Modern Drama

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This passage is taken from Major Barbara which was written by George Bernard

Shaw. The dramatic function of this passage is to shed light on Cusins who is one
of the main characters . It flashes out the philosophy of the Salvation Army as a
charitable institution . Thus , the salvation Army is founded upon love, joy, and
peace. Cusins shows us that The Salvation Army is founded to fight evil by music
and dance. This is an idealist way of dealing with the problems. Shaw wants us to
concentrate on the practicality and reality of things. The best way to deal with the
problems is to be a realist . This is Undershaft's theory. He wants to fight ignorance
by money. For him when you save man's future by providing him money, you save
his soul from decay and corruption. In this way you save his soul in this life and
the other life

This passage is taken from Major Barbara which was written by George Bernard
Shaw. The dramatic function of this passage is to shed light on Lady Britomart
who is basically a domineering mother. She commands her son to pay attention to
her while she is speaking. Lady Britomart seeks to re-character her son. She wants
him to behave like a mature man, Lady Brritomart had her daughters enter into
marriages of convenience. She doesn’t like the way Undershaft behave. He wants
to make son away from managing his factory. Lady Briotmart is against her
husband not only because of his immoral practices but also because of his intention
to have another foundling to run his business later. Lady Briotmart does not
approve of her husband's immoral practices which have to do with his cannons
business. She is encouraging Stephen to behave as a grow-up man who can look
after his family: his mother and his sister . This shows that Major Barbara is
mainly a social play that seeks to teach us some moral lessons about living and
assuming familial responsibility
Undershaft is one of the main characters in Major Barbara. He is the
representative of Shaw’s ideas. On his mouth, Shaw presents his ideas that
practicality and reality is the solution to our problems.

He is the owner of the largest weapon factory in Europe. This makes him
away from his home for long time. When the play starts, his family wait for him.
His relationship with his family is not good. He tries to give his factory to another
foundling. So, he is always in a struggle with his wife. He challenges his daughter
Barbara whether he can convert her to his ideas or to make him convert to the
salvation army.

Through his visit to The Salvation Army, the reader discovers the nature of
The salvation Army, which is built on hypocrites. All the characters in salvation
Army are hypocrites. They pretend things which they have never done just to have
some rood.

On his mouth , Shaw gives us his moral lesson and realist approach which is
“poverty is the worst of our crimes” . It is the source of crimes, prostitutions,
….etc. When we save man's future by providing money, we save him from these
bad things. In this way, we get a place which is clean and morally saved.

In short , the main idea of the play is that reality is the best way to find solution
for our problems. No problems can be solved depends on idealism. Although
Undershaft is a Machiavellian finger, on his tongue Shaw puts a solution for life
problems which is the worst of our crimes is poverty.
Barbara is the main character in Major Barbara by George Bernard Shaw.
She is the title character. she is an idealist. She works in the Salvation Army. She
believes in an idea that people's lives should be saved through confession.

In the first act, she meets her father. Undershaft after he was absent for long
time. She challenges him to save his soul and makes him leave his bad work. He
also challenges her to go with him and leave the salvation Army . When they go to
the Salvation Army , Barbara discovers that the people in the Army are liars and
hypocrites. They confess things which they don’t do just to have things to eat.
Rummy confesses that she was a prostitute just to have some bread. She is ready to
distort her reputation for bread. Poverty pushes her to do that .

Barbara discovers that the Salvation Army which is a charitable

organization depends on tainted money. Really, the Salvation Army depends on the
money of Undershaft and Bodger. Undershaft sells weapons and collect money
from killing people . So his money is not clean. Bodger sells wine to all Europe.
His money is also unclean.

Barbara changes her mind and when she sees all these bad things in the
Salvation Army. She leaves her ideal thoughts and deeds and converts to
Undershaft's ideas. She decides to manage the factory and to provide an honest life
for poor people.

In short, idealism is not away to fight life problems. The best way is to deal
with these problems on real basis.

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