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Social Studies Week Plan 2024-25

Phase 3:Grade 7
10th June 2024 UAE Trivia Quiz-10 questions through PPT. Through PPT and
(Monday) writing in the
Thoughts Aloud MSCS notebook
What strategies could the UAE government implement to
effectively address the challenge of flooding in the region?

June 2024 Topic: Climate Change and its effects MSCS Notebook
(Tuesday) (Reference to the floods in the UAE-Calls for action to address
climate change)
PROPOSED ACTIVITIES on the above topic:
By designing a logo for an NGO, you would start to help with
the relief efforts.
Poster making.
Collage showing relief work.
Essay writing
Interviewing video(Student to Parent)

12th June 2024 Assembly Grade 7 Online/Onsite

(Wednesday ) Theme- [Year of Sustainability& Family First ]

13th June 2024 Cultural Day (Asia)

(Thursday) ➢ Students are to prepare the following about any country
from the countries given:
✓ An informative PPT (4-5 slides: location/brief
history/government/some interesting facts)
✓ Culture (Music/Dance/games)
✓ Industries/Occupations/Currency, language, National animal,
flower, bird, Flag etc
✓ Innovations / Achievements
✓ Connect with SDG ✓ A few words/sentences/greetings in the
local language ✓ Cuisines (Some dishes can be presented)
Grade &
Section Country Teacher-in Charge
7A Vietnam Reshma
7B Turkey Sindu
7C Thailand Sreevidhya
7D Azerbaijan Rekha
7E Japan Sindu
7F Singapore Trevis
7G India Vincy
7H China Sreevidhya
7I Malaysia Quinton
7J Srilanka Reshma
7K Nepal Sreevidhya
7L Mongolia Rekha
7M Indonesia Vincy
7N Kazakhstan Trevis
7O Philippines Quinton
7P UAE Sindu
14th June 2024 Students can choose any one topic for student-led class. During the
(Friday) subject period.
Theme- [Year of Sustainability]
Topic: Community Gardens and Urban Agriculture
( Exploring the role of community gardens and urban
agriculture in promoting food security and sustainability in
urban areas of the UAE)
Sustainable Transportation in UAE

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