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Ladies and gentlemen, distinguished faculty members, guests of honor and speaker, friends,
proud parents, and of course, the class of 2024!
Today is a day of celebration, accomplishment, and most importantly, SUCCESS.

Now, success is a word that matters a lot. For a long time, we have struggled, and sacrificed to
REACH this goal. This success represents the culmination/results of our diligent efforts,
SLEEPLESS nights, hard work and dedication.
These past two years in senior high school from grade 11 up to grade 12 have not always been
easy for us. We have had to push ourselves ACADEMICALLY, deal with social pressures, and
navigate the ups and downs of adolescence. But going through those challenges together, has
only made us stronger.
~WE have learned so much over the years. Not just from books, but from EACH OTHER. We
have discovered our ~passions, talents, strengths and weaknesses.
~We, also have built friendships, these bonds of friendship that will stay with us for life.

We've laughed, we've cried, and we've struggled!

From late nights studying to early mornings rushing to class, we have experienced it all
together. We also all had moments of doubt, stress, and frustration. But we persevered and
supported each other. We studied together, listened to each other's problems, and celebrated
each other's successes.
But let's not forget the people who have been our guiding lights throughout this journey. The
truth is, we didn't arrive here alone. We stand on the shoulders of those who came before us
and paved the way. Our teachers, who have tirelessly nurtured our minds and passions into us
day after day. Our parents, who have unconditionally supported us, believed in us, and
sometimes even nagged us. They all have encouraged us beyond our perceived limits.

From the nervous first day of grade 11 to the bittersweet last day of grade 12, we have grown
not only in knowledge but also as individuals. As we walk across of this stage today and accept
our diplomas, know that this is only the beginning. The future is a blank page waiting for us to
fill it.
Remember, success is not a pre-determined path that we must follow. It's not about
conforming to societal expectations or chasing someone else's definition of achievement.
Instead, it's about carving our own paths, creating our own definitions, and finding fulfillment in
every step of the journey.
So, whether you are with honors, high honors, highest honors or NOT, we all deserve to hear
the word "Congratulations!" So, my fellow graduates, congratulations! Because we all finally
here, we have grown, we have thrived, and we have succeeded!

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