Wenzel - Gestapo HDA 5 en

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Handbook of anti-Semitism. Hostility towards Jews in the
past and present. Vol. 5: Organizations, Institutions,
Movements. Edited by Wolfgang Benz. Berlin: De Gruyter /
Saur 2012.
Stubbornness of the NSDAP 590 The formation of the NSDAP

of "Iin Westen nichts Neues" (Rowan von Rrícb Maria Reinørque) against the Wideispnicb to the legalíłäłskuis of Hitler and the NSDAP. In addition, Röhm, who vemberç<igroat 1938. Zablreicbe kochrangigc SA-Pchror wunlm enoæzifizierł uod in-
"Jewish Machenecltaffen", as a result of the SA-Kiawalle the film was cancelled On the had a vested interest, was in conflict with most of the US enemy forces, including tegriœten mbéheüigt io óie deutBche NackÓzegegeællecbafL
Jewish New Year's Day (Rosh ha-Shanali) on 12 September 1931, around SEO his Göring and Reicbsführer SS Heinrich Hiintnler (1900-19d5). The Reichswehr under
1,ŒD SA men marched along the Kurfiìisiendamm in Berlin and terrorized "qñdiscli Werner von Bloinbeig (187B-1945) also saw Rõhni as a fierce rival who was vying for Lìtœałur
looking" passers-by. In the subsequent Kurfïirstendaititn trial, 27 violent SP men were the leading role. Bniœ Cazngbcll, The ßA Gæarals and the RiBc ofNæiBui, I<xingion 19P8.
sentenced to prison. Pogrernørtígen andjñdisGłien Aiisscftreítungen kain es am Peter Loagcticb, The braiuæi BataîJlone. Gmúiicôte dcr ßA, Mîîncbgn J989.
As a consequence of this and at the urging of Góring and Híinioler, Hider decided
Siren R¢tcnerdt. raøchistiæhe Kairglbńtxłc 6¢walt una Wncinechelt im ìteïìœiscł*>i
Kurfürstendainin wieder 1935. The leader of the SA group Bertúi-Brandenburg, Wolf- to remove Rõhm and the top leadership of the SA. In the 'Night of the Long 3quadñBmuB und ói da dculBchœ SA, Köło u. æ 2łXO.
Heinrich Graf vow Helldorf '1896-1944d), who had played a leading role in the SA riots Masses' from June 30 to July 1, 1934, the SP was disempowered under massive
in September 1931, was appointed Police President of Berlin. disarmament of the s8 and lost its supremacy to the SS. Under the Rd aændea6urg l926 1934 aertîo 2003.
A few weeks after Adolf Hiflei's appointment as Reich Chancellor on January 30, A "Ròhm Putsclies" nod to the playful story about Rõhm's - long known - sexual
1933 and the SP's nightly torchlight parade to Brandenburg Gate, the white HW orientation had up to 200 people murdered by the Nazi Fàlming, including
police was founded, which - as in Bavaria, Saxony and other states - was recruited inconvenient people and rivals. Rõhm was s h o t by the later inspector of the
predominantly from the ranks of the SP. Around 2,500 SA men formed part of the hip
concentration camps, Theodor Eicke (1892-1943), in Mñnchen-Sładelheim; other SA
police in Berlin alone. At the same time, the strength of the SA in Berlin-Bmndenburg
rose to 80,000 men in August 1933, meaning that there were more SA men than police fighters died in the Adolf Hider Leibstandarte-SS camp in Berlin-Lichterfelde, in the
officers in the German capital. The integration of the SA into the state executive, WicÎiau concentration camp or in the Lichtenburg concentration camp.
which was also intended to channel the SA's power, led to an unprecedented wave of In 1934, the SA's new chief of staff was Viktor Lutze (1890-19ds), who had been
terror in the summer of 1933. Tortures and concentration camps were set up either involved in the Rõhm affair. After his death in 194a, he was succeeded by Max
independently or by order of the state, wild acts o f racketeering, abductions, abuse and Jútiner (1888-19aa) and, from 194a, Wdhelm Scbepma "n (189a-1970).lution after
deaths characterized the activities of the SA hip police. 1934, the SA quickly lost its political significance. Its membership fell from four to
This contributed to the public image of the party soldiers and their reputation for being under three million in 1934, to 1I million in 1938 and 900,000 in 1940. The decline
outdated and ultimately uncontrollable. Hûizu karœn Koinpełenzgeiangel nát the in membership remained the largest paiaindiłary NSoganisaàon, growing from 21 in
Politer. ŁX'r Inspetelir des Geheimen StaatspolizeiaiØes in PreuDen, Rudolf Diels 1936 to 25 in 1938, with two to seven brigades. The main task was defense and pre-
(19iØ-1957), felt compelled to take action against the illegal torture cellars and the military training. "While the political organization of the NSDAP is responsible for the
atrocities in the state concentration camps under SA administration such as practical political leadership, the SA," according to the 193fi NSDAP organization
Qianienburg or Smnenbiirg. What he found there "were figures as if from a haunting book, is only an "educational and training instrument of the party."
or a dark dream". Despite their apologetic tones, Díel's wartime reports left no doubt The SP provided a final test of power in the pre-war period with its a n t i -
about the violence in the SA headquarters. The high point of the SA meeting was the J e w i s h activities. As early as the April boycott in 1953, but also in Sorœner 1935,
"JCõpenicker Blułxv'xśie" withi Berlin from in June 1938 and aocfiinals - massively fueled by Geebbels - during the
June 21 to 26, 1933. Several hundred men from the independent 8A-Słurinbann 15
Noveroberpogrorn in 1938, the SP was significantly involved in the violent anti-
abducted and tortured over 150 people, 23 of whom died, including some of the first
Jewish victims of Nazi terror. The liquidation of the Prussian high police in August Jewish riots, which contributed exponentially to the destruction of Jewish religious
1933 should also be seen in this context. activity in Onitschland.
However, Macbt and the influx of the SA, which in 1934 was not part of the g
bingliederung des After the start of the war, the SA - like the General SS - existed as the um-
-- The fact that the Słahlhelm and other military units had grown into an army of one In many places, the conscription of the war-age cohorts left a hole in the paper. The
million and had more members than the party could hardly be ignored. The SA older members of the SA reserve in particular were conscripted to carry out
leadership's resentment at the lack of a revolutionary transformation of Germany after reconnaissance work on air raids and to carry out security duties in the country's
the "seizure of power" and the SA's base's inadequate social and economic support armed forces. This also included the itiiiidical hunt for deftol prisoners of war, such
was all the greater. In addition to the constant conflict between Hitler and Rõhin over as the
the role of the SA, which c o u l d never be settled, Rõhin's loud claim to leadership "Miihlvieitier Hasenjagd" nabe dem KZ Mauthaiisen tin Febiuary 1945. In the final
caused a stir, which was not changed by his appointment as Reichsiziiníster (Reich phase, the SP was used for the foimization and formation of the 'vblksstiiim.
Governor) in December 1933. Gnindsiitzlich staiid der ievoluäonäie Akäonisinus Officially dissolved in October 1945, the SA was not declared a veibiøcherís
Rõhins und der SA in waclisendein qiganisatíon in the Niimbeiger Proeessen. In contrast to the SS, the SA played an
undefined role in post-war politics and focused on pre-war violence such as the
"Kópenicker Blutweche" in 1933 or the No-
Handbook of anti-Semitism. Hostility towards Jews in the past and present. Vol.
5: Organizations, Institutions, Movements. Edited by Wolfgang Benz.
Berlin: De Gruyter / Saur 2012.

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