Business Issues

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OTHER PROGRAMS BUSINESS ISSUES I LESSON 1 Report an error / Make a suggestion Last revision: 02/26/2021


NOTE The purpose of this course is to develop the student’s confidence in expressing his/her own views about
sensitive topics. Please be careful about expressing your beliefs especially if you have strong opinions against WORDS &  component – a part of a whole
your student’s viewpoints.  benchmark – a standard or point of reference for comparison
 vibe – a feeling or an atmosphere
 stem from – to come from or originate from
Hi, I’m ____. I am looking forward to seeing you.

SEE Read the following and take note of the highlighted phrases.
1. Introduce the goal of the lesson. People are the most important component of any business. The right group of employees can take a
• Today we will do Lesson 1: Hiring the right people company to heights of great success, whereas the wrong group of people can bring a company to its

2. Ask these pre-reading questions. knees. Though many agree with this, not all agree on what is considered “right” for the company.
• How would you define a good employee?
• Is it easy or difficult to find good workers?
Manny: Although he’s really a great person with a wonderful attitude and good potential, he just
• How does your company handle ineffective staff or hiring mistakes?
doesn’t have the skills and flexibility we are looking for. Given time, I’m sure he could
3. Go over the words & phrases with the student. Ask if the student understands each item. be a great asset to the company, but as of now, he just doesn’t clear our current

SEE 4. Have the student read the SEE part and ask the follow-up questions like the ones below. benchmarks. I say we cut him loose.
Focus on pronunciation, intonation, and fluency while the student is reading.
• Why doesn’t Manny want to hire the applicant?
Joe: Skills can be learned and experience can be gained. What we need are excellent people.
• Do you think his reasons are fair?
• Why does Joe want to give the applicant a chance? Loyal, committed, decent people with the right attitude and the right vibe. There are
• Do you agree with his opinions? some things that no amount of training and education can provide. If someone has that,
TRY 5. Have the student answer each question. they have my vote.
• Ask follow-up questions; but
• Be careful about asking intrusive or sensitive questions
Corporate culture, quality, innovation, efficiency, and everything a company values stem from its
ACT 6. Use the following situation for the final activity. employees. Though many factors will ultimately determine the impact an employee will have on the
• Your business is growing rapidly. You need staff badly to cover daily operations to meet customer demand.
business, it is undeniable that people are any company’s greatest resource.
Failure to do so could result in unhappy customers and loss of business. Since your company is quite
popular, many people apply. Unfortunately, 95% of applicants don’t meet your standards.
Do you:
a. Sacrifice quality to meet demand; OR
b. Sacrifice the ability to meet demand for quality TRY Answer the following questions:
1. What do you consider to be more important? Education or experience? Skills or personality?
7. Give the student feedback.
• Thank the student for sharing his/her opinion about the topic 2. What are the most valuable assets for an employee to have at your company?
• Give student feedback/study tips 3. How do you feel about your company’s hiring policies and culture?
• Paste "Thank you" message in the chat box after ending the call
4. What kind of challenges is your company facing regarding hiring?

Thank you for studying at Bizmates. (bow)
ACT React:
Your trainer will give you a situation related to today’s subject. React to and handle the situation.

Other Programs levels 4-5 - Business Issues – Lesson 1 – Hiring the right people
OTHER PROGRAMS BUSINESS ISSUES I LESSON 2 Report an error / Make a suggestion Last revision: 02/26/2021

NOTE The purpose of this course is to develop the student’s confidence in expressing his/her own views about
sensitive topics. Please be careful about expressing your beliefs especially if you have strong opinions against WORDS &  strive for – to aim for or aspire to achieve something
your student’s viewpoints.  conducive – helpful or favorable to something
 influx – an entry or arrival of a large number of people or things
 leverage – to use something to its maximum advantage
Hi, I’m ____. I am looking forward to seeing you.

SEE Read the following and take note of the highlighted phrases.
1. Introduce the goal of the lesson. Though many companies strive for a more diverse workforce, it is important to note that diversity is
• Today we will do Lesson 2: Workplace diversity more than just a mix of different cultures and visible minorities. It is a combination of many different

2. Ask these pre-reading questions. elements that may impact everything from corporate culture to earning potential and more.
• How would you describe a diverse workplace?
• Have you worked with people from diverse backgrounds before?
Tony: The more the merrier. That’s what I say. Being in an environment that’s too similar isn’t
• What was the experience like? OR What do you think the experience would be like?
conducive to growth. I’m sure there are many challenges, but working with a more
3. Go over the words & phrases with the student. Ask if the student understands each item. diverse team will not only help us grow as a business, but as people. Let’s embrace

SEE 4. Have the student read the SEE part and ask the follow-up questions like the ones below. change and see where it takes us.
Focus on pronunciation, intonation, and fluency while the student is reading.
• Why does Tony support more diversity?
Karl: We have a corporate culture to protect. I’m worried that an influx of too many people
• Why does he think it’s hard to grow in an office without diversity?
• What does Karl want to protect? with too many different values is going to pull our company apart. I understand the need
• What kind of culture do you think Karl wants for his company? for diversity, but I think we need to be very careful about the kind of culture we want to
TRY 5. Have the student answer each question. create and the impact it’s going to have.
• Ask follow-up questions; but
• Be careful about asking intrusive or sensitive questions
Though there are arguments for both sides, any business operating globally requires more than a
ACT 6. Use the following situation for the final activity. standard workforce to succeed. By leveraging the skills and perspectives of a truly diverse workforce,
• You’ve joined a new team with a devout Muslim, a retiree with many years of experience, a fresh graduate
companies may be able to secure stronger footholds in an unstable global business scene.
from a top university, and a foreign intern from France on an overseas exchange. What steps would you
take to ensure good communication, team work, and efficiency?
7. Give the student feedback.
• Thank the student for sharing his/her opinion about the topic
• Give student feedback/study tips TRY Answer the following questions:
• Paste "Thank you" message in the chat box after ending the call
1. How diverse would you say your company is?
2. How important is diversity to your work and your business?
3. What kind of challenges does a diverse workplace face?
SKYPE CLOSING 4. Are there dangers to increased workplace diversity? Why or why not?
Thank you for studying at Bizmates. (bow)

ACT React:
Your trainer will give you a situation related to today’s subject. React to and handle the situation.

Other Programs levels 4-5 - Business Issues – Lesson 2 – Workplace diversity

OTHER PROGRAMS BUSINESS ISSUES I LESSON 3 Report an error / Make a suggestion Last revision: 02/26/2021

NOTE The purpose of this course is to develop the student’s confidence in expressing his/her own views about
sensitive topics. Please be careful about expressing your beliefs especially if you have strong opinions against WORDS &  saddled with – burdened with or weighed down by something
your student’s viewpoints.  cut corners – to do something in a low quality manner to save time and/or money
 implode – to collapse inwards; to fail suddenly and completely
 be at odds – to have conflict or disagreement
Hi, I’m ____. I am looking forward to seeing you.

SEE Read the following and take note of the highlighted phrases.
1. Introduce the goal of the lesson. Success doesn’t come easy. Being saddled with increasing pressure to perform, meet targets, and
• Today we will do Lesson 3: Business integrity remain competitive has pushed people to get things done at any cost. Though this sort of culture may

2. Ask these pre-reading questions. be necessary, resulting lapses in moral judgment may end up doing a company more harm than good.
• What does it mean to have integrity?
• Is it easy to have integrity when it comes to business?
Al: It’s my job to hit those numbers at any cost. So, I do what needs to be done. Sometimes
• What causes some people to bend the rules?
that means cutting corners, stepping on toes, or reinterpreting the rules. Some may be
3. Go over the words & phrases with the student. Ask if the student understands each item. turned off by that, but when the numbers start coming in and everyone gets their bonus,

SEE 4. Have the student read the SEE part and ask the follow-up questions like the ones below. I don’t hear anyone complaining about my methods.
Focus on pronunciation, intonation, and fluency while the student is reading.
• How does Al describe his responsibilities?
Kai: As soon as we start saying, “It’s okay, just this once,” we’re going to go down a road that
• If you were Al’s boss, how would you react to his description of his work?
• Which is more important for Kai? Integrity or results? is really hard to come back from. We need to really think about the message we are
• Do you think Kai saying, “Everything we’ve worked so hard to build could implode” is an exaggeration? sending to our staff and our shareholders. If we need to lie, cheat, or bend the rules to
TRY 5. Have the student answer each question. get the results we need, everything we’ve worked so hard to build could implode.
• Ask follow-up questions; but
• Be careful about asking intrusive or sensitive questions
In a results-driven corporate society, integrity and bottom lines are sometimes at odds. Though some
ACT 6. Use the following situation for the final activity. may feel that, “The end determines the means,” others feel that the path one takes on the road to
• Your co-worker is on the verge of making a very big sale that could be very profitable for the company. He
success will determine how long it lasts.
feels guilty though because he knows the product has very low value and will most likely not result in any
profitable gains for the client. He is asking for your advice.
7. Give the student feedback.
• Thank the student for sharing his/her opinion about the topic
• Give student feedback/study tips TRY Answer the following questions:
• Paste "Thank you" message in the chat box after ending the call
1. Do you feel that sometimes rules need to be bent in order to achieve desired results?
2. Can you think of any examples in which the process was more important than the end result?
3. Have you ever been tempted to cut corners in order to meet a deadline?
SKYPE CLOSING 4. Does integrity sometimes get in the way of business?
Thank you for studying at Bizmates. (bow)

ACT React:
Your trainer will give you a situation related to today’s subject. React to and handle the situation.

Other Programs levels 4-5 - Business Issues – Lesson 3 – Business integrity

OTHER PROGRAMS BUSINESS ISSUES I LESSON 4 Report an error / Make a suggestion Last revision: 02/26/2021

NOTE The purpose of this course is to develop the student’s confidence in expressing his/her own views about
sensitive topics. Please be careful about expressing your beliefs especially if you have strong opinions against WORDS &  adage – a proverb or saying
your student’s viewpoints.  play catch-up – to continually try to recover lost progress due to falling behind
 sensibilities – one’s feelings, emotions, or morals
 greener pastures – a newer, better, more successful alternative
Hi, I’m ____. I am looking forward to seeing you.

SEE Read the following and take note of the highlighted phrases.
1. Introduce the goal of the lesson. For many businesses, debt is the last thing they’d want to see in a quarterly statement. Being in the
• Today we will do Lesson 4: Growth & Debt red has never been a positive thing. However, these days more and more companies are acting on the

2. Ask these pre-reading questions. adage that, “In order to make money, you have to spend money,” even if it’s money you don’t have.
• Would you say that your company is growing?
• Do you have any ideas on how your company could expand more rapidly?
Nikki: If we have it, let’s spend it. If we don’t have it, let’s borrow it. We need to jump on this
• Do you think many companies borrow money as a way to stimulate growth?
opportunity and take advantage of these negative interest rates. All the companies that
3. Go over the words & phrases with the student. Ask if the student understands each item. we’ve looked at have shown growth through aggressive borrowing. It’s time we stopped

SEE 4. Have the student read the SEE part and ask the follow-up questions like the ones below. playing catch-up. Money sitting in the bank at this point is just being wasted.
Focus on pronunciation, intonation, and fluency while the student is reading.
• Why does Nikki think this is the best time to borrow?
Emma: Call me a traditionalist but how can debt mean anything but bad news? No one wants the
• How do you think she views her company’s growth strategy?
• Does Emma think debt is a good way to grow the business? insecurity of not having enough money. We have to be responsible to our shareholders
• How would you describe Emma’s personality based on what she said? and to our employees by creating stable, sustainable growth through measured, proven,
TRY 5. Have the student answer each question. and dependable means. Piling on debt seems counter to my sensibilities.
• Ask follow-up questions; but
• Be careful about asking intrusive or sensitive questions
Regardless of what the approach is, growth is essential to the longevity of any business. Though many
ACT 6. Use ONE of the following situations for the final activity. may debate the stability and risk of strategies incorporating debt, the potential for growth and the
• Your friend has a great idea for his own business. The idea seems good and the business plan seems solid,
lure of greener pastures is, for some, worth the risk.
but he needs money to get things started. He asks you to loan him 3 million yen.
• You have a great idea for your own business. The business plan is good and there is a lot of potential.
However, you need 3 million yen in start-up capital to get things moving. What would you do to get that ▼▼▼
• Your company needs a large cash injection to cover expansion costs. If the company grows naturally, it can
get there within a couple years. However, in order to speed things up, an aggressive loan is being TRY Answer the following questions:
considered. Your opinion is being asked for in a meeting…
1. How is debt viewed in your country?
7. Give the student feedback. 2. Do you think that debt is a viable option for growth?
• Thank the student for sharing his/her opinion about the topic 3. What is your company’s growth strategy and do you agree with it?
• Give student feedback/study tips
• Paste "Thank you" message in the chat box after ending the call 4. Have you ever had to spend money to make money?


Thank you for studying at Bizmates. (bow) ACT React:
Your trainer will give you a situation related to today’s subject. React to and handle the situation.

Other Programs levels 4-5 - Business Issues – Lesson 4 – Growth & debt
OTHER PROGRAMS BUSINESS ISSUES I LESSON 5 Report an error / Make a suggestion Last revision: 02/26/2021

NOTE The purpose of this course is to develop the student’s confidence in expressing his/her own views about
sensitive topics. Please be careful about expressing your beliefs especially if you have strong opinions against WORDS &  be all it’s cracked up to be – be as wonderful as people say
your student’s viewpoints.  scrounge for – to look for or obtain something with difficulty
 prioritize – to determine something or someone’s order of importance
 take the plunge – to commit to something that one is unsure of or nervous about
Hi, I’m ____. I am looking forward to seeing you.

SEE Read the following and take note of the highlighted phrases.
1. Introduce the goal of the lesson. The decision to go public has enormous impacts on any company. Though large cash injections seem
• Today we will do Lesson 5: Initial public offering appealing, resulting shifts in corporate culture, changes in reporting procedures, and the need to

2. Ask these pre-reading questions. meet investor demands make some wonder if being publicly traded is all it’s cracked up to be.
• Do you work for a private or public organization?
• What are some reasons private companies go public?
Don: This is why we started our business, right? To get to where we are now. Not everyone can
• Do you think being (public / private) company is better than the other?
make it to the point where an IPO is within reach. Yes, things are going to change, but
3. Go over the words & phrases with the student. Ask if the student understands each item. imagine what we can do with the money! No more scrounging for capital and swallowing

SEE 4. Have the student read the SEE part and ask the follow-up questions like the ones below. half-realized dreams because of financial limitations. This is our big break!
Focus on pronunciation, intonation, and fluency while the student is reading.
• How does Don view the IPO?
Anna: I don’t want us to lose control. I’m afraid that if we go public, we’re going to lose the
• Would you say Don has been satisfied with the company’s performance and results so far?
• Why is Anna worried about the IPO? soul of our company. As soon as we start prioritizing money and investors’ needs above
• What do you think are Anna’s priorities for the business? our own, we’re going to start looking for short-term solutions to meet targets and lose
TRY 5. Have the student answer each question. sight of our vision. Everything is going to be about money…and that’s not me.
• Ask follow-up questions; but
• Be careful about asking intrusive or sensitive questions
Though there are success stories on both sides, there are dangers to both courses of action. Does the
ACT 6. Use ONE of the following situations for the final activity. money and glamour of a successful IPO outweigh the added pressure, cost, and confines of being a
• Your company is deciding if they want to go public or not, so they are asking for everyone’s opinions. State
public company? All are important points to consider when taking the plunge.
your position in a meeting.
• Your company suddenly had a large injection of capital through an IPO. What would be the best way to use
it and why? ▼▼▼

7. Give the student feedback.

• Thank the student for sharing his/her opinion about the topic TRY Answer the following questions:
• Give student feedback/study tips
1. What are the benefits of working for a publicly traded company?
• Paste "Thank you" message in the chat box after ending the call
2. What are the benefits of working for a private organization?
3. Do you feel that going public is a good way to determine if a company is successful or not?
4. Can you think of any examples of private companies going public? What was the effect?
Thank you for studying at Bizmates. (bow)

ACT React:
Your trainer will give you a situation related to today’s subject. React to and handle the situation.

Other Programs levels 4-5 - Business Issues – Lesson 5 – Initial public offering
OTHER PROGRAMS BUSINESS ISSUES I LESSON 6 Report an error / Make a suggestion Last revision: 02/26/2021

NOTE The purpose of this course is to develop the student’s confidence in expressing his/her own views about
sensitive topics. Please be careful about expressing your beliefs especially if you have strong opinions against WORDS &  tried-and-true – proven to be effective, dependable, and trustworthy
your student’s viewpoints.  game-changing – new or unique, as an element or a factor that changes an existing situation
 resonate with – to affect or appeal to someone in a deep or meaningful manner
 notoriously – famously, but for a negative quality
Hi, I’m ____. I am looking forward to seeing you.

SEE Read the following and take note of the highlighted phrases.
1. Introduce the goal of the lesson. Following only the clients’ wants and needs may actually be detrimental to the success of a business.
• Today we will do Lesson 6: Product development & customer needs Although some professionals believe in tried-and-true methods of product development through

2. Ask these pre-reading questions. market evaluation and data analysis, others prefer a less traditional approach.
• How important is customer input in your company?
• Does your company develop a product/service based on customer needs alone?
Stephen: Look, it’s simple. If we keep basing what we create on consumer demands and market
• Does your company listen to customer’s needs or tell them what they really need?
research, we won’t be able to come up with anything game-changing. People don’t know
3. Go over the words & phrases with the student. Ask if the student understands each item. what they want. It’s up to us as specialists to tell them. If we play it safe, we’ll never be

SEE 4. Have the student read the SEE part and ask the follow-up questions like the ones below. number one.
Focus on pronunciation, intonation, and fluency while the student is reading.
• How does Stephen want to approach development?
William: We’re a business and don’t need to take any unnecessary risks. The numbers don’t lie.
• Would you say Stephen is an aggressive person? Why?
• Is William satisfied with the way things are going at the company now regarding product development? Let’s stick with what we know. There’s no need to rock the boat. Pouring a bunch of
• How would you describe William’s personality? money, effort, and time into a new concept that may not resonate with our target just
TRY 5. Have the student answer each question. doesn’t seem like a risk I’m willing to take.
• Ask follow-up questions; but
• Be careful about asking intrusive or sensitive questions
Striking a balance between innovation and meeting market demand is easier said than done. The
ACT 6. Use the following situation for the final activity. public can be notoriously resistant to change, yet fickle and always on the lookout for the next big
• Your company is looking to reinvent itself. It wants to do something new that’s going to set itself apart
thing. Whatever path companies choose, most can agree that risk and reward often go hand in hand.
from your competitors. Your boss is asking you for ideas.

7. Give the student feedback. ▼▼▼

• Thank the student for sharing his/her opinion about the topic
• Give student feedback/study tips
• Paste "Thank you" message in the chat box after ending the call TRY Answer the following questions:
1. Would you describe your company’s products as conventional or unconventional?
2. Which approach do you feel is more appropriate for your business and product development?
SKYPE CLOSING 3. What are some examples of successes and failures as a result of unconventional approaches?
Thank you for studying at Bizmates. (bow) 4. What do you consider to be important factors when it comes to product development?


ACT React:
Your trainer will give you a situation related to today’s subject. React to and handle the situation.

Other Programs levels 4-5 - Business Issues – Lesson 6 – Product development & customer needs
OTHER PROGRAMS BUSINESS ISSUES I LESSON 7 Report an error / Make a suggestion Last revision: 02/26/2021

NOTE The purpose of this course is to develop the student’s confidence in expressing his/her own views about
sensitive topics. Please be careful about expressing your beliefs especially if you have strong opinions against WORDS &  apparent – clear, easy to see, recognize or understand
your student’s viewpoints.  plague – to cause continual trouble, distress, or suffering
 overcommit – to attempt more than one is capable of
 sought-after – in demand because of high quality or rarity
Hi, I’m ____. I am looking forward to seeing you.

SEE Read the following and take note of the highlighted phrases.
1. Introduce the goal of the lesson. Though many of us understand the value of hard work, some have placed so much emphasis on office
• Today we will do Lesson 7: Overwork life that it severely impacts physical and mental health. Though efforts have been made to improve

2. Ask these pre-reading questions. the issue, many would agree that current measures are not enough.
• How many hours a week do you spend at work?
• How do people view overtime in your company?
Ken: It’s not just an issue of being overworked, it’s a corporate culture issue, and an apparent
• Do you think overworking could lead to inefficiency? How so?
issue that plagues the entire country as a whole. No one is shying away from hard work,
3. Go over the words & phrases with the student. Ask if the student understands each item. but we’re at the point where it’s starting to feel like slavery. My work consumes

SEE 4. Have the student read the SEE part and ask the follow-up questions like the ones below. everything, and I don’t think the higher-ups care. All they look at is the bottom line.
Focus on pronunciation, intonation, and fluency while the student is reading.
• Is Ken happy with his current situation?
Mari: If you are an efficient worker, able to prioritize without overcommitting, and a good
• Why do you think Ken compares his current situation to slavery?
• According to Mari, what is the cause of being overworked? communicator, you should be able to strike a balance. Problems happen when people
• Do you think Mari is able to strike a good balance? take on too much and are afraid to say no. I get it; no one wants to be viewed as
TRY 5. Have the student answer each question. incapable, but better to know your limits than tear yourself apart. No one wins that way.
• Ask follow-up questions; but
• Be careful about asking intrusive or sensitive questions
Being hardworking at one’s job is a highly sought-after trait. However, desirable as it may be, there is
ACT 6. Use ONE of the following situations for the final activity. wisdom in the expression, “too much of a good thing is bad.” Efforts must be made by both parties to
• Your co-worker is very stressed. They are constantly working late and it doesn’t seem like they are very
ensure that health and happiness are just as important as business results.
happy. What kind of advice would you give them to strike a better balance?
• Your company’s initiative to reduce overwork is not working. Most managers say that they simply have too
much work to leave on time. Forcing them to leave early is just adding to their stress and they’ll just end ▼▼▼
up working at home. What kind of solution would you propose?

7. Give the student feedback. TRY Answer the following questions:

• Thank the student for sharing his/her opinion about the topic
1. Would you say that many people are overworked in your company and country? Why or why not?
• Give student feedback/study tips
• Paste "Thank you" message in the chat box after ending the call 2. What do you consider to be more important? Personal life or work? Why?
3. If employees were forced to leave earlier, what kind of impact would it have on efficiency?
4. What kind of advice would you give to someone who wants to balance their life more
SKYPE CLOSING successfully?
Thank you for studying at Bizmates. (bow)

ACT React:
Your trainer will give you a situation related to today’s subject. React to and handle the situation.

Other Programs levels 4-5 - Business Issues – Lesson 7 – Overwork

OTHER PROGRAMS BUSINESS ISSUES I LESSON 8 Report an error / Make a suggestion Last revision: 02/26/2021

NOTE The purpose of this course is to develop the student’s confidence in expressing his/her own views about
sensitive topics. Please be careful about expressing your beliefs especially if you have strong opinions against WORDS &  make one’s mark on (something) – to get recognition, fame, or distinction for (something)
your student’s viewpoints.  dog-eat-dog – highly competitive, aggressive, and fierce
 shatter – to break into many pieces
 progressive – forward thinking and non-traditional
Hi, I’m ____. I am looking forward to seeing you.

SEE Read the following and take note of the highlighted phrases.
1. Introduce the goal of the lesson. More and more powerful women are making their mark on business and society. Though many
• Today we will do Lesson 8: The glass ceiling companies are beginning to close the gap between genders, there are still instances in which such

2. Ask these pre-reading questions. corporate philosophies are nothing more than lofty ideals and a far cry from reality.
• What do you think “glass ceiling” means?
• Is it difficult for women or certain minorities to advance in position in your country?
Charles: I have nothing but respect for her. Unfortunately, it’s still an old boys’ club here
• Are you surprised something like the glass ceiling still exists?
sometimes. Yes, times are changing, but some things just aren’t that easy. It’s a dog-eat-
3. Go over the words & phrases with the student. Ask if the student understands each item. dog world and business is no different, regardless of gender. I’d love for nothing more

SEE 4. Have the student read the SEE part and ask the follow-up questions like the ones below. than to see her get to the top, but she’s got a tough fight ahead of her.
Focus on pronunciation, intonation, and fluency while the student is reading.
• What does Charles think about his chances of success?
Lee: I can’t see it, but I feel it...When I’m in the boardroom surrounded by men, cigars, and
• Would you say that Charles is a progressive person?
• Do you think that Lee is a determined person? cognac, I can sense…something. I worked my fingers to the bone to get here, but I don’t
• What kind of experiences do you think Lee went through as a business person? Why? think they care. That might not be the case, but it wouldn’t be the first time. It doesn’t
TRY 5. Have the student answer each question. matter. The way I see it, if it’s glass, it can shatter.
• Ask follow-up questions; but
• Be careful about asking intrusive or sensitive questions
As progressive as the twenty-first century has become, many still struggle to carve a place in society.
ACT 6. Use ONE of the following situations for the final activity. Yet, with every glass ceiling, every wall, and every roadblock is someone fighting to push past the
If female:
barriers and propel society to the next stage of social evolution.
• You applied to be section leader but heard that you may lose out to a male co-worker who is younger and
less experienced than you. When you asked your manager why, he said that it was because they assumed
you would leave the company soon since you recently got married. ▼▼▼

If male:
• Your colleague, who happens to be female, is applying to be section leader. If she passes the interview she TRY Answer the following questions:
will become your boss. She is asking you for your advice because she is nervous about applying, even
1. Would you say that a glass ceiling exists in your company?
though she has a lot of talent and ability.
2. Why do you think something like a glass ceiling still exists in this day and age?
7. Give the student feedback. 3. How is your company promoting more equal gender representation in management? Is it working?
• Thank the student for sharing his/her opinion about the topic
• Give student feedback/study tips 4. In your business and society, how important is gender when it comes to business?
• Paste "Thank you" message in the chat box after ending the call

ACT React:
Your trainer will give you a situation related to today’s subject. React to and handle the situation.
Thank you for studying at Bizmates. (bow)

Other Programs levels 4-5 - Business Issues – Lesson 8 – The glass ceiling
OTHER PROGRAMS BUSINESS ISSUES I LESSON 9 Report an error / Make a suggestion Last revision: 02/26/2021

NOTE The purpose of this course is to develop the student’s confidence in expressing his/her own views about
sensitive topics. Please be careful about expressing your beliefs especially if you have strong opinions against WORDS &  conformity – compliance with established rules, standards, and expectations
your student’s viewpoints.  discord – lack of peace and harmony
 go against the grain – to be opposite of popular belief or expectations
 disrupt– to disturb, interrupt, or drastically alter or destroy something’s natural state
Hi, I’m ____. I am looking forward to seeing you.

SEE Read the following and take note of the highlighted phrases.
1. Introduce the goal of the lesson. In certain business cultures, conformity and unity are valued above all else. Although a certain level
• Today we will do Lesson 9: Yes-men of efficiency, harmony, and progress may be achieved through such means, the resulting lack of

2. Ask these pre-reading questions. varying opinions and viewpoints may end up doing a company more harm than good.
• Have you ever disagreed with your boss about a bad idea? What did you do?
• Does your company encourage its employees to voice their ideas or opinions?
Meg: The last thing we need is discord among the staff. If everyone had an opinion about
• Is the “yes-man” attitude a sign of respect or merely a lack of assertiveness?
something, it would take forever for anything to get done. We need to streamline our
3. Go over the words & phrases with the student. Ask if the student understands each item. processes and focus on efficiency. It’s our job to make the decisions and everyone else’s

SEE 4. Have the student read the SEE part and ask the follow-up questions like the ones below. job to follow orders. It’s the yes-men that’ll get things done.
Focus on pronunciation, intonation, and fluency while the student is reading.
• What does Meg prioritize in her business?
Henri: We shouldn’t be looking at our staff like army ants. People want to be heard. If we want
• Do you think her way of thinking is suitable for your company? Would you say she is a controlling person?
• How does Henri want to improve staff loyalty and morale? to improve employee morale, loyalty, and dedication to the company, we need to let
• Do you think Henri’s approach will be an effective way to improve dedication? them know that their opinions are valued. Even if their ideas go against the grain, this is
TRY 5. Have the student answer each question. a good chance for us to get some fresh perspectives.
• Ask follow-up questions; but
• Be careful about asking intrusive or sensitive questions
How to best utilize one’s workforce is a problem that many companies face. Though employees are
ACT 6. Use ONE of the following situations for the final activity. expected to follow orders and finish tasks without disrupting processes, many would agree that
• In a meeting, your superior asks for your opinion on a strategy he presented. You are unconvinced that the
success depends on more than the ability to do as one is told.
strategy is a good one. Disagreeing may be risky as you don’t want to offend your manager in front of
everyone. What do you do?
• Your staff always follow orders and very rarely voice their opinions. You want them to be more frank and ▼▼▼
open about their ideas, but they remain uncomfortable expressing their thoughts. What do you do?

7. Give the student feedback. TRY Answer the following questions:

• Thank the student for sharing his/her opinion about the topic
1. Do you think having too many yes-men is a problem in your company? Why or why not?
• Give student feedback/study tips
• Paste "Thank you" message in the chat box after ending the call 2. How would you go about encouraging your staff to voice their opinions more?
3. Do you consider yourself to be an independent thinker and innovator?
4. Have you ever disagreed with a company initiative or strategy? What did you do? Why?
Thank you for studying at Bizmates. (bow) ▼▼▼

ACT React:
Your trainer will give you a situation related to today’s subject. React to and handle the situation.

Other Programs levels 4-5 - Business Issues – Lesson 9 – Yes-men

OTHER PROGRAMS BUSINESS ISSUES I LESSON 10 Report an error / Make a suggestion Last revision: 02/26/2021

NOTE The purpose of this course is to develop the student’s confidence in expressing his/her own views about
sensitive topics. Please be careful about expressing your beliefs especially if you have strong opinions against WORDS &  engage in (something) – to participate in or involve oneself in (something)
your student’s viewpoints.  wake-up call– an alert to inform one of a problem, danger, or issue
 contribution – something that helps achieve a goal, target, or purpose
 elusive – difficult to find or catch
Hi, I’m ____. I am looking forward to seeing you.

SEE Read the following and take note of the highlighted phrases.
1. Introduce the goal of the lesson. Most of us spend the majority of our waking hours at the office or engaged in professional pursuits. It
• Today we will do Lesson 10: Job satisfaction is no wonder then that so much of our happiness is determined by our working conditions, colleagues,

2. Ask these pre-reading questions. and tasks. Though many companies work hard to improve conditions, not all are successful.
• Do you know anyone who is unhappy with their job? Why are they unhappy?
• Do you think most people are happy with their professional lives? Why or why not?
Sarah: The only thing keeping me here is the money. I’m seriously up to here with everything
• What is most satisfying about your job
else. The people I work with are fine, but management needs a serious wake-up call. As
3. Go over the words & phrases with the student. Ask if the student understands each item. soon as I can find a new job, I’m out of here. There’s a lot more to being happy than

SEE 4. Have the student read the SEE part and ask the follow-up questions like the ones below. money. It’d be wise for the company to see that.
Focus on pronunciation, intonation, and fluency while the student is reading.
• What is keeping Sarah at her job?
Megumi: It’s not all sunshine and rainbows. The work is hard and the hours are long, but I feel
• Although money is important for Sarah, what else do you think it would take to make her happy?
• Is Megumi’s work tough? that my contributions really matter, and I can take pride in my work. Even though we’re
• What does she mean by, “The good kind of tired”? a big business, I feel the company really sees me as a person. The people are great and
TRY 5. Have the student answer each question. there’s a real sense of community here. I’m tired after a long day, but it’s the good kind
• Ask follow-up questions; but of tired.
• Be careful about asking intrusive or sensitive questions

ACT 6. Use ONE of the following situations for the final activity. Job satisfaction can be an elusive thing. Some value earnings over community, whereas others place
• Your co-worker comes to you and tells you that he is very unhappy with how things are going at the office.
camaraderie over professional growth. Whatever it is, company morale is worth significant
The atmosphere is always tense, there’s little communication, and he isn’t able to grow. He wants to
change jobs. What advice would you give him? consideration and investment. After all, happiness and productivity have proven to be closely linked.
• Your company is starting a new initiative to improve employee morale. Budget is tight since performance
hasn’t been so good, so creative ideas are needed.
7. Give the student feedback.
• Thank the student for sharing his/her opinion about the topic
TRY Answer the following questions:
• Give student feedback/study tips
• Paste "Thank you" message in the chat box after ending the call 1. Are you satisfied with your current work? Why or why not?
2. How would you define job satisfaction?
3. How important is money to job satisfaction?
4. Would you say many companies focus a lot on the happiness of its employees?
Thank you for studying at Bizmates. (bow)

ACT React:
Your trainer will give you a situation related to today’s subject. React to and handle the situation.

Other Programs levels 4-5 - Business Issues – Lesson 10 – Job satisfaction

OTHER PROGRAMS BUSINESS ISSUES I LESSON 11 Report an error / Make a suggestion Last revision: 02/26/2021

NOTE The purpose of this course is to develop the student’s confidence in expressing his/her own views about
sensitive topics. Please be careful about expressing your beliefs especially if you have strong opinions against WORDS &  rift – a crack, split, or deep divide
your student’s viewpoints.  spill blood – to severely wound or kill someone
 lone wolf – a person who prefers to act and be alone
 foe – an enemy or opponent; a rival
Hi, I’m ____. I am looking forward to seeing you.

SEE Read the following and take note of the highlighted phrases.
1. Introduce the goal of the lesson. In high-pressure work environments where performance and results are valued, it is not uncommon
• Today we will do Lesson 11: Workplace rivalries for rivalries to form. Although friendly competition can be very motivating, too much can cause deep,

2. Ask these pre-reading questions. irreparable rifts that only result in hard feelings and a fractured team.
• Would you say you work in a competitive company?
• Do competitive environments motivate you? Why or why not?
Christine: I’m a competitive person. I’m not afraid to say that. I want to be the best and I’ll do
• Is it important to be aggressive sometimes in order to be successful?
whatever it takes. Joe is good at what he does, but I know I’m better. If getting to the
3. Go over the words & phrases with the student. Ask if the student understands each item. top means having to spill blood, I’ll do it. I know people think that it’s better to have

SEE 4. Have the student read the SEE part and ask the follow-up questions like the ones below. friends than enemies, but there’s nothing more motivating than a great rival.
Focus on pronunciation, intonation, and fluency while the student is reading.
• How would you describe Christine’s personality?
Rob: A little friendly competition never hurt anyone, but there’s one thing we can’t forget;
• Would you want someone like her on your team?
• What is the most important for Rob? we’re a team. We pull together, help each other, and motivate one another. I have little
• Do you think Rob would be a good team leader? Why or why not? respect for those that get to the top at the expense of others. If you want a rival, look
TRY 5. Have the student answer each question. outwards, not inwards. The last thing we need on the team is a lone wolf.
• Ask follow-up questions; but
• Be careful about asking intrusive or sensitive questions
Many would agree that ambition is necessary for success. For those at the top, being second best was
ACT 6. Use ONE of the following situations for the final activity. never an option. Yet, no one gets very far in life without support from others. As a result, knowing
• Although you both started at the same time, your co-worker was just promoted and you were not. Your
when to push, when to pull, and the difference between friend and foe is perhaps more important.
boss asks you how you feel about working under him/her.
• You are given the opportunity to get a promotion, however, you have to prove that you are the best choice
by outperforming your co-workers. What is your plan? ▼▼▼

7. Give the student feedback.

• Thank the student for sharing his/her opinion about the topic TRY Answer the following questions:
• Give student feedback/study tips
1. What are the benefits and problems associated with workplace rivalries?
• Paste "Thank you" message in the chat box after ending the call
2. Would you consider yourself a competitive person? Why or why not?
3. Is there someone you would consider a rival? Why?
4. Can you think of any examples in which a rivalry elevated someone’s performance?
Thank you for studying at Bizmates. (bow)

ACT React:
Your trainer will give you a situation related to today’s subject. React to and handle the situation.

Other Programs levels 4-5 - Business Issues – Lesson 11 – Workplace rivalries

OTHER PROGRAMS BUSINESS ISSUES I LESSON 12 Report an error / Make a suggestion Last revision: 02/26/2021

NOTE The purpose of this course is to develop the student’s confidence in expressing his/her own views about
sensitive topics. Please be careful about expressing your beliefs especially if you have strong opinions against WORDS &  addictive – a substance or activity that causes physical and/or mental dependency
your student’s viewpoints.  gopher – a small rodent, synonymous with a low-ranking employee who is made to run errands
 berate – to scold or to criticize angrily
 crack the whip – to use one’s authority to make someone work harder
Hi, I’m ____. I am looking forward to seeing you.

SEE Read the following and take note of the highlighted phrases.
1. Introduce the goal of the lesson. Power can be an addictive and dangerous thing. The feeling of control and authority can lead
• Today we will do Lesson 12: Power harassment managers and executives down a dark path that results in low employee morale, reduced productivity,

2. Ask these pre-reading questions. and even legal consequences.

• Is power harassment an issue people talk about? Why or why not?
• Why do you think power harassment occurs?
Clark: My “boss” often orders me to do the most mundane things that just end up wasting my
• How would you or your company handle power harassment issues?
time. “Make me a reservation,” “Take this to the post office,” “Get me a coffee.” When
3. Go over the words & phrases with the student. Ask if the student understands each item. I ask why, she responds with, “I’m the boss, so just do it.” It’s incredibly frustrating.

SEE 4. Have the student read the SEE part and ask the follow-up questions like the ones below. Yeah, I get it. She’s the boss, but I’m not a gopher.
Focus on pronunciation, intonation, and fluency while the student is reading.
• Why does Clark feel like a gopher?
Mia: My supervisor keeps berating the staff in front of others, and it makes me incredibly
• Why does Clark use quotation marks the first time he mentions his “boss”?
• Do you think that Mia is a determined person? uncomfortable. I want to say something, but I’m not sure who I should talk to. No one
• What kind of experience do you think she has? wants to be treated like a child, and that’s no way to motivate your staff. He’s not a bad
TRY 5. Have the student answer each question. guy, but I don’t think he realizes how demoralizing it is. He wasn’t this way before…
• Ask follow-up questions; but
• Be careful about asking intrusive or sensitive questions
Managing a group of people is no easy task. There are times when one may be expected to crack the
ACT 6. Use ONE of the following situations for the final activity. whip when things are not going to plan. Although the abuse of power may be an easy trap to fall into,
• Your boss is behaving inappropriately at the office and is making staff feel miserable. Your boss
some would say that one’s true nature, good or bad, is revealed when given a position of power.
consistently assigns tasks with near-impossible deadlines and expects everyone to comply. What do you do?
• You are out drinking with co-workers and some new recruits. They are being forced to drink a lot of alcohol
as a form of initiation. Many agree to the ritual so as not to offend the seniors. What would you say or do? ▼▼▼
- Are there any other examples where this form of power harassment happens?

7. Give the student feedback. TRY Answer the following questions:

• Thank the student for sharing his/her opinion about the topic
1. How would you define power harassment?
• Give student feedback/study tips
• Paste "Thank you" message in the chat box after ending the call 2. Would you consider power harassment an issue in your country? Company?
3. Have you ever experienced power harassment? What happened?
4. What do you consider most important for people in power positions to consider?


Thank you for studying at Bizmates. (bow)
ACT React:
Your trainer will give you a situation related to today’s subject. React to and handle the situation.

Other Programs levels 4-5 - Business Issues – Lesson 12 – Power harassment

OTHER PROGRAMS BUSINESS ISSUES I LESSON 13 Report an error / Make a suggestion Last revision: 02/26/2021

NOTE The purpose of this course is to develop the student’s confidence in expressing his/her own views about
sensitive topics. Please be careful about expressing your beliefs especially if you have strong opinions against WORDS &  remuneration – money paid for work or service
your student’s viewpoints.  comprehensive – including all aspects of something
 indebted – owing gratitude, respect, and appreciation
 appease – to bring to a state of peace; to satisfy
Hi, I’m ____. I am looking forward to seeing you.

SEE Read the following and take note of the highlighted phrases.
1. Introduce the goal of the lesson. More and more companies are switching from seniority-based incentives to more aggressive,
• Today we will do Lesson 13: Performance versus seniority performance-based evaluations. Though both have their merits and demerits, many feel that hard

2. Ask these pre-reading questions. work demands equal remuneration and recognition, regardless of age, seniority, or tradition.
• How are you evaluated in your workplace?
• Do you think the current evaluation system is fair? Why or why not?
Ken: I’ve been in this company for more years than I can count, and I expect to be fairly
• Which do you consider more important? Performance or seniority?
compensated. Although I understand the need for a more comprehensive evaluation
system and performance targets, I feel that my many years of hard work should be
3. Go over the words & phrases with the student. Ask if the student understands each item.
SEE honored and recognized – not disrespected by working under someone 10 years my junior.
4. Have the student read the SEE part and ask the follow-up questions like the ones below.
Focus on pronunciation, intonation, and fluency while the student is reading.
Maya: I’m indebted to those who have come before me. It’s because of them that we are such a
• Which system does Ken support, why?
• Why do you think he doesn’t want to work under someone so much younger? large and respected organization. However, I feel we still need to hold them to certain
• What position does Maya hold? performance standards. Position as a result of seniority has never been efficient.
• Based on what she said, do you think she is a respectful person?
TRY Respectfully, we need to prioritize progress and efficiency over seniority.
5. Have the student answer each question.
• Ask follow-up questions; but
• Be careful about asking intrusive or sensitive questions Many have dedicated the majority of their lives to their companies and expect loyalty in return for
ACT their many years of long service. Though demands for fair recognition are on the rise, appeasing both
6. Use ONE of the following situations for the final activity.
parties is essential nonetheless in maintaining harmony throughout the company.
• You have consistently performed well and exceeded expectations. However, when it comes to evaluation
time, your manager gives you an “average” rating. Without providing any clear evidence as to why, your
manager simply states, “because you’re still a newbie.” Everyone gets the same rating. ▼▼▼
• You are your team’s superstar worker and constantly outperform your team members. However, when it
comes to promotion time, your senior colleague gets the position as a formality.
• You’ve worked many long years at the company and have always performed well. Recently, your colleague TRY Answer the following questions:
who is 10 years your junior, smart, and capable, has been promoted to the same position as you. How do
1. What kind of evaluation system does your company use?
you feel?
• You need to promote one person to senior manager. You have two choices: an employee who has been with 2. Which system is more popular in your country? Has this changed in recent years?
the company for 10 years with average performance and potential, or an employee who has been with the 3. What do you consider to be the best way to determine financial compensation, bonuses, and
company for 3 years with excellent performance and potential. Who do you choose and why?
7. Give the student feedback. 4. Do you feel there is an unfair gap in your company between younger and more senior staff?
• Thank the student for sharing his/her opinion about the topic
• Give student feedback/study tips
• Paste "Thank you" message in the chat box after ending the call ▼▼▼

ACT React:
Your trainer will give you a situation related to today’s subject. React to and handle the situation.
Thank you for studying at Bizmates. (bow)

Other Programs levels 4-5 - Business Issues – Lesson 13 – Performance versus seniority
OTHER PROGRAMS BUSINESS ISSUES I LESSON 14 Report an error / Make a suggestion Last revision: 02/26/2021

NOTE The purpose of this course is to develop the student’s confidence in expressing his/her own views about
sensitive topics. Please be careful about expressing your beliefs especially if you have strong opinions against WORDS &  fresh eyes – an unbiased, new view or opinion of something
your student’s viewpoints.  expertise – high-level skill or knowledge in a particular field, subject, or topic
 a fresh take – a new perspective
 name (someone) to a position – to appoint or assign someone to a particular job title
Hi, I’m ____. I am looking forward to seeing you.

SEE Read the following and take note of the highlighted phrases.
1. Introduce the goal of the lesson. There may be a time when a company must decide how best to replace a retiring executive. Though
• Today we will do Lesson 14: Internal & external executive placements internal promotions provide most with a sense of ease, certain aspects of a business can only be

2. Ask these pre-reading questions. improved through a pair of fresh eyes.

• What is the promotion process at your company?
• When would it be best to hire executives externally instead of promoting internally?
Peter: This is a family business. It has always been a family business, and it will always remain a
• Regarding company executives, what do you think is most important?
family business. No one knows this business like we do, and if we start relying on the
3. Go over the words & phrases with the student. Ask if the student understands each item. “expertise” of others, it won’t be long before we lose control of everything. It takes

SEE 4. Have the student read the SEE part and ask the follow-up questions like the ones below. more than just a good resume to be an executive; it takes trust. Years of it.
Focus on pronunciation, intonation, and fluency while the student is reading.
• Why does Peter want to keep the business “in the family”?
Mari: We need a fresh take on things. We’ve been okay so far, but I fear we lack something
• Do you agree with his feelings?
• What does Mari value more? Tradition or change? very important: innovation. Now is the chance to reinvent ourselves, to take the business
• In what situation do you think change is necessary? in a bold new direction. It won’t be easy and there will be changes, but we need to stop
TRY 5. Have the student answer each question. thinking of change as a bad thing.
• Ask follow-up questions; but
• Be careful about asking intrusive or sensitive questions
Naming anyone to a position of power can have significant impact. Though there are many things that
ACT 6. Use ONE of the following situations for the final activity. determine if one is suited to the role or not, it is an irrefutable fact that support and trust from other
• Your division manager is stepping down and a new manager is appointed to your section. The new manager
executives and staff are just as important as one’s skills, abilities, and experience.
is from a competing company and was recruited to your division through a headhunter. Though you and
your co-workers applied to the position, upper management said they wanted a fresh start.
• You have been approached by a headhunter to become an executive at a competing company. The ▼▼▼
company is known to be very traditional, and it is very rare for them to hire management through external
sources. It seems they want to inject a fresh spirit into their traditional management structures. It will be
a wonderful experience, but you will be met with a lot of red tape and resistance. TRY Answer the following questions:
1. Does your company tend to promote executives internally or hire externally?
7. Give the student feedback.
• Thank the student for sharing his/her opinion about the topic 2. What are the benefits of promoting internally?
• Give student feedback/study tips 3. What are the benefits of hiring an executive from outside the company?
• Paste "Thank you" message in the chat box after ending the call
4. Can you think of any situations in which one proved more or less effective?


ACT React:
Your trainer will give you a situation related to today’s subject. React to and handle the situation.
Thank you for studying at Bizmates. (bow)

Other Programs levels 4-5 - Business Issues – Lesson 14 – Internal & external executive placements
OTHER PROGRAMS BUSINESS ISSUES I LESSON 15 Report an error / Make a suggestion Last revision: 02/26/2021

NOTE The purpose of this course is to develop the student’s confidence in expressing his/her own views about
sensitive topics. Please be careful about expressing your beliefs especially if you have strong opinions against WORDS &  obliged – expected to or morally bound to do something
your student’s viewpoints.  camaraderie – mutual trust and friendship
 to let (someone’s) hair down – to relax and behave without inhibition
 hassle – an irritating inconvenience
Hi, I’m ____. I am looking forward to seeing you.

SEE Read the following and take note of the highlighted phrases.
1. Introduce the goal of the lesson. There are times when one’s professional duties extend outside the office and past regular working
• Today we will do Lesson 15: After-hours socializing hours. In order to develop closer working relationships, staff may be obliged to have the occasional

2. Ask these pre-reading questions. drink or dinner after work. Although some enjoy such outings, others see it as just more work.
• Is the concept of “nominication” popular in your company?
• Would you say that everyone gets along well and knows each other at your office?
Hyun: I burn so much of my energy at the office already. I can’t be bothered to spend my
• Do you enjoy going out with your colleagues after work?
evenings with the people I already see for 10 hours a day, 5 days a week. I get the
importance of building working relationships, but I can just do that at the office. I don’t
3. Go over the words & phrases with the student. Ask if the student understands each item.
SEE need beer and food to build teamwork and camaraderie.
4. Have the student read the SEE part and ask the follow-up questions like the ones below.
Focus on pronunciation, intonation, and fluency while the student is reading.
Rie: We had such a great time last night! We’ve got such a great group, and it’s good to let
• Does Hyun enjoy socializing with his colleagues?
• Is it possible to build a good relationship in the office only? Why or why not? our hair down once in a while. Did you know that Emma is an amazing singer? You’d
• Why does Rie enjoy socializing with her colleagues after work? never know it by looking at her, but she’s got a great voice. It’s always so good to see
• Why is a fresh perspective important for Rie?
TRY what people are like outside the office. It really gives me a fresh perspective on the
5. Have the student answer each question. team.
• Ask follow-up questions; but
• Be careful about asking intrusive or sensitive questions
ACT Though some may view socializing with colleagues as a hassle, teams that value their co-workers as
6. Use ONE of the following situations for the final activity.
more than just 9 to 5 relationships may perform better than those that don’t. After all, many would
• Your division is setting up a mixed volleyball team for beginners that will meet twice a month on Saturdays
from 10am-12pm. agree that business success is more than professional ability; it’s about successful relationships.
• No one in your team socializes. They don’t go out for lunch together or spend time getting to know each
other after work. You feel this is impacting their ability to work as a team.
7. Give the student feedback.
• Thank the student for sharing his/her opinion about the topic
TRY Answer the following questions:
• Give student feedback/study tips
• Paste "Thank you" message in the chat box after ending the call 1. Is socializing a good way to boost teamwork and effectiveness? Why or why not?
2. How would you describe your team dynamics? Why is it this way?
3. What did you learn about your co-workers from going out with them that was impressive or
SKYPE CLOSING surprising, or that changed your opinion of them?
Thank you for studying at Bizmates. (bow) 4. Can you think of any activities that will help promote teamwork and communication?


ACT React:
Your trainer will give you a situation related to today’s subject. React to and handle the situation.

Other Programs levels 4-5 - Business Issues – Lesson 15 – After-hours socializing

OTHER PROGRAMS BUSINESS ISSUES I LESSON 16 Report an error / Make a suggestion Last revision: 02/26/2021

NOTE The purpose of this course is to develop the student’s confidence in expressing his/her own views about
sensitive topics. Please be careful about expressing your beliefs especially if you have strong opinions against WORDS &  chief – most important, crucial, or essential
your student’s viewpoints.  have what it takes – to possess the necessary skills or qualities for success
 to cut it – to be sufficient
 fancy – impressive or elaborate
Hi, I’m ____. I am looking forward to seeing you.

SEE Read the following and take note of the highlighted phrases.
1. Introduce the goal of the lesson. In an ever-expanding globalized world, it is essential for companies to compete effectively overseas.
• Today we will do Lesson 16: Global business training Though there are many hurdles to overcome, chief among them are communication and cultural

2. Ask these pre-reading questions. barriers. Without facing these issues, any overseas business venture may be a dream too far to reach.
• Does your company conduct business overseas or with foreign people?
• What kind of skills are important in order to be a successful global business person?
Mia: I have to transfer overseas for an assignment, but to be honest, I don’t think I have what
• What kind of training is important in preparing you for global business?
it takes. I just don’t have any interest in anything outside my own country. I’ve lived
3. Go over the words & phrases with the student. Ask if the student understands each item. here my whole life. I don’t know the language, the culture, or its people. I’ll receive

SEE 4. Have the student read the SEE part and ask the follow-up questions like the ones below. some language training before I go, but I just don’t know if I can handle it…or if I want
Focus on pronunciation, intonation, and fluency while the student is reading. to…
• How does Mia feel about being transferred overseas?
• If you were Mia’s boss and you heard her thoughts, what kind of training do you think would be most
important for her to receive? Haylee: If we want our staff to be more effective, we need to create a more comprehensive
• Is Haylee satisfied with the current training program? training program. Setting arbitrary test score goals and 3-month language training
• Based on what she mentions, what do you think Haylee means by a more comprehensive training program?
programs isn’t going to cut it anymore. We’ve been doing the same thing for years on
TRY 5. Have the student answer each question. end, but I just don’t see any big improvements. We need to take a different approach.
• Ask follow-up questions; but
• Be careful about asking intrusive or sensitive questions
It can be said that being successful in global business means more than just knowing the language.
ACT 6. Use ONE of the following situations for the final activity.
It’s about cultural adaptability, sensitivity, and a receptive mind. Though language fluency may be
• You’ve been asked to transfer overseas to Michigan for 3 years. You’ve been asked to submit a proposal for
your own personal training program to help you adjust as easily as possible to life overseas. What would essential, it takes more than a few fancy words to be effective in the international business scene.
you propose?
• You’ve been asked to give a short presentation about communication for success in Japan for foreign
business people. What key points would you focus on and why? ▼▼▼

7. Give the student feedback.

TRY Answer the following questions:
• Thank the student for sharing his/her opinion about the topic
• Give student feedback/study tips 1. How does your company prepare its employees for global business?
• Paste "Thank you" message in the chat box after ending the call 2. Do you consider these methods to be useful? Why or why not?
3. Is your company and its staff considered global? What makes it so?
4. In your opinion, what are the most important factors for global business success?
Thank you for studying at Bizmates. (bow) ▼▼▼

ACT React:
Your trainer will give you a situation related to today’s subject. React to and handle the situation.

Other Programs levels 4-5 - Business Issues – Lesson 16 – Global business training
OTHER PROGRAMS BUSINESS ISSUES I LESSON 17 Report an error / Make a suggestion Last revision: 02/26/2021

NOTE The purpose of this course is to develop the student’s confidence in expressing his/her own views about
sensitive topics. Please be careful about expressing your beliefs especially if you have strong opinions against WORDS &  myriad – a large quantity or large number of
your student’s viewpoints.  to plough through (something)– to get through (something) with force or power
 to tank – to decrease dramatically
 mandated – officially ordered, commanded, or given a directive for
Hi, I’m ____. I am looking forward to seeing you.

SEE Read the following and take note of the highlighted phrases.
1. Introduce the goal of the lesson. Stressed employees, long working hours, and a myriad of other distractions has led to noticeable
• Today we will do Lesson 17: Workplace productivity decreases in workplace productivity. Although there are many ways to boost and measure

2. Ask these pre-reading questions. productivity, behavioral psychology and economics dictate that what works for one, may not work for
• Would you say that you are a productive employee? all.
• How does your boss measure your productivity?
• Is there anything you could do to be more productive?
Adi: In my day, we could sit at our desks for 12 hours straight and plough through our tasks
3. Go over the words & phrases with the student. Ask if the student understands each item. without a single complaint. It was work fast, work hard, sink or swim. If you weren’t

SEE 4. Have the student read the SEE part and ask the follow-up questions like the ones below. meeting the quota, you were cut loose. No excuses. Nowadays, people worry if their
Focus on pronunciation, intonation, and fluency while the student is reading. chairs are comfortable enough or if the wall colors are stimulating enough. People got
• How does Adi feel about modern conditions regarding productivity?
• Do you think Adi’s points are valid? Are people too soft and less efficient than previous generations?
• What does Edu need in order to be productive?
• What does Edu mean by “knowing yourself is half the battle”? Edu: Give me some loud music, a pair of fuzzy slippers, and a hot cup of cocoa, and I’ll get
TRY 5. Have the student answer each question. things done. On the other hand, if you chain me to a desk in a room without windows and
• Ask follow-up questions; but start logging my keystrokes, my output is going to tank. They say knowing yourself is half
• Be careful about asking intrusive or sensitive questions
the battle, and I believe it. Now, if only my boss could understand this...
ACT 6. Use ONE of the following situations for the final activity.
• Your boss is concerned about your section’s productivity. People are always working late but it doesn’t
Though there are no easy answers to increasing productivity, focusing less on generic, corporate-
seem like work is getting done any faster. Your boss is asking for your suggestions on how to improve
performance. mandated KPIs and more on individual needs may be a step in the right direction. Whatever the case,
• Your company is thinking about placing a ping pong table in the common area to encourage workers to take employee performance is often an indicator of a company’s ability to motivate, inspire, and support.
more breaks, thereby increasing productivity while lightening the atmosphere of the office.

7. Give the student feedback. ▼▼▼

• Thank the student for sharing his/her opinion about the topic
• Give student feedback/study tips
• Paste "Thank you" message in the chat box after ending the call TRY Answer the following questions:
1. Would you consider your company’s staff to be efficient and productive?
2. What conditions are you most productive in and least productive in?

SKYPE CLOSING 3. Do you feel that your current KPIs are a good measure of productivity? Why or why not?

Thank you for studying at Bizmates. (bow) 4. What do you think causes the most severe impact on workplace productivity?


ACT React:
Your trainer will give you a situation related to today’s subject. React to and handle the situation.

Other Programs levels 4-5 - Business Issues – Lesson 17 – Workplace productivity

OTHER PROGRAMS BUSINESS ISSUES I LESSON 18 Report an error / Make a suggestion Last revision: 02/26/2021

NOTE The purpose of this course is to develop the student’s confidence in expressing his/her own views about
sensitive topics. Please be careful about expressing your beliefs especially if you have strong opinions against WORDS &  inevitable – unavoidable or certain to happen
your student’s viewpoints.  growing pains – emotional difficulties and challenges associated with growth
 shortcomings – faults or failures to meet certain standards
 stunted – hindered, blocked, or restricted in growth or development
Hi, I’m ____. I am looking forward to seeing you.

SEE Read the following and take note of the highlighted phrases.
1. Introduce the goal of the lesson. As businesses grow and processes become more and more complex, the inevitable question of
• Today we will do Lesson 18: Outsourcing or internalizing whether to outsource or find a way to internalize certain tasks comes up. Though there are benefits

2. Ask these pre-reading questions. to increasing company know-how, some things are best left to other industry professionals.
• What business processes are commonly outsourced in your industry?
• What is the reasoning for outsourcing these processes?
Cally: I’m all for getting things done on our own. Yes, it might take time and there will be some
• Do you think any of this can or should be internalized?
growing pains, but in the end, we’ll be better off. There are dangers to relying too much
3. Go over the words & phrases with the student. Ask if the student understands each item. on others, and I think we should develop a strong internal culture of self-reliance and

SEE 4. Have the student read the SEE part and ask the follow-up questions like the ones below. improvement. It’ll benefit us in the long run.
Focus on pronunciation, intonation, and fluency while the student is reading.
• Which does Cally support? Outsourcing or internalizing processes?
Bill: As talented and as smart as we are, there are some things that we just are not equipped
• Why do you think she thinks it’ll be more beneficial for them in the long run?
• What are the benefits of outsourcing according to Bill? to handle. The humility to recognize our shortcomings is going to save us a lot of
• Do you agree that “sometimes we all need a little help”? Why? Or why not? headaches. Plus, this is a really great opportunity for us to build relationships with other
TRY 5. Have the student answer each question. companies and businesses. Sometimes we all need a little help.
• Ask follow-up questions; but
• Be careful about asking intrusive or sensitive questions
When it comes to business, nothing survives in isolation, yet an overdependence on outsourcing may
ACT 6. Use ONE of the following situations for the final activity. result in stunted internal growth. Though there are solid arguments on both sides, many would agree
• Your company is looking to improve quality by outsourcing certain additional processes to certain industry
that the best approach is often a balanced one.
experts. What suggestions do you have?
• Your company wants to develop a stronger, more independent, and skilled internal workforce. Though your
company is currently outsourcing most IT and accounting processes, you have been asked which should be ▼▼▼
prioritized and why.

7. Give the student feedback. TRY Answer the following questions:

• Thank the student for sharing his/her opinion about the topic
1. What processes does your company outsource?
• Give student feedback/study tips
• Paste "Thank you" message in the chat box after ending the call 2. Why did your company outsource to these businesses specifically?
3. At what point do you think a company should outsource or internalize certain tasks?
4. What processes would be best to outsource / internalize in the future? Why?

Thank you for studying at Bizmates. (bow) ▼▼▼

ACT React:
Your trainer will give you a situation related to today’s subject. React to and handle the situation.

Other Programs levels 4-5 - Business Issues – Lesson 18 – Outsourcing or internalizing

OTHER PROGRAMS BUSINESS ISSUES I LESSON 19 Report an error / Make a suggestion Last revision: 02/26/2021

NOTE The purpose of this course is to develop the student’s confidence in expressing his/her own views about
sensitive topics. Please be careful about expressing your beliefs especially if you have strong opinions against WORDS &  philanthropy – the desire to assist in the welfare of others or one’s community
your student’s viewpoints.  to be consumed by (something) – to be obsessed or very concerned with (something)
 to come back and bite (someone) – to cause (someone) problems in the future
 to take precedence over (something) – to be more important than (something)
Hi, I’m ____. I am looking forward to seeing you.

SEE Read the following and take note of the highlighted phrases.
1. Introduce the goal of the lesson. As companies grow, many are expected to give back to their communities. Although this sense of
• Today we will do Lesson 19: Corporate social responsibility responsibility and philanthropy is often well-received and admired, some may view it as an

2. Ask these pre-reading questions. unnecessary drain of company resources and time.
• What typical CSR activities do companies in your country engage in?
• Why do you think companies engage in CSR?
Kai: If we’re in a position to do something good for others, we should do it. Not because it’s
• Are there any CSR activities that you would like to start or participate in?
good for company image, or good for branding, or increasing influence, but because it’s
3. Go over the words & phrases with the student. Ask if the student understands each item. the right thing to do. In a world consumed by money and profits, it’s nice to know that

SEE 4. Have the student read the SEE part and ask the follow-up questions like the ones below. there are still companies that are able to value some things more than the bottom line.
Focus on pronunciation, intonation, and fluency while the student is reading.
• Why does Kai think CSR is important?
Nadia: We need to remove our emotions from the equation and talk about CSR in terms of its
• Do you think Kai views the corporate world as cold and heartless?
• What is Nadia’s approach to CSR? merits and demerits. I’m sure everyone “feels” it’s a good idea, but what about our
• Do you think Nadia’s way of thinking is appropriate? Why? shareholders? We need to stay on point and make sure this doesn’t come back to bite us.
TRY 5. Have the student answer each question. My most important responsibilities are to the business, our investors, and you guys.
• Ask follow-up questions; but
• Be careful about asking intrusive or sensitive questions
As members of a community, it is natural to want to contribute to society in meaningful ways, but as
ACT 6. Use ONE of the following situations for the final activity. a business, more pressing concerns often take precedence over others. Yet, as conflicting as the two
may initially appear, many believe that true success cannot be measured by profits alone.
• You’ve been asked to think of some CSR initiatives to help improve your company’s public image. However,
the initiative must still be relevant to your core business. For example, planting trees if you’re in IT may
not benefit the business in any way. ▼▼▼


• Your company needs to tighten it’s spending and the first thing to do is reduce CSR costs. TRY Answer the following questions:
• You’ve been asked to cut a CSR program. Which one would you choose and why?
1. How important is CSR to you? To your company?
7. Give the student feedback. 2. Do you think CSR has a big impact on the way the public sees a company? Why or why not?
• Thank the student for sharing his/her opinion about the topic 3. What kind of CSR activities does your company engage in? Why?
• Give student feedback/study tips
• Paste "Thank you" message in the chat box after ending the call 4. What are some additional benefits and demerits to CSR?


ACT React:
Thank you for studying at Bizmates. (bow)
Your trainer will give you a situation related to today’s subject. React to and handle the situation.

Other Programs levels 4-5 - Business Issues – Lesson 19 – Corporate social responsibility
OTHER PROGRAMS BUSINESS ISSUES I LESSON 20 Report an error / Make a suggestion Last revision: 02/26/2021

NOTE The purpose of this course is to develop the student’s confidence in expressing his/her own views about
sensitive topics. Please be careful about expressing your beliefs especially if you have strong opinions against WORDS &  thorn in (someone’s) side – a nuisance, annoyance, or problem
your student’s viewpoints.  pay top dollar – to pay much money
 down the drain – wasted, useless or worthless
 paddle upstream – to make little progress in achieving a goal
Hi, I’m ____. I am looking forward to seeing you.

SEE Read the following and take note of the highlighted phrases.
1. Introduce the goal of the lesson. With lifetime employment becoming less and less attractive for young talent, employee retention can
• Today we will do Lesson 20: Employee retention be a serious thorn in management’s side. Although there are many issues that impact retention, it’s

2. Ask these pre-reading questions. always important to remember that, “brains, like hearts, go where they are appreciated.”
• How many people have joined and quit your company recently? Are these healthy numbers?
• How do you feel about the concept of lifetime employment? Is it still relevant today?
Nina: I used to think that finding a big company to work in and staying there my whole life was
• Do you think enough attention is being spent on retention?
a good thing. Now, I’m not so sure. A lot of companies are willing to pay top dollar for
3. Go over the words & phrases with the student. Ask if the student understands each item. good people, and staying here to play the long game just seems like I’m wasting my time.

SEE 4. Have the student read the SEE part and ask the follow-up questions like the ones below. Considering my age and experience, I should consider looking elsewhere.
Focus on pronunciation, intonation, and fluency while the student is reading.
• Is Nina happy at her job? Will she stay?
Kris: We need to make sure we protect our assets. By that, I mean our people. We lost three
• Do you think Nina’s point of view is becoming more popular?
• What does Kris think is the main issue with retention? excellent employees over the last two months alone, citing better opportunities. All that
• Do you agree with Kris’s viewpoints on loyalty? training and development, down the drain. Offering standard market rates and
TRY 5. Have the student answer each question. progression isn’t enough. Loyalty doesn’t come cheap. We get what we pay for.
• Ask follow-up questions; but
• Be careful about asking intrusive or sensitive questions
Employees look at many things when considering how long to remain with any particular organization.
ACT 6. Use ONE of the following situations for the final activity. Pay, benefits, and job satisfaction are but just a few. Although many companies concentrate on
• In the future, the job market will become more competitive. In order to stay competitive, your company
recruiting, failure to focus on retention will make any expansion efforts a lot like paddling upstream.
wants to think of a strong retention plan for its employees to keep them from being headhunted. What do
you propose?
• You’ve been asked to join another company that is offering a higher pay and position. Though it’s not as ▼▼▼
big as your current company and perhaps not as stable, the potential is good. What do you do? Why?

7. Give the student feedback. TRY Answer the following questions:

• Thank the student for sharing his/her opinion about the topic
1. Do you consider employee retention an issue in your company? In your country?
• Give student feedback/study tips
• Paste "Thank you" message in the chat box after ending the call 2. Do you think this situation will improve or worsen in the future? Why or why not?
3. What do you think matters most to employees when considering how long to stay at a company?
4. How long have you been at your company and have you considered a change? Why or why not?

Thank you for studying at Bizmates. (bow)

ACT React:
Your trainer will give you a situation related to today’s subject. React to and handle the situation.

Other Programs levels 4-5 - Business Issues – Lesson 20 – Employee retention

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