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First, utilized in 1960 as a way for regime researchers to apportion information, The way the
Internet has revolutionized our lives is astounding. From online classes to crypto farming is all
done utilizing the Internet.

Everything is done with a mouse click on the Internet, from news to current affairs. We are the
explorers, and just from our room, can we explore the things transpiring in each corner of the
world. On the Internet, we are withal the engenderers and can engender great websites without a
single line of code. During the COVID-19 pandemic, online classes, meetings, etc were all taken
with the avail of the Internet. It's genuinely astounding how the Internet has connected people
and how far or near they are. Afore people used letters to communicate, which took days to reach
the receiver but now, due to electronic mail, it doesn't even take minutes; within seconds
message can be sent and received by the receiver, but as one verbally expressed, "Everything has
benefits and drawbacks" Even the Internet has some drawbacks like trolls, cyberbullying,
stalking, belligerent images, Addiction, time-waster, and causes diversion but we should ignore
these things. We should utilize the Internet for only good purport; only then only we will be able
to prosper in life. According to the (Nepal Telecommunications Authority) NTA, 90.56% of
people have access to the cyber world in Nepal. It's still conspicuous that some people still aren't
utilizing the Internet facilities in Nepal. Most of these people emanate from rural villages. Now
it's time to provide internet access to these people and make our country a better place to live. In
Nepal internet was first introduced in 1993 in an experience of The Royal Nepal Academy of
Science and Technology (RONAST) and Mercantile Office Systems (MOS).
The internet has advanced loads within the past years but the price of the internet is a lot
and its pace is not as fast as we paid. Internet is something that is wanted by means of all
the human beings of the sector whether they are poor or rich. Therefore, that is too costly and
even the wires that are used by the ISP to provide us with the internet conditions are terrible. In a
few locations, the wires contact the floor and are very disturbing for the pedestrians close by and
in a few places the wires are bare and it’s very volatile for different animals, and pedestrians
close by, the wires need to be organized. Even the internet speed is not always at the pace that
the ISP has claimed, we only get approximately 60% of the rate the ISP has claimed. Where did
the rest 40% cross? Whilst some errors arise on the internet, it takes about 6 to 7 hours for them
to get fixed. For human beings like me who do no longer need the internet a lot that would be
tolerated but in places of work that need internet it’s very difficult for them and
it’s also very difficult for students, and teachers all through the web instructions and that
they needed to spend extra money buying mobile data. As a student, I do that a lot and if
this occurs during assessments, it was without a doubt tough for us
to examine and talk with instructors to solve doubts. The internet is likewise is
a supply of profits for plenty of human beings via importing articles and making motion
pictures on specific websites like YouTube, TikTok and
those additionally make lots of money by way of working as white hat or ethical hackers by
locating vulnerabilities in different web sites like Facebook, Twitter and many
others and by demonstrating how extraordinary cyber criminals can hack datum. That they
also assist put together for cyberattacks due to the fact cyberattacks ruin
particular small companies and it is tough to get better for them. The cyber-world does not just
avail us to communicate in authentic life it additionally avails us to communicate in VR and
Metaverse. Just like mother earth, Metaverse is a virtual version of the earth and we are the
explorers and can communicate and verbalize with different people just not by typing we can go
to different virtual cafés, bars, restaurants etc and withal do activities like balling, cycling etc to
connect with people. To utilize Metaverse we require a headset called oculus which is
engendered by Microsoft. It enhances the experience in Metaverse and it is an authentically
outstanding implement.

Due to the Internet, our life has authentically transmuted, our room is the whole world, and
despite its drawbacks internet is authentically auxiliary and hope it is even more auxiliary in the

Pragyan Raj Pandey

Millsberry International School
Grade 7

Mob No-9765431977

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