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Vanina Ruiz



Life skills - PathwayConnect

18 May 2024

A lesson about deceit from my little son

A few days ago i recived an incredible lesson from my 3 years old son. He was playing

with his tree favourites teddys and a big toy car. He put the first teddy inside the car. Then

with a little effort put the second. So at the time he tried to put the third, discovered the teddy

did't fit inside the car. But he decided that the teddy will fit anyway. The next tirty minutes

passed between screams, and cryes and one attemp after another to force a teddy to enter in

car without good results. I was a little angry because my son didn't want to acept the true. But

suddenly i realized that i make the same mistake each time i chose the same wrong way

thinking “this time i will get Good and diferents results”. During this week, on my pathway

class, i learned that this is a thinking error called deceit. And i think faced i am committing a

thinking error with a growth mindset was the best way to overcome deceit.

Through a growth mindset i know that always i can learn to be better and improve in

each personal aspect to be one day the best versión of myself. In our lesson about thinking

errors on PathwayConnect, i learned that if i have a growth mindset and decide to overcome

deceit, there are some actions con help me to get it. Those are stop, act and reflect. On one

side, stop is a necesary action you must do to recognized what is happening inside you. We

should try to find the source and “look for primary emotions and stressful circumstances” that

could derive in a thinking error. In my case, constantly i feel stress about rhe future of me and

my family. I'm always tired but i can't be on calm if i don't try to do everything as possible to

get a better future but always taking more responsabilities, work and studies than i can do. On

this point, is important to tried to change that emotion or stress situation. Is time to act. In our
Pathway lesson we learn that is important “inmediately do something to change your physical

and mental state to help you stop the thinking error”. One important tool that i started to use

this week is a Pacing Guide that help me organize my time beetwen all my Activities and put

priorities. At last, we need to reflect on your effort and evaluate how well you were able to

stop thinking errors. And this is something that Still i couldn't do but i will try. I know that

probably this sounds a quite hard to do but also i know that as children of God we all have

the ability to make that difficults things turned into easy.

I used to thing that deceit was a good estrategy to be more strong with each challenge.

But now i learned that with a growth mindset and a Pacing Guide i can be stronger in a way

that carestía my physical and mental health. And i wish to teach my son for my example to be

always honest with himself.

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