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Year 10 Health Education

Mental Health Campaign

Part 1 – Justification Statement

In this age, it is important to raise awareness around mental health and healthy
behaviors and practices around adolescents because it supports the following:
1. Youth Developing period: Adolescence is an important phase of development
in life when teenagers undergo important emotional, physical and social
changes. During this time of change they can be susceptible to mental health
challenges. According to the W.H.O, One in Seven 10-19 year olds (a critical
stage of development) worldwide experience a mental disorder.

2. Early Intervention: Early Intervention is a crucial act in preventing mental

health issues and disorders from escalating. When young people are aware of
the resources that are available to them and understand the importance that
it is okay to seek help, they are more likely to address their issues earlier on.

3. Reducing Stigma: Stigma around mental health disorders can sometimes

prevent people from seeking help. People can feel ashamed or scared to be
associated with having a ‘mental illness/disorder’ and will worry about the
opinions of other people. By raising awareness, we can reduce negative
stereotypes associated with mental issues and can create a space where
seeking help is normalised and is okay for everyone to do.

Part 2 – Campaign
A) The goal for my mental health campaign is to raise awareness in teenagers and
young adults (13-25), that it is normal to go through things that they cannot
handle by themselves while they are facing these new challenges in the early
stages of their life.

B) My Key Message – “Eye on a mate👀” My message means that if you are noticing
some inconsistencies in one of your mate’s or close friend’s behaviours, you
should just keep an eye on them and make sure they are on the right track. If
not, then you can have a word with them or urge them to talk to a parent, Leader
of wellbeing, hotline or psychologist.
C) My campaign will be directed at my target audience on 13-25 year olds and will
employ the use of sponsored advertisements that will pop up on a user’s
Instagram, Tik Tok or YouTube feed while they are scrolling/watching. These
advertisements will have visually appealing colours and fonts that will hopefully
catch the attention of the viewer. It will also include an incentive that if the
viewer watches the entire advertisement, they can click a link to be entered into a
prize draw or can receive a discount on a product. This is so this gives the viewer
a reason to view the ad and not click off straight away. A second advertisement is
one that can be plastered onto the back or side of a bus. This is because many
young people are being driven around or are travelling out and about and are
probably around public transport either way. Another strategy is the giveaway of
merch like socks or a beanie that is given to a customer when they spend a
certain amount on a product that sponsors the mental health organization,
therefore the organization can gain more funding so they can spread more
awareness around the topic.

Part 3 – Informative Resource

Link to pdf version:
Part 4 – Reflection
A) I think my campaign would be moderately successful because it has easy to
follow step by step tips to follow, and because many people are able to see the
advertisement when getting picked up by the bus or when they see it in traffic.
The only downside is that people may not have enough time to view the whole

B) Ⅰ. The first barrier that prevents my target audience from being healthy is
stigmatisation. They can feel like they will be judged if they talk about what is
happening to them and be deemed weird, dangerous or crazy. These are just
some examples of common stigmas around mental health

Ⅱ. The second is anxiety, which is often caused as a result of stress. People can
be too anxious to come out and speak to someone about their feelings and issues
and are too intimidated with the process that comes with it. They would rather
just keep it bottled up and away, out of sight.

C) An additional resource that can be used to support my target group to maintain

healthy behaviours is the meditation app “Headspace”. Meditation is shown to
relieve stress which is linked to anxiety, help you sleep better and be happier. An
additional strategy to maintain healthy behaviours is frequent exercise.
According to the NIH (National Institute of Mental Health [United States]), just
30 minutes of exercise can boost your mood and improve your mental and
physical health

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