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Application Activity: Commitments

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Read the writing prompt then write two commitments that answer the prompt. A sample
commitment is included below.

Writing Prompt
During this course, you have learned about a few important life skills:
● Learning how to learn

● Time management and goals

● Thinking errors

● Personal financial management

● Perseverance

During the course, you have applied key elements of these life skills. After the course is over,
what will you do to apply (or continue to apply) the things you have learned? What will you
commit to do?

Commitment 1
In the space below, write a commitment. Be specific in what you will do.

Before I started pathway Block 101, I used to lied myself constantly. I always saied to me that
there's no problem with be disorganaized or with leave for the last moment my day to day
duties. I learned in thinking error class that is called decait. And thanks to the learning
strategies class I learned about the pacing guide, a strategy to face my problem. So I
compromise to the following blocks to organice my learning time through the pacing. I will be
honest with myself about the time i should take to resolve each assignment. I will separate a
determinated time frame each day to learn and resolve the assignments and I will set an alarm
to remind me my commitment. I will fulfill this commitment
Commitment 2
In the space below, write a commitment. Be specific in what you will do.

For the next blocks i promised to my self to be perseverant. During this first block i had a lot of
proof with my family's health and this dificult situations made me feel that probably it would
be better if I leaved the pathway classes. But I reminded though the perseverance's class the
importance of keep doing the right thing still the situations around you are hard to face. So i
will keep myself being perceverant during all the classes. I learned how important is to rely on
the enabling power of the Savior. So I will asked Him to help me with grit and power to beat all
the challenges, specialy the ones that shake my world (as the health of my son). Also i will keep
moving. Sometimes in hard times i shoked and cried like a child but I am a mother, an adult, a
childen of God. So is my goal to become a brave person to face problems and keep moving
whatever happens.

Sample Commitment: Every time I have new classes, I will create a pacing guide, like the one we
used in PC 101. On the pacing guide, I will create study sessions. I will place these study sessions
on specific days of the week. I will also indicate how long each study session will be. I will place
my pacing guide on the wall, so I see it every day and am reminded of the schedule.

Submission Instructions
Proofread your document before you submit. You may lose points if you have grammatical
errors. Follow the instructions in your course to submit this document for grading.

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