yes |

| 1.0 | 1.5 | low | low | low | no | no |

2. Apply the Candidate Elimination Algorithm to the given data sample with two
attributes: Weather and Traffic. Describe the final version spaces of general and
specific hypotheses obtained after processing the training examples. Explain how
the algorithm determines the version spaces and interpret the implications of the
final hypotheses for predicting driving decisions based on weather and traffic

| Weather | Traffic | Drive |

| sunny | low | yes |

| rainy | high | no |

| sunny | high | no |

| rainy | low | yes |

3.Design a Weighted K nearest neighbor algorithm. For the following training

data apply KNN and classify the data point (7.6,60,8) to which class it belongs
assuming k=3.

4. Design a Nearest centroid classifier algorithm. For the following training data
apply the algorithm and predict the test instance (6,5) to which class it belongs A
or B

Training Data:

(1, 2), Class A

(2, 3), Class A

(3, 4), Class A

(6, 5), Class B

(7, 7), Class B

5. Design a K nearest neighbor algorithm. For the following training data apply
KNN and classify the data point (6.1,40,5) to which class it belongs assuming k=3.

MODULE -4- Most Important Practice Problems

1. Design (Write) a ID3 Algorithm to construct decision tree. Construct a decision

tree to assess students’ performance and predict whether a student will get a job
offer or not in his final year of the course.

2. Design/Write algorithm to construct a Decision Tree using C4.5. Construct a

decision tree using C4.5 for the above Data set

3. Design/Write Naïve Bayes Algorithm. Assess a student’s performance using

Naïve Bayes algorithm with data provided above. Predict whether a student gets a
job offer or not in his final year of the course.

MODULE -5- Most Important Practice Problems

1. Design/Write Perceptron Algorithm. Design a perceptron that performs the

Boolean Function AND and update the weights until the Boolean function gives
the desired output. Consider a perceptron to represent the Boolean function AND
with the initial weights w1= 0.3 , w2 = -0.2 ,learning rate ∝ = 𝟎. 𝟐 and bias 𝜽 = 𝟎. 𝟒
as shown in the figure below. The activation function used here is the step function
f(x) which gives the output value as binary i.e 0 or 1. If value of f(x) is greater than
or equal to 𝜽, its outputs 1 or else it ouputs 0.

2. Consider the XOR Boolean function that has 4 patterns (0,0) (0,1) (1,0) and
(1,1) in a 2 –dimensional input space

Construct a RBFNN as shown in above Figure that classifies the input pattern:
(0,0)-> 0
(0,1)-> 1
(1,0)-> 1
(1,1)-> 0

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